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Auburn Hires State Representation
Tuesday night the Auburn City Council debated — and ultimately approved — a decision to contract with a state governmental affairs representation service. Don’t speak legal jargon? Essentially, an affairs representation service, Bradley
Arant Boult Cummings LLP, tracks legislation, advocates for the city, can write legislation, provide legal advice on bills and more for the city of Auburn.

“One of our biggest problems is we don’t have a presence in Montgomery yearround,” said City Manager Megan Crouch.
The contract with Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP will be month-to-month for $7,500.
The cost was a brief point of contention. Ward 2 Council Member Kelley Griswold specified that Crouch has some authority without council approval — up to $15,000 for services. She said that she did utilize this in 2021 with this company.
See AUBURN, page B11