Hunter TAFE Brand Style Guide 2013
1. Introduction
Typography Components
1.1 1.2 1.3
Contact Welcome to Hunter TAFE Brand Guidelines Brand Architecture Overview
4 5 6
Logo Lock-Ups
2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.4.1 2.4.2 2.5.1
The Hunter TAFE Logo Logo Lock-Up Architecture Sub-Branded Logo Lock-Up Examples Corporate Logo Usage: Clear Space & Minimum Size Corporate Logo Usage: Baseplate Intersection Marketing & Promotions Logo Usage: Clear Space & Minimum Size Marketing & Promotions Logo Usage: Baseplate Intersection Sub-Branding Logo Usage: Clear Space & Minimum Size Sub-Branding Logo Usage: Baseplate Intersection Logo Usage: Positive & Negative Variations
4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4 4.2.5 4.2.6 4.2.7 4.2.8 4.2.9 4.2.10 4.2.11 4.2.12
Brand Typography Online Typography PC Typography Typography Usage & Proportions Typography Usage: Padding Content Areas Grids & Margins Text Box Display Tabular Text Display Image & Caption Use Header Display Quote Architecture: Longer First Line Quote Architecture: Longer Second Line Baseplate Architecture: Brand Call-To-Action Display Statistical Display Statistical Display Variations
26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Graphic Components
3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4
Colour Palette Overview Colour Breakdowns Career Area Colour Allocation Career Area Accent Colour Usage Guidelines
5.1.1 5.1.2 5.1.3 5.1.4 5.1.5 5.1.6 5.1.7 5.1.8 5.1.9
Black Striped Background Swatch Generic Call-To-Action Iconography Generic Call-To-Action URL Usage Course-Related Drop Pin Iconography Supplementary Graphic Devices Secondary Call-To-Action Usage Guidelines Career Area Iconography Suite Additional Graphic Icons Career Area Iconography Suite Usage Guidelines
6.1.1 6.1.2 6.1.3 6.1.4 6.1.5
Single Hero Photography Architecture Single Hero Photographic Styling Dual Heroes Engaging Photography Architecture Dual Heroes Engaging Photographic Styling Photographic Tones
Hunter TAFE
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
20 21 22 23
42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
52 53 54 55 56
Branding Style Guide | 2
1. Introduction
Welcome to Hunter TAFE style guide This document contains logo usage information and an overview of the key visual
We have repositioned our brand so we can continue to be a successful, sustainable and significant in providing
elements used in Hunter TAFE’s new branding and identity strategy. It is important for brand consistency and market presence that these guidelines are adhered to. We hope that you find this guide useful. If you have any brand or logo enquiries please contact Steve Mitchell on 0477 334 280.
Hunter TAFE
skills training for our region...
Phil Cox Hunter TAFE Institute Director 14 June 2013
Branding Style Guide | 4
Welcome to the Hunter TAFE Brand Guidelines
Tone of Voice
As you know, Hunter TAFE is an expansive service in terms of geography, career areas and our support
The words we use are to be – like our teachers – genuine and authentic. Full of inspiration, wisdom,
services. In being so wonderfully diverse, it is important that our collective strength is highlighted through
experience and encouragement. In many instances, direct quotes from teachers will provide the
a consistent usage of branding elements. To allow flexibility, we’ve produced a suite of design options.
necessary words.
The following guidelines will make your life easier when creating marketing collateral that will be consistent across the many areas of Hunter TAFE.
Brand: What is it and What Role Does it Play?
Campaign Messaging In this campaign messages are “tiered”. The traditional headline should be used as a “quote” from the person in the featured image. This acts as a headline where possible and establishes the purpose of the
Simply put, Brand is what we stand for. It’s our essence. The reason we come here to work at Hunter
communication piece. Teacher quotes must be real and authentic.
TAFE. Our brand plays a substantial role in how we are perceived by industry and other RTOs. With the ever-changing landscape of the education sector, it is more important than ever to appear as a unified
These quotes are reinforced with statistics that highlight achievements of the teacher, the career area
organisation. One of the easiest ways to achieve this is through the consistent use of our brand elements.
and their graduates. You’ll see how this powerful use of figures works in the following pages.
The New Brand – Look and Feel
The Brand Hierarchy and Architecture
At the heart of Hunter TAFE is the key to our success – our educators and support services. Their wealth of
Hunter TAFE has many Campuses, Career Areas, Service Areas and Centres of Excellence. The usage
knowledge, professionalism and industry connections create real world pathways for our students. With this
and hierarchy of logos is very simple and easy to follow, with the details set out in the following pages.
in mind, we’re placing our teachers at the core of our marketing collateral with proud and bold statements
It is important these rules are followed to keep consistent branding to our external stakeholders.
about their achievements.
Hunter TAFE
Branding Style Guide | 5
Brand Architecture Overview
Hunter TAFE
Corporate Marketing
Central Coast Campuses
Service Areas
Ourimbah Campus
Education for Careers & Further Study
Higher Education
Gosford Campus
Community, Health & Fitness
Wyong Campus
Food Services & Hospitality
Retail & Logistics
Animal & Equine Studies
Newcastle Campus
Children’s Services
Hunter Street Campus
Hairdressing & Beauty
Hamilton Campus
Creative Industries, Fashion & Media
Student Support Facilities
Tomaree Campus
Information Technology
TAFE in Schools
Belmont Campus
Administration, Business, Library & Real Estate
Youths at Risk
Glendale Campus
Maritime & Marine
Newcastle and Lake Macquarie Campuses
Career Areas
Building Industries Maitland Campus Cessnock Campus Hunter and Upper Hunter Campuses
Manufacturing & Engineering Tourism, Events & Outdoor Recreation
Kurri Kurri Campus
Singleton Campus
Scone Campus
Transport & Mining
Muswellbrook Campus
Hunter TAFE
Branding Style Guide | 6
2. Logo Lock-Ups
The Hunter TAFE Logo
The new Hunter TAFE Logo is an evolution of the existing logo. It has been designed to look dynamic, conversational, engaging and approachable. There are two hero logos:
The Corporate Logo
The Marketing & Promotions Logo
• Utilises the ‘One Life. Multiple Choices.’ tagline
Hunter TAFE
Branding Style Guide | 8
Logo Lock-Up Architecture
The new Hunter TAFE logo has been specially designed as a lock-up system. 1. This is to allow for the existing logo to be transitioned through to the new Hunter TAFE branding style 2. To ensure that all sub-brands are housed consistently under the over-arching brand umbrella 3. To be able to house dual logos with opposing styles
Sub-Brand Housing Bubble • Allows for sub-brand representation alongside the Hero logo into a neat, unique, and easy-to-use lock-up system • ‘X’ indicates sub-brand type • Easily identifiable and consistent sub-brands
Hunter TAFE Existing Logo
• Includes the existing TAFE NSW logo • Includes the existing Hunter Institute logo 3
• The bubble shape is complimentary to the TAFE NSW curved corner shape • Allows for a neat, unique and easy-to-use lock-up system • Easily identifiable in the marketplace 4
Bubble Housing Device
‘One Life. Multiple Choices.’ Tagline • Existing tagline restyled to complement new branding
Hunter TAFE
Branding Style Guide | 9
Sub-Branded Logo Lock-Up Examples 1
The Hunter TAFE sub-brand logo lock-up system allows for brand hierarchy versatility but ensures overall identity consistent across the hero brand. The Hunter TAFE component is 10% larger within its sub-brand bubble than the Corporate or Marketing & Promotions logos. This is to maintain maximum visibility when the entire logo appears at minimum size and to also ensure that Hunter TAFE component is represented with a hero status over the sub-brand component. 1
Regional Logo Example • Single regional use only
Campus Logo Example • Single campus use only
Centres Of Excellence Logo Example
Regional Institute of Performing Arts
Service Area/Departmental Logo Example
Partnership Branding Example • For use with partnership brands work in collaboration with Hunter TAFE • Strict usage applies and will require approval from Marketing Department
Hunter TAFE
Branding Style Guide | 10
Corporate Logo Usage: Clear Space & Minimum Size
The Hunter TAFE Corporate Logo has a clear space allocation as indicated by the ‘X-Height.’ No text must ever appear in this area. (Please refer to page 12 for acceptable baseplate intersection usage).
The logo has a minimum size of 20mm wide.
Hunter TAFE
Minimum Size: 20mm
Branding Style Guide | 11
Corporate Logo Usage: Baseplate Intersection
The Hunter TAFE corporate logo can be presented with three different graphic intersections depending on application.
Position 1 • Used on covers, title pages and areas with substantial clear space • Must appear on top of the Hunter TAFE striped black brand background • The logo must have a minimum clear space of 25%X at the top and 50%X on the left, right and bottom edges • Must always appear on the bottom right-hand side of the document
Position 2 • Used on content-heavy layouts as part of the baseplate • The logo is intersected to sit over white or black content areas and is aligned to the centre of the TAFE ‘F’ • The logo must have a minimum clear space of 25%X at the top and 50%X on the left, right and bottom edges • Must always appear on the bottom right-hand side of the document
Copy line 1 Copy line 2 Address Line 1 Post Line 2 (02) Number Here (02) Fax Number Here
Section Name Campus Location
Position 3 • Used only in areas where the Hunter TAFE striped black brand background is not an option • The logo must have a minimum clear space of 25%X at the top and 50%X on the left, right and bottom edges • Must always appear on the bottom right-hand side of the document
address: Address Line 1, Address Line 2, Address Line 3 tel: (02) Number Here fax: (02) Fax Number Here mob: Mobile Number email: Email here web:
With Compliments...
With Comps
Hunter TAFE
3* Exception Logos must appear on the left due to Australia Postage Specifications.
Branding Style Guide | 12
Marketing & Promotions Logo Usage: Clear Space & Minimum Size
The Hunter TAFE Marketing & Promotions Logo features the ‘One Life. Multiple Choices.’ tagline and this logo should appear in all marketing and promotional activities and collateral. It has a clear space allocation as indicated by the ‘X-Height.’ No text must ever appear in this area. (Please refer to page 14 for acceptable baseplate intersection usage).
The logo has a minimum size of 20mm wide.
Minimum Size: 20mm
Hunter TAFE
Branding Style Guide | 13
Marketing & Promotions Logo Usage: Baseplate Intersection
The Hunter TAFE Marketing & Promotions Logo can be presented with three different graphic intersections depending on application.
My Students need to taste, touch, smell and experience their training. Lee,
Hunter TAFE Commercial Cookery Teacher
Position 1 • Used on covers, title pages and areas with substantial clear space • Must appear on top of the Hunter TAFE striped black brand background • The logo must have a minimum clear space of 25%X on the top and 50%X on the left, right and bottom edges • Must always appear on the bottom right-hand side of the document
Position 2 • Used on content-heavy layouts as part of the baseplate • The logo is intersected to sit over white or black content areas and is aligned to the centre of the TAFE ‘F’ • The logo must have a minimum clear space of 25%X at the top and 50%X on the left, right and bottom edges • Must always appear on the bottom right-hand side of the document
Position 3 • Used only in areas where the Hunter TAFE striped black brand background is not an option • The logo must have a minimum clear space of 25%X on the top and 50%X on the left, right and bottom edges • Must always appear on the bottom right-hand side of the document
years experience as a TAFE tutor
average class success rate
years experience in my industry
50%X 50%X
Alistrum offic to ommoluptamet qui conemolor re utea qui
A4 Flyer - Front
Headline goes here Lorem Ipsum sint rerrum aut offictium debitaspel inimus, inverio offic tectecto bla dolest qui vel miniatq uasitis desequi corem que susamus mo imus si imus, int ulluptae voluptaque volupta ernatecus. Endisit etur aliquaeces soluptia id expliquam rem venda sa providis nonsequae et offic tecea verrupta idemporporum None doluptisimos nullecepere nonserf erioreh entium illabo. Mtae si autaqua enihit vene ditat a vel ipsant proreprate non nus maxim rempos ist quae entiam, elicaer
eriati odis netusci ut intio et aut quid quame doluptatiume quibus. Bea quia doloria simpore dolorem rem corem. Rio ommolorist fugit pre non consequuntus est vendi ute verore voloreium qui dolutem et faccatiur sum id mos nullectiorio vendio ellat. Namendio eriam que pelique nihicimusdam quuntionsed ut labore cupta aut atur sus vel el et hicimi. Volorempore omnis aut aliqui officto quaectatiur? Veles aut quat. Udignam am, occae ommolenet officium volles e. ignam
Feature Headline Lorem Ipsum sint rerrum aut offictium debitaspel inimus, inverio offic tectecto bla dolest qui vel miniatq uasitis desequi corem que susamus mo imus si imus, int ulluptae voluptaque volupta ernatecus. Endisit etur aliquaeces soluptia id expliquam rem venda sa providis nonsequae et offic tecea verrupta idemporporum.
Subhead Bea quia doloria coNone doluptisimos nullecepere nonserf erioreh entium illabo. Mtae si autaqua enihit vene ditat a vel ipsant proreprate non nus maxim rempos ist quae entiam, elicaer eriati odis netusci ut intio et on consequuntus est vendi ute verore voloreium qui dolutem et faccatiur sum id mos nullectiorio vendio ellat. Namendio eriam que pelique nihicimusdam quuntionsed ut labore cupta aut atur sus vel el et hicimi.
Subhead Bea quia doloria corem. Rio nullectiorio vendio ellat. Namenur? Veles aut quat. Udignam am, occae ommolenet officium volles es accatia illuptatur, que estrum sequis repudi quae velectur aceatiae velendis autam fuga.Alit faciliqui omnis accus, arciendit aut est, sunt latemquias expello rempora qui occum volupta spitibusciis alitatent asped magnatem sam, te
Call out Here!
None dolucaer eriati odis netusci ut intio et aut quid quame doluptatiume quibus. Bea quia doloria simpore dolorem rem corem. Rio ommolorist fugit pre non consequuntus est vendi ute
Descriptor Line 1 None nullecepere nonserf erioreh entium illabo tae si autaqua enihit maxim.
Bea quia doloria simpore dolorem rem corem. Rio ommolorist qui dolutem et faccatiur sum id que pelique nihicimusdam ut labore cupta aut atur sus vel el et hicimi. • N one doluptisimos nullecepere erioreh entium illabo.
External Relations and Strategy
Bea quia doloria corem. di suntota con consectur to ami theo pleps naidial.Ur? Quid qui odis nos delectio quat ducit ut il il idebisquunt oditataeri sanditi nctenduntio bea. vitia corem et et dolore cust officid ignitem nusdae pa distinumqui delis eum aut quis ra qui a non cup nonecta.
Call 131 225
Lorem Ipsum sint rerrum aut offictium de bitaspel inimus. At itum pleaye. uasitis imus, int ulluptae voluptaque as tip.
• M tae si autaqua enihit vene ditat a vel
Google Hunter TAFE
Insert caption
Connect with us
Contact Name Contact title +61 4923 7839 hunter. international@
A4 Flyer - Back
apprenctices placed in 2012
Generic heading area
students taught in my career
932 66 12 95
Hunter TAFE
Branding Style Guide | 14
Sub-Branding Logo Usage: Clear Space and Minimum Size
The Hunter TAFE Corporate Logo has a clear space allocation as indicated by the ‘X-Height’. No text must ever appear in this area. (Please refer to page 16 for acceptable baseplate intersection usage).
The Hunter TAFE component is 10% larger within its sub-brand bubble than the Corporate or Marketing & Promotions logos. This is to maintain maximum visibility when the entire logo appears at minimum size and to also ensure that Hunter TAFE component is represented with a hero status over the sub-brand component.
The logo has a minimum size of 26mm wide. Minimum Size: 26mm
Hunter TAFE
Branding Style Guide | 15
Sub-Brand Logo Usage: Baseplate Intersection
Position 1 • Used on covers, title pages and areas • Must appear on top of the Hunter TAFE striped black brand background • The logo must have a minimum clear space of 50%X at the bottom and 25%X on the left, right and top edges • Must always appear on the bottom right-hand side of the document Position 2 • Used on content-heavy layouts as part of the baseplate • The logo is intersected to sit over white or black content areas • The visible intersection is aligned at the base of the TAFE NSW round corner device • The logo must have a minimum clear space of 50%X at the bottom and 25%X on the left, right and top edges • Must always appear on the bottom right-hand side of the document
The Hunter TAFE sub-branding logo can be presented with three different graphic intersections depending on application.
Copy line 1 Copy line 2
Address Line 1 Post Line 2 (02) Number Here (02) Fax Number Here
Q&A with... Firstname Surname
Lorem Ipsum sint rerrum aut offictium debitaspel inimus?
Lorem Ipsum sint rerrum aut offictium debitaspel inimus?
Alum Notes
Inverio offic tectecto bla dolest qui vel miniatq uasitis desequi corem que susamus mo imus si imus, int ulluptae voluptaque volupta ernatecus. Endisit etur aliquaeces soluptia id expliquam rem venda sa providis nonsequae et offic tecea.
Inverio offic tectecto bla dolest qui vel miniatq uasitis desequi corem que susamus mo imus si imus, int ulluptae voluptaque volupta ernatecus. Endisit etur aliquaeces soluptia id expliquam rem venda sa providis nonsequae et offic tecea.
Lorem Ipsum sint rerrum aut offictium debitaspel inimus?
Lorem Ipsum sint rerrum aut offictium debitaspel inimus?
None doluptisimos nullecepere nonserf erioreh entium illabo. Mtae si autaqua enihit vene ditat a vel ipsant proreprate non nus maxim rempos ist quae entiam, elicaer eriati odis netusci ut.
None doluptisimos nullecepere nonserf erioreh entium illabo. Mtae si autaqua enihit vene ditat a vel ipsant proreprate non nus maxim rempos ist quae entiam, elicaer eriati odis netusci ut.
Lorem Ipsum sint rerrum aut offictium debitaspel inimus?
Lorem Ipsum sint rerrum aut offictium debitaspel inimus?
Lorem Ipsum sint rerrum aut offictium debitaspel inimus, inverio offic tectecto bla dolest qui vel miniatq uasitis desequi corem que sus venda sa providis nonsequae et offic tecea verrupta idemporpo nullecepere nonserf erioreh entium illabo. Mtae si autaqua enihit vene ditat a vel ipsant proreprate non nus maxim rempos ist quae entiam, elicaer eriati odis netusci ut intio et aut quid quame doluptatiume quibus. Bea quia doloria simpore dolorem rem corem. Rio ommolorist fugit pre non consequuntus est vendi ute verore voloreium qui dolutem et faccatiur sum id mos nullectiorio vendio ellat. Namendio eriam que pelique nihicimusdam quuntionsed ut labore cupta aut atur sus vel el et hicimi.
None doluptisimos nubo. Mtae si autaqua enihit vene ditat a vel ipsant proreprate non nus maxim rempos ist quae entiam, elicaer eriati odis netusci ut.enihit vene ditat a vel ipsant proreprate non nus maxim rempos ist quaeoreprate non nus maxim rempos ist quae
None doluptisimos nubo. Mtae si autaqua enihit vene dvel ipsant proreprae entiam, elicaer eriati odis netusci ut.Me volectem quia consequiae. Ecturios ium eventum quatur?
Position 3 • Used only in areas where the Hunter TAFE striped black brand background is not an option • The logo must have a minimum clear space of 50%X at the bottom and 25%X on the left, right and top edges • Must always appear on the bottom right-hand side of the document
Lorem Ipsum sint rerrum aut offictium debitaspel inimus, inverio offic tectecto bla dolest qui vel miniatq uasitis desequi corem que susamus mo imus si imus, int ulluptae voluptaque volupta ernatecus.
elicaer eriati odis netusci ut intio et aut quid quame doluptatiume quibus. Bea quia doloria simpore dolorem rem corem. Rio ommolorist fugit pre non consequuntus est.
Endisit etur aliquaeces soluptia id expliquam rem venda sa dolest qui vel miniatq uasitis tecea idemporporum voluptaque volupta.
Vendi ute verore voloreium qui dolutem et faccatiur sum id mos nullectiorio vendio ellat. Namendio eriam que pelique nihicimusdam quuntionsed ut aut atur sus vel el et hicimi.
None doluptisimos nullecepere nonserf erioreh entium illabo. Mtae si autaqua enihit vene ditat a vel ipsant proreprate non nus maxim rempos ist quae entiam,
Volorempore omnis fugit pre non consequuntus est vendi ute fugit pre non est vendi ute aut aliqui officto quaectatiur? Veles aut quat.
Hunter TAFE Alumni Association Hunter TAFE Alumni Newsletter – Issue XX Month 2013
Rio ommolorist fugit pre non consequuntus est vendi ute verore voloreium qui dolutem et faccatiur sum id mos nullectiorio vendio ellat. Namendio eriam que pelique nihicimusdam quuntionsed ut labore cupta aut atur sus vel el et hicimi. Volorempore omnis aut aliqui officto quaectatiur? Veles aut quat. Udignam am, occae ommolenet officium volles es accatia illuptatur, que estrum sequis repudi quae velectur aceatiae velendis autalendis autalendis autam fuga.Alit faciliqui omnis accus, arciendit aut est, sunt latemquias expello rempora qui occum volupta spitibusciis alitatent asped magnatem sam, te di suntota con consectur to ami theo pleps naidial.Ur? Quid qui odis nusdae a non reptamagnatem sam non rept.
Janine Chandler Foundation & Alumni Coordinator
Newsletter Template
Hunter TAFE
Branding Style Guide | 16
Logo Usage: Positive & Negative Variations 1
The Hunter TAFE full colour logo should be used in all marketing opportunities. However positive and negative mono tone logos are available for instances where this may not be applicable, for example in a 1-colour newspaper advertisement or embroidery on a t-shirt. 1
Corporate Logo Full Colour
Marketing & Promotions Logo Full Colour
Marketing & Promotions Logo Full Colour with tagline text in Black
Corporate Logo Mono/Black and White
Marketing & Promotions Logo Mono/Black and White with tagline text in White
Marketing & Promotions Logo Mono/Black and White with tagline text in Black
Corporate Logo White R eversed
Corporate Logo White Reversed with tagline text in White
Hunter TAFE
Branding Style Guide | 17
Unacceptable Logo Usage
Logo must not appear without all its elements
Byline size should not be altered
Hunter TAFE
Logo elements must not be rearranged
Logo should never appear with a drop shadow or bevel treatment
Logo elements should never be rotated
Logo should never be rotated
Logo colour cannot be altered or switched in any way
Logo colour cannot be altered or switched in any way
Branding Style Guide | 18
Unacceptable Logo Usage
Logo must appear with the correct allocated space around the elements
Logo must never appear cropped
Logo must never be stretched
Logo should not sit on a coloured or detailed background other than those outlined in this guide
one life multiple choices
Logo type should never be changed
Hunter TAFE
Logo must never look blurred or pixelated
Logo should never be warped
Logo must not sit on complex imagery
Branding Style Guide | 19
3. Colour
Colour Palette Overview
Primary Brand Colour
Secondary Colours
Career Area Accent Colours
Hunter TAFE
Branding Style Guide | 21
Colour Breakdowns
Primary Brand Colour
Secondary Colours
Corporate Black PMS: Pantone Black CMYK: 1 0/0/100/0 RGB: 0/0/0 HEX: 000000
Corporate White CMYK: 0 /0/0/0 RGB: 255/255/255 HEX: FFFFFF
Corporate Grey PMS: 428 CMYK: 7/7/6/8 RGB: 206/203/204 HEX: CECBCC
Corporate Green PMS: 375C CMYK: 4 6/0/90/0 RGB: 151/215/0 HEX: 97D700
Hunter TAFE
Branding Style Guide | 22
Career Area Colour Allocation
Career Area Accent Colours
Building Industries
Manufacturing & Engineering
Maritime & Marine
Retail & Logistics
Animal & Equine Studies
Transport & Mining
CMYK: 52/0/0/0 PMS: 297 RGB: 113/196/232
CMYK: 86/8/0/0 PMS: 299 RGB: 16/162/220
CMYK: 100/31/0/0 PMS: 3005 RGB: 0/119/200
CMYK: 100/52/0/0 PMS: 2935 RGB: 0/87/184
CMYK: 81/0/39/0 PMS: 326 RGB: 0/178/169
CMYK: 99/0/84/0 PMS: 340 RGB: 0/150/94
Environment, Horticulture & Primary Industries
Community, Health & Fitness
Children’s Services
Hairdressing & Beauty
Creative Industries, Fashion & Media
CMYK: 14/48/53/26 PMS: 497 RGB: 170/128/102
CMYK: 0/73/15/0 PMS: 7423 RGB: 224/98/135
CMYK: 16/83/0/0 PMS: 674 RGB: 198/87/154
CMYK: 0/84/15/0 PMS: 7424 RGB: 226/69/133
CMYK: 47/72/0/0 PMS: 2583 RGB: 160/94/181
Information Technology
Education for careers and further study
Administration, Business, Library & Real Estate
Food Services & Hospitality
Tourism, Events & Outdoor Recreation
CMYK: 0/100/72/0 PMS: 199 RGB: 213/0/50
CMYK: 12/77/56/3 PMS: 7418 RGB: 210/84/89
CMYK: 0/43/40/0 PMS: 487 RGB: 234/167/148
CMYK: 0/41/100/0 PMS: 137 RGB: 255/163/0
CMYK: 0/7/100/3 PMS: 108 RGB: 254/219/0
CMYK: 82/0/60/0 PMS: 3395 RGB: 0/195/137
Hunter TAFE
Branding Style Guide | 23
Career Area Accent Colour Usage Guidelines
The Career Area accent colours are designed to complement the Hunter TAFE brand colour system and to subtly highlight the career area. The accent colours must only be used in less than 5% of the overall design. The accent colour must only appear on either white, black or the Hunter TAFE striped black background. Accent on White
Accent on Striped Background
DO NOT use on brand colour
Applied Fashion Design and Technology
Agriculture Environment, Horticulture & Primary Industries
Creative Industries, Fashion & Media
I’m proud to be training next wave of industry pros
Quote Line One Quote Line Two
Lorem ipsum et fugitae sinveni hillicium iliae as ipsapero blautrest maionseque sitatem doleniet volorem faccu.
Firstname Lastname
Firstname Lastname
Descriptor line
Descriptor line
XX Descriptor
Lorem ipsum ur molupta dolest, corest, sam est
Call out
debis simillorae sitatur si volupid ucipsusam is lab dolorer ndignimust, sam, suntur.
• Quid quidici llisquament et vidunt volorum velibus sem. • Solorepu dipicie ndandame parumquis asperibus eum fugia Lorem ipsum ur molupta dolest, corest, simillorae sitatur si esequas il ipsapero blaut id exerupta dolorer.
XX Descriptor
XX Descriptor
Um ipiendicti beari sum is doluption cor aute officiu ntemporpor at erest, es simus asserera dolum, siniste sequiam, quam eum, enem. • Riberrore volupta tatur, everuptiatur aut offic tesequatur officiet quo et odita non eos eum remporectem si volupid ucipsusam is lab illaborum id esequas il ipsapero blaut id. • Doluptus autes ventia dolecto dem et et dipsunt iaectia
120 words
• Volendae et lisit, untionsed exernatios earum is et maiorum et occaes natisini nia nus, tem enis voloreh entiunt esto bea nem eium quident elentionem qui volorehenis Lorem ipsum ur molupta dolest, corest, sam est debis simillorae sitatur si volupid ucipsusam is lab illaborum id eseqblaut id exerupta dolorer ciducie ndignimust, sam, suntur. Uptasped que con idis a explit ius accullore ipsandigeni conecta tatiam, simus.
Call 131 225
Example: Generic Brochure
Hunter TAFE
Google Hunter TAFE
XX Descriptor
XX Descriptor
Certificate III – 19928
Certificate II – 19924
Certificate IV – 19943
You will learn about safe work and environmental practices, as well as basic and relevant technical skills. This includes: broad acre cropping; dairy; livestock production; irrigation; horse breeding; machinery operation and maintenance; pork production, sheep and wool; and pest control.
Develop advanced technical and husbandry skills, learn best practice agricultural procedures, technical and management skills and how to apply OHS and quality assurance practices as a senior employee on a rural enterprise. Upon completion you advanced standing in Agriculture Certificate IV.
This course will teach you selected skills areas which could include: cropping; dairy; livestock production; agribusiness; chemicals use; irrigation; horse breeding; machinery operation and maintenance; merchandising and sales; organic production; pest management; soils; and wool.
For more information contact: Sam Williams-Mitchell Hunter taFe teacher
For more information contact: Sam Williams-Mitchell Hunter taFe teacher
For more information contact: Sam Williams-Mitchell Hunter taFe teacher
1800 443 315
1800 443 315
1800 443 315
Google Hunter TAFE
Call 131 225
Example: DL Course Brochure
Branding Style Guide | 24
4. Typography
Brand Typography
The typography for Hunter TAFE utilises two fonts – a display font called ‘Sanchez’ and a body font called ‘Univers Condensed’. Sanchez is a modern slab serif and balances the sans serif body copy neatly.
Univers 47 Light Condensed
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog (20pt)
Univers 47 Light Condensed Italic
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog (20pt)
Univers 67 Light Bold
Hunter TAFE
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog (20pt)
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog (20pt)
Branding Style Guide | 26
Online Typography
The online typography for Hunter TAFE utilises two fonts – a display font called ‘Sanchez’ and a body font called ‘Nimbus’. These fonts are specifically designed for online viewing and should only appear on the website and mobile site.
Hunter TAFE
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog (20pt)
Nimbus Sans
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog (20pt)
Nimbus Bold
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog (20pt)
Branding Style Guide | 27
PC Typography
The in-house typography use for matching the brand fonts includes two fonts – a display font called ‘Rockwell’ and a body font called ‘Arial’. These are standard fonts that are available on most PC computers. Note: These fonts should only be used when there is no access to the hero brand fonts (Sanchez and Univers Condensed).
Hunter TAFE
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog (20pt)
Arial Regular
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog (20pt)
Arial Italic
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog (20pt)
Arial Bold
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog (20pt)
Branding Style Guide | 28
Typography Usage & Proportions
The typography is proportionally balanced with the headline (X) and sub headline (80%X) in the brand font (Sanchez). The body copy (Univers) is legible and structured (47.5%X). Please see InDesign paragraph style sheets for specific examples of correct point sizes and spacing for type according to collateral specifications.
Hunter TAFE
Sanchez Regular, 0 Tracking, Left Aligned
Upper Case Headline
Sanchez Regular, 0 Tracking, Left Aligned
Subheader One
Univers 67 Bold Condensed, Tracking 30, Sentence Case
Subheader Two in Title Case
Univers 47 Light Condensed, 30 Tracking, Left Aligned
Body Copy iquassit labor sit debis et doluptur sit in con ellenih ilibus enis id quistis rem fugiati doluptatem. Epe nesed quiae eum nectem haritib usamus andit optas et autendu cienimo lumenim siminciendel minctia temposae. Temqui alit, se et eum qui acepratur re, coritio nestis ea autemolupta ipsumque perem qui blab idit eossita voluptur. • Doluptus autes ventia dolecto dem et et dipsunt iaectia • Volendae et lisit, untionsed exernatios earum is et maiorum et occaes natisini nia nus, tem enis
Branding Style Guide | 29
Typographic Usage: Padding Content Areas
To ensure consistent flow of text, it is important that the typographic padding matches the ‘X-Height’ in the margins. This allows for maximum legibility and maintains the visual consistency between different text modules.
Hunter TAFE
Subheadline Lorem ipsum ur molupta dolest, corest,
Lorem ipsum ur molupta dolest, corest,
sam est debis simillorae sitatur si volupid
sam est debis simillorae sitatur si
ucipsusam is lab dolorer ndignimust, sam,
volupid ucipsusam is lab dolorer
ndignimust, sam, suntur.
• Q uid quidici llisquament et vidunt volorum velibus sem.
• Q uid quidici llisquament et vidunt volorum velibus sem.
• S olorepu dipicie ndandame parumquis asperibus eum fugia
• Solorepu dipicie ndandame parumquis asperibus eum fugia
Lorem ipsum ur molupta dolest, corest,
Lorem ipsum ur molupta dolest, corest,
simillorae sitatur si esequas il ipsapero
simillorae sitatur si esequas il ipsapero
blaut id exerupta dolorer.
blaut id exerupta dolorer.
Branding Style Guide | 30
Grids & Margins The collateral layout elements are modular. The layout can either be set up as a 3 or 6 column grid, with gutter between columns matching the margins being used. In larger documents it is advised to use a vertical grid of odd-number proportions (from the baseplate-up). The logo must always appear on the right hand side of the layout in accordance to the baseplate guidelines outlined on pages 12, 14 and 16. A suite of marketing templates has been developed using this modular grid.
Basic layout guide: DL = 5mm all sides A4 = 5mm all sides A3+ = 10mm all sides
Hunter TAFE
A4 Template Structure – 2 Column
A4 Template Structure – 3 Column
DL Template Structure – 2 Column
DL Template Structure – 3 Column
Branding Style Guide | 31
Text Box Display
The text boxes used in the Hunter TAFE collateral is based off a modular system. There area three background colour combinations: White, Brand Green and Rich Black. Text box combinations are based on the context-type and colour balance in application.
Subheading Lorem Ipsum sint rerrum aut offictium debitaspel inimus,
Lorem Ipsum sint rerrum aut
inverio offic tectecto bla dolest
offictium debitaspel inimus nverio
qui vel miniatq uasitis desequi
offic tectecto dolest Qui vel miniatq
corem que sus venda sa providis
desequi one.
nonsequae et offic tecea verrupta idemporpo nullecepere nonserf erioreh entium illabo. Mtae si autaqua enihit vene ditat a vel ipsant proreprate non nus maxim rempos ist quae entiam, elicaer eriati odis netusci ut intio et aut quid quame doluptatiume quibus. Bea quia doloria simpore dolorem rem corem. Rio ommolorist fugit
Commonly used for the body
Hunter TAFE
Corem que susamus mo imus si imus int voluptaque volupta ernatecus endisit aliquaeces soluptia expliquam rem venda sa providis nonsequae et offic tecea verrupta one doluptisimos nullecepere nonserf erioreh entium illabo imus si imus int ulluptae voluptaque.
Commonly used for features
Lorem Ipsum sint rerrum aut offictium debitaspel inimus? Inverio offic tectecto bla dolest qui vel miniatq uasitis desequi corem que susamus mo imus si imus, int ulluptae voluptaque volupta ernatecus. Endisit etur aliquaeces soluptia id expliquam rem venda sa providis nonsequae et offic tecea.
Lorem Ipsum sint rerrum aut offictium debitaspel inimus? None doluptisimos nullecepere nonserf erioreh entium illabo. Mtae si autaqua enihit vene ditat a vel ipsant proreprate non nus maxim rempos ist quae entiam, elicaer eriati odis netusci ut. None doluptisimos nubo. Mtae si autaqua enihit vene ditat a vel ipsant proreprate non nus maxim rempos ist quae entiam, elicaer eriati odis netusci ut.enihit vene ditat a vel ipsant proreprate non nus maxim rempos ist quae.
Commonly used for points-of-interest
Branding Style Guide | 32
Tabular Text Display
Tabular data is designed to be simple and present text neatly. Always use white background text box with 20% brand green for alternating rows.
Save the Date March
1 st
*subject to change.
Lorem Ipsum sint rerrum aut offictium debitaspel inimus, inveriot. ctium debitaspel ini sit delores.
Lorem Ipsum sint rerrum aut offictium debitaspel inimus, inveriot.
Pum aut offictium debitaspel inveriot. um sint rerrum aut offictiu.
24 th
Lorem Ipsum sint rerrum aut offictium debitaspel inimus, inveriot.
To view all upcoming events visit:
Hunter TAFE
Branding Style Guide | 33
Image & Caption Use
Portrait Option
Landscape Option
Documents that utilise supplementary and supporting imagery and captions have two orientation options – portrait and landscape. The image should always be the lead and utilise the pointer device to direct the eye to the caption. Documents such as newsletters and reports.
Insert caption Lorem Ipsum sint rerrum aut offictium de bitaspel inimus. At itum pleaye. uasitis imus, int ulluptae voluptaque as tip.
Insert caption Lorem Ipsum sint rerrum aut offictium de bitaspel inimus. At itum pleaye. uasitis imus, int ulluptae voluptaque as tip.
Caption sits underneath the image
Hunter TAFE
Caption sits to the left of the image
Branding Style Guide | 34
Header Display Graphic Architecture
The tail is diamond in shape and always sits on the bottom left or right-hand side of the text box
The tail is inset at 50% of its width
When extending the box to cater for more text, it is important to maintain correct proportions of the tail. Simply drag the two left anchor points left.
Drop Shadow is set at: BLENDING Multiply 75% DISTANCE* 2mm, 135째, XY Offset 1.414mm SIZE* 3mm *The drop shadow feathering specifications (distance and size) is based on A4, DL sizes. For larger sizes, please redefine the scaling so that it is proportional to the representation.
Text has a minimum padding of 50%X
Graphic Application
Header Area
Hunter TAFE
Branding Style Guide | 35
Quote Architecture: Longer First Line Graphic Architecture 3 2
As a rule of thumb, the word count for quotes should be two to three lines with a maximum of seven words per line. 1
The quote tail always sits on the top left of the first text box. Its apex is centred under the left quotation mark box.
All text boxes are always aligned to the right.
Firstname Lastname 3
The left quotation mark box is aligned to the left of the first line.
The right quotation mark box is aligned to the right.
The text box colour must be in the Hunter TAFE Green. The text colour must be in the Hunter TAFE Rich Black. The fonts must be Sanchez.
When the quote sits on a dark image, the sign-off line appears in white. When the quote sits on a light image, the sign-off line appears in Hunter TAFE Rich Black.
The sign-off line sits to the left of the last quotation mark
Hunter TAFE Teacher
Graphic Application
This is the area to input real 5
quotes from real people. Firstname Lastname
Hunter TAFE Teacher
Hunter TAFE
Branding Style Guide | 36
Quote Architecture: Longer Second Line Graphic Architecture 1 2
As a rule of thumb, the word count for quotes should be two to three lines with a maximum of seven words per line. 3 1
The quote tail always sits on the top left of the first text box.
All text boxes are always aligned to the right.
The left quotation mark box is aligned to the left of the first line.
The right quotation mark box is aligned to the right.
The text box colour must be in the Hunter TAFE Green. The text colour must be in the Hunter TAFE Rich Black. The fonts must be Sanchez.
When the quote sits on a dark image, the sign-off line appears in white. When the quote sits on a light image, the sign-off line appears in Hunter TAFE Rich Black.
The sign-off line sits to the left of the last quotation mark.
Firstname Lastname
Hunter TAFE Teacher
Graphic Application
This is the area to input real quotes from real people. 5
Firstname Lastname
Hunter TAFE Teacher
Hunter TAFE
Branding Style Guide | 37
Baseplate Architecture: Brand Call-To-Action Display
The baseplate consists of two components of all Hunter TAFE collateral – the brand call-to-action and the logo. The brand call-to-action is always aligned to the left. The logo is always aligned to the right.
Non-Intersected Logo Baseplate
Google Hunter TAFE
Call 131 225
Intersected Logo Baseplate
Google Hunter TAFE
Call 131 225
Intersected Campus Logo Baseplate
Google Hunter TAFE
Hunter TAFE
Call 131 225
Branding Style Guide | 38
Statistical Display
The statistical information is used to quickly establish credibility. Only use statistical information that is easy to validate, such as: - How many students taught in my career? - How long have your been teaching for? etc
932 66 12 95 over
A disclaimer can be used if the information is likely to change: *Valid in line with 2013 statistical data
Hunter TAFE
students taught in my career
apprentices placed in 2012
years experience as a TAFE tutor
average class success rate
years experience in my industry
Branding Style Guide | 39
Statistical Display Variations
The numerical and descriptor line must remain the same proportions across all display options. 1
The statistical information must appear underneath the quote area and must be the same width. Statistics can only appear in either the rich black or white colour depending on the tone of the image underneath.
5 Statistic Display Option
XX XX XX XX XX Descriptor
4 Statistic Display Option
XX Descriptor
XX Descriptor
3 Statistic Display Option
Title andus comnis rehen quamus aperati
Descriptor Line 1
Descriptor Line 1
Descriptor Line 1
Subheading line ipsum dolor Lorem ipsum et fugitae sinveni hillicium iliae as ipsapero blautrest maionseque sitatem doleniet
Line one Line two
volorem faccu. Os plit quia dias sitet de con
Firstname Lastname
Descriptor line
XX Descriptor
XX Descriptor
Hunter TAFE
2 Statistic Display Option
nissus ea vendend igendit es sametur.
XX Descriptor
Descriptor Line 1 Descriptor Line 2
Descriptor Line 1 Descriptor Line 2
Branding Style Guide | 40
5. Graphic Components
Black Striped Background Swatch
The Hunter TAFE black background is a custom swatch created to ensure that the angle of the diagonal lines, their thickness and proportions remain consistent across all Hunter TAFE collateral. This is an integral part of the brand style and must be used on all collateral.
Background Swatch
The white diagonal lines sit at a 10% transparency on a rich black solid background.
Hunter TAFE
Branding Style Guide | 42
None doluptisimos nullecepere nonserf erioreh entium illabo. Mtae si autaqua enihit maxim rempos intio et aut quid quibus.
et faccatiur sum id mos nullectiorio vendio ellat. Namendio eriam que pelique nihicimusdam Insert caption quuntionsed ut laboreLorem cuptaIpsum aut atur vel elaut et offictium hicimi. de sintsus rerrum
bitaspel inimus. At itum pleaye. uasitis None doluptisimos nonserf erioreh entium imus, int ulluptae voluptaque as tip. illabo. Mtae rempos intio et autSubhead quame quibus. Bea quia doloria corem. Rio Bea quia doloria corem. Rio nullectiorio vendio ellat. Namenur? nullectiorio vendio ellat. Namendio que Veles aut quat. Udignam am, occae ommolenet officium volles Subhead pelique ut labore cupta aut sus vel el et es accatia illuptatur, que estrum sequis repudi quae velectur None doluptisimos nonserf erioreh entium hicimi. aceatiae velendis autam fuga.Alit faciliqui omnis accus, 540 Word Count illabo. Mtae rempos intio et aut quibus. arciendit aut est, sunt latemquias expello rempora qui occum Bea quia doloria simpore dolorem rem corem. volupta spitibusciis alitatent asped corem. magnatem sam, te Bea quia doloria Rio nullectiorio Rio ommolorist qui dolutem et faccatiur sum vendio ellat. Namendio eriam que pelique id mos nullectiorio vendio ellat. ut labore cupta aut sus vel el et hicimi. More Info Call Subhead Namendio eriam que pelique nihicimusdam Namendio eriam que pelique nihicimusdam doloria corem. di suntota con consectur to ami theo pleps naidial.Ur? Quid qui odis ut labore cupta aut atur sus velBea el etquia hicimi. que pelique nihicimusdam ut labore cupta aut nos delectio quat ducit ut il il idebisquunt oditataeri sanditi nctenduntio bea. vitia corem et et ut labore cupta aut atur sus vel el et hicimi. dolore cust officid ignitem nusdae pa distinumqui delis eum aut quis ra qui a non cup nonecta. Subhead None doluptisimos nonserf erioreh entium
Generic Call-To-Action Iconography Bea quia doloria simpore dolorem rem corem. Rio ommolorist qui dolutem et faccatiur sum id que pelique nihicimusdam ut labore cupta aut atur sus vel el et hicimi. • None doluptisimos nullecepere erioreh
Call out Here!
Call-to-action iconography entium suite illabo. is used for all directional, instructional, way-finding destination icons. • Mtae and si autaqua enihit vene ditat a vel They are ipsant proreprate non nus maxim rempos distinguishable by their round shape. ist quae entiam.
• Elicaer eriati odis netusci ut intio et aut quid quame doluptatiume quibus. • Bea quia simpore dolorem rem corem.
Subhead Bea quia doloria corem. Rio nullectiorio vendio ellat. Namendio cupta aut atur sus vel el et hicimi que pelique cupta aut atur sus vel cupta aut atur sus vel el et hicimi que pelique nihicimusdam ut labore cupta aut. None doluptisimos nonserf erioreh entium illabo. Mtae rempos et hicimi que pelique eriam que pelique ut intio et aut quibus.
Social media icons are used to drive the ‘Connect with us’ call-to-action.
Insert caption Lorem Ipsum sint rerrum aut offictium de imus, int ulluptae voluptaque as tip.
Google Hunter TAFE
illabo. Mtae rempos et aut quame quibus. Bea quia doloria corem. Rio nullectiorio None dolucaer eriati odis netusci ut intio et aut quid quame doluptatiume quibus. Bea quia vendio ellat. Namendio eriam que pelique ut Click dolorem rem corem. Rio ommolorist fugit pre Email doloria simpore non consequuntus est vendi ute Subhead labore cupta aut sus vel el et hicimi. verore voloreium qui dolutem et fa. Namendio eriam que pelique nihicimusdam Namendio eriam que pelique nihicimusdam ut labore cupta aut atur sus vel el et hicimi. ut labore cupta aut atur sus vel el et hicimi. Bea mos vendio ellat. Namendio eriam que Bea quia doloria simpore dolorem rem corem. Connect with us pelique nihicimusdam quia doloria Google Callquia 131 225 Rio ommolorist qui dolutem et faccatiur sum Hunter TAFE simpore dolorem rem corem. Rio ut labore id mos nullectiorio vendio ellat. Namendio cupta corem. Rio nullectiorio vendio ellat. eriam que pelique nihicimusdam ut labore cupta aut atur sus vel el et hicimi. Rio nullectiorio vendio ellat. Namendio cupta
Bea quia doloria simpore dolorem rem corem. Rio ommolorist qui dolutem et faccatiur sum id que pelique nihicimusdam ut labore cupta aut atur sus el et hicimi. • None doluptisimos nullecepere erioreh entium illabo. • Mtae si autaqua enihit vene ditat a vel ipsant proreprate non nus maxim ist.
For more information lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Contact Name Contact title (02) 4923 7839
Call-to-action example
None doluptisimos nonserf erioreh entium illabo. Mtae rempos intio et quame quibus.
aut atur sus vel el et hicimi que pelique hicimi que pelique ut labore cupta aut. Rio ommolorist qui dolutem et faccatiur sum id mos vendio ellat.
Bea quia doloria corem. Rio nullectiorio vendio ellat. Namendio eriam que pelique YouTube External Relations and Strategy URL nihicimusdam ut labore cupta aut que pelique ut labore cupta aut sus vel el et hicimi labore Contact Name cupta aut atur sus vel el et hicimi. Bea quia Contact title doloria simpore dolorem rem corem. Rio ommolorist qui dolutem et faccatiur sum id mos nullectiorio vendio ellat.
Namendio eriam que pelique nihicimusdam ut labore cupta aut atur sus vel el et hicimi.
Call 131 225
+61 4923 7839 hunter. international@
Connect with us
‘Connect with us’ example
Hunter TAFE
Branding Style Guide | 43
reemantle WA) and the Australian Maritime College in ommonwealth Government’s Shipping Reform initiative, skill base required for an Call-To-Action industry of key strategic Generic URL Usage 5.1.3
When using the URL as a call-to-action
in studio-based, fine arts training for emerging it appears with the hand icon and call icon. reative and intimate learning environment.Located in “hunter” must always appear in white and ol’s facilities are well equipped with the latest “” must always appear in the ools of the artist. Teachers at the Newcastle Art School brand green. recognised artists with strong reputations locally,
trades and includes life skills in financial awareness, health, nutrition, communication and road safety.
Call 131 225
Connect with us
Stage 2 opened The Honorable George Souris MP officially opened Stage 2 of the Mining Skills Centre in November. This included the expansion and refurbishment of Automotive training facilities. Works included construction of three additional workshop bays, totaling 172m2 of additional floor area increasing the total volume of training delivered on site.
Call-to-action URL example
entre located at the Newcastle Campus is a modern hat specialises in enrolled nursing, aged care, and health g work) programs. Supported by strong partnerships with When using the URL the baseplateknowledge of a long document provides students with the inappropriate and it appears all in white and without the icon. e assistant, personal care assistant (PCA) or care worker.
Baseplate URL example
Hunter TAFE
Branding Style Guide | 44
Course-Related Drop Pin Iconography
A suite of course-related drop pin iconography has been created for use when a course is promoted. Only one drop pin can be used per course as a point-of-interest highlight. The drop pin is used as part of the course-header. See example.
On Campus
Short Course
Higher Education
Enviro Course
Online Course
Certificate III – 19928
Certificate II – 19924
Certificate IV – 19943
You will learn about safe work and environmental practices, as well as basic and relevant technical skills. This includes: broad acre cropping; dairy; livestock production; irrigation; horse breeding; machinery operation and maintenance; pork production, sheep and wool; and pest control.
Develop advanced technical and husbandry skills, learn best practice agricultural procedures, technical and management skills and how to apply OHS and quality assurance practices as a senior employee on a rural enterprise. Upon completion you advanced standing in Agriculture Certificate IV.
This course will teach you selected skills areas which could include: cropping; dairy; livestock production; agribusiness; chemicals use; irrigation; horse breeding; machinery operation and maintenance; merchandising and sales; organic production; pest management; soils; and wool.
For more information contact: Sam Williams-Mitchell Hunter taFe teacher
For more information contact: Sam Williams-Mitchell Hunter taFe teacher
For more information contact: Sam Williams-Mitchell Hunter taFe teacher
1800 443 315
1800 443 315
1800 443 315
Google Hunter TAFE
Call 131 225
Example: DL Course Brochure
Hunter TAFE
Branding Style Guide | 45
Supplementary Graphic Devices
Supplementary elements and graphic devices are used to enhance the Hunter TAFE brand. There are two element categories: Brand and Career Area. The Career Area elements are the approved graphics that the accent colour is applied to.
Brand Elements
Headline Device
Secondary call-to-action
Call out
Content-heavy call outs can be used to break up large sections of text.
Career Area Elements Call out
Hunter TAFE
Secondary call-to-action
Branding Style Guide | 46
Secondary Call-To-Action Usage Guidelines
Instances where secondary call-to-action icons occur include collateral items with direct point of contact outside the brand baseplate. Secondary call-to-action icons always appear as part of the text without the roundel on either white or black. In the instances where the contact relates to a Career Area, these icons area accented to the relevant colour.
Certificate II – 19924
Part of our call-to-actions community Secondary are reversed BeLMONt Pacific Highway, Belmont (02) 4979 6100
KUrrI KUrrI Heddon Street, Kurri Kurri (02) 4936 0300
SINGLetON York Street, Singleton (02) 6578 7100
CeSSNOCK Darwin Street, Cessnock (02) 4993 0400
MaItLaNd Cnr Ferraby Drive & New England Highway, Metford (02) 4930 2888
tOMaree Salamander Way, Salamander Bay (02) 4981 1444
GLeNdaLe Frederick Street, Glendale (02) 4979 1600 GOSFOrd Cnr Henry Parry Drive & Margin Street, Gosford (02) 4348 2222 HaMILtON Parry Street, NewcastleWest (02) 4969 9411 HUNter Street Hunter Street, Newcastle (02) 4929 0333
MUSWeLLBrOOK Maitland Street, Muswellbrook (02) 6542 1100
WYONG Porter Street, Wyong (02) 4350 2222
NeWCaStLe Maitland Road, Tighes Hill (02) 4923 7222 OUrIMBaH Brush Road, Ourimbah (02) 4348 4030 SCONe Cnr Bunnan & Racecourse Roads, Scone (02) 6540 3200
External Relations and Strategy
You will learn about safe work and environmental practices, as well as basic and relevant technical skills. This includes: broad acre cropping; dairy; livestock production; irrigation; horse breeding; machinery operation and maintenance; pork production, sheep and wool; and pest control.
Develop advanced learn best practice technical and mana OHS and quality as employee on a rura you advanced stan
For more information contact: Sam Williams-Mitchell Hunter taFe teacher
For more infor Sam Williams-M Hunter taFe tea
sam.william @hunter.taf
1800 443 315
1800 443 3
Google Hunter TAFE Career Area secondary call-to-action iconography used on white with accented colour
Contact Name Contact title +61 4923 7839
Campus secondary call-to-action iconography on black in brand colour
Hunter TAFE
Branding Style Guide | 47
Career Area Iconography Suite
Education for Careers and Further Study
Hairdressing & Beauty
Manufacturing & Engineering
Community, Health & Fitness
Creative Industries, Fashion & Media
Tourism, Events & Outdoor Recreation
Food Services & Hospitality
Information Technology
Retail & Logistics
Administration, Business, Library & Real Estate
Environment, Horticulture & Primary Industries
Animal & Equine Studies
Maritime & Marine
Transport & Mining
Children’s Services
Building Industries
Hunter TAFE
Branding Style Guide | 48
Additional Graphic Icons
Secondary icons which can also be used for directional, instructional, way-finding and destination purposes.
Disabled Access
Hunter TAFE
Branding Style Guide | 49
My Students 5.1.9
Career Area Iconography Suite Usage Guidelines
taste, touch, sm
It’s essential my students experience their t experience their training
Hunter TAF Co
Firstname Lastname
Descriptor line
XX Descriptor
1. Heading The Career Area iconography suite has three applications: 1. When the Career Area appears as part of the heading 2. When the Career Area appears as part of the sub-heading 3. When the course code appears under a course name
932 66 12 9 over
students taught in my career
2. Sub-heading
apprenctices placed in 2012
years experience as a TAFE tutor
Food Services &Hospitality Hospitality
(Commercial Cookery)
Alistrum offic to ommoluptamet qui conemolor re utea qui
Food Services & Hospitality
The Career Area icons are always base-aligned with the first line of text. The icon height range is between X=1-1.5 of the text height. Rules for Exceptions – Signage: Career Area icon priorities may change dependant on its application. Executions that utilise Career Area icons for wayfinding may have the icon at maximum size. The Career Area icon must never be longer than the Huner TAFE logo when used in conjunction.
3. Course Code
Certificate III –
Certificate II – 19924 You will learn about safe work and environmental practices, as well as basic and relevant technical skills. This includes: broad acre cropping; dairy; livestock production; irrigation; horse breeding; machinery operation and maintenance; pork production, sheep and wool; and pest control.
Develop advanced technical and hu learn best practice agricultural proc technical and management skills an OHS and quality assurance practice employee on a rural enterprise. Upo you advanced standing in Agricultu
For more information contact: Sam Williams-Mitchell Hunter taFe teacher
For more information conta Sam Williams-Mitchell Hunter taFe teacher
1800 443 315
1800 443 315
Google Hunter TAFE Hunter TAFE
Call 1
Branding Style Guide | 50
Single Hero Photography Architecture Background activity is contained (Out of focus) 1
The image must have the ability to extend left in post-production
5 The image must have the ability to extend right in post-production
Dead Zone
Hero(es) must sit on the left of the shot
Hunter TAFE
Branding Style Guide | 52
Single Hero Photographic Styling
Talent Description • Positive, proud, clean, talent who connect with the camera (ideally no crossed arms). • Candid expressions, do not force smiles – no cheese please. • Shot with camera at talent eye level. • Clothing in neutral colours (greys/creams) – No stripes or patterns – Not too busy – No bright colours – No black or dark shirts • Talent can be holding notes iPad or can be standing naturally with one hand in pocket or on hip. • Hair to be neat and styled in a contemporary way. • Makeup to be natural and not too heavy. Background Description • Background talent is engaged in activity. • Nothing to stand out or be too distracting in the background (i.e. no bright colours or bright lights). • Image to be fairly static, not too busy (i.e. two to five students). • Students to be in an environment within Hunter TAFE facilities on campus (when possible/appropriate – i.e. studio, classroom, kitchen, library). • Image to depict a natural teaching situation.
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Dual Heroes Engaging Photography Architecture Background activity is contained (Out of focus) 1
The image must have the ability to extend left in post-production
5 The image must have the ability to extend right in post-production
Dead Zone
Hero(es) must sit on the left of the shot
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Dual Heroes Engaging Photography Styling
Talent Description • Talent is engaged in a demonstrating/teaching position. • They are deeply immersed in their activity. • T he talent appear happy – the teacher in providing their k nowledge and the student to receive it. It should portray a collaboration between the two parties. • The activity should be appropriate for the scenario. • Be able to clearly see both talents’ faces, i.e. one isn’t bodily blocking out the other. Background Description • Nothing to stand out or be too distracting in the background i.e. no bright colours or bright lights. • Image to be not too busy. • Image to depict a natural teaching situation.
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Photographic Tones
Dark/Black Tones
Light/White Tones
Photographs must have strong black or white tones.
No yellow or fluorescent tones
Note: Stock photography has been used for representation purposes.
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Contact For enquiries please contact: Steve Mitchell 0477 334 280