3 minute read
Ho Ho Ho And War Eagle
Story By Hannah Lester Photos By Matt Austin and Contribtuted To LIVE Lee
What is the history of Aubie The Tiger? According to Auburn University’s website, Aubie’s first iteration was as a cartoon character. “Aubie’s existence began as a cartoon character that first appeared on the Auburn/Hardin-Simmons football program cover on Oct. 3, 1959,” the site said. “Birmingham PostHerald artist Phil Neel created the cartoon Tiger who continued to adorn Auburn program covers for 18 years.”
Aubie’s first physical appearance was in 1979 at the Southeastern Conference basketball tournament.
“Aubie proudly marched into the Birmingham-Jefferson County Civic Center on Feb. 28, 1979, and helped lead first-year Auburn coach Sonny Smith’s team to an upset of Vanderbilt in his first appearance as a live Tiger mascot,” the site said. “The following day, Aubie returned to the arena and the Tigers surprised Georgia in the longest game in SEC tournament history, four overtimes. Before the weekend was complete, Aubie helped lead the ninth-place team in the regular season to the semifinals of the tournament.”
He has definitely changed over the years, both in appearance and demeanor.
Aubie won the UCA Mascot National Champion award in 1991, 1995, 1996, 1999, 2003, 2006, 2012, 2014, 2016 and
2021. He won the Capital One Mascot of the Year in 2014 and was inducted into the Mascot Hall of Fame in 2006. But did you know that Aubie also helps Santa Claus in November and December?
“Aubie Claus is a fun and exciting event that will allow alumni, students and friends to get an early taste of the Christmas spirit,” said Peyton Alsobrook, development officer for Auburn Advancement and Student Affairs Development. “Besides having the opportunity to get their Christmas pictures taken with their favorite Auburn Tiger, the event helps raise funds for the Aubie Program and Aubie’s quest to win his 11th UCA Mascot National Championship.”
Aubie takes pictures with children and adults, those who are Auburn fans and those who are not. There is a calendar that comes out each year, Aubie makes scheduled appearances and he often takes part in the Auburn Christmas Parade.
Rather than his normal game-day outfits, football jerseys or other apparel, Aubie is often seen in an orange and blue “Santa” suit in November and December.
“Aubie’s support team, which includes eight students, does have to put in a lot of work in preparing for the event,” Alsobrook said. “They assist with identifying a location, creating a logistics plan, scheduling sign-ups, designing a T-shirt and working with our partners at Alumni Hall to prepare their Aubie Claus Store, which is on-site for the event.”
The calendar is prepped months before, during the summer, to make sure it is ready by Christmas.
“Each year, Aubie creates a themed calendar that is sold in bookstores and on Aubie’s online store,” Alsobrook said. “The 2023 Aubie Calendar follows Aubie through the year as he looks at different job options available to him. The calendars are great stocking stuffers and are sold at Aubie Claus.”
While the Aubie Claus event has already taken place, he will still be making his appearances up until Christmas. And the calendar is available here: www.secure.touchnet.net/ C20021_ustores/web/store_main.jsp?STOREID=163.
And Aubie can actually be requested at events, here: www. auburn.edu/student_info/student_life/aubie/request.php.
“Aubie’s goal is to spread the Auburn spirit everywhere he goes,” Alsobrook said. “His jovial personality and commitment to bringing joy to the community is perfect for the holiday season. Aubie loves holidays and Christmas is one of his favorites. There are lots of opportunities to interact with the Auburn Family, and make an impact, which is Aubie’s favorite thing to do.”