Architecture Portfolio - Bachelor of Science (Hons) In Architecture

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Oon Wu Han About me

Name Oon Wu Han Nationality Malaysian Date of Birth 26 Nov 1998 P l a c e o f B i r t h M u a r, J o h o r

Contact me

P h o n e + 6 0 11 - 1 0 6 2 8 1 8 6 Email A d d r e s s 1 7 , Ta m a n S r i E m a s , J a l a n S a k e h , 8 4 0 0 0 M u a r, Johor Facebook Oon Wuhan Instagram 15_23_08

Educational Background Foundation in Science C G PA 3 . 7 6 | U C S I U n i v e r s i t y

‘Just Wandering Around Curiosity’

Bachelor of Science (hons) in Architecture C G PA 3 . 8 3 | U C S I U n i v e r s i t y

Academic Achievement

Foundation in Science


semester 1

BSc (hons) Architecture

2017 2019

semester 2 semester 1 to semester 6 semester 1 to semester 6 academic exellence and best overall performance by a student in an accredited school under Lembaga Arkitek Malaysia (LAM)

Extracurricular Participation Workshop 2017




P articipat ion UTM S kudai, Johor 2018

Leader of Installat ion Team Taylor Univeristy

Coordinat or

I nt ernship

Jan 2020 - July 2020

K A WAN Stu d i o 甲 方营造

Ar c h i te ctu r a l De si g ner

Aug 2020 - Current

Collaborat ive W orkshop of UCS I Univ ersit y, Hong K ong Design I nst it ut e (HKDI ) and Chiang Mai Univ eris t y at Hong K ong Design



Collaborat ion wit h s t udent s from T he Chines e Hong K ong Univ ersity at B aseco Dis t ric t, Manila on a des ign + build workshop.

Leader of I nstallation Team I UKL Univers it y

Community Project




Public Plays | A Sustainable Playscapes

UCS I Universit y

P r o je c t L e a d e r


A c o mmu n ity p r o je c t in itia te d by C O L L L A B , S A B E U C S I. T h e p r o je c t w a s to d e s ig n a n d b u ild mo v a b le p la y s c a p e a t K a mp u n g B e le ma n g , T a n g k a k J o h o r

UCS I A rchitecture G raduat ion E xhibition S howcase 2019 (shortlis ted project ) 24th - 26th May


UCS I A rchitecture G raduat ion E xhibition S howcase 2019 29th Nov - 1s t Dec




Student s ociet y UCSI University

S tudent s ociety UCS I Universit y


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Kampung Belemang is one of the less noticeable rural areas in Johor, located alongside Muar River. The exodus of the youngsters has caused the declination of population of the village to 600 (estimate 70 families). This issue does not just affect this village, but most villages along Muar rivers. From understanding the context, we hope to contribute our knowledge in architecture (the understanding of relation of people and place) to ease some of the social, environmental and community work. The playscape is made of 4 movable and rotatable module cubes. The size of each cube is 3m width x 3m length x 2.75m height. Located at the riverside of Muar River, the ease of mobility has given its flexbility to fit various occasions Kampung Belemang.

Our playscape module starts with a single loop arrangement, for unbounded play movement, while retaining a middle stop for rest. Each step raise 300mm in height, which results on steps and ramps with different of 300mm, 600mm & 900mm height, while ensuring walk-a, climb-a & jump-ability of kids. Second module opens up another loop possibility, which shall result into a complex configuration when combining to the rest of modules, multiplying the combination of pause & play , rest & movement.

FLEXILE BREADTH The prototype is a module that combine the function (seating) and decorative art (pavilion). It works with the weight of users to change the form. Thus, creating the experience of synchronization of user and the prototype Design and Execution Time : 1 Month 1


1. Interlocking Connection


Timber Platform

Metal Plate


Compression Spring


Metal Plates

Timber Base

3. Connection between expandable fabrication and base

Extension spring connected with U-bolt

Left Wing

4. Mechanism of the base

Door Hinge

Right Wing

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