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Observatorio Político Dominicano, una iniciativa de la Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo



Femicides are a serious violation of women’s human rights and fundamental freedoms, this is considered as the most direct expression of the historically established power inequalities between men and women. In Latin America and the Caribbean, femicides have become a serious public health and safety problem, showing since last decade the highest incidence rates of femicides. In the case of the Dominican Republic, from 2016 to date, this type of violence has cost the lives of 566 women, adolescents, and girls. The main objective of this research is to show data on femicides that allow deepening the analysis, contributing ideas and refl ections, contributing to the elaboration of comprehensive public policies and, fi nally, observing their behavior of crime over time, both in the Dominican Republic and in Latin America.

Keywords: femicide, murder, weapons, woman, invisible victims, femicide violence.

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