Two pager2030 watch nov2015 english

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2030-Watch Goals: 1. Promote the SDG implementation in Germany through public awareness 2. Create a prototype for a civil-society-led monitoring at national level

In November 2015 the ​ Open Knowledge Foundation Deutschland​ (OKF) has published a prototype tool for monitoring the SDG implementation in Germany (​​ ). This tool is still an alpha version with regards to the choice of indicators, the definition of optimum values, the design and the functionality. It is not a “finished” product but rather an invitation to discuss how to improve the tool. This 2-pager summarizes the key aspect of the 2030-Watch concept. ● Relevance:​ At international level the Inter-Agency Expert Group on the SDG Indicators (IAEG-SDG) is developing a proposal for global SDG indicators. So far, the specific responsibilities of high-income countries are only partially taken into account. There is a risk that indicators at international and national level will not correspond to the level of ambition evoked repeatedly in the process so far: “Business as usual is no option”. ● Focus: ​ The focus is on high-income countries and their specific responsibility. The prototype is done for Germany and includes country comparisons with other OECD countries. ● Choice of indicators:​ As much as possible 2030-Watch will use official international and national indicators. Where we perceive gaps the OKF will propose additional indicators to ensure a high level of ambition, where possible using indicators maintained by civil society organisations like the Climate Performance Index by Germanwatch, the EU Transparency Tracker by Saferworld or the Financial Secrecy Index by the Tax Justice Network. Until now only “easy” indicators are published online. For difficult targets like fair trade relations or safe and orderly migration no ready-made indicators are available at the moment. We aim to include indicators for such targets in the mid term.

Open Knowledge Foundation Germany​ , November 2015


● Rating:​ 2030-Watch proposes a 5-scale rating for each indicator based on an optimum value for each indicator. For some indicators optimum value are based on best performers, for others international commitments are used. But for many indicators these options are not possible. The proposed optimum values will be reviewed in detail with subject matter experts. ● Time frame:​ Design and functionality will be further developed until February 2016. Content will be further developed until the the end of 2016 to reflect the official national indicators set by the German government. ● Networking with NGOs:​ No NGO has the resources or the expertise to develop and maintain an SDG monitoring tool by itself. So cooperation with other NGOs is a core element of our approach. The OKF envisages to create a platform of institutional partners to continue this work. In addition we plan to develop data partnerships with individual expert organisations for individual indicators. ● Outreach:​ The OKF has started to engage in outreach work at national and international level with civil society, politicians, media and academia. In addition to these four target groups we aim to make 2030-Watch accessible and attractive for interested citizens so they can get on overview of SDG implementation at national level. ● 2030-Watch at local level: ​ For citizens the SDGs may be abstract and far removed from daily life. In addition, many relevant political decisions are taken at local level. Therefore the OKF is planning to develop 2030-Watch tools at local level to increase citizens’ interest and engagement. ● Language:​ So far the tool is only available in German, but the background data is in available in English and the code open source. We plan to make the data downloadable as much as possible. An English version of the tool is dependent on funding. ● Financing: ​ The project is financed by the German ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and NGO partner organisations. The mid term funding is not secured. ● Follow us: ​ For more information, questions or comments follow us on ​ @2030WatchDE

Contact: ​ Claudia Schwegmann,; Tel. +49-177-31-60 380; Twitter @OpenAidGermany and Johanna zum Felde, ​​ , Tel. +49-30-57703666-0; Twitter ​ @Jzfeld​ e

Open Knowledge Foundation Germany​ , November 2015


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