1 minute read
Meet David Hedges


Leadership succession in any business is essential to its sustainability, especially one that has been strong and viable for 116 years. Since our founding in 1907, AuburnBank has had eight presidents—and now David Hedges succeeds Bob Dumas as our ninth. Joining the bank in 2006, David has demonstrated his commitment to AuburnBank and its shareholders. He and his wife, Jill, are members of First Baptist Church of Opelika, and they enjoy raising their three children who attend Auburn City Schools. David is excited to lead AuburnBank into the future, while upholding a tradition of service to our customers and our communities.
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Having a son and daughterin-law who live in Grand Rapids, Michigan, where it is very cold with snow during the winter, I have seen many “snowbirds” — what we Southerners call folks who travel from northern states to southern states during the winter to stay warm, then they travel back to their homes in the north in the spring when the cold snows begin to melt.
I’m thinking that each summer, I will become a “southbird” and travel to cooler weather in Michigan as I stay (nest)