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Chapter 2 Method for Service Dr. Vorasuang and Circulation of ACU-OER DUANGCHINDA Dr. Vorasuang DUANGCHINDA of Sripatum University

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Contents I. About this Study...................................................................................................................................... 6 Honorary Advisors .................................................................................................................................. 6 Advisors .................................................................................................................................................... 6 Researcher ............................................................................................................................................... 6 II. Background .............................................................................................................................................. 7 III. Research Methodology ........................................................................................................................ 8 3.1 Research Objective.......................................................................................................................... 8 3.2 Research Question .......................................................................................................................... 8 3.3 Research Methods ........................................................................................................................... 8 3.4 Criteria and Sample size ................................................................................................................ 8 3.5 Research Flowchart ......................................................................................................................... 9 IV. Survey Information ............................................................................................................................. 10 V. Part I: Pre-Survey Questions .............................................................................................................. 14 VI. Part II: Profile of Survey Respondents ............................................................................................ 25 VII. Part 3: Your expectations towards ACU-OER................................................................................ 31 3.1 How important is it for ACU-OER to feature the following services… ................................ 31 3.2 How important is it for ACU-OER to be available for the following roles of user… ........ 32 3.3 How important is it for ACU-OER to offer the following functionalities… ......................... 33 3.4 How important is it for ACU-OER to offer the following OER contents?... ........................ 34 3.5 You expect that using ACU-OER will likely help you to…..................................................... 36 VIII. Part 4: ACU-OER Adoption............................................................................................................... 38 4.1 As an OER user, please answer the followings ....................................................................... 39 4.2 Are you also an OER creator? ..................................................................................................... 41 4.3 As an OER creator, please answer the followings .................................................................. 42 Chapter 2 – 2/62

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IX. Part 5: Your Country Status .............................................................................................................. 44 5.1 To circulate OER in your country, how important it is for... ................................................. 44 5.2 If you answered "Other" in 5.1, please provide your comments ........................................ 46 5.3 Please rank the following ACU-OER services based on level of importance of benefit to your country.......................................................................................................................................... 49 5.4 What do you think is (are) current barriers for OER utilization in your country? ............. 50 5.5 Please provide suggestion on how ACU-OER can be of benefit to your country ........... 52 X. Part 6: Participant’s particulars ......................................................................................................... 56 XI. Analysis ................................................................................................................................................. 57 11.1 Key finding on general information: ........................................................................................ 57 11.2 Key finding on expectations:..................................................................................................... 58 11.3 Key finding on ACU-OER Adoption: ......................................................................................... 59 11.4 Key finding on ACU-OER Circulation ........................................................................................ 59 11.5 Key finding on benefits of ACU-OER to their country.......................................................... 60 11.6 Key finding on barriers of ACU-OER adoption ....................................................................... 60 11.7 Key finding on areas of concern for ACU-OER service and circulation ............................ 60 XII. Conclusion .......................................................................................................................................... 61 XIII. References .......................................................................................................................................... 62

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Table of Tables Chapter 2 Table - 1: Participants’ experience with merlot.org (Summary) ................................ 18 Chapter 2 Table - 2: Participants’ experience with merlot.org (overall) ..................................... 19 Chapter 2 Table - 3: Participants’ experience with merlot.org (Summary) ................................ 20 Chapter 2 Table - 4: Participants’ experience with merlot.org (have at least some experiences) .............................................................................................................................................. 22 Chapter 2 Table - 5: Participants’ experience with merlot.org (some experiences but no input)........................................................................................................................................................... 23 Chapter 2 Table - 6: Participants’ experience with merlot.org (have Input experiences) ....... 23 Chapter 2 Table - 7: Participants’ experience with merlot.org (Limited or no experience) ... 24 Chapter 2 Table - 8: Q3.1 How important is it for ACU-OER to feature the following services… .................................................................................................................................................... 31 Chapter 2 Table - 9: Q3.2 How important is it for ACU-OER to be available for the following roles of user… ........................................................................................................................................... 32 Chapter 2 Table - 10: Q3.3 How important is it for ACU-OER to offer the following functionalities… ......................................................................................................................................... 33 Chapter 2 Table - 11: Q3.4 How important is it for ACU-OER to offer the following OER contents?.................................................................................................................................................... 34 Chapter 2 Table - 12: Q3.5 You expect that using ACU-OER will likely help you to…............. 36 Chapter 2 Table - 13: Q4.1 As an OER user, please answer the followings ............................... 39 Chapter 2 Table - 14: Q4.3 As an OER creator, please answer the followings .......................... 42 Chapter 2 Table - 15: Q5.1 To circulate OER in your country, how important it is for............ 44 Chapter 2 Table - 16: Rank of possible ACU-OER Services ............................................................ 49

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Table of Figures Chapter 2 Figure Chapter 2 Figure Chapter 2 Figure Chapter 2 Figure Chapter 2 Figure Chapter 2 Figure Chapter 2 Figure Chapter 2 Figure Chapter 2 Figure Chapter 2 Figure Chapter 2 Figure Chapter 2 Figure -

1: Research flowchart ............................................................................................. 9 2: ACU-OER Conceptual Map: November 2016 .............................................. 13 3: Q1.1 Which of these qualifies you for this survey (102 participants) .... 16 4: Q1.2 Maximum years of experience in any attribution ............................ 17 5: Distribution of nationality (102 persons in total) ....................................... 26 6: Distribution of gender ...................................................................................... 27 7: distribution of age ............................................................................................ 27 8: distribution of occupation .............................................................................. 28 9: distribution of work position .......................................................................... 29 10: Are you a Researcher? ................................................................................... 30 11: The OER Adoption Pyramid (Trotter, Henry & Cox, Glenda, 2016) ...... 38 12: are you an OER creator? ............................................................................... 41

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I. About this Study Honorary Advisors • Dr. Rutchaneeporn Pookayaporn Pukamarn President, Sripatum University Bangkok, Thailand •

Asst. Prof. Dr. Wirat Lertpaitoonpan President, Sripatum University Bangkok, Thailand

Advisors • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thapanee Thammetar Director Thailand Cyber University (TCU) Project Ministry of Education, Thailand •

Asst. Prof. Dr. Anuchai Theeraroungchaisri Deputy Director Thailand Cyber University (TCU) Project Ministry of Education, Thailand And Associate Dean in Educational Innovation Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand

Researcher Dr. Vorasuang Duangchinda Director, Office of Online Education Sripatum University Bangkok, Thailand Vorasuang.du@spu.ac.th

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II. Background ASEAN Cyber University (ACU) establishment project highly values importance of Open Educational Resources (OER) and have consequently integrate ACU-OER in ACU 2nd phase of strategic planning, between 2016-2019. At the 7th Steering Committee meeting at Sripatum University (SPU), in Bangkok, Thailand in 2015, ACU Steering committee assigned SPU, the initiator of ACU-OER concept to conduct a preliminary research on ACU-OER project, in the light of providing possible suggestions for future process and development of the ACU-OER project, especially for the ACU 2nd phase of operation, from 2016 to 2019. In February 2016, SPU conducted an ACU-OER Focus Group: in ASEAN Experts’ View. The focus group utilized primary study by ACU-OER study by Dr. Kyungwon Chang (2015). The focus group reflected on strong need for ACU-OER and deliberated three key strategies for the 2nd phase of ACU, which are 1) a recommended model on ACU-OER for ACU 2nd Phase of operation, 2) a list of priority to serve the recommended model, and 3) recommendation on possible Learning Management System (LMS) for the ACU-OER initiative. Since ACU is now into 2nd phase of operation, it is therefore important to make a proper progress on ACU-OER implementation and management. Thus, ACUS is commissioning a group of researchers from Republic of Korea, The Philippines, and Thailand to jointly research on OER Status in ASEAN and method for ACU-OER Utilization. This study will be divided into three parts, which are 1) Current Status for OER in ASEAN, 2) Method for Service and Circulation of ACU-OER, and 3) Method to link ACU-OER up with Korea Open CourseWare (KOCW) content. This chapter focuses on the 2) Method for Service and Circulation of ACU-OER.

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III. Research Methodology This research will use the finding from Duangchinda (2016) as a foundation information. For this part, an online survey form will be used to quantitatively identify most needed method for service and circulation of ACU-OER. 3.1 Research Objective • To identify a method for service and circulation of ACU-OER 3.2 Research Question • What are the needed methods for service and circulation of ACU-OER? 3.3 Research Methods The research will utilize Google form, which is an online survey form to capture participants’ response. The survey will be sent to key educators or education policy maker of each ASEAN member state. Then the researcher will ask the primary responder to please pass the survey to their colleagues in a snowball manner. Snowball is a non-probability sampling technique where existing study subjects recruit future subjects from among their acquaintances, which would fit to the requirement of this research. In addition, the researcher may offer a reward for one randomly selected participant from each ASEAN member state. 3.4 Criteria and Sample size • Criteria The survey will target educators at higher education level in all ten ASEAN member states. The participating educators should at least 1) have at least 2 years of experience in teaching online, or 2) have at least 3 years of experience in learning online, or 3) manage online teaching and learning for at least 3 years. •

Sample size 10 participants per each ASEAN member state and 100 participants in total.

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3.5 Research Flowchart


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IV. Survey Information To serve the purpose of this study, an online survey was created using Google form. The form provided instruction and key information such as how to fill the form, who are eligible, background information, as well as standard guideline. The form was distributed to possible ASEAN participants via this URL: http://bit.ly/acu_oer_2. The form firstly provided the following information: Title of the survey what are the needed methods for service and circulation of ACU-OER? What is this survey about? ASEAN Cyber University (ACU) project aims to develop and implement a platform for Open Educational Resources (OER). This platform is called "ACU-OER". At the beginning, it will primarily serve ASEAN community as a whole. This study aims to identify the needed methods for service and circulation of ACU--OER, based upon your point of view. Referencing Models for this Survey • Duangchinda, V., et. al. (2106). ACU-OER Focus Group on ASEAN Expert's View, ASEAN Cyber University Project. • Hill, P. (2012). Project Blue Sky: Big Boost to OER from . . . Pearson? Retried from http://mfeldstein.com/project-blue-sky-big-boost-to-oer-from-pearson/ • Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching: http://merlot.org • Teeraroungchaisri, A., and Duangchinda, V. (2016). ACU-OER Conceptual Map of November 2016. Retrieved from http://bit.ly/acu_oer_map • Trotter, Henry & Cox, Glenda (2016). The OER Adoption Pyramid. In Proceedings of Open Education Global 2016: Convergence Through Collaboration.12-14 April 2016: Krakow, Poland. Retrieved from http://conference.oeconsortium.org/2016/presentation/the-oer-adoption-pyramid/ • Wiley, D. (2016). High Impact OER Adoption. Retrieved from http://www.slideshare.net/opencontent/high-impact-oer-adoption

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Research Particular Research Objective: To identify a method for service and circulation of ACU--OER. Research Question: What are the needed methods for service and circulation of ACU--OER? Researcher Dr. Vorasaung (Michael) Duangchinda Director of Office of Online Education, Sripatum University, Bangkok, Thailand. email: vorasuang.du@spu.ac.th mobile: +66 (0) 82-018-7771 Instruction • This survey has 7 parts and may take around 15-20 minutes to complete. • Your answers will be strictly confidential, and will be used only for research purposes. • Only one submission per person please. • Incentive will be provided to all participants. Participant criteria (either one) This survey is for participants who are citizen of an ASEAN nation and have at least one of these qualifications: • Have at least 2 years of experience in teaching online, or • Have at least 3 years of experience in learning online, or • Manage online teaching and learning for at least 3 years.

Terms • ACU = ASEAN Cyber University, is a project to establish a real cyber university for all ASEAN (http://aseancu.org) • OER = Open Educational Resources (http://www.unesco.org/new/en/communication-and-information/access-toknowledge/open-educational-resources/what-is-the-paris-oer-declaration) • ACU-OER = ASEAN Cyber University-Open Educational Resources

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Incentives A collection of eBook on ICT in Education • Download link for collection of latest eBooks in using ICT for education will be sent via email to ALL participants at the end of this survey period. please provide your name and email at the end of survey. 10 Lucky draws worth around USD100 each (or a gift of equivalent value) • There will be a total of 10 prizes for ten lucky draw winners, worth around USD100 each. • The draws will be made in front of a witness from ASEAN University Network (AUN). The winner will be notified by email thereafter for collection of bank account and other required information. The outcome of the draws will be final. • Winners should be responsible for local taxes or own bank fees (if any). • The researcher reserves the right to adjust the prize or choose a replacement gift without prior notice. • Please provide your name and email at the end of survey. Please make sure that your email is correct. The researcher will not be responsible should you provide wrong email address Note • The lucky draw prizes may be in cash or any other items of similar value, depending on if the transfer can be arranged or not. • Should you not want to be included in the draw or receive the eBooks, kindly please state your intention at the end of survey.

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ACU-OER Conceptual Map (Nov 2016) – Full size URL: http://bit.ly/acu_oer_map


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V. Part I: Pre-Survey Questions To qualify the participants, the pre-survey questions were asked at the beginning of the survey form. The were 3 questions in this section. Questions 1.1 asked if they had appropriate experience in online teaching and learning for this survey. Question 1.2 asked how much experience as said in 1.1 he or she had. Question 1.3 asked about his or her experience with Merlot.org. Question 1.1 asked the followings: 1.1 Which of these qualifies you for this survey (tick all that applies) • I have at least 2 years of experience in teaching online • I have at least 3 years of experience in learning online • I have managed online teaching and learning for at least 3 years • Other As can be seen in figure 3, the answers revealed that 26 persons (25%) have at least 3 years of experience in learning online, and another different 26 persons (25%) have managed online teaching and learning for at least 3 years. These two groups combined represented 50% (52 persons) of the participants. 16 people (16%) said they have at least 2 years of experience in teaching online . These three groups combined, represented majority of the survey respondents, at 68 persons (66%). All of them answered with single attribution. Eight persons (8%) have at least 2 years of experience in teaching online, with at least 3 years of experience in learning online, and have managed online teaching and learning for at least 3 years. They represented the most experienced group for online education in this survey, only second to one person who have similar attributions but also have implemented OER. Seven persons (7%) have at least 2 years of experience in teaching online, and have managed online teaching and learning for at least 3 year. However, they lacked experience in learning online. Five persons (5%) have at least 2 years of experience in teaching online, and have at least 3 years of experience in learning online. They are not yet at online education management level.

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Four persons (4%) have at least 3 years of experience in learning online, and have managed online teaching and learning for at least 3 years. Surprisingly, they are at managing level without experience in learning online. One person (1%) have 1 year pf experience for preparing e-Learning lecture and no such experience for teaching online, and have 2 years for managing online learning. One person (1%) have at least 2 years of experience in teaching online, have at least 3 years of experience in learning online, have managed online teaching and learning for at least 3 years, and have designed and developed eLearning study programs and developed and implemented online learning resources and activities. This person seems to have highest qualification to answer this survey. One person (1%) have at least 2 years of experience in teaching online, have managed online teaching and learning for at least 3 years, and have at least 2 years of experience in learning online . One person (1%) have at least 2 years of experience in teaching online, and said to have taken some online courses. One person (1%) have at least 3 years of experience in learning online, and 1 year online teaching experience. One person (1%) have at least 3 years of experience in learning online, have managed online teaching and learning for at least 3 years, and have teaching experience in blended learning for the past 5 years. One person (1%) have developed online contents for 3 years (Multimedia developer). One person (1%) have managed online teaching and learning for at least a half years. One person (1%) have used to be an online teacher assistant for at least 2 years. Lastly, one person (1%) have more than 3 years of experience in ODeL institution (Online and Distance e-Learning).

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1.1 Which of these qualifies you for this survey (102 participants) I have managed online teaching and learning for at least 3 years, 26, 25%

I have at least 2 years experience in teaching online, 16, 16% I have used to be an online teacher assistant for 2 years, 1, 1% I have at least 3 years experience in learning online, 26, 25%

I have managed online teaching and learning for at least a half years, 1, 1%

more than 3 years work experience in ODeL institution, 1, 1%

I have developed online contents for 3 years (Multimedia developer), 1, 1% I have at least 3 years experience in learning online, I have managed online teaching and learning for at least 3 years, I have teaching experience in blended learning for the past 5 years , 1, 1%

I have at least 2 years experience in teaching online, I have at least 3 years experience in learning online, I have managed online teaching and learning for at least 3 years, 8, 8%

I have at least 2 years experience in teaching online, I have managed online teaching and learning for at least 3 years, 7, 7%

I have at least 3 years experience in learning online, 1 year online teaching experience, 1, 1% I have at least 2 years experience in teaching online, I have at least 3 years experience in learning online, 5, 5%

I have at least 2 years experience in teaching online, I have taken some online courses, 1, 1% I have at least 2 years experience in teaching online, I have managed online teaching and learning for at least 3 years, I have at least 2 years experience in learning online, 1, 1% I have at least 2 years experience in teaching online, I have at least 3 years experience in learning online, I have managed online teaching and learning for at least 3 years, I have designed and developed eLearning study programs and developed and implem, 1, 1%

I have at least 3 years experience in learning online, I have managed online teaching and learning for at least 3 years, 4, 4% 1 year experience for preparing e-learning lecture and no such experience for teaching online and 2 years for managing online learning, 1, 1%


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1.2 Maximum years of experience in any attribution as answered in 1.1

25 Years, 1 21 Years, 1 11 Years, 1 20 Years, 2


15 Years, 2 12 Years, 2 19 Years, 3 9 Years, 3 7 Years, 4 6 Years, 5 8 Years, 6 10 Years, 10 4 Years, 13 3 Years, 13 5 Years, 15 2 Years, 21 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE


Figure 4 shows that 22 participants have at least 10 years old of experience as answered in question 1.1 Maximum number of experience was at 25 years by one person. Ten persons said to have 10 years of experience. 62 persons, most survey participants have 2-5 years of experience. 21 persons joined the largest group with 2 years of experience. The last question in this section aimed to see if the participants do have experienced with Merlot.org, a world’s largest and longest serving Open Educational Platform available. Participants may choose one or more choices from the followings. Alternatively, he or she can also type to explain the experience. 1. I have no experience with Merlot.org 2. I have searched for content on Merlot.org 3. I am a member of Merlot.org 4. I have created a collection on Merlot.org 5. I have contributed a content to Merlot.org 6. I have rated a content on Merlot.org 7. I have reviewed a content on Merlot.org 8. I have found a community of people with common interests on Merlot.org Chapter 2 – 17/62

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9. I have learned from Merlot Disciplines 10. Other: The questions can be classified into three groups, based upon level of their experience(s) with Merlot.org, which are 1) No or little experience with Merlot.org 2) Have basic experience with Merlot.org (no input or contribution), 3) Have high experience with Merlot.org (have input or contribution). Table 1 shows classification of the questions.

1) No or little experience with Merlot.org • I have no experience with Merlot.org • I am a member of Merlot.org

2) Have basic experience with Merlot.org (no input or contribution) • I have searched for content on Merlot.org • I have found a community of people with common interests on Merlot.org • I have learned from Merlot Disciplines

3) Have high experience with Merlot.org (have input or contribution) • I have created a collection on Merlot.org • I have contributed a content to Merlot.org • I have rated a content on Merlot.org • I have reviewed a content on Merlot.org


As participants were allowed to choose a combination of choices, Table 2 shows overall count of experiences that the participants have had with Merlot.org prior to completing this survey. It can be seen that count of participants who declared themselves as “I have no experience with Merlot.org” was as high as 58 persons.

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Method for Service and Circulation of ACU-OER | Chapter 2 Criteria I have no experience with Merlot.org I have searched for content on Merlot.org I am a member of Merlot.org I have searched for content on Merlot.org, I have reviewed a content on Merlot.org I have found a community of people with common interests on Merlot.org I have reviewed a content on Merlot.org I have searched for content on Merlot.org, I am a member of Merlot.org I have learned from Merlot Disciplines I have no experience with Merlot.org, I have searched for content on Merlot.org I have no experience with Merlot.org, I have searched for content on Merlot.org, I am a member of Merlot.org I have no experience with Merlot.org, I have searched for content on Merlot.org, I have rated a content on Merlot.org, I have found a community of people with common interests on Merlot.org, I have learned from Merlot Disciplines I have no experience with Merlot.org, I have searched for content on Merlot.org, I have rated a content on Merlot.org, I have reviewed a content on Merlot.org I have searched for content on Merlot.org, I am a member of Merlot.org, I have created a collection on Merlot.org, I have contributed a content to Merlot.org, I have rated a content on Merlot.org, I have learned from Merlot Disciplines I have searched for content on Merlot.org, I am a member of Merlot.org, I have found a community of people with common interests on Merlot.org I have searched for content on Merlot.org, I am a member of Merlot.org, I have learned from Merlot Disciplines I have searched for content on Merlot.org, I am a member of Merlot.org, I have rated a content on Merlot.org, I have found a community of people with common interests on Merlot.org, I have learned from Merlot Disciplines I have searched for content on Merlot.org, I have found a community of people with common interests on Merlot.org I have searched for content on Merlot.org, I have found a community of people with common interests on Merlot.org, I have learned from Merlot Disciplines I have searched for content on Merlot.org, I have learned from Merlot Disciplines I have searched for content on Merlot.org, I have rated a content on Merlot.org, I have reviewed a content on Merlot.org, I have found a community of people with common interests on Merlot.org, I have learned from Merlot Disciplines I have searched for content on Merlot.org, I have reviewed a content on Merlot.org, I have found a community of people with common interests on Merlot.org, I have learned from Merlot Disciplines I just started to find out for details of Merlot Total


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Number of Participants 58 17 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1

1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 102

Method for Service and Circulation of ACU-OER | Chapter 2

Criteria Group 1: Number of Participants who have no or little experience with Merlot.org Group 2: Number of Participants who have basic experience with Merlot.org (no input or contribution) Group 3: Number of Participants who have high experience with Merlot.org (have input or contribution) Total

Number of Participants 63










Table 3 reveals that majority of the respondents, 63 persons (62%) have no or little experience with Merlot.org, while 32 persons (31%) have enjoyed Merlot.org but have never contributed yet, and 7 persons (7%) have made some contributions to Merlot.org. Table 4 shows that for the 39 participants from Group 2 and Group 3, 17 of them have at least searched for content on Merlot.org. Further investigation on Group 2 as in Table 5, the 32 participants who have basic experience with Merlot.org, at least 6 of them have discovered or learned from Merlot Disciplines. This may qualify them as an advance Merlot.Org member since they have found a way to find a set of educational contents which are categorized into a discipline, not just a single piece of content, or several pieces of content that may be unrelated to each other. Table 6 poses a very interesting scenario. It reveals that seven participants (7% of total participants) did contribute to Merlot.org. Six of them have reviewed educational contents on Merlot.org, and one person has created a collection and have rated a content. Although only 7% of the survey population is a Merlot.org contributor, but this has confirmed that some participants in the region do have experience or knowhow to utilize open educational resource in an advance way, not only just browsing for a content. Lastly, Table 7 suggests some conflicts in selections. From 63 people who declared themselves as who have no or little experience with Merlot.org, four of them said that

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although they have no experience with Merlot.org, but they did perform some tasks on the site. • One person said: I have no experience with Merlot.org, I have searched for content on Merlot.org, I am a member of Merlot.org • One person said: I have no experience with Merlot.org, I have searched for content on Merlot.org, I am a member of Merlot.org • One person said: I have no experience with Merlot.org, I have searched for content on Merlot.org, I have rated a content on Merlot.org, I have found a community of people with common interests on Merlot.org, I have learned from Merlot Disciplines • One person said: I have no experience with Merlot.org, I have searched for content on Merlot.org, I have rated a content on Merlot.org, I have reviewed a content on Merlot.org Although the four persons represented a small group of participants (4%), but this may be a limitation of this survey which some participants may overlooked at some choices or selected wrong answer but did not make correction(s).

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Method for Service and Circulation of ACU-OER | Chapter 2 Criteria I have searched for content on Merlot.org I am a member of Merlot.org I have searched for content on Merlot.org, I have reviewed a content on Merlot.org I have found a community of people with common interests on Merlot.org I have reviewed a content on Merlot.org I have searched for content on Merlot.org, I am a member of Merlot.org I have learned from Merlot Disciplines I have searched for content on Merlot.org, I am a member of Merlot.org, I have created a collection on Merlot.org, I have contributed a content to Merlot.org, I have rated a content on Merlot.org, I have learned from Merlot Disciplines I have searched for content on Merlot.org, I am a member of Merlot.org, I have found a community of people with common interests on Merlot.org I have searched for content on Merlot.org, I am a member of Merlot.org, I have learned from Merlot Disciplines I have searched for content on Merlot.org, I am a member of Merlot.org, I have rated a content on Merlot.org, I have found a community of people with common interests on Merlot.org, I have learned from Merlot Disciplines I have searched for content on Merlot.org, I have found a community of people with common interests on Merlot.org I have searched for content on Merlot.org, I have found a community of people with common interests on Merlot.org, I have learned from Merlot Disciplines I have searched for content on Merlot.org, I have learned from Merlot Disciplines I have searched for content on Merlot.org, I have rated a content on Merlot.org, I have reviewed a content on Merlot.org, I have found a community of people with common interests on Merlot.org, I have learned from Merlot Disciplines I have searched for content on Merlot.org, I have reviewed a content on Merlot.org, I have found a community of people with common interests on Merlot.org, I have learned from Merlot Disciplines Total


Chapter 2 – 22/62

Number of Participants 17 3 3 2 2 2 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 39

Method for Service and Circulation of ACU-OER | Chapter 2 Criteria I have searched for content on Merlot.org I am a member of Merlot.org I have found a community of people with common interests on Merlot.org I have searched for content on Merlot.org, I am a member of Merlot.org I have learned from Merlot Disciplines I have searched for content on Merlot.org, I am a member of Merlot.org, I have found a community of people with common interests on Merlot.org I have searched for content on Merlot.org, I am a member of Merlot.org, I have learned from Merlot Disciplines I have searched for content on Merlot.org, I am a member of Merlot.org, I have rated a content on Merlot.org, I have found a community of people with common interests on Merlot.org, I have learned from Merlot Disciplines I have searched for content on Merlot.org, I have found a community of people with common interests on Merlot.org I have searched for content on Merlot.org, I have found a community of people with common interests on Merlot.org, I have learned from Merlot Disciplines I have searched for content on Merlot.org, I have learned from Merlot Disciplines I have searched for content on Merlot.org, I have reviewed a content on Merlot.org, I have found a community of people with common interests on Merlot.org, I have learned from Merlot Disciplines Total

Number of Participants 17 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 32

CHAPTER 2 TABLE - 5: PARTICIPANTS’ EXPERIENCE WITH MERLOT.ORG (SOME EXPERIENCES BUT NO INPUT) Criteria I have searched for content on Merlot.org, I have reviewed a content on Merlot.org I have reviewed a content on Merlot.org I have searched for content on Merlot.org, I am a member of Merlot.org, I have created a collection on Merlot.org, I have contributed a content to Merlot.org, I have rated a content on Merlot.org, I have learned from Merlot Disciplines I have searched for content on Merlot.org, I have rated a content on Merlot.org, I have reviewed a content on Merlot.org, I have found a community of people with common interests on Merlot.org, I have learned from Merlot Disciplines Total


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Number of Participants 3 2 1



Method for Service and Circulation of ACU-OER | Chapter 2 Criteria I have no experience with Merlot.org I have no experience with Merlot.org, I have searched for content on Merlot.org I have no experience with Merlot.org, I have searched for content on Merlot.org, I am a member of Merlot.org I have no experience with Merlot.org, I have searched for content on Merlot.org, I have rated a content on Merlot.org, I have found a community of people with common interests on Merlot.org, I have learned from Merlot Disciplines I have no experience with Merlot.org, I have searched for content on Merlot.org, I have rated a content on Merlot.org, I have reviewed a content on Merlot.org I just started to find out for details of Merlot Total


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Number of Participants 58 1 1 1

1 1 63

Method for Service and Circulation of ACU-OER | Chapter 2

VI. Part II: Profile of Survey Respondents There were 106 people participated in this survey. There were 102 qualified participants. Answers from the four unqualified responders were discarded and will be presented in this report. Each of the 102 eligible participants is a citizen of an ASEAN nation and have at least one of these qualifications: • Have at least 2 years of experience in teaching online, or • Have at least 3 years of experience in learning online, or • Have managed online teaching and learning for at least 3 years. All ten ASEAN member states took part. All qualified participants currently reside within ASEAN nations. Number of participants from each country may be divided into four groups, which are: 1- Highest number of participation = Thailand (31 persons) 2- High number of participation = The Philippines, Indonesia, Burma, and Malaysia (52 persons combined) 3- Moderate number of participation = Vietnam and Lao (13 persons combined) 4- Low number of participation = Brunei, Cambodia, and Singapore (6 persons combined)

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DISTRIBUTION OF NATIONALITY (102 PERSONS) Cambodian, 2, 2% Brunei, 3, 3%

Singaporean, 1, 1%

Lao, 6, 6% Thai, 31, 30%

Vietnamese, 7, 7%

Malaysian, 11, 11%

Burmese, 11, 11% Filipino, 15, 14% Indonesian, 15, 15%


Figure 6 shows that there were more female participants than the male. 19 more female respondents took part than the male, and 3 persons selected not to reveal their gender. Figure 7 reveals that over 70% of the participants are in age group of 30-39 years old and 40-49 years old. There were no participants older than 70 years old. In addition, 9 persons are 25 years old or younger.

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Distribution of Gender

Male, 40, 39%

Prefer not to say, 3, 3%

Female, 59, 58%



25 or less, 9, 9%

50-59, 12, 12%

25-29, 5, 5%

30-39, 37, 36%

40-49, 36, 35%


Figure 8 shows that over half of the participants were a university lecturer (60 persons). 16 people were an employee of a private organization, 6 persons were a school teacher, 4 persons were a Ph.D. Student, 4 persons worked as an officer in Ministry of Education, and 3 Chapter 2 – 27/62

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persons served as an office in other Governmental department other than Ministry of Education. Then, there was 1 person from each of the following groups: Business Owner, Previously Educational Web Content Manager, Director of e-Learning Center, IT staff at University, Officer in university, Research Associate of a public university, Retired, Social enterprise organization, University Fulltime Faculty and Program Chair, and University Researcher.

DISTRIBUTION OF OCCUPATION University lecturer, 60, 59%

University Researcher, 1, 1% University Fulltime Faculty and Program Chair, 1, 1% Social enterprise organization, 1, 1% Retired, 1, 1% Research Associate of a public university, 1, 1% Officer in university, 1, 1% IT staff at University, 1, 1%

Employee of a private organization, 16, 15%

Director of e-Learning Center, 1, 1%

School teacher, 6, 6% Business Owner, Previously Educational Web Content Manager, 1, 1%

Office in other Governmental department other than Ministry of Education, 3, 3%

Ph.D. Student , 4, 4% Officer in Ministry of Education, 4, 4%


Figure 9 reveals that nearly half of the participants had regular academic position such as Faculty member, teacher (47 persons), 30 persons worked in a middle level management such as Dean, School Head of department, 6 persons were at top level management level Chapter 2 – 28/62

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such as University President, Vice-President, School Principle, 3 persons worked as a researcher, 3 persons worked as a policy maker such as Government Officer, and there were 2 University students. In addition, there was 1 person from each of the following groups: Retiree, Regular academic support officer, Regular academic personnel - Research Associate, Officer, Marketing consultant, Low level Management, IT technical staff, Founder, Employees, Consultant, and Adjunct Professor.


Regular academic position such as Faculty member, teacher, 47, 46%

Middle level management such as Dean, School Head of department, 30, 29%

Adjunct Professor, 1, 1% Consultant, 1, 1% Employees, 1, 1%

Top level management such as University President, Vice-President, School Principle, 6, 6%

Founder, 1, 1% IT technical staff, 1, 1%

Researcher , 3, 3%

Low level Management, 1, 1%

Retired, 1, 1%

Marketing consultant, 1, 1% Officer, 1, 1%

Regular academic personnel - Research Associate , 1, 1%

Regular academic support officer, 1, 1%


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Policy Maker such as Government Officer, 3, 3% University student, 2, 2%

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Figure 10 confirms that majority of the participants were a researcher (78%). 59% of them declared self as a researcher in educational area and 19% said to be a researcher in other area.


Yes, I am a researcher in educational area, 60, 59%

Yes, I am a researcher in other area, 19, 19%


Analysis of the profile of survey respondents has confirmed that all 102 participants were eligible to participate in this study. The analysis reveals that Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Myanmar jointly represented most number of participants (83 persons combined). Whilst Singapore, Bruni, and Cambodia did not participate as much in this survey (6 persons combined). These findings confirm that classification of ASEAN nations as CLMV, TIMP, and SB might not be relevant to eligible criteria of the participants. Moreover, since 73 participants are of the age between 30 and 49 years old, they are generally at working stage of life. In addition, since 79 participants declare themselves as a researcher while 77 participants are faculty members or at middle management level, it may be possible to believe that in ASEAN, people at working age who are in academic area do have awareness in OER, or have had some experience with OER.

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VII. Part 3: Your expectations towards ACU-OER This section adopted questions based upon a Merlot.org: Metric for Integration of Technology using Merlot.org (available on merlot.org). Participants were asked 5 main questions and there 3.1 How important is it for ACU-OER to feature the following services… 3.2 How important is it for ACU-OER to be available for the following roles of user… 3.3 How important is it for ACU-OER to offer the following functionalities… 3.4 How important is it for ACU-OER to offer the following OER contents?... 3.5 You expect that using ACU-OER will likely help you to… The finding and analysis can be seen in next sessions. 3.1 How important is it for ACU-OER to feature the following services… Criteria Be a digital library resources & services Provide Professional Development (PD) Facilitate online collaboration & community Be technologies enabler for ICT in education Total

Not important

Somewhat important



Very Total important
































Table 8 reveals that over 50% of the participants highly rated level of importance for ACU-OER features on 1) Be a digital library resources & services (63 persons, 62%) 2) Be technologies enabler for ICT in education (60 persons, 59%) 3) Facilitate online collaboration & community (56 persons, 55%) Chapter 2 – 31/62

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Lastly, only 46 participants (45%) said that Provide Professional Development (PD) is very important. 3.2 How important is it for ACU-OER to be available for the following roles of user… Not Somewhat Very Criteria Neutral Important Total important important important Faculty members 1 2 4 27 68 102 Students 1 2 6 26 67 102 Administrators 2 3 17 42 38 102 Staff 2 5 23 41 31 102 Total 6 12 50 136 204 408 CHAPTER 2 TABLE - 9: Q3.2 HOW IMPORTANT IS IT FOR ACU-OER TO BE AVAILABLE FOR THE FOLLOWING ROLES OF USER…

Table 8 reveals that over 50% of the participants highly rated level of importance for ACU-OER to be available for the following roles of users: 1) Faculty members (68 persons, 67%) 2) Students (67 persons, 66%)

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3.3 How important is it for ACU-OER to offer the following functionalities… Not Somewhat Very Criteria Neutral Important important important important Easy search 0 3 2 18 79 functions Comprehensive 0 3 7 37 55 catalogue Intuitive interface 0 1 8 33 60 Mapping function for OER content 0 2 7 31 62 and learning outcome Support for non0 2 9 43 48 local curriculum OER content peer rating & comments 0 2 10 41 49 functions Total 0 13 43 203 353

Total 102 102 102 102

102 102 612


Table 10 reveals that over 50% of the participants highly rated level of importance for ACU-OER to offer the following functionalities: 1) Easy search functions (79 persons, 68%) 2) Mapping function for OER content and learning outcome (62 persons, 61%) 3) Intuitive interface (60 persons, 59%) 4) Comprehensive catalogue (55 persons, 54%)

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3.4 How important is it for ACU-OER to offer the following OER contents?... Criteria Animation content such as animated gif Assessment tools such as online quiz Assignment Case Study Collection such as a collection of materials Development tools Drill and practice ePortfolio Learning object repository Online course (whole course) Online course module Open Journal-Article Open Textbook Presentation files Reference Materials Simulation Social Networking tools Tutorial Total

Not important

Somewhat important



Very Total important













1 0

6 4

15 8

47 46

33 44

102 102







0 1 0

4 7 5

8 11 19

52 42 47

38 41 31

102 102 102



















1 0 0 0 0

2 1 2 2 1

16 10 10 7 14

31 37 43 41 45

52 54 47 52 42

102 102 102 102 102







0 11

2 66

11 201

37 749

52 809

102 1,836


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Table 11 reveals that over 50% of the participants highly rated level of importance for ACU-OER to offer the following OER Contents: 1) Online course module (59 persons, 58%) 2) Open Textbook (54 persons, 53%) 3) Online course (whole course) (54 persons, 53%) 4) Reference Materials (52 persons, 51%) 5) Tutorial (52 persons, 51%) 6) Open Journal-Article (52 persons, 51%) Note, item 2) and item 3), and item 4, item 5, and item 6 had the same score for highest level of importance, so the order is determined by score of lower level of importance. Development tools received high level of importance for ACU-OER (52 persons, 51%), but not at the highest level if importance.

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3.5 You expect that using ACU-OER will likely help you to… Criteria Reduce your workload/time for content creation Reduce your fear of using ICT for Education Improve your level of experience and expertise in using ICT for education Gain promotion/recognition Improve learning that you want to teach Cope with ever changing technology Be able to prioritize administration matters such as budgeting Reduce your needs for technical support Reduce your needs in faculty development Have wider access to online resources Total

Not important

Somewhat important



Very Total important




































































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Table 12 reveals that over 50% of the participants highly rated level of importance for ACU-OER to offer the following OER Contents: 1) Have wider access to online resources (62 persons, 61%) 2) Improve learning that you want to teach (53 persons, 52%) 3) Improve your level of experience and expertise in using ICT for education (53 persons, 52%) Note, item 2) and item 3) had the same score for highest level of importance, so the order is determined by score of lower level of importance. Reduce your needs for technical support received high level of importance for ACUOER (52 persons, 51%), but not at the highest level if importance.

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VIII. Part 4: ACU-OER Adoption This part utilizes OER Adoption Pyramid based on: Trotter, Henry & Cox, Glenda (2016). The OER Adoption Pyramid. In Proceedings of Open Education Global 2016: Convergence Through Collaboration.12-14 April 2016: Krakow, Poland. Retrieved from http://conference.oeconsortium.org/2016/presentation/the-oer-adoption-pyramid/. Finding of this part is explained in the next sections.


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Somewhat Yes

Definitely Yes

Do you have any desire to use OER? Have you found OER online – of acceptable relevance, utility and quality – that you can use? Do you know how and where to search for and identify OER? Do you know how the different CC licenses impact the ways in which you can use an OER? Does your institution have personnel you can call on to assist you with OER? Do you have any knowledge of or experience with OER? Do you understand how Creative Commons (CC) licenses differentiate OER from traditionally copyrighted materials? Do you have permission (from your curriculum committee, etc.) to use OER for teaching? Does the desired OER you are considering allow you to use it in your specific context (e.g. no CC-ND licenses on items that will be sold as course material)? Do you have (stable) electricity provision? Do you have (stable) internet connectivity? Do you have the necessary computer hardware for OER adoption? Total

Somewhat Not


Definitely Not

4.1 As an OER user, please answer the followings Total
















































































Answers to questions in this part are not as decisive as in part 3. Table 13 reveals that over 50% of the participants highly agreed that they have strong desire to use OER (56 persons,

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55%). However, for other questions in this section, the participants did not fully acknowledge their highest level of agreement at all. Less than half of the participants said they definitely agreed at most on the following questions: 1) Do you have (stable) internet connectivity? (44 persons, 43%) 2) Do you have (stable) electricity provision? (43 persons, 42%) 3) Do you have permission (from your curriculum committee, etc.) to use OER for teaching? (28 persons, 27%) Less than half of the participants said they somewhat agreed at most on the following questions: 1. Do you know how and where to search for and identify OER? (49 persons, 48%) 2. Have you found OER online – of acceptable relevance, utility and quality – that you can use? (49 persons, 48%) 3. Do you have any knowledge of or experience with OER? (46 persons, 45%) 4. Do you have the necessary computer hardware for OER adoption? (41 persons, 40%) 5. Do you understand how Creative Commons (CC) licenses differentiate OER from traditionally copyrighted materials? (37 persons, 36%) 6. Do you know how the different CC licenses impact the ways in which you can use an OER? (36 persons, 35%) 7. Does your institution have personnel you can call on to assist you with OER? (29 persons, 28%) Less than half of the participants said they could not decide on the following questions: • Does the desired OER you are considering allow you to use it in your specific context (e.g. no CC-ND licenses on items that will be sold as course material)? (40 persons, 39%)

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4.2 Are you also an OER creator? Majority of the participations said that they are not an OER creator (70 persons, 69%), while 32 persons (31%) declared themselves as an OER creator. Those who said they are an OER creator was asked to answer questions 4.3.

Are you an OER Creator?

32, 31%

Yes, I am an OER Crerator No, I am not an OER Crerator

70, 69%


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Somewhat Yes

Definitely Yes

Do you have any desire to create and share your teaching materials as OER? Do you hold copyright over teaching materials – of necessary relevance and quality – that you could license and share as OER? Do you know how to license your teaching materials so that they can be shared as OER? Do you know where (on which platforms) you can upload your materials as OER? Does the institution have personnel who do know about OER licensing and platform and can assist? Do you have any knowledge of or experience with OER? Do you understand how Creative Commons (CC) licenses differentiate OER from traditionally copyrighted materials? Do you possess copyright over teaching materials that have been developed at your institution? Do you have (stable) electricity provision? Do you have (stable) internet connectivity? Do you have the necessary computer hardware for OER adoption? Total

Somewhat Not


Definitely Not

4.3 As an OER creator, please answer the followings Total










































































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For the 32 participants who said they are also an OER creator, they were asked to answer a set of 11 questions to verify their readiness in creating and utilizing OER. The findings revealed that: • 21 persons (66%) confirm with highest confidence that they have necessary computer hardware for OER adoption. • 19 persons (59%) confirm with highest confidence that they have (stable) electricity provision. • 19 persons (59%) confirm with highest confidence that they desire to create and share your teaching materials as OER. • 18 persons (56%) confirm with highest confidence that they have (stable) internet connectivity.

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IX. Part 5: Your Country Status In this part, all participants were asked to identify needs of OER circulation in their own country. The results are explained in next sections. 5.1 To circulate OER in your country, how important it is for... Criteria

Not important

Somewhat important



Very Total important

Ministry of Education (or equivalent) takes leadership role in 1 5 11 34 51 driving OER for your country Top management of educational institutions take leadership role in 2 3 7 34 56 driving OER for your country Association of Faculty members / Teachers (or equivalent) take 2 4 5 45 46 leadership role in driving OER for your country Driving directly by faculty members / 3 3 8 45 43 teachers Total 8 15 31 158 196 CHAPTER 2 TABLE - 15: Q5.1 TO CIRCULATE OER IN YOUR COUNTRY, HOW IMPORTANT IT IS FOR...




102 408

As can be seen from Table 15 reveals that over 50% of the participants highly believed that to successfully circulate OER in his or her country, the OER initiative should be mainly driven by: 1) Top management of educational institutions take leadership role in driving OER for his or her country (56 persons, 55%) Chapter 2 – 44/62

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2) Ministry of Education (or equivalent) takes leadership role in driving OER for his or her country (51 persons, 50%) Nearly half of the participants also believed that to successfully circulate OER in his or her country, the OER initiative should be mainly driven by: • Association of Faculty members / Teachers (or equivalent) take leadership role in driving OER for his or her country (46 persons, 45%) Lastly, almost half of the participants also believed that to successfully circulate OER in his or her country, faculty members and teachers should be the main driving force (45 persons, 44%). For those who

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5.2 If you answered "Other" in 5.1, please provide your comments The participants also voiced their opinion for successful circulation of OER in their country. Their answers can be divided into four groups per meaning of their opinion. Group 1: Participants who value power of community at various levels since all stakeholders should be a part of this initiative. Example of the comments are (unedited): • All stakeholders be represented for better buy-in • Collaboration among key stakeholders • community • Desire of OER for the country is high, but there is a shortage of budget and capacity of the human resources. To align with the ASEAN community, it is a priority to initiate OER for worldwide lifelong learning for the people in the country. • It will work best if all mentioned above work together. • Leading my active researchers group and can be result as their KPI • Other stakeholders such as parents • Social media dissemination • Social Network • Stakeholders • student • Student organization • Students and other stakeholders • Students who will benefit from it • Students, researchers and other workforce • The wider community, e.g. social media users who are not enrolled in any educational institutions to have access to the modules or learning materials.

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• University student union • Anybody • Awareness & involvement of faculty members. Group 2: Participants who believe in power of national authorities. Example of the comments are (unedited): • A Committee composed of members from all of the above • Association of Quality Control • Distributed Agency • educational companies providing training in online delivery • Should be a National Education Agenda • To circulate OER in my country, Myanmar, two or more of lead universities should collaborate under the permission of Ministry of Education. • support Thailand 4.0 Group 3: Participants who believe in power of micro-level such as self-direction or doing it with people nearby. Example of the comments are (unedited): • Changing an Educator's attitude to share their created content • Driving directly by faculty members teachers and local teachers leaders • Faculty members need to know about OER processes and training. • support from a team of content developers • Supplied items are sufficient • Myself

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Group 4: Participants who believe in other driving forces and/or policies. Example of the comments are (unedited): • availability of guidelines that are easily accessible • Have the necessary budget for funding • Important to student give a more knowledge and more capability. • OER materials adaptable to learners and subjects • Public library • stable electricity, internet connectivity and promote ICT education • Used by faculties and driven by Center for Teaching and Learning at Institutions

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5.3 Please rank the following ACU-OER services based on level of importance of benefit to your country The participants were asked to rank the possible four ACU-OER services based on level of importance of benefit to their country. Outcome of the ranking can be seen in Table 16. It can be seen that: Order of the services that may be of the highest benefit to his or her country are: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Be a digital library resources & services Be technologies enabler for ICT in education Facilitate online collaboration & community Provide Professional Development (PD)

Number of persons who ranked this item as

Be a digital library resources & services

Provide Professional Development (PD)

Facilitate online collaboration & community

Be technologies enabler for ICT in education

First rank

60 persons (59%) 40 persons (39%) 41 persons (40%) 50 persons (49%)

Second rank

25 persons (24%) 38 persons (37%) 35 persons (34%) 26 persons (25%)

Third rank

9 persons (8%)

12 persons (11%) 18 persons (17%) 13 persons (12%)

Forth rank

8 persons (7%)

12 persons (11%)

8 persons (7%)


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13 persons (12%)

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5.4 What do you think is (are) current barriers for OER utilization in your country? The participants were asked to identify barriers of OER utilization in their country. There were 5 barriers identified based on previous study. However, the participants can also express what they believe to be such barrier if it is not listed. More than one barriers can be selected. The 5 identified barriers are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Copyright laws Educators prefer to use his or her own teaching materials Content owners do not want to share the content Inadequate internet speed and penetration Educators do not prefer to use electronic content

The survey result based upon occurrences of selections are (the higher number of selections appear on top): • Content owners do not want to share the content

72 selections

• Educators prefer to use his or her own teaching materials

69 selections

• Copyright laws

58 selections

• Inadequate internet speed and penetration

57 selections

• Educators do not prefer to use electronic content

44 selections

It can be summarized that the participants viewed that content ownership and preferences on teaching materials may be the biggest barrier to OER utilization. The participants also provided other remarks (unedited): • Human resources' capacity to deal with OER in particular. • There are really still a few canonical works in education which I believe students/ learning professional must have in their collection -- somekind of educational investment. • OER is not a standard practice • Educators lack of ICT knowledge Chapter 2 – 50/62

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• OER is new resource for us, but English is the problem for student • It is difficult to success in business model • Inconstant government policies • help should be available

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5.5 Please provide suggestion on how ACU-OER can be of benefit to your country In the final part, the participants were asked to freely suggest how ACU-OER be of benefit to their country. Context analysis of their suggestions revealed certain keywords that could be used to divide the suggestions into five categories, which are listed by number of suggestions here: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Suggestions related to national / institutional policy Suggestions related to Community Promotion Suggestions related to Infrastructure Suggestions related to Content Development Suggestions related to Professional Development

29 suggestions 10 suggestions 7 suggestions 5 suggestions 2 suggestions

5.5.1 Suggestions related to national / institutional policy Note: *this list is unedited 1. Fill gap of education in country as well as in the region. 2. ACU_OER needs to be spread out to more educators to highlight modern education and emphasize lifelong learning for citizens and accessible with low cost education. 3. The vision on Lifelong Learning. 4. Promote Lifelong learning 5. Provision of higher quality OERs. 6. Guide each institution on how to maximize OER locally and partner with more experienced universities for training and development. 7. More incentives for educators to share their materials through the OER platform. 8. There should be a policy regarding the implementation of ACU-OER 9. I think it can best benefit students and teachers of our growing Open High School systems and homeschoolers.

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10. First of all, congratulation and thank you so much for initiating this effort. ACU-OER would be able to help to closing the "gap" between all ASEAN countries in copy, use, adapt and re-share information, data and knowledge. 11. for next generation teaching and learning, to utilize technologies. 12. It could be an avenue for other Filipinos to be digitally literate as they immerse themselves into a modern strategy of learning. 13. credibility and accreditation of providers. Tutor support also needs considering as it can benefit and attract students with reputable professors. 14. enable to promote research and development from diverse knowledge source. 15. Improve level of experience and expertise in using ICT for education and reduce workload/time for content creation and fear of using ICT for Education for our country. 16. Provide joint courses, e.g. a particular subject is taught by 2-3 lecturers from different countries. 17. It will be an open accessed of education for rural areas. 18. The availability of support facilities on the knowledge and rights of use to teachers nationwide. 19. Please provide e-pedagogy training so that the absorpotion rate of using OER might be increased 20. for teaching and a supplement to classroom instruction. 21. Make distance learning. 22. Constant government policy on education in long term plan. 23. That would be very supporting for the students who want to study any kind of subjects even though they can't effort to study in day time. They can study anywhere, anytime. It is good for the person who works and stays away from University. Even the person who are not able to go to University can learn everything they wish to know if they are interested in education. ACU-OER can be benefit to our country by supporting not only teachers, researchers and students but also the person who are eager to learn. Chapter 2 – 53/62

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24. consideration of the regulation n the language. 25. Please prepare a guideline for potential users of ACU-OER: if they look for something, how to get it, when to get it from ACU-OER. 26. If we can use ACU-OER beneficially, it will be more helpful in producing Human Resources which are needed in building of our country. 27. The government and top level managers need to take lead on local contents and share on OER platform. 28. Free access to database for students without library linkage. 29. Universities in Myanmar can share the related subjects to each other. 5.5.2 Suggestions related to Community Promotion Note: *this list is unedited 1. Share richness open online contents 2. Develop a big community of education among educators in country and region 3. Information dissemination to educational institutions on the available existing OER repositories 4. Enhance and ease of knowledge sharing 5. Collaborate content for undergrad and postgrad 6. Starting Small with Specific Focus (Pilot projects) 7. socialization periodically 8. Awareness roadshow 9. user all together 10. Sharing Contents 5.5.3 Suggestions related to Infrastructure Note: *this list is unedited 1. improve the internet connectivity. 2. Make it accessible to everyone and easy integration with LMS. 3. access to good quality contents. Chapter 2 – 54/62

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4. It will help both students and teachers to access to the wider resource of study-teaching materials. 5. technology usage. 6. need sufficient electric power and internet bandwidth. 7. If we can have stable and high-speed internet in our country or strong public awareness of ACU-OER, it will be perfect for learners and teachers. 5.5.4 Suggestions related to Professional Development Note: *this list is unedited 1. ACU-OER can provide learning opportunities to our students and faculty members. 2. more opportunities for professional development. 3. Understanding of OER. 4. Make it easy to use. 5. Knowledge. 5.5.5 Suggestions related to Content Development Note: *this list is unedited 1. availability of open access materials/resources in diverse fields, from social sciences to natural sciences to environmental sciences to arts and humanities, etc. 2. Resources can be shared among instructors and allows an opportunity for a collaboration while doing that.

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X. Part 6: Participant’s particulars This final part asked for names, email address, and if the participant would like to receive a link to download eBook on ICT in Education as well as if they would like to be in a lucky draw for the cash incentives. The participants can choose not to provide any answers in this section. Since this part is confidential so no presentation and analysis will be discussed.

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XI. Analysis As ASEAN Cyber University (ACU) establishment project has integrated ACU-OER in ACU 2nd phase of strategic planning (2016-2019), method for service and circulation of ACU-OER is therefore a very important part of the planning. For ASEAN nations to successfully adopt ACU-OER, several world-class OER theory, OER platforms, and OER case studies were referred to in this study, as a foundation that could be modified to provide a most suitable approach to method for service and circulation of ACUOER. Apart from utilizing previous research result on ACU-OER research phase I (Duangchinda, V., et. al., 2106), this study particularly looked at Merlot.org as a referencing OER platform, the OER Adoption Pyramid by Trotter, Henry & Cox, Glenda (2016), in combination with a list of services as on Merlot.org, and publications by Hill, P. (2012), and Wiley, D. (2016); as a guideline for possible service and circular of ACU-OER. In addition, this study utilized ACU-OER Conceptual Map of November 2016 *Teeraroungchaisri, A., and Duangchinda, V., 2016), as a way to explain the concept behind ACU-OER system to the participants. To identify the needed methods for service and circulation of ACU-OER, an online survey form was created using Google form, and was distributed to possible participants across ASEAN nations on a snowball technique. It was hoping that around 10 participants from each ASEAN nations would participate in this study. At the end of survey, there were 102 qualified participants from 10 ASEAN nations took part. There were several interesting findings from the survey analysis. 11.1 Key finding on general information: • Thailand represented 30% of the participations. • Only 1 person from Singapore and 3 persons from Brunei participated in the survey even though they are countries with high GDP and should have best ICT infrastructure in the region. • Myanmar was the only nation from CLMV group that had more than 10 participants. • Each nation from TIMP group had more than 10 participants.

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• More than 50% of the participants do have strong background in either learning online or managing online teaching and learning, but there were less participants who had enough experience in teaching online. • 22 participants have at least 10 years of experience in online teaching and learning. This accounted for over 21% of total participants. • Only 7 participants have been using Merlot.org in a very professional way since they have contributed to Merlot in the forms of content review and rating, as well as a collection creation. • There was more female respondent than the male at 59:40 persons. • 73 persons (71%) of the participations were between 30-49 years of age. • 60 persons (59%) of the participants were a university lecturer. • 77 persons (76%) worked as a regular faculty member or at middle level management. • 79 persons (78%) declared themselves as a researcher. 11.2 Key finding on expectations: • Majority of the participants expected the following features from ACU-OER services: 1. Be a digital library resources & services (63 persons, 62%) 2. Be technologies enabler for ICT in education (60 persons, 59%) 3. Facilitate online collaboration & community (56 persons, 55%) • Majority of the participants expected ACU-OER to primarily serve: 1. Faculty members (68 persons, 67%) 2. Students (67 persons, 66%) • It is expected that ACU-OER must have the following functionalities: 1. Easy search functions (79 persons, 68%) 2. Mapping function for OER content and learning outcome (62 persons, 61%) 3. Intuitive interface (60 persons, 59%) 4. Comprehensive catalogue (55 persons, 54%) • More than 50% of the participants highly rated level of importance for ACU-OER to offer the following OER Contents: 1. Online course module (59 persons, 58%) 2. Open Textbook (54 persons, 53%) Chapter 2 – 58/62

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3. Online course (whole course) (54 persons, 53%) 4. Reference Materials (52 persons, 51%) 1. Tutorial (52 persons, 51%) 2. Open Journal-Article (52 persons, 51%) • More than 50% of the participants highly rated level of importance for ACU-OER to offer the following OER Contents: 1. Have wider access to online resources (62 persons, 61%) 2. Improve learning that you want to teach (53 persons, 52%) 3. Improve your level of experience and expertise in using ICT for education (53 persons, 52%) 11.3 Key finding on ACU-OER Adoption: Most participants seemed to have not so high confidence in adaptation of ACU-OER. • Nearly half of the participants said they definitely agreed that: 1. They have (stable) internet connectivity (44 persons, 43%) 2. They have (stable) electricity provision (43 persons, 42%) • Only 32 participants (31%) said that they are an OER creator. For this group, they seemed to be most ready to support and participate in ACU-OER adoption as per the following statistics. 1. 21 persons (66%) confirmed with highest confidence that they have necessary computer hardware for OER adoption. 2. 19 persons (59%) confirmed with highest confidence that they have (stable) electricity provision. 3. 19 persons (59%) confirmed with highest confidence that they desire to create and share your teaching materials as OER. 4. 18 persons (56%) confirmed with highest confidence that they have (stable) internet connectivity. 11.4 Key finding on ACU-OER Circulation • More than half of the participants believed that to successfully circulate ACU-OER, the driving forces in their country must be strongly supported by: Chapter 2 – 59/62

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1. Top management of educational institutions (56 persons, 55%) 2. Ministry of Education (or equivalent (51 persons, 50%) 11.5 Key finding on benefits of ACU-OER to their country The participants believed that for the benefits to his or her country, the ACU-OER will: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Be a digital library resources & services Be technologies enabler for ICT in education Facilitate online collaboration & community Provide Professional Development (PD)

11.6 Key finding on barriers of ACU-OER adoption The participants believed that these are barriers of ACU-OER adoption (listed by order of importance): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Content owners do not want to share the content Educators prefer to use his or her own teaching materials Copyright laws Inadequate internet speed and penetration Educators do not prefer to use electronic content

11.7 Key finding on areas of concern for ACU-OER service and circulation The participants identified areas of concern should ACU-OER is on service and circulation (listed by order of importance): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

National / institutional policy Community Promotion ICT infrastructure Content Development Professional Development

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XII. Conclusion This study has attempted to identified a method for service and circulation of ACUOER, especially for utilization during the period of 2nd ACU-OER Strategic Planning (2016-2019). The report has provided 7 key findings on several aspects of possible method for service and circulation of ACU-OER, ranging from what are expectations from the main stakeholders of ACU-OER, what functionalities and benefits should the system provide, and what are the barriers for ACU-OER service and circulation to overcome. In general, it can be seen from the results and analysis that ACU-OER is very welcomed among ASEAN nations. However, there are some concerns which may have derived from different level of understanding in OER concept, different level of national ICT readiness, and different level of direct experience on OER. These concerns have been addressed in this chapter, with recommendations on what to overcome to make ACU-OER service and circulation a success. This study is a very fist of its kind to survey citizens of ASEAN nations on ACU-OER method and circulation, and it has served the objectives adequately. However, a caution should be considered since this study is based upon quantitative research method, which normally should be more reliable with a very large number of active participants, while only 102 people qualified and took part in the survey. Therefore, it is recommended that further investigations on this study with a much larger number of population may be considered for research validity. Alternatively, deeper analysis on correlation between variables of the data gathered should also be measured to identify possible linkages of the data.

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XIII. References To serve the purposes of this study, the following models were referred to as a foundation for all questions in the survey. MERLOT.org has been completely analyzed and widely utilized to frame survey questions in this study too. Therefore, an ACU-OER Conceptual Model (November 2016), as in Appendix B of this chapter, has been proposed to clarify possible ACUOER system to the participants. Duangchinda, V., et. al. (2106). ACU-OER Focus Group on ASEAN Expert's View, ASEAN Cyber University Project. Hill, P. (2012). Project Blue Sky: Big Boost to OER From . . . Pearson? Retrieved from http://mfeldstein.com/project-blue-sky-big-boost-to-oer-from-pearson/ Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching: http://merlot.org Teeraroungchaisri, A., and Duangchinda, V. (2016). ACU-OER Conceptual Map of November 2016. Retrieved from http://bit.ly/acu_oer_map Trotter, Henry & Cox, Glenda (2016). The OER Adoption Pyramid. In Proceedings of Open Education Global 2016: Convergence Through Collaboration.12-14 April 2016: Krakow, Poland. Retrieved from http://conference.oeconsortium.org/2016/presentation/the-oeradoption-pyramid/ Wiley, D. (2016). High Impact OER Adoption. Retrieved from http://www.slideshare.net/opencontent/high-impact-oer-adoption

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