How to Get a Book Published – 10 Aspects of an Author’s Journey

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How to Get a Book Published – 10 Aspects of an Author’s Journey The Journey to Getting a Book Published Are you an aspiring writer wondering about how to become an author? Are you wondering how to get a book published? If so, you’ve come to the right place. Writania is a website for writers of all types, and that certainly includes those aspiring to be published authors. On Writania, we cover 16 elements of writing a novel, as well as provide you with the proper manuscript, query letter, and synopses formats that are required for submitting your work to editors. We offer many useful tips for the nonfiction writer, as well. That said, let’s look at what it takes to become an author. I’m always astounded at the number of people in the world that want to learn how to be an author. The numbers are truly staggering if we go by what we find on the social media sites: the number of aspiring writers on Linkedin, the number of people on Twitter peddling their books – both self-published and traditionally published (i.e., through a publishing house). Additionally, doesn’t everyone know a handful of people who say they want to write a book someday? I’m sure everyone has heard it said by friends and family. It seems that everyone has some story inside of them. And that’s fine, but those who aspire to be authors must have several stories inside of them, in their active imagination, perhaps even voices in their head (and we’re not talking schizophrenia here) that want a place in the world. Can anyone be an author? Well, before we answer that, we need to break down that question, and rewrite it to ask, “What does it take to be a writer?” Once we’ve identified what it takes to be a writer, we just might find that we have the answer on how to be an author – that is, if you’re still interested.

How to Become a Writer What does it take to be a writer? Can anyone do it? The short answer is that it takes a desire to write, a willingness to develop your craft, and a little knowledge about grammar and punctuation. A longer answer covers the debate of whether one can learn to write. Some people believe that good writers are born, not made – that they have an innate gift for writing. They vehemently oppose the view that someone can learn to write well, write a novel, write a nonfiction book, or write poetry, if they were not born with this creativity. I’ve had discussions with some that have that view. Honestly, I thought their view was a little gratuitous (they assumed that they had the gift, but of course, most other people did not), and should I say it…narrow-minded. Since I’m the one writing here, I’ll tell you my stance on this. I think there are writers who have a God-given gift for writing. Yes, they came with that gift, were born with it. But, I also believe

that there are writers who have a desire to write and, while they may not be particularly gifted in this area, they can become good writers by learning and developing the craft of writing. So now that we have the question of can anyone do it out of the way, let’s look at what it’s going to take.

What it Takes to be a Writer – 10 Aspects of a Writer It’s not as glamorous as it might seem. Take a look. A writer: 1. Has an active imagination or inspired idea they need to bring to life 2. Spends hours with BOC – Butt on Chair – bringing it to life 3. Spends a lot of time alone 4. Sometimes feels lonely while pursuing their dream of writing 5. Devotes years to learning about writing 6. Spends many more years figuring out how to apply what they’ve learned to their writing 7. Realizes there is no guarantee of success, and writes anyway 8. Learns to accept tons of rejection 9. May write several novels before having anything published, if ever. 10. Realizes that only about 1% of writers become published authors with traditional publishing houses, and writes anyway. So, if that doesn’t discourage you, you just might be a writer at heart. You just might be someone who has to write because they have something they want to say, or they have to write for the sheer pleasure of turning words into impressions, ideas, and images, or they have to write because they cannot bear not to. You can finish reading this article on our website about how to get a book published.

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