5 minute read
Meet The “Axe-Perts”
Brandi Whitley
Lee County is finally on target. The AuburnOpelika community has two locally-owned ax throwing hideaways: Blade and Barrel and Axe Marks the Spot.
Blade and Barrel: Midtown Auburn’s latest hotspot for everyone.
Ever wanted to open a business with your best friends? Well, that is Blade and Barrel’s exact origin story. One night, Craig and Katie Miller met up with their long-time friends Lane and Ashley Minor. Next thing you know, the couples agreed to start up Auburn’s first ax-centered entertainment center.
“You know, honestly, it [the idea of opening an ax throwing place in Auburn] is pretty simple,” Craig Miller said. “We didn’t have one.”
Blade and Barrel opened in March 2021, and is located in Midtown Auburn on Opelika Road and operates Thursday through Sunday. The couples thought this was a great place for adults to have a unique experience.
“It provided a way for us to go somewhere else besides a bar, restaurant or movie,” Miller said.
One thing, in particular, drew the Millers and Minors to opening an ax-throwing establishment: the BYOB (Bring Your Own Booze) atmosphere.
Unlike movies and nightclubs, Blade and Barrel only offer a cooler. It’s up to you to bring drinks and food.
“There’s nowhere else you can do this in the Auburn area,” Miller said. “It’s a very affordable way to have a different experience for your team, office or family.”
The team soon added Brandi Whitley as their general manager; COVID-19’s stern restrictions loosened and the rest soon fell into place perfectly as Blade and Barrel prepared to open.
“You got to see people interacting with their families,” Whitley said. “With people being strapped with COVID, it’s nice to see people starting to do things together again.”
A successful opening brightened the hopes of this close-knit team and fueled their passion for entertainment.
Helping customers figure out their rhythm within ax throwing is one of Whitley’s favorite things about the job, she said. When coaching people, Whitley said it makes you realize how people tick.
Food and Entertainment

“Think about a little boy; he may not listen to his parents, but he will probably listen to us,” Whitley said.
Every lane will have an “axe-pert” throughout their session. From pep talks to strategy, your personal helper has your back. After about 15 minutes of an ax-throwing frenzy, Whitley said customers start to get a hang of things.
For people wanting to give this sport a go, one of Blade and Barrel’s owners have some pointers.
“Everybody has to throw their first ax somewhere, so it might as will be here,” Miller said. “Everybody stinks in the beginning.”
Along with Miller, Whitley also gave comfort to those anxious about an ax-throwing disaster.
“There are different ways of throwing,” Whitley said. “We will find a way to make it stick at least once; you’ll get there.”
The lanes are protected and kid-friendly; Nothing will break with one bad throw. Whitley urges everyone to come in and give it their best.
“Don’t worry about missing,” Whitley said. “Don’t worry about it hitting the floor. Don’t worry if … it tears up anything. Accidents happen for a reason; it’s not a big deal.” She explains this is a sport for everybody.
“There’s no limitation,” Whitley said. “We don’t discriminate against anyone. We find a way to make everyone have a good time.”
When she says everyone, she truly means everyone.
“We’ve had a gentleman who [had cerebral palsy,]” Whitley said. “We’ve also had a large group of pregnant ladies.”
Miller explained how important it is to truly understand the safety and environment of ax-throwing hubs.
“I think there sometimes can be a misconception for ax throwing and what this place is,” Miller said. “People need to realize this is an absolute family environment.”
Blade and Barrel has a plethora of gaming options ranging from standard targets to zombies. For those ages 8 and up, prices are $20 per hour; Team-building events and birthday parties can also book the entire space.
For more information on booking and all things ax throwing, call 334-521-0970 or go to bladeandbarrelaxe.com. They will make sure you have an “ax-cellent” time.

Axe Marks the Spot: The latest nightlife adventure.
Auburn isn’t the only city looking for some axthrowing action.
What was once the beloved Downtown Barbershop located on S. Eighth Street in Opelika is quickly transforming into a recreational ax-throwing center.
It only took one ax throw in May 2020 for Emily Key to decide she wanted a place of her own. The grand opening took place in July 2021.
“It was only one hour, one time,” Key said. “Then I decided … I’m opening my own ax place.”
Key’s fascination led her to build a target in her own backyard. She spent many hours practicing her form, as well as teaching her friends the basics of ax throwing. She hopes in the future she will be an “axepert.”
Remodeling buildings is Key’s middle name. With nine years of experience, she welcomed this barbershop-turned-nightlife project with open arms.
Key owns two businesses and one nonprofit centered around remodeling and housing needs: Three Key Properties LLC, Key Concepts LLC and Key Living Solutions.
“I’m a hammer and ax person, not a paperwork person,” Key said.
What really drew Key into the ax-throwing community was the unique experience. She realized there was nothing like this — a place where you can bring your own food and beverage — while enjoying a recreational activity in Opelika.
Key plans on being open in the evenings and will announce specific times soon.
Prices will be $20 per hour for each person, but Key will make every day a different discount. From grocery store workers to medical professionals, she wants everyone to feel acknowledged.
“I’m doing this not only to encourage people to come but to show my appreciation,” Key said.
She will also host private events for team-building exercises and parties.
“I want to be open for anyone at any time,” Key said regarding special occasions. “Even if someone says they want an event on 8 a.m. on a Tuesday.”
Scheduling an event will also be cheaper than the usual $20 per person every hour.
For those wanting to pick up an ax, Key offers some crucial advice.
“There’s no gender, size, strength, age — nothing matters when it comes to throwing an ax,” Key said.