How Agencies Become Kinder, More Inclusive Workplaces | OpenGrowth

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How Agencies Become Kinder, More Inclusive Workplaces 15th Jun'21





Be kind, for everyone you meet is ghting a harder battle. - Plato Being kind not only has a direct effect on others, but it also has a positive impact on yourself. In the current scenario: all this chaos, pandemic, dirty politics, sel shness, and many more such terms, people look for some positivity and happiness amidst these. It's not just about companies being kinder, but it is for every individual. With the increasing market competition, agencies are looking for people who will expand their market. Still, you cannot get it by limiting your demands, preferring male employees over females, considering people only from speci c groups or communities, etc. By doing so, you will just lose a pool of talents.

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When companies embrace and value employees of different backgrounds into an

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inclusive workplace, they create a much larger room for creativity and innovation, a strong company's inclusive workplace culture, improved employee performance, and more. Diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace are known to drive more

Future Te ch

productive outcomes.

In cub ators an d Acce le rators

company's Inclusive workplace has been linked to boosting your team's productivity as an outcome of well-being, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment. Some other

Le ad e rsh ip

inclusion results are high-quality work relations, job satisfaction, intention to stay, job performance, organizational citizenship behavior, organizational commitment, well-

Le gal

being, creativity, and enhanced career opportunities.

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Deloitte reports that inclusive workplaces are 6X as likely to be innovative and have 2.3X the cash ow per employee over non-inclusive workplaces in 3 years.

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One of the best parts about it is you don't have to put extra effort to be kinder and creating an inclusive workplace. Just by paying attention, you can achieve it.

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Te am B uild in g

Some ways by which agencies can become kinder, more inclusive workplace:

Te ch n ology of B usin e ss

1. Remove pay disparity Getting fewer paychecks for the same amount of work and designation is one thing women face for quite a long time now, it should not be done as it affected very badly on company's inclusive workplaces. It has been addressed by people directly, but there can not be seen as many changes. An analysis done by The Drum revealed the median

Trave l In d ustry Wome n En tre p re n e urs

gender pay gap had worsened at more than half of the UK’s advertising and marketing agencies. Giving less amount just because of gender makes your female employee feel less important and demotivates them to share their 100% at their workplace.

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Read The Drum report on gender pay gap widens at more than half of UK ad agencies:

The gender pay gap widens at more than half of UK ad agencies. The extent of inequality between men’s and women's pay across the UK economy has been laid bare for the second year running, as businesses published gures detailing the gender pay gap for 2018. Read More

2. Practice diversity Emphasis on diversity focuses on the composition of workgroups around factors, which generally distinguish one individual from the other, mainly in terms of observable demographic characteristics such as gender, race, ethnicity, age, or terms of nonobservable attributes such as education or socio-economic status.

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Recently, 'Black Lives Matter became a worldwide protest, people worldwide voiced together to address the inequality based on color. But again, people come together to address such issues one day and then forget it until some more people's life is lost. Your agency needs to hire the right talents for your startup no matter their skin color, gender, ethnicity, or age. A person without any skills is of no use, so look out for talents keeping these factors aside. Treat everyone fairly and equally, whether for recruitment, redundancy, promotion, reward and bene ts, training, or retirement. It must be based on merit.

3. Recognize and reward everyone’s performance Addressing your employee's performance is the best productivity tool for business just requires some minutes of your life, but the effect of it can be magical. When you recognize and reward someone, it pushes them to do adding steps in perfect company's inclusive workplaces more and more for you. Thus, recognition not only drives employee engagement and boosts morale but singling out and rewarding speci c behavior also signals your company’s values.

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Read 50+ ideas for cultivating diversity and inclusion at your company:

50+ Ideas for Cultivating Diversity and company's inclusive workspaces Following widespread protests against police brutality and systemic racism, companies worldwide are taking a hard look at how to improve their diversity and inclusion (D&I) programs and policies. Read More. We at, OpenGrowth, are committed to keeping you updated with the best content on the latest trendy topics from any major eld. Also, both your feedback and suggestions are valuable to us. So, do share them in the comment section below.




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Contributor: Jyotshana Rani

Jyotshana is very keen to express her views on new topics and wants readers to remember her through her writing. She is passionate about reading and believes that words wield the power of changing the scenario, and she uses them to encourage people to the best of her knowledge.

Sources/References: *Note: The content published above was made in collaboration with our members.

About the author: Usha Gwale (Editor), Super admin An enthusiastic and professional towards achieving the best. Focused and centered on career objectives. completed post-graduation in rural planning and management. Adaptive towards accepting new skills and experience and now exploring my interests with the organization by becoming an intern. Read more articles written by the author

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