3 minute read
Opelika High: Taylor Smith
By Lofton Wheeles Photos Contributed By Taylor Smith
Taylor Smith has spent the entire duration of his grade school years in Opelika City Schools — and ran the gamut of extracurricular activities, from sports to academics to student involvement.
“I’ve played football, I’m in the Key Club, Anchor Club, National Honor Society, Science National Honor Society, Rho Kappa and Mu Alpha Theta,” Smith said. “I’m also the vice president of my senior class and the president of FBLA.”
A global pandemic didn’t stop Smith, either, from finishing his junior and senior year at Opelika, and continuing his involvement in high school.
“[I think I will remember] my friends, the different activities that I did, the trips I went on and the different things I was involved with the most [about high school],” he said.
Smith said he is grateful to Opelika City Schools for making the best of a strange situation like the COVID-19

pandemic and allowing his senior year to be as great it could be.
“Even though there has been a pandemic and it’s been hard to kind of do things, the school has tried their best to create different things for us to do and try to make everything as normal as possible without breaking any COVID guidelines,” he said. “And that’s probably been the highlight of my year.”
Due to the ongoing pandemic, the normal high school experience looked almost unrecognizable this year due to social distancing guidelines and mask regulations, both set by the CDC. Many high school seniors have faced a “new normal”. Smith is no exception.
“It’s been different trying to adapt to social distancing and wearing your mask and just trying to stay safe,” he said. “It’s having an impact on the way teachers can teach us and the different things that we can do and the activities.
“We’re like spread out in the classroom so like the desks are as far away as possible. It’s been different but the school has tried their best to make the best of the situation.”
Smith plans on going to a four-year college to major in political science. After his time in an undergraduate program, he also plans on continuing his education at a law school.

Class of 2021 … First of all, CONGRATULATIONS! You have completed the journey that began with your first step into a kindergarten classroom to your final steps across the graduation stage. Your diploma doesn’t mean that you were just able to make the grades necessary; It holds a much greater value. This achievement is a testament to all the struggles, excitement, tears, joy, laughter and friendships you have experienced in school. This diploma is a symbol of all the memories you have created for 13 years. Treasure it as you close this chapter of your life.
The quote you selected for the Class of 2021 during your Freshman year was from Nelson Mandela, “It always seems impossible until it’s done.” For many of you, this journey may have felt impossible. After all, 13 years is a long way to go for this moment. And you have dealt with so many hurdles to get where you are: tornadoes, school closures, virtual school and a worldwide pandemic. But, you persevered; you achieved; you completed this chapter. Now it is time for the next chapter! Whether you are going into college, the military or the workforce, write this chapter like a best seller! Impact the world! Conquer the impossible!

Dr. Brad Cook, Principal Smiths Station High School