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Best Women Empowerment Workshop Ideas 8th Jun'21
“There is no chance for the welfare of the world unless the condition of women is improved. It is not possible for a bird to y on only one wing." -Swami Vivekananda
Empowerment is how the disempowered or powerless people can change their circumstances and begin to have control over their lives. It results in a change in the balance of power, in the living conditions, and the relationships. Women empowerment may mean equal status to women, opportunity, and freedom to develop themselves. It refers to the process of change that gives individuals greater freedom of choice and action. Women-Empowerment workshops ideas refer to creating an environment where they can make decisions independently for their bene t and society. Women empowerment workshop ideas are designed to help women gain con dence, practice self-care, and support each other’s personal or professional success.
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Scope of the Activity/workshop Women empowerment workshop ideas is a burning issue, and considering the scenario, it is crucial to increase and improve the social, economic, political, and legal strength of the women, to ensure equal-right to women, and to make them con dent enough to claim their rights, such as:
In cub ators an d Acce le rators Le ad e rsh ip Le gal Life style Tre n d s Marke tin g & B ran d in g
Freely live their life with a sense of self-worth, respect, and dignity.
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Me d iTe ch
To make their own choices and decisions.
Op e n Grow th Acad e my
Have equal rights to participate in social, religious, and public active cities
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Have equal social status in the society
Prod uct-Marke t Fit
Have equal rights for social and economic justice
Raise Cap ital
Determine nancial and economic choices
Re al Estate an d Con struction
Get an equal opportunity for education.
Re mote Work
Get equal employment opportunities without any gender bias.
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Some of the women empowerment workshop ideas are: 1. Public speaking contest
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No matter your ambitions and interests, developing speaking skills will bene t your personal, professional, and public life. Indeed it is bene cial and important for everyone, but women need to focus on it more because whether it's a workplace or at home, they are told not to express themselves and keep their mouth shut.
Te ch n ology of B usin e ss
Public speaking boosts con dence to put forth your views and ideas without any reluctance.
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The advantages of public speaking range from increased con dence to meeting others and becoming more marketable. All of these bene ts can make a real and positive difference in their life.
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Public speaking can be dif cult for anyone and that is the reason why are there less women entrepreneurs, but women in business and politics need to address a large audience with con dence. It will help women learn how to deal with confrontations and express themselves effectively to different people. Public speaking expands the comfort zone, inch by inch. With skills gained through public speaking, women can bloom into strong individuals. Read about the Life-Changing Bene ts of Public Speaking: There are actually more bene ts of public speaking than you might think. Click here.
2. Coding classes
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Women are often made fun of when it comes to technology. They are considered to be Search not good enough to work in technical to Articles Leadership for All areas but learning to code is still a great way
empower women to nd jobs in tech and related STEM elds. Whether you’re a marketer, a mom, a business owner, or just curious about the craft, coding, and programming careers have great earning potential.
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Learning to code affects social life positively, as it can provide an outlet to interact with the rest of the world and those close to you. It helps you develop the ability to make applications and websites for things you care about and want to share. You become armed with the tools to create a platform for which people who share your interests or beliefs can all get together, whether it’s based on a product, service, or idea. From Women Who Code to the Hackbright Academy’s All Women’s Coding Bootcamp, there are dozens of organizations out there offering coding events in women-only environments.
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3. Plan a photo or video project Study after examine shows women who support women are more successful in business. Raising each other and channeling the power of collaboration is most likely how we’ll change the equation—and have a lot more fun along the way. There’s no better way to push back against the male gaze than by taking charge of the camera. So global Girls Media has been empowering female activists and journalists around the world with their women-centric video projects.
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Representation of women entrepreneurs shattering the glass ceiling through such videos encourages social change in the treatment of women in society, which is maledominated and patriarchal, by showing women as emotionally and economically
independent. Therefore, acknowledging the open secrets like domestic violence, abuse, Search Articles etc, brings these problems upfront by allowing women to talk about them in public and Leadership for All help others speak up against such acts. In the US, the Female Farmer Project documents women working in agriculture to overturn the typical stereotype of the male farmer. It is a multi-platform documentary project that chronicles the rise of women working in agriculture around the world. A photo project is great women’s empowerment workshop idea, especially for young people, who may be social media savvy, but not yet familiar with media criticism or gender theory.
4. A multicultural cooking class Women are always considered a mom with an agenda person who belongs to the kitchen, yet their talent for making mouth-watering food always goes unnoticed. Conducting a multicultural cooking class will help them showcase their talents and learn more. With so many female chefs in the media, it may not seem like an industry that women need to be empowered to enter. But for those who don’t t the image of a celebrity chef, it can be a challenging industry to break into — particularly for immigrants and women of color. Educate participating women on healthy cooking habits and the importance of women’s empowerment. The women will learn how to make meals from people of a different culture. After all the cooking classes have been completed, the women will have an opportunity to cook their favorite dish and sell it at a community event, setting the foundation for future income-generating opportunities.
That’s why Across Our Kitchen Tables, a culinary hub and event series centering on selfidenti ed women, provides a safe space for knowledge exchange on business development, cultural practices, food-centered organizations, and food ecosystems. As a result, the community generates and supports thriving and socially responsible foodbased work. It focuses on empowering women to share their traditional practices and recipes — even if they don’t have a formal background in the culinary industry.
5. Leadership skills workshop In The Con dence Code, Lindsay Hudson, Chief Executive Of cer of BAE Systems, notes: When a man walks into the room, they are assumed to be competent until they prove otherwise. For women, it’s the other way around. Women need focused programs to make them aware of their innate biases and help them discover a supportive community of other women who share the same challenges. Women mustn’t be expected to lead by adopting a male leadership model. And thus, leadership is an important skill to include in any women’s empowerment workshop.
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Also, In 2011, the United Kingdom’s Institute of Leadership and Management found that half the female respondents reported self-doubt about their job performance and careers, compared with less than a third of male respondents. In addition, the author of Women Don’t Ask, Linda Babcock found in business school students that women initiate salary negotiations four times less than men. Inculcating leadership skills helps them overcome hesitation and build con dence to ask for the rights they deserve and one of them is women equally paid for the work? Investing in developing young women’s leadership skills will change the course of their future and that of their communities. In addition, this skill helps promote inclusive, collaborative cultures that fuel innovation. Read about Women in Leadership Why It’s Important, and How One Business Is Making It Happen: Click here.
6. Host a memoir-writing activity You never know which part of your story inspires someone to do something unexpected. Of course, we are well aware of the women activists like Rosa Parks, Malala Yousafzai, and Susan B. Anthony—among many others like them whose story inspires several people to ght their battles even if the odds are against you. And it's not always that they are the only people whose life story and events can inspire, but you never know that sharing your own story can motivate somebody to win over the challenges they might be facing.
Whether your women empowerment workshop ideas are geared toward experienced bloggers or rst-time writers, hosting a memoir-writing exercise is a great way to encourage creativity and explore new ideas. Writing your memoir helps you learn more about one’s ancestors, search for one's identity, gain insight into the past, or heal from a traumatic experience. It gives people a second chance to create another version of their lives.
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Empowerment activities/exercises for women, students, and workers: Click here. We at, OpenGrowth, are committed to keeping you updated with the best content on the latest trendy topics from any major eld. Also, both your feedback and suggestions are valuable to us. So, do share them in the comment section below. Contributor: Jyotshana Rani Jyotshana is very keen to express her views on new topics and wants readers to remember her through her writing. She is passionate about reading and believes that words wield the power of changing the scenario and she uses them to encourage people to the best of her knowledge.
Sources/References: *Note: The content published above was made in collaboration with our members.
About the author: Usha Gwale (Editor), Super admin An enthusiastic and professional towards achieving the best. Focused and centered on career objectives. completed post-graduation in rural planning and management. Adaptive towards accepting new skills and experience and now exploring my interests with the organization by becoming an intern. Read more articles written by the author
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