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June 26 BOT meeting: Campus minimum wage increase and new programs

EVAN FISCHER Campus Reporter

The Oakland University Board of Trustees (BOT) met on June 26 to discuss new programs, the University’s annual budget, a new public policy series and a campus minimum wage increase.

The meeting opened with President Ora Pescovitz receiving the Michiganian of the Year award from The Detroit News.

“It’s not a credit to me, but it’s a credit to the community at Oakland University,” Pescovitz said.

President’s Report

Pescovitz announced several upcoming changes. Dr. Christopher Coleman will be the new Dean of Nursing, and Pescovitz announced the acceptance of a $1 million gift from OU Credit Union.

The gift will create opportunities for OU to double down on the work the school community has done and to expand its efforts beyond what was originally within the scope of possibility for the school.

It was also announced OU is collaborating with the College for Creative Studies (CSS) to provide an Augmented Reality Center (ARC). Pescovitz believes the ARC will open up plenty of new learning opportunities for all students, especially students interested in science, medical studies and gaming. The ARC opened on June 23, and Pescovitz encouraged everyone to stop by and experience what it offers.

Dennis Muchmore Public Policy Series

The BOT has announced a new public policy series available to all students, faculty and people outside of the OU community.

This program, according to Pescovitz, “elevates OU’s commitment to rigorous public discourse and shows our commitment to supporting the first amendment.”

Pescovitz also said the series will allow OU to advance its “advocacy for civility.”

David Dulio is the director of the Center for Civic Engagement. He believes the Dennis Muchmore public policy series will take efforts made regarding civil discourse and engagement “to another level.”

School of Health Science’s Eclipse Program

Kevin Ball, the Dean of Health Sciences, presented on the ECLIPSE (Explorations in Collaborative Leadership and Interprofessional Education) program for the School of Health Sciences.

The program is built to help students apply the skills they are learning within their degree as they work towards it. This allows them to have realworld experience before they face the job market.

There will be a recorded information meeting for ECLIPSE on September 11 from 12-1 p.m. in the Human Health Building.

2023-2024 Budget Proposal

Steven W. Mackey, the Vice President for Finance and Administration and the Treasurer for OUs BOT, proposed an increase in tuition of 4.5% compared to last year. He also proposed a tuition increase of 2.0% compared to last year for the OU School of Medicine.

The BOT accepted his proposal. Mackey says raising tuition across the board will provide muchneeded changes for OU.

Mackey proposed changes such as increased faculty wages, improved campus security, as well as being able to provide over 44 million dollars in financial aid.

Mackey also stated OU’s housing costs are “either staying flat or dropping as much as 4.6%.”

It was also announced this upcoming fall that all undergraduate student employment positions will start at $15 per hour, and graduate student employment positions will start at $25 per hour.

The OU’s BOT will meet next on Zoom on August 10 at 11 a.m. and in person on September 11 at 2 p.m. in Banquet Room A of the Oakland Center.

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