An events calendar for the arts, humanities and social sciences
Calenda is an online platform for the latest news about research in the arts, humanities OpenEdition est une and social sciences. It publishes infrastructure complète announcements about symposia, d’éditionprogrammes, électronique au seminar conference service de la communication series, vacant positions and calls scientifique en sciences for contributions. Established humaines et sociales. Elle more in 2000, it now publishes rassemble quatre plateformes than 25,000 Open Access complémentairesabout dédiées announcements academic respectivement aux revues events. Announcements areavec, aux collections de suggested by users and validated livres avec OpenEdition Books, by our academic team. aux blogs scientifiques avec Hypothèses et aux annonces scientifiques avec Calenda.
Calenda is part of OpenEdition, an integrated digital publishing infrastructure for the humanities and OpenEdition est développé par social sciences that includes a books le Centre pour l’Édition platform (OpenEdition Books), Électronique Ouverte (Cléo), a collection of 350 academic journals une initiative publique à but ( and an academic blogs non-lucratif soutenue par platform (Hypotheses). OpenEdition les plus grandes institutions developed by the Centre for de isrecherche françaises et Open Electronic Publishing (Cléo), dont la principale mission non-profit public initiative estala promotion de l’édition supported by the major French électronique en libre accès. research institutions and dedicated to the promotion of Open Access digital publishing.
L’ensemble de ces plateformes reçoit 3 millions de visites mensuelles provenant du monde entier. Depuis 2011, OpenEdition propose le programme Freemium, un ensemble de services et de formats mis à disposition des bibliothèques et de leurs usagers.
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Calenda for users ACCESS All announcements on Calenda are immediately published in full-text Open Access. All the announcements published since Calenda’s creation in 2000 have been archived and provide a vast panorama of research activities. They remain accessible at the same address to ensure stable citability.
Contents Calenda publishes symposia announcements, full programmes of seminars and workshops, conference cycles, job vacancies, research bursaries, calls for bids and calls for contributions to conferences, seminars and themed journal issues. Announcements in all languages are eligible.
Validation The academic community itself animates Calenda by suggesting announcements via a detailed online form. This service is completely free. Announcements are then validated by the Calenda team and translated. Calenda has its own academic committee which defines the calendar’s remit and oversees the evolution of its activities.
Navigation Users can search for announcements on Calenda using a series of filters that allow several criteria to be combined to progressively hone results. The filters correspond to the types of information used to document announcements on Calenda: types of announcement, thematic categories, places, dates, publication languages… The Calenda’s interface is available in English, French and Portuguese. @calendaSHS
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