How to Build the Best Possible Diabetic Diet

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How to Build the Best Possible Diabetic Diet

To build the best possible diabetic diet, you (the diabetic person, of both type 1 and 2) need to learn and understand your body’s needs, your emotional needs, the needs and obligations linked to your budget, schedule, age, tastes, etc. Your body’s needs are unique, but many people share some of them. Your age, your genes, your lifestyle, the physical activity you do, your beliefs on health all have an influence on your diet, your needs and your blood sugar level. Your emotional situation, whether you are at peace with yourself and others, your anger, your sadness will also influence your diet, lifestyle, physical activity, and health. Your obligations, family, work, commitments, your free time, your budget are also of great importance. A good diet has to take all those factors into account so that the structure of the plan will seem to fade and become a natural helper rather than a hard obligation. It is important to be aware of all this, or as much as possible, when planning your diabetic meals. Then, the planning is easy: you only have to focus on health, joy and long-term efficiency.

The Best Possible Diabetic Diet Needs to be Healthy Well yes, as planning a diabetic diet is an important part of controlling your blood sugar level, and the whole goal of controlling your blood sugar level is to stay healthy even though you are diabetic. So what is healthy for a diabetic person? Basically, exactly the same as what is healthy for everybody else! The diabetic person just needs to pay a particular attention to the amount of carbohydrates in foods, but as you will see, really healthy foods don’t have a too high glycemic index. Even though society and alimentation have changed a lot in the past centuries, the human body hasn’t changed that much in the past millenniums. And so, the healthiest foods should be the ones that were eaten long long ago by humans, before they started to compromise their health with chemicals and transformations. Whole foods, raw vegetables and fruits, soaked nuts and seeds, sprouts, all plant foods, of organic farming, those are healthy. One can eat as much full of life raw vegetables, fruits, nuts, and sprouts as one wants and be as healthy as one can be. All other foods (meat and animal products, transformed meals, overcooked and fried foods, sugars, etc), if eaten at all, need to be eaten in small quantities, or there will be bad consequences for health. As a diabetic, the main concern about food is its glycemic index. In whole natural foods, raw vegetables, soaked nuts and sprouts, there are almost no carbohydrates. Fruits are sweet, but they are also lots of fibres, which slow the process of digesting sugars. Raw fruits are therefore the best possible dessert for diabetics. All very high blood sugar levels come from eating processed foods, bread, cooked potatoes, pastas, flours, cakes, cookies, cane sugar, etc. Thus, adding natural and mostly raw plant foods, that detoxify the body,

bring anti-oxidants, lots of vitamins, minerals, fats, proteins, lipids, and, last but not least, the so precious enzymes, is a very good idea for the best possible diabetic diet.

You can finish reading this article on our website about cure for diabetes.

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