Cable Companies.... Take a look at these stats Recent data shows that African Americans and Hispanics have tremendous buying power. Minorities spend more on media products and services than do non-minorities. Our demonstrated buying power will help ensure that telecommunications companies build their new cable TV networks in our communities. In today’s converged world, minorities are the high margin consumers that companies will seek to serve if they want to gain market share. Competition and the market are driving this new reality. The facts speak for themselves: • Minorities have higher penetration rates for digital television, premium channels ; • Minorities are the best pay per view customers; • Minorities are the top subscribers to premium channels, including HBO and Showtime; • 74% of Black urban cable customer subscribe to multiple channels compared to only 43% of Whites; • Blacks spend $70 a month on telephone services while Whites spend $50 per month • Blacks spend $59 on cable satellite while Whites spend only $49; • Blacks spend $27 on premium channels while whites only send $ 22 per month; • 44% of Black Households watched at least one pay per view movie or event in the past year compared to 22% whites. Benefit you clients. Advertise in the magazine that’s more apt to go into the homes of African Americans. “We Can Give You Florida.”
Black Travelers The Black travel and tourism market is estimated at $35 billion, and 66% of households take vacations. Black travelers are educated (at least one household member has a college degree), affluent (average annual household income $50,000+), and middle-aged (45+). Their travel increased 16% 1997-1999 versus only 1% for the general population. 64% pleasure trips, including 46% for trips to visit friends and family, and 21% business trips. They are 3 times more likely to go on group tours and attend cultural events or festivals; they are also more likely to visit theme and amusement parks and participate in nightlife activities. They “check out” places for welcome signs: diversity at all levels at travel and tourism sites, having their specific needs catered to, and the availability of culturally relevant activities. Several Black mega churches introduce African Americans to international travel via cultural trips to countries of African-American origin and slave ports (West African, South America, Egypt). Their most popular U.S. destinations are Atlanta; Las Vegas; Washington, DC; Orlando; Houston; Norfolk/Virginia Beach/Newport News, VA; Chicago; New York; Atlantic City; and Los Angeles. Travel statistics above taken from ––
ccording to Target Market News, ( also (
Regarding overall buying power of African Americans: Despite tighter economic times, African-American households are significantly increasing their expenditures on consumer electronics for the home, according to the newest edition of The Buying Power of Black America report. In many categories such as video games, televisions, CD players, cable TV service and sound equipment, black households are spending more on average than their white counterparts. Among the products that showed the greatest one-year increase were refrigerators (+24%), computers hardware (+23%) and software (+75%), satellite dishes (+112%), cable TV service (+15%) and video games (+86%). Sports and recreational equipment purchases rose 130%, while purchases for new cars and trucks increased 10%. Consider Onyx Magazine a one-stop source of advertising to target African Americans in Florida.
EXPENDITURES FOR ALL BLACK HOUSEHOLDS FOR 2004 Apparel Products and Services 22.0 billion Appliances 1.7 billion Beverages (Alcoholic) 2.3 billion Beverages (Non-Alcoholic) 2.7 billion Books 267.0 billion New and Used Cars and Trucks 28.7 billion Computers and Related Equipment 2.0 billion Consumer Electronics 3.7 billion Contributions 11.4 billion Education 6.0 billion Entertainment & Leisure 2.2 billion Food 53.8 billion Gifts 7.1 billion Health Care 17.9 billion Household Furnishings & Equipment 10.7 billion Housewares 696.0 million Housing and Related Charges 110.2 billion Insurance 16.6 billion Media 6.3 billion Personal Care Products and Services 6.3 billion Sports and Recreational Equipment 475.0 million Telephone Services 14.0 billion Tobacco Products 2.4 billion Toys, Games and Pets 1.6 billion Travel, Transportation and Lodging 4.6 billion
Sources: The Buying Power of Black America 2005. Figures in dollars.
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