H OW TO B U Y H I G H Q UA L I T Y C O N T E N T WITHOUT ALL THE H E A DAC H E Tough Lessons I Learned from Outsourcing a LOT of Content
Jay Linux
How to Buy High Quality Content Without all the Headache Jay Linux All rights reserved First Edition, 2021 Copyright © 2021 Jay Linux No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, or otherwise, without prior written permission of the Author.
h ow to buy h i g h qua l i t y c o n t e n t with o ut all th e h eadach e
For more info on quickly and effectively creating great content, visit us at: https://SwiftCreator.com/ 1
I have paid many THOUSANDS of dollars on content for all my websites across the internet, in various niches. I’ve worked with a multitude of content writers and have probably had every outsourced content-writing headache you can imagine! • • • •
I’d received content that had no structure. I’d received content that made no sense. I’d received content that I didn’t even want to read. I’d received content that I was embarrassed to upload to my websites.
It sucked. I know what I wanted to receive but just didn’t have the time to sit there and write it, myself. As the result, I ended up having to edit so much that it felt as if I was writing it all, myself. Look, there’s nothing wrong with writing your own content. I’m writing this, right now. This isn’t outsourced. This is a heart-to-heart, from me to you. If you like writing, then write. I love to write. The problem is, however, that I also like building and working on my business. I cannot spend time doing that if I’m always writing. I’d rather be working ON my business than working IN my business. I hope this makes sense. The key is to find out where your time is best served and spend your time there. It’s simple, really. So anyway, let’s jump into it! For more info on quickly and effectively creating great content, visit us at: https://SwiftCreator.com/ 3
Yes, this step is very important to do BEFORE purchasing your content. Why? It helps to set the mood for your writer, so that they’ll know which direction to take from the very beginning. This will help you and will help your writer. I used to simply provide the writer with a keyword and a brief explanation of what the content should be about. Honestly, it was my own fault that I was receiving such shitty content. Hindsight is 20/20. Oh, and please do make sure you come up with a GOOD title. You can search Google for a ‘Title Generator’, but depending on your niche, it may not make much sense (ie: ‘5 Sexy Ways to Improve Your MY DOG ATE A STRAWBERRY’).
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There are numerous types of content to choose from, such as: Articles, Blog Posts, Copywriting, Cover Letters, Creative Writing, Press Releases, Product Descriptions, Product Reviews, Technical Writing, Website Content, and more. The first step is to figure out which type of content you need. This should be straightforward, so let’s continue onto Step #2.
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DON’T FORGET ABOUT YOUR KEYWORDS I know what I just said, and I stand by it. However, that doesn’t mean you should neglect your keywords, either. After all, the keywords you choose, are vital to your visibility in the SERPs. This includes your LSI Keywords. Okay, I just tossed a couple acronyms at you. SERPs = Search Engine Results Pages = all the stuff that pops up after typing your search text in Google / Bing / etc. LSI Keywords = Latent Semantic Indexing Keywords = simply, just think of related keywords to your main keyword. Here’s an easy way to find some of your LSIs that Google wants you to use: My search term is ‘my dog ate a strawberry’.
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h ow to buy h i g h qua l i t y c o n t e n t with o ut all th e h eadach e
If I scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page, Google presents me with some nice LSI Keywords:
Also, if you scroll back up, you can target some of these questions as well:
With regards to properly structured content, all of these things can help you rank and increase your visibility. So, while you don’t want to just hand your writer a list of keywords and then walk away, you also should not forget about including your keywords in your content. It’s important. Moral of the story: Use keywords.
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The voice is important. Should it be in 1st person, 2nd person, or 3rd person perspective? That’s for you to decide. How do you usually communicate with your audience? Or if you’re new, how do you imagine communicating with your audience? Pick one and stick with it until you get good at it. As for the mood, do you want it to be friendly, casual, informative, strictly business, fun and light, emotional, sales pitchy? Again, this is for you to decide.
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Sometimes, it’s easier for the writer to get in your head if they can see how you do things. Previously, I’d tell my writers what I wanted written, and they had literally nothing to go on, with regards to the approach I wanted to take, so they were left with guessing what I wanted. Often times, they’d guess wrong. Don’t let your writers guess what you want. More often than not, they will get it wrong.
For more info on quickly and effectively creating great content, visit us at: https://SwiftCreator.com/ 9
This is crucial and will yield immediate results. Because I’m in a good mood, I will share this 100% free of charge template, from me to you. I use templates every time I buy content. Here is my template: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Article #1: Title: Why I Was So Afraid When My Dog Ate a Strawberry Type: Creative Writing KEYWORDS Primary Keyword (to be included somewhere in the first paragraph, and also naturally placed within the content (but not too much)): my dog ate a strawberry Secondary Keywords (to be included as parts of sub-headings (and also naturally placed within relevant parts of the content (but not too much)): how many strawberries can a dog eat, can dogs eat dried strawberries,
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h ow to buy h i g h qua l i t y c o n t e n t with o ut all th e h eadach e
can dogs eat strawberry yogurt, can dogs eat grapes, can dogs eat blueberries, what fruits can dogs eat Voice / Mood: 2nd Person / Light and Fun, but Informative My Website (to get a feel for my preferred writing style): https:// mySuperCoolLifeBlog.com Miscellaneous: We can open with an introduction that talks about how dogs have much different digestive systems than humans and how many of the things we can eat, they cannot. We can mention something like chocolate and how toxic it can be for dogs, while being such a tasty treat for us. We’re not trying to come across as experts, but rather, as a friend to the reader, who’s happened to research the discussed subject matter at hand. We present this as if we are simply now just providing our findings in a friendly and relatively informal way. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=And there you have it! Hopefully you’ve had a chance to learn something powerful here, that will help you throughout your journey of content creation. Whether you’re creating videos, vlogs, blogs, social media posts, article submissions, press release statements, creative writing, or anything else, what you’ve learned here, should streamline your process. It has for me, many times over. Now once you have your content written perfectly, you may want to consider making a video from it. For more info on quickly and effectively creating great content, visit us at: https://SwiftCreator.com/ 11
how to bu y h i g h q ua l i t y c on t e n t wi t ho ut all th e h eadach e
You can do that with this amazing software! You do have to pay to use this software, but it’s worth it. You can use it to easily create videos that you can publish to YouTube and other video sharing platforms. Check it out by clicking this link. Have fun! Humbly and Sincerely Yours, Jay
For more info on quickly and effectively creating great content, visit us at: https://SwiftCreator.com/ 12