Inspiring Books Recommended By Indians Ace Technopreneurs |Opengrowth

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Inspiring Books Recommended By Indians Ace Technopreneurs 3rd Jun'21





As proven by several studies, reading books, especially good and inspirational books have a positive impact on one's psyche.

Read the inspiring books recommended by technopreneurs: 1. Good To Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap and Others Do not It is a management book by Jim C. Collins that describes how companies transition from being good companies to great companies, and how most companies fail to make the transition. Collins presents the ndings from his and his team’s half a decade of research in the conquest of how to make good companies great.

CHANNELS B ig Te ch an d Re ce n t IPOs B ook Re vie w Climate Risk & ESG Risk Cryp to Curre n cy D rive Sale s & CRM Ed Te ch In d ustry Fash ion In d ustry Fin an cials Fin Te ch Fitn e ss an d D igital He alth Food In d ustry


ndings of the Good to Great study is very surprising and they are:

Future Te ch In cub ators an d Acce le rators

Level 5 Leaders:

Le ad e rsh ip

Research has shown that some adoption in what makes an effective leader, who has brought the transformation are not the ones who are charismatic or big personalities but are rather quiet, shy, deliberate. They are the ones who have the combination of humility and professional will. The Hedgehog Concept (Simplicity within the Three Circles):

Le gal Life style Tre n d s Marke tin g & B ran d in g

It is the strategic difference between Good and Great companies. Great companies have Search Articles a deep understanding of three major world Leadership for Alldimensions: What can you be the best in the at? What drives your economic engine? And What are you deeply passionate about? A Culture of Discipline: It requires people to strongly adhere to the de ned hedgehog concepts but at the

Me d iTe ch


Op e n Grow th Acad e my Op e n Grow th Hub

same time provides much-needed freedom to take disciplined actions within that framework.

Prod uct-Marke t Fit

When you combine a culture of discipline with ethical pillars of entrepreneurship, you get the magical alchemy of great results.

Raise Cap ital

The Flywheel and the Doom Loop:

Re al Estate an d Con struction

A quiet and deliberate process of guring out what needs to be done for best future results and taking those steps one by one, pushing the ywheel in a consistent direction until it achieves a breakthrough point.

Re mote Work

Readout more lessons from Good to Great: Click here.

Startup B asics

Startup Ne w s

2. The Everything Store: Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon by Brad Stone

Te am B uild in g

Written by journalist Brad Stone this book documents the rise of It starts with an introduction to Jeff Bezos’s life and it goes on to describe his early career and how he quits his lucrative job to start an online bookstore.

Te ch n ology of B usin e ss

It will take you on Bezos's journey of how he wins the investments of other VCs,

Trave l In d ustry

overcomes a lot of hurdles, stays lean, keeps the company expenses very low by staying frugal, and builds the company around the customer by focusing on customer happiness.

Wome n En tre p re n e urs

Social In n ovation s

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Further, the author talks about Amazon’s survival through the dot com boom and subsequent collapse, what it takes to run a successful business against all odds, by constantly innovating and turning where needed. It also explains Amazon’s spectacular foray into selling other products and services.

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10 Things I Learned Reading Brad Stone’s The Everything Store: Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon: Click here.

3. Dream With Your Eyes Open by Ronnie Screwvala In this book, a rst-generation entrepreneur and UTV-founder Ronnie Screwvala detail his vast experiences and the myriad lessons learned from more than two decades of building some successful (and some not-so-successful) businesses, bringing clarity to a quickly changing business landscape and making an impassioned case for the role of entrepreneurship in India's future.

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This book shares failures and triumphs, thoughts and anecdotes in a simple narrative that could help you gain better insights into emotional intelligence for entrepreneurship. It hopes to demystify failure, inspire success, raise ambitions, and help you think big.

4. The High-Performance Entrepreneur by Subroto Bagchi Subroto Bagchi, co-founder, and chief operating of cer of MindTree Consulting, shares his own highly successful experience to offer guidance from the idea stage to the IPO level. This includes how to decide when one is ready to launch an enterprise, selecting a team, de ning the values and objectives of the company when and how to scale up, and writing the business plan to choosing the right investors, managing adversity, and building the brand.

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Turning Redundancy Into Entrepreneurship Additionally, Bagchi narrates the systems and values which have made Indian IT companies on a par with the best in the world. More than just a guide, This is a book that will tap the entrepreneurial energy within you. Click here.

5. No Rules Rules: Net ix and the Culture of Reinvention by Reed Hastings and Erin Meyer It is a book about the culture of Net ix. Net ix has led a revolution in the entertainment industry, generating billions of dollars in annual revenue while capturing the imagpeoplens of hundreds of millions of people in over 190 countries.

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Shortlisted for the 2020 Financial Times & McKinsey Business Book of the Year, Net ix cofounder Reed Hastings reveals the unorthodox culture behind one of the world's most innovative, imaginative, and successful companies. No Rules Rules is a fascinating and untold account of the philosophy behind one of the world's most innovative, imaginative, and successful companies. Also, check out the must-read books and must-watch movies, and other resources for technopreneurs. Click here. We at, OpenGrowth, are committed to keeping you updated with the best content on the latest trendy topics from any major eld. Also, both your feedback and suggestions are valuable to us. So, do share them in the comment section below. Contributor: Jyotshana Rani Jyotshana is very keen to express her views on new topics and wants readers to remember her through her writing. She is passionate about reading and believes that words wield the power of changing the scenario and she uses them to encourage people to the best of her knowledge.

Sources/References: *Note: The content published above was made in collaboration with our members.

About the author: Usha Gwale (Editor), Super admin An enthusiastic and professional towards achieving the best. Focused and centered on career objectives. completed post-graduation in rural planning and management. Adaptive towards accepting new skills and experience and now exploring my interests with the organization by becoming an intern. Read more articles written by the author

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