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Apple TV+ is Finally Becoming Relevant 14th
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Apple is undoubtedly the leading brand, and most people choose a preference for iPads, iPhones, Apple Watches, MacBooks, and even AirPods. But, Apple’s streaming service had a rough start, and now it seems that Apple is planning to turn the table around in digital services as well. A year back, when Apple made its debut in digital services, it already had brand name and value, but digital service turned out more of a slow burn than an overnight gamechanger for Apple. But a year after launching, that’s starting to change.
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Why did Apple TV+ not have that impact?
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Apple has the brand, money, and distribution to quickly make a streaming service successful, even in a crowded market. But, to succeed in digital transformation in the branding world, content is the king, and when Apple TV+ launched, it had no back catalog, instead of relying entirely on its original programming.
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With Net ix already looking for nothing less than total global domination, Apple needs to focus more on its content. And content is the only thing that is holding back Apple TV+. It is as simple as this, 5-6 new shows on Apple TV+ can’t compete with Net ix or Disney. The quality and quantity of content they have is de nitely not an easy target to get. In 2019, Net ix released more original movies and shows than the entire TV industry in 2005. Disney has an archive of cultural treasure going back almost a century and a seemingly inexhaustible lode of Star Wars lust, and these shows are legendary.
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Leadership for All Apple TV Plus: Everything to know about Apple's streaming service
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Apple TV+ is a subscription streaming service to watch the company's original series and
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movies exclusively. This long-promised and well-funded streaming service is designed to make good on Jobs vision of decluttering the TV-watching experience. Read more.
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Apple TV + is all set for Growth Although Apple TV+ had a rough start, it is now all set to alter this. According to The Wall Street Journal, Apple has invested $1 billion in original content, and signed a multi-year deal with Oprah, and is working with M. Night Shyamalan on a thriller and Steven Spielberg on a revival of the Amazing Stories anthology series. Apple has also signed former HBO CEO Richard Plepler and his production company to a partnership to make TV series, lms, and documentaries exclusively for Apple TV+. Now, to attract more customers, Apple is buying rights to more existing shows and movies to build a library of content that’s more competitive with the likes of Net ix and AT&T’s HBO Max. It has spent hundreds of millions to attract big names such as Oprah Winfrey (Oprah’s Book Club), Reese Witherspoon and Jennifer Aniston (The Morning Show), Steven Spielberg (Amazing Stories), and M. Night Shyamalan (Servant) to the service. Besides these efforts, Apple spending $1 billion on programming is nothing compared to the $12.04 billion amount which Net ix spent on the content. Read More.
Net ix vs. Amazon Prime Video vs. Hotstar vs. Apple TV+: Here's what each streaming service offers Apple's rm decision to take the lead in the streaming services has created stiff competition with other leading streaming services like Net ix, Amazon Prime, and Hotstar in India, Click here.
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Sources/References: *Note: The content published above was made in collaboration with our members.
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About the author:
Jyotshana Rani, OpenGrowth Content Team Jyotsana is very keen to express her views on new topics and wants readers to remember her through her writing. She is passionate about reading and believes that words wield the power of changing the scenario and she uses them to encourage people to the best of her knowledge. Read more articles written by the author
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