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Astrology and Weather

by Öner Döşer

Astrology and Weather


Predicting weather by astrology is one of its most ancient applications. The astrologers of old mostly observed the conjunction of the planets, and for longterm predictions, they used Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions. Today, we also reference the outer planets to predict the weather as well as potential disasters. In the chart of Saturn-Jupiter conjunction for December 21, 2020, we see that these two make a square with Uranus. Therefore, we understand that a number of natural disasters, especially earthquakes, will likely increase, along with electrical weather conditions.

Uranus brings high barometric pressure. It indicates waves of cold air. It is associated with cold, strong winds, and storms which produce tornados and hurricanes. Its square with Saturn brings cool and stormy weather conditions in all seasons. Saturn and Uranus, which are related to cold weather, increase the possibility of cold weather below seasonal norms. Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Aquarius also increases the possibility of cold weather conditions below the seasonal norm.

During this new cycle, the world might experience earthquakes in places where no earthquakes have happened, as well as tornados which we have just started to observe. The change in ocean currents may bring sudden changes in weather conditions. Therefore, we may experience sudden floods, hurricanes which were not observed in Turkey before, and extreme storms. Volcanic activities may also increase. It is a fact that major volcano eruptions have serious effects on the world climate. If they occur during the solar minimum period in winter, they decrease the temperatures and we may experience longer winters.

My research has indicated other factors. As a result of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, minerals and water resources in the world are shifting places. Crops may grow in places where no crops grew before, and the soil becomes arable. Increasing natural disasters during the coming cold period may bring such beneficial results to some regions which may become more productive than before.

Uranus is associated with cold, strong winds, and storms which produce tornados and hurricanes.

We may experience global cooling, as stated by some scientists. Agricultural production may decrease due to the lack of rainfall with the ensuing drought. As a result, there may be food scarcity and an extreme or volatile increase in food prices. (who and how?)

If the solar activities decrease and affect the temperature on the Earth, we will need to determine energy policies in the short-term. This is what John Casey mentioned in his book “Dark Winter, which I have been studying during the previous 10 years. I will emphasize Casey’s sentence in his book: “Mankind’s attempts to more accurately predict future climates on Earth should be primarily based on solar activity cycles, which are caused by the Sun’s internal processes acting in concert with the other planets and our Earth-Moon system.”

According to Casey, we will experience a cold era between 2020 and 2045 and the years between 2031 and 2037 will be the coldest. Following Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Aquarius, which is a cold sign, Pluto will enter Aquarius at the end of 2024 and will stay there until 2044. We will wait and see if these transits are related to the cold era mentioned by Casey, or not.

Northern countries and Europe could be affected. Perhaps we might experience harsh winters in Istanbul and in the western parts of Turkey and begin to produce staples which are resistant to cold and can be stored for a long time. Of particular importance are the areas of Central Anatolia and Konya delta which are grain silos of our country. Expansion of cultivation in these places can help prepare us for the near

future and assist us in developing economic programs that can resist long-term recession due to a potential of economic depression in the coming period. The quantity of crops and harvest decreases during the time when sunspot activities are at lowest levels. So, again I would like to emphasize that we have to pay attention to agriculture, which is in need of far-sighted reform.

Water will be one of the important themes of the coming period. Following Neptune's ingress into Aries, no outer planets will be in water signs until Uranus

Uranus's square with Saturn brings cool and stormy weather conditions in all seasons.

enters Cancer and Pluto enters Pisces. As a result, we may experience water shortage.

Additionally, there is a risk of cloudbursts impacting some regions of the world with flooding. With Jupiter-Neptune-VenusMars alignment in Pisces during 2022 spring, cities like Venice and other low-lying metropolises are particularly vulnerable.

The possible outcomes in weather described above invite collaboration among professionals in science, agriculture, and policy-making to establish the best possible short-term and long-range planning and action.

Oner Doser, AMA, ISAR Cap, Cert. OPA OPA Satellite for Turkey, Member of APAI Founder of AstroArt School of Astrology www.onerdoser.com R

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