Syllabus and Course Book

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Summer 2020






























Le Corbusier is perhaps the most well-recognized architect of the 20th century and more has been written about him than almost all his contemporaries. Yet he continues to be a source of interest, and new works covering various aspects of his life and career are published every year. Rather than attempting to negotiate all the writings on Le Corbusier, we will try to understand the man and the architecture by looking firstly at his own record of his life’s work – the Œuvre Complète. Even this, however, cannot be taken completely at face value; it is important to understand the degree to which the architect has created his own biography. In connection with this, we will examine the writings of the architect, and of these, his letters, can clarify, to a certain extent, where he paced the emphasis in his own life. The letters do not always present a likeable man, and as one of the proclaimed heroes of Modernism, Le Corbusier has been the target of a great deal of negative criticism. Hopefully, by the end of the course we will be able simply to appreciate the architect for his all-encompassing passion for and dedication toward, art and architecture and its ability to change the world.

There is no shortage of writings on and by the architect, theorist and artist Le Corbusier. A search under his name in Worldcat brings up 40,418 records. No specific texts are listed as required, although I would highly recommend buying the Getty publication of Toward an Architecture. In addition, Kenneth Frampton’s Le Corbusier is a good, brief, introduction to the topic. Readings for each week can be found in the various texts and in JSTOR. Given the variety and quantity of materials available, students should take it upon themselves to independently gather those other texts relevant to the course and their particular research.

C O U R S E F O R M AT The course will be set up as a series of seminars. Those encompassing the majority of the background material will be given by the instructor and those comprising the more detailed analyses of particular subjects will be presented by the students. Each seminar will be accompanied by discussion arising from the material and from the assigned reading material. Students will assign a reading pertinent to their presentation. All members will be expected to participate in discussions and presentations.

SUGGESTED TEXTS Kenneth Frampton. Le Corbusier. London: Thames & Hudson, 2001. Le Corbusier. Toward an Architecture. Los Angeles: The Getty Research Institute, 2007. Le Corbusier et Pierre Jeanneret. Œuvre complète. 8 vols. Zurich: Les Éditions D’Architecture, 1964.

USEFUL WEBSITE The Le Corbusier Foundation in Paris maintains an extensive website – www.fondationlecorbusier. The site lists all architectural, written, and artistic works of Le Corbusier, in addition to housing an archive of letters and photographs. It provides a timeline of, and foundation for, all other Le Corbusier studies.


GRADING Personal Notebook/Journal 10% Seminar 25% Paper Outline 5% Final Paper 50% Attendance/Participation


ATTENDANCE AND PARTICIPATION Students are required to attend all classes and having done the required reading be prepared to participate in group discussion. Attendance will be taken at each class and students are asked to notify the professor in the event that they cannot attend class.

DISABILITIES Reasonable accommodations will be made for students with documented disabilities. In order to receive accommodations, students must go through the Centre for Disability Resources office (CDR), which is located in Life Sciences Room 218, telephone 312 567-5744 or

PLAGIARISM The IIT Code of Academic Honesty states that: “It is a violation for a student to knowingly engage or attempt to engage in the misrepresentation of any work submitted for credit as the product of a student’s sole independent effort, such as using the ideas of others without attribution and other forms of plagiarism.” For suggestions to avoid plagiarism see


PERSONAL NOTEBOOK/JOURNAL At the end of the semester, students will submit the notebook in which they have kept the notes taken in class. In addition, you will augment this notebook with relevant notes taken from your readings and any sketches you happen to make while taking notes. You may also include observations and images from other sources.

SEMINAR Each student will prepare a seminar on a topic arising from the course to be assigned by the instructor. The seminar will be maximum 20 minutes in length and will consist of a detailed discussion of the topic, accompanied by appropriate visual material. Each student will “assign” a reading for the class a pdf of which will be forwarded to the instructor one week before the presentation. The presenter should be prepared to lead a discussion following the seminar and to field questions. Dates for these seminars will be assigned.

F I N A L PA P E R You will write a minimum 3000 word (10-12 pages/12pt/double spaced) essay on a topic arising from your seminar and approved by the instructor. The essay will have a thesis which you develop and an argument which you support using material from your reading and research. You will include footnotes and a bibliography in the Chicago Style, as well as relevant images correctly labeled and referenced within your text. Each student will submit an outline of his/her paper for approval by the instructor by June 11 and the essay is due July 9, 2020. Outlines and essays may be emailed.

S E M I N A R A N D FI N A L PA PE R TO PI C S The Voyages to the Orient of Le Corbusier Amédée Ozenfant, Purism and L’Esprit Nouveau Vers une Architecture/Toward an Architecture Le Corbusier and his relationship to history The City Planning of Le Corbusier C.I.A.M. and the role played by Le Corbusier Le Modular/The Modular its development and use The Unités d’Habitation The Philips Pavilion, sound and Iannis Xennakis The Tokyo Museum; Le Corbusier in Japan The Art of Le Corbusier: painting, sculpture, tapestry Le Corbusier in America Charlotte Perriand and the Furniture of Le Corbusier Pierre Jeanneret: his partnership with Le Corbusier Le Corbusier and Adolf Loos Le Corbusier, Eileen Gray and E1027 Le Corbusier in India Vernacular in the work of Le Corbusier

P I E R R E J E A N N E R E T A N D L E C O R B U S I E R , c . 19 2 2









M AY 19

M AY 2 6

Introduction The Œuvre complète of Le Corbusier and Pierre Jeanneret Research and resources

The Œuvre complète Volume 1 1910−29 Citrohan, L’Esprit Nouveau, Purism, Toward an Architecture, Villas, City Plans

M AY 2 1

M AY 2 8

Before the Œuvre complète 1887-1910 Family, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Education, Travel, Early Houses, Domino, Early Employers.

The Œuvre complète Volume 2 1929−34 Villa Savoye, Apartment Buildings, Algiers, the United States



Brooks, H. Allen. Le Corbusier’s Formative Years – Charles Edouard Jeanneret at La Chaux-de-Fonds. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1997.

Baldovici, Jean. ed. L’Architecture Vivante. New York: Da Capo Press, 1975.

Frampton, Kenneth. Le Corbusier. New York: Thames & Hudson, 2001. Introduction and Chapter 1.

Frampton, Kenneth. Le Corbusier. New York: Thames & Hudson, 2001. Sections of Chapters 1-9.

Le Corbusier. Étude sur le Mouvement de l’Art Décoratif en Allemagne. Translation by Alex Anderson from the French of 1912. Weil am Rhein, Switzerland: Vitra Design Museum, 2008.

Herz-Fischler, Roger. “Le Corbusier’s ‘Regulating Lines’ for the Villa at Garches (1927) and Other Early Works.” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians Vol. 34, No. 1 (March 1984), 53-59.

Nivola, Constantine. “Le Corbusier: Research Directed Toward Poetry.” Journal of Architectural Education Vol. 32, No. 4 (May 1979), 30-31.

Hildner, Jeffrey. Garches 1234: Remembering the mathematics of the ideal villa: an essay on Le Corbusier’s 1927 Villa de Monzie/ Stein. 4th ed. Boston: The Architect Painter Press, 2015.

Turner, Paul. “Frank Lloyd Wright and the Young Le Corbusier.” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians Vol. 42, No. 4 (December 1983), 350-59.

Le Corbusier and Amédee Ozenfant. “Purism.” Modern Artists on Art: Ten Unabridged Essays. Edited by Herbert Read. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall Inc. 1964.

Turner, Paul. “The Beginnings of Le Corbusier’s Education, 190207.” The Art Bulletin Vol. 52, No. 2 (June 1971), 214-24.

“Le Corbusier und Pierre Jeanneret House 13.” Weissenhof Museum im Haus Le Corbusier. Stuttgart + Zurich: Karl Kramer Verlag, 2008.

von Moos, Stanislaus and Arthur Rüegg, eds. Le Corbusier before Le Corbusier: Applied Arts, Architecture, Painting, Photography 1907-1922. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2002.


Passanti, Francesco. “The Vernacular, Modernism and Le Corbusier.” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians Vol. 56, No. 4 (December 1997), 438-51.



J U N E 2


The Œuvre complète Volume 3 1934−38 Urbanism, CIAM

The Œuvre complète Volume 5 1946−52 CIAM, Cabanon, Ronchamps, Chandigarh, MOMA, Unités


J U N E 11

The Œuvre complète Volume 4 1938−46 Maison Jaoul, Brise Soleil, Rio de Janeiro, Unité d’Habitation, U.N. headquarters READING

Œuvre complète Volume 6 1952−57 Ronchamps, La Tourette, Chandigarh, Ahmadabad, Tokyo, Philips Pavilion

Bacon, Mardges. Le Corbusier in America: Travels in the Land of the Timid. Cambridge, MA: The M.I.T. Press, 2001.

Curtis, William. “Abstraction and the Ancient Sense: Le Corbusier’s and Louis Kahn’s Ideas of Parliament.” Perspecta Vol. 20 (1983), 181-194.

Benton, Tim. The Villas of Le Corbusier and Pierre Jeanneret, 1920-1930. Basel: Birkhäuser Architecture, 2007. Colomina, Beatriz. “War on Architecture: E.1027.” Assemblage No. 20 (April 1993), 28-29. Frampton, Kenneth. Le Corbusier. New York: Thames & Hudson, 2001. Sections of Chapters 7-9. Lefaivre, Liane. “Metaphor, Memory and Modernity.” Arca No. 14 (March1988), 4-11. Mumford, Eric. Defining Urban Design: CIAM Architects and the Formation of a Discipline, 1937-69. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2009.


Dynes, Wayne. “Medievalism and Le Corbusier.” Gesta Vol. 45, No. 2 (2006), 89-94. Easton, Kenneth. “Le Corbusier’s Unité d’habitation.” Architectural Review Vol. 109 (May 1951), 297-300. Frampton, Kenneth. Le Corbusier. New York: Thames & Hudson, 2001. Sections of Chapters 9-11. Le Corbusier. The Chapel at Ronchamp. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1957. Sbriglio, Jacques. Le Corbusier: L’Unité d’habitation de Marseille/ the Unite d’Habitation in Marseilles. Basel: Birkhäuser, 2004.

Sekler, Edward, F. “Constancies and changes in Le Corbusier’s urbanism: II. Relationships between painting and urbanism.” Center Vol. 5 (1989), 60-72.

Sekler, Patricia. “Constancies and changes in Le Corbusier’s urbanism: I. Attitudes towards the man-made environment.” Center Vol. 5 (1989), 44-59.

Udovicki-Selb, Danilo. “Le Corbusier and the Paris Exhibition of 1937: The Temps Nouveaux Pavilion.” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians Vol. 56, No. 1 (March 1997), 42-63.

Serenyi, Peter. “Timeless but of its Time: Le Corbusier’s Architecture in India.” Perspecta Vol. 20 (1983), 91-118.




J U N E 16


Œuvre complète Volume 7 1957−65, Volume 8 1965 - 69 Brasilia, La Tourette, Chandigarh, Firminy, Tokyo, Carpenter Center

Student Presentations 6-10

J U N E 18


Student Presentations 1-5

Student Presentations 11-15



Clarke, Joseph. “Iannis Xenakis and the Philips Pavilion.” Journal of Architecture Vol. 17, Issue 2 (April 2012), 213-229. Dumont d’Ayot, Catherine, Tim Benton and Le Corbusier. Le Corbusier’s Pavilion for Zurich. Zurich: Institute of Historic Building Research and Constuction, ETH Zurich, 2013. Frampton, Kenneth. Le Corbusier. New York: Thames & Hudson, 2001. Chapters 9-13. Joshi, Kiran. Documenting Chandigarh: The Indian Architecture of Pierre Jeanneret, Edwin Maxwell Fry, Jane Beverly Drew. Ahmedabad, India: Mapin Publishing, 1999.

Colomina, Beatriz. “Collaborations: The Private Life of Modern Architecture.” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians Vol. 58, No. 3 (December 1999), 462-71. Curtis, William. “Le Corbusier - Firminy.” Architects’ Journal Vol. 223, Issue 14 (April 2006), 27-39. Giedion, Sigfried. Space, Time and Architecture: The Growth of a New Tradition. Cambridge, MA: The Harvard University Press, 1946. Hartoonian, Gevork. “In What Style could they have Built?” Fabrications Vol. 17, Issue 2 (Dec. 2007), 72-91.

Plummer, Henry. “Masters of Light: Le Corbusier: Monastery of Sainte-Marie-de-la-Tourette, Eveaux-sur-l’Arbresle, France, 1960.” Architecture and Urbanism. (November 2003), 246-53.

Le Corbusier and Ivan Žaknić. The Final Testament of Père Corbu: a Translation and Interpretation of Mise en Point. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1997.

Seguin, Patrick. Le Corbusier & Pierre Jeanneret: Chandigarh, India. Paris: Edition Galerie Patrick Seguin, 2014.

Man, Felix H. Eight European Artists: Braque, Chagall, Léger, Le Corbusier, Matisse, Moore, Picasso, Sutherland. London: William Heinemann, Ltd, 1953.

Weber, Heidi. Le Corbusier – the Artist. Basel: Birkhäuser Architecture, 2004.


Neutra, Richard. “Le Corbusier.” Canadian Architect Vol. 10, No. 8 (August 1965), 23-26.



C H A R LE S 1887 1900 1904 1905 1907 1908

1909 1910 1911


1914 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922

1923 1924 1925



J E A N N E R E T- G R I S

Born on October 6 at rue de la Serre 38, La Chaux-de-Fonds, in the Jura, canton of Neuchâtel, Switzerland. His father and grandfather were engravers, his mother whose maiden name was Perret, was a piano teacher. Enters the school of Applied Arts in La Chaux-de-Fonds as an engraver-chaser. Influenced by the teacher and painter Charles l’Eplattenier. Enters the new, Cours supérieurs de Décoration, l’Eplattenier, director. First building assignment – the Villa Fallet in La Chaux-de-Fonds. First long trip abroad to Tuscany, Italy. Impressed by Carthusian monastery of Ema in Galluzzo. Visits Siena, Ravenna, Budapest and finally Vienna, where he sees the work of Josef Hoffmann and Adolf Loos, among others. Travels from Vienna via Nuremberg, Munich and Nancy to Paris, for first time. Introduced to work of Frantz Jourdain, Eugène Grasset, Henri Sauvage and visited Tony Garnier, Lyons. Works to spring 1909 with Auguste Peret, he learns the principles of reinforced concrete construction. Returns to La Chaux-de-Fonds where he helps found Ateliers d’art réunis. Ateliers d’art réunis sends him on a trip to Germany to contact leaders of the German Werkbund. Works for 5 months in Berlin with Peter Behrens. Voyage to the Orient with friend August Klipstein. Visits: Vienna, Budapest, Romania, Turkey, Greece, (3 weeks in Mt. Athos, 3 weeks in Athens), Pompeii, Naples, Rome and Florence. He wrote his impressions for the Feuille d’Avis de La Chaux-de-Fonds. On his return becomes a teacher in Nouvelle Section de l’École d’Art, founded by l’Eplattenier, in La Chaux-de-Fonds. Publishes first book – Étude sur le movement d’art décoratif en Allemagne. Travels to Zurich and Paris. Exhibits a series of travel sketches and watercolors, (1907-1913), entitled Language des pierres, in the Salon d’Automne. Villas Jeanneret-Perret in La Chaux-de-Fonds and Favre-Jacot in Le Locle. Dissolution of Nouvelle Section de l’École d’Art. Domino and serial houses. Work starts on the final house in La Chaux-de-Fonds, the Villa Schwab. Villa on the sea project. Moves finally to Paris, rue Jacob; atelier on rue Astor. Meets painter Amédée Ozenfant with whom he edits his second book, Après le Cubisme. Joint exhibition of their work at the Galerie Thomas, Paris. Journal L’Esprit Nouveau founded toward end of year with Ozenfant and writer Paul Dermée. This “review of contemporary activities” has 29 issues from 19201925. First issue of L’Esprit Nouveau appears October 15. The pseudonym Le Corbusier is used for the first time in his articles; the name apparently comes from an ancestor. Meets Fernand Léger. Exhibits paintings at the Galerie Druet in Paris. Meets Raoul La Roche a wealthy collector of modern art. With his cousin and partner Pierre Jeanneret, moves office to 35 rue de Sèvres, Paris. Located in the hallway of a Jesuit cloister, this remains Le Corbusier’s office for the remainder of his life, with a break over the period of WWII. Exhibits in Salon d’Automne and Salon des Indépendants. Lectures at the Sorbonne, Paris. Vers une Architecture published; summary of the articles from L’Esprit Nouveau. Exhibits paintings at Galerie Léonce Rosenberg, Paris. Jean Badovici publishes Le Corbusier/Jeanneret designs in Architecture Vivantes, (continuing until 1938). Building of Pavillon de l’Esprit Nouveaux, at the Exposition Internationale des Arts décoratifs in Paris. Journal L’Esprit Nouveau ends. Publishes Urbanisme, L’art décoratif de aujourd’hui and La Peinture Moderne.

18 8 7


19 6 5

Gertrude Stein introduces Le Corbusier to Minister Anatole de Monzie. April 11 father of Le Corbusier dies. Publishes Almanach d’architecture moderne. Submits project for Palais des Nations competition, Geneva; awarded first prize, but never built. Lectures in Frankfurt, Brussels, Madrid and Barcelona. Interest in work of Antonio Gaudí. Lectures in South America; meets Josephine Baker. Travel to Moscow. Under patron Helene de Mandrot, foundation of Congrès Internationaux d’Architecture Moderne (CIAM) at La Sarraz, Switzerland, CIAM I. Publishes Une Maison – un palais. In Berlin, Léger gives paper on Le Corbusier. Exhibits new furniture at Salon d’Automne. CIAM II in Frankfurt, First trip to Algiers. Publication of Œuvre Complète 1910-1929, the first volume. Publishes Précisions sur un état présent de l’architecture et d e l ’ u r b a n i s m e . CIAM III in Brussels. Participates in new journal, Plan. Travels to Spain. Becomes a French citizen and marries Yvonne Gallis. Participates in competition for the Soviet Palace. CIRPAC conference in Barcelona. Road trip with Pierre Jeanneret to Spain, Morocco, Algiers and Marseilles. Public demonstration over his work Croisade ou le Crépuscule des academies. Lectures in Börsensaal and Zurich. Participates in journal, Préludes. Moves to apartment in building of his design on rue Nungesser-et-Coli. Honorary degree University of Zurich. CIAM IV in Athens – sea voyage from Marseilles to Athens. Athens Charter created. Algiers: Exposition de la Cité Moderne – Plan Obus. Lectures in Stockholm, Oslo, Göteborg and Antwerp. Publication of Œuvre Complète 1929-1934, the second volume. Travels to Algiers; lectures in Rome, Milan, and Barcelona. Participates in conference in Venice, Art and State. Travels to USA for the first time at invitation of MOMA and Nelson Rockefeller. Lectures at Columbia, Yale, Boston, Chicago, Madison, Philadelphia, Hartford, Vassar. Meets Marguerite Tjader Harris. Exhibition Art Primitif in his apartment studio. Publication of La ville radieuse and Aircraft. Second trip to South America where he consults with Oscar Niemeyer, Lúcio Costa and Alfonso Riedy in Rio de Janeiro on Ministry of Education building. In Maison de la Culture in Paris, conversations with Léger and Louis Aragon on La Querelle du Réalisme. Publication of Quand les cathédrales étaient blanches / Voyage au pays des timides. CIAM V, Paris and Pavillon des Temps Nouveaux at Expostion Internationale d’art et de technique. French state makes Le Corbusier a Chevalier of the Legion of Honor. Publication of Œuvre Complète 1934-1938, the third volume. Painting exhibitions at Kunsthaus, Zurich and at Louis Carré gallery in Paris. Publishes Des canons, des munitions? – Merci! des logis…s.v.p.! While on vacation in August, in Cap Martin, is run over by boat while swimming. Required 2 meters of stiches and 4 weeks recovery. Publication of Le Lyrisme des Temps nouveaux et l’Urbanimse. André Wogenscky becomes an associate in Le Corbusier/Jeanneret office. German troops occupy Paris on June 14, Le Corbusier, his wife and Jeanneret flee to Pyrenees. In November, Pierre Jeanneret goes to Grenoble to join the resistance. Publication of Destin de Paris and Sur les quatre routes. Stays in Vichy where he tries to present his schemes for urban redevelopment to government. Exhibition of gouache works at Galerie Willy Boesiger in Zurich. First studies for the Modulor. Publication of Les constructions Murondins and La

1925 1926 1927 1928

1929 1930 1931 1932 1933

1934 1935




1939 1940 1941 1942


1942 1943 1945

1946 1947

1948 1949 1950 1951


1953 1954 1955 1956


1958 1959 1960


Maison des Hommes. Trip to Algiers where his plan for city is rejected by CIAM Algiers and city. Foundation of ASCORAL in Paris. Publication of Entretien aves les Étudiants des Écoles d’Architecture and La Charte d’Athènes. Publication of Les trois établissements humaines, Manière de penser l’urbanisme and Propos d’urbanisme. Design of exhibition, La France d’Outremer in Paris. After liberation of Paris his atelier called ATBAT (Atelier des Bâtiments). Agreement reached with Ministry of Reconstruction for Unité d’habitation in Marseille. Travels to USA with Eugène Claudius Petit, André Sive, Pierre-André Emery, Gérard Hanning, Michel Écochard and Vladamir Bodiansky to study modern American architecture. Publication of Œuvre Complète 1938-1946, the fourth volume. Travels to New York to study idea of a UN Headquarters. Meets Albert Einstein. Exhibition in Vienna. Project 23A by Le Corbusier for UN Headquarters accepted; Wallace Harrison takes over execution of project. Trip to Bogotá. CIAM VI, Bridgewater; presentation of CIAM grille. Paints mural in 35 rue de Sèvres. First wood carvings with Joseph Savina. Modulor studies finished. Exhibitions in the US organized by Institute of Contemporary Art in Boston. Paints mural in lobby of pavillon Suisse. First tapesterty designs. CIAM VII, in Bergamo. Publication of Le Modulor 1 and Poésie sur Alger. First studies for Ronchamp. Delegation from Punjab visit the office to enlist him in Chandigarh project. Made Government Architectural Advisor for the construction of Chandigarh. Building of the capitol. Travels to India in February with Pierre Jeanneret who has returned to the office. Projects in city of Ahmedabad. Rejects Unesco project in Paris. Publication of Œuvre Complète 1946-1952, the fifth volume. Visits Egypt on return from India. Start of building of Chandigarh. Dedication of Marseille Unité. Promoted to commandeur of the Legion of Honor. Discussions with Père Couturier on monastery in Eveux. Builds Cabanon in Cap Martin. Exhibition of paintings and sculpture at Musée National d’Art Moderne in Paris; exhibition in London. CIAM IX, Aix-en-Provence. Press critical of Marseille Unité. Exhibitions in Bern and Como. From the series, Les Cahiers de la Recherche patiente, the book Une petite Maison, is published. Dedication of the chapel at Ronchamp. Le Poème de l’Angle droit and Modulor 2 published. Receives honorary doctorate from Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich. Institut de France offers him a chair at the École des Beaux- Arts, which he refuses. Le Corbusier presents the Palace of Justice, the first completed building at Chandigarh, to Prime Minister Nehru. Lectures in Baghdad. Exhibition in Lyons. CIAM X in Dubrovnik. Publishes Les plans Le Corbusier de Paris 1956-1922. Publication of Œuvre Complète 1952-1957, the sixth volume. Opening at Kunsthaus, Zurich of exhibition which will travel the world for 4 years. Le Corbusier gives photographs and models from the exhibition to the French state. Exhibition of tapestries in La Chaux-de-Fonds. Death of his wife, Yvonne Gallis. CIAM XI, Otterlo; last CIAM conference. Visits site for Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts in Cambridge, MA. Receives Cambridge University Service Medal of Queen Elizabeth and the Gold Medal of the Royal Institute of British Architects. Publication of Œuvres complètes 1910-1960, L’Atelier de la Recherche patiente and Petites confidences. La Tourette dedicated on October 19.

Le Corbusier’s mother dies in Vevey at the age of 100. José Luis Sert builds the Carpenter Center following plans of Le Corbusier. Travels to Firminy where Maison des Jeunes is under construction and a Unité is planned. Designs for 7 tapestries for Chandigarh are completed. Retrospective exhibition at the Musée National d’Art Moderne in Paris. Parliament building in Chandigarh opened. Begins studies for Maison de l’Homme in Zurich. Retrospective exhibition in the Palazzo Strozzi, Florence. Meeting to discuss possible church in Bologna. By decree of December 30, 1963, Le Corbusier receives highest honor that can be bestowed by the French state, the order of Grand Officier of the Legion of Honor. Elaboration of important (unbuilt) projects: Congress Palace for Strasbourg (Parliament of Europe), French Embassy in Brasilia, Olivetti in Milan electronic computing center in Rho. Publication of Œuvre Complète 1957-1965, the seventh volume. Submits plans for a hospital in Venice. Prepares for publication of Le voyage d’Orient, 1910. Le Corbusier as usual spends summer holiday at his cabin in Cap Martin. Dies as a result of heart attack while swimming, August 27, at 11:00 am. Publication of Le voyage d’Orient, 1910. Maison de l’Homme/Centre Le Corbusier opened in Zurich. The Fondation Le Corbusier created by Le Corbusier officially opens. Publication of Œuvre Complète, the final works, the eighth volume. The church of St. Pierre in Firminy is completed 41 years after his death.

1960 1961 1962 1963

1964 1965 1965 1966 1967 1968 1970 2006

A R N O L D A N D R É P I E R R E J E A N N E R E T- G R I S 18 9 6 - 19 6 7 Arnold André Pierre Jeanneret-Gris born in Geneva, 22 March 1896. Attended École des Beaux-Arts, Geneva, 1913-1919. Interest painting & drawing. He was a cyclist in the Swiss Army from 1916 to 1918. Moves to Paris; works for the Perret brothers. The Jeanneret cousins set up an architectural practice together. From 1927 to 1937 they worked together with Charlotte Perriand at the Le Corbusier-Pierre Jeanneret studio, 35 rue de Sèvres. In 1929 the trio prepared the “House fittings” section for the Decorative Artists Exhibition and asked for a group stand, renewing and widening the 1928 avantgarde group idea. This was refused by the Decorative Artists Committee. Partnership with Le Corbusier ends when Pierre joins the French Resistance. Pierre opens an office in Grenoble, collaborates with Jean Prouvé. Works on various furniture designs 1943-47. Leichtbau-Fertighäuser für Alais, Château-Arnoux-Saint-Auban. Collaborates on these projects with Prouvé until 1951. Returns to Paris. Worked on unbuilt schemes for mass housing. Between 1950 & 1965, his furntiure produced by Knoll. Resumes collaboration with Le Corbusier and begins work on Chandigarh. Supervised construciton of Capitol based on Le Corbusier’s plans, but also designed many public buildings there: University Campus, Housing, Schools, Hospital, and Gandhi Bhawan Memorial. Director of Architecture School, Chandigarh; first chief architect of the Punjab, 1958-65. Dies in Chandigarh 4 December 1967. His ashes are scattered over Sukhna Lake.

1896 1913 1916 1919 1922 1927 1929 1940 1943 1941 1944 1950 1950

1958 1967


R E A LI Z E D 1905 1907 1912 1916 1917 1921 1922 1923 1924


1927 1928 1929

1930 1931 1934 1935 1936 1938 1945 1946 1949 1950 1950 1951



Villa Fallet Villa Stotzer Villa Jacquement Villa Favre-Jacot Villa Jeanneret-Perret Villa Schwab Cinéma “La Scala” Château d’Eau Cité ouvrière Aménagement de al Ville Berque Villa Besnus “Ker-Ka-Ré” Maison-Atelier du Amédée Ozenfant Maisons La Roche-Jeanneret La Petit Maison Villa Lipchitz-Mietchaninoff Maison et Cantine Maison du Tonkin Quartiers Modernes Frugès Pavilion de l’Esprit Nouveau Villa Planeix Armée du Salut-Palais du Peuple Villa Ternisien Maison Cook Maison Guiette Villa Stein de Monzie “Les Terrasses” Villas at the Weissenhof-Siedlung Pavilion Nestlé Villa Church Villa Baizeau Centrosoyus Villa Savoye et loge du jardinier Armée du Salut-Cité de Refuge Armée du Salut-Asile Flottant Appartement de Charles de Beistegui Villa de Helen de Mandrot Pavilion d’aviation S.T.A.R. Immeuble Clarté Pavilion Suisse-cité Universitaire Immeuble locatif à la Porte Molitor Maison de Weekend Villa “Le Sextant” National Ministry of Education Pavilion des Temps Nouveaux Ctr. de réadaptation jeunes chômeurs Ctr. Scientifique de la Main-d’oeuvre Unité d’habitation Usine Duval Maison du Docteur Curutchet Chapelle Nôtre Dame du Haut Main Ouverte/Open Hand 1950-65 Art and Architecture School Millowners’ Association Building




La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland Bordeaux, France Saint Nicholas d’Aliermont, France Paris, France Vaucresson, France Paris, France Paris, France Vevey, Switzerland Boulogne-sur-Seine, France Boulogne-sur-Seine, France Lège, France Bordeaux, France Bordeaux, France Paris, France Paris, France Paris, France Boulogne-sur-Seine, France Antwerp, Belgium Vaucresson, France Stuttgart, Germany Paris, France Ville d’Avray, France Carthage, Tunisia Moscow, Russia Poissy, France Paris, France Paris, France Paris, France Le Pradet, France Le Bourget, France Geneva, Switzerland Paris, France Paris, France La Celle Saint Cloud, France Les Mathes, France Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Paris, France Paris, France Paris, France Marseilles, France Saint Dié, France La Plata, Argentina Ronchamp, France Chandigarh, India Chandigarh, India Ahmedebad, India





a n d

Neuilly-sur-Seine, France Ahmedabad, India Roquebrune-Cap-Martin, France Ahmedabad, India Ahmedabad, India Rezé, France Chandigarh, India Chandigarh, India Chandigarh, India Paris, France Eveux-sur-l’Arbresle Firminy, France Chandigarh, India Roquebrune-Cap-Martin, France Bhakra, India Tokyo, Japan Chandigarh, India Roquebrune-Cap-Martin, France Briey-en-Forêt, France Baghdad, Iran Berlin, Germany Brussels, Belgium Firminy, France Kembs-Niffer, France Firminy, France Cambridge, MA, United States Zurich, Switzerland Firminy, France



Maisons Jaoul Museum Cabanon de Le Corbusier Villa of Manorama Sarabhai Villa Shodhan Unité d’habitation Museum Haute Cour Capitol Complex Maison du Brazil-cité Universitaire Couvent Sainte-Marie de la Tourette Maison de la Culture Secrétariat Tomb of Le Corbusier & Yvonne Gallis Barrage Museum of Western Arts Palace of Assembly Unités de camping Unité d’habitation Stadium Unité d’habitation Philips Paviilion-Internationl Expo 1958 Unité d’habitation Bâtiments de l’écluse Église Saint Pierre 1960-2006 Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts Maison de l’Homme Stadium





1956 1957 1958 1960 1960 1961 1963 1965

I M P O R TA N T P R O J E C T S O F T H E AT E L I E R L E C O R B U S I E R Not Located Not Located Not Located Not Located Paris, France Geneva, Switzerland On the Coast, Chile Moscow, Russia Not Located Paris, France Algiers, Algeria Not Located Not Located Not Located New York, NY, United States La Sainte Baume, France Bogota, Columbia Venice, Italy Brasilia, Brazil

Maison Dominio Maison Monol Maison Citrohan Ville Contemporaine de trois millions Plan Voisin Palais de la Société des Nations Maison Errazuriz Palace of the Soviets Ville Radieuse Plan for Paris Marine Quarter, cité des affaires Museum for Unlimited Growth Maisons “Murondins” Le Modulor United Nations Building Basilica Urban Plan Hospital Olivetti Center

1914 1919 1922 1925 1927 1930 1937 1938 1939 1940 1945 1947 1948 1950 1964









LC 12 LC 1 Casier standard Table La Roche Fauteuil à dossier basculant Le Corbusier, Pierre Jeanneret, 1925 Le Corbusier 1925 Le Corbusier, Pierre Jeanneret, Charlotte Perriand, 1928

LC 2 LC 2 LC 3 Fauteuil Grand confort, petit modèle Ottoman Fauteuil Grand Confort, grand modèle Le Corbusier, Pierre Jeanneret, Le Corbusier, Pierre Jeanneret, Le Corbusier, Pierre Jeanneret, Charlotte Perriand, 1928 Charlotte Perriand, 1928 Charlotte Perriand, 1928

LC 3 LC4 LC 6 Fauteuil Grand Confort, grand modèle Chaise longue Table tube d’avion, section ovoïde Le Corbusier, Pierre Jeanneret, Le Corbusier, Pierre Jeanneret, Le Corbusier, Pierre Jeanneret, Charlotte Perriand, 1928 Charlotte Perriand, 1928 Charlotte Perriand, 1928



LC 7 LC 8 LC 9 Siège tournant, fauteuil Swivel Stool Siège de salle de bain Le Corbusier, Pierre Jeanneret, Le Corbusier, PIerre Le Corbusier, Pierre Jeanneret, Charlotte Perriand, 1928 Jeanneret, Charlotte Perriand, 1928 Charlotte Perriand, 1928

LC 10-P LC 13 LC 5.F Table glace claire, pieds chromés, Fauteuil Wagon Fumoir Canapé, barre laquée, Le Corbusier, Pierre Le Corbusier, 1931 Le Corbusier, 1932 Jeanneret, Charlotte Perriand, 1928

LC 11-P LC 16 LC 15 Table dalle de marbre posé sur piètement Table et étagère Table de conférence en fonte laquée, Le Corbusier, Pierre Le Corbusier, 1957 Le Corbusier, 1958 Jeanneret, Charlotte Perriand, 1934









LC 14.01 and 14.02 LC 17 No. 209 Tabouret Porte Manteau Le Corbusier Chair Le Corbusier 1952 and 1959 Le Corbusier 1957 Michael Thonet/Thonet Brothers 1870s

C H A R L O T T E P E R R I A N D I N T H E L C 4 C H A I S E L O N G U E , 19 2 8



Chandigarh Desk Pierre Jeanneret, 1960

Chandigarh Low Chair Pierre Jeanneret, 1960

Chandiagrh Judges’ Chair Pierre Jeanneret, 1955-56

E X H I B I T I O N A PA R T M E N T, S A L O N D ’AU T O M N E , PA R I S , 19 2 9




Jeanneret, Charles Édouard. Étude sur le movement de l’art décoratif en Allemagne. La Chaux-de-Fonds: Imprimerie Haefeli et Cie, 1912.

Le Corbusier. L’art décoratif de aujourd’hui. Paris: Éditions Crès, Collections de “L’Esprit Nouveaux,” 1925.





Jeanneret, Charles Édouard and Amédée Ozenfant. Après le cubisme. Paris: Éditions de Commentaires, 1918

Le Corbusier. Almanach d’architecture moderne. Paris: Éditions Crès, Collections de “L’Esprit Nouveaux,” 1925.


Jeanneret, Charles Édouard and Amédée Ozenfant. Vers une architecture. Paris: Éditions Crès, Collections de “L’Esprit Nouveaux,” 1923.

Jeanneret, Charles Édouard and Amédée Ozenfant. La Peinture moderne. Paris: Éditions Crès, Collections de “L’Esprit Nouveaux,” 1925.

Le Corbusier. Urbanisme. Paris: Éditions Crès, Collections de “L’Esprit Nouveaux,” 1924.

Le Corbusier. Une maison – un palais. Paris: Éditions Crès, Collections de “L’Esprit Nouveaux,” 1928.


Le Corbusier and Pierre Jeanneret. Requête adressée par MM. Le Corbusier et P. Jeanneret à M. le Président et á MM. les membres du Conseil de la Société des Nations. Paris: Imprimerie Union, 1928.

Le Corbusier. Croisade ou le crépuscule des academies. Éditions Crès, Collections de “L’Esprit Nouveaux,” 1933.

Le Corbusier. Précisions sur un état présent de l’architecture et de l’urbanisme. Éditions Crès, Collections de “L’Esprit Nouveaux,” 1930.

Le Corbusier. La Ville Radieuse. Boulognesur-Seine: Éditions de l’Architecture d’Aujourd’hui, Collection de l’équipement de la civilisation machiniste, 1935.

Le Corbusier. Salubra, claviers de couleur. Bâle: Éditions Salubra, 1931.

Le Corbusier. Aircraft: the New Vision. London: The Studio, 1935; New York: The Studio Publications (collection The New Vision), 1935.

Le Corbusier & Pierre Jeanneret. Requête adressée par MM. Le Corbusier et P. Jeanneret à M. le Président et á MM. les membres du Conseil de la Société des Nations. Paris: Imprimerie Union, 1931.

Le Corbusier. Les Tendances de l’architecture rationaliste en rapport avec la collaboration de la peinture et de la sculpture. Rome: Éditions Reale Accademia d’Italia, 1937.


Le Corbusier. Quand les cathédrales étaient blanches. Voyage au pays des timides. Paris: Éditions Pion, 1937.

Le Corbusier et Pierre Jeanneret. L’Îlot insalubre n°6. Paris: Imprimerie Tournon, 1938.

Le Corbusier. Sur les 4 routes. Paris: Éditions Gallimard, N.R.F., 1941.

Le Corbusier. Les Constructions “Murondins”. Paris, Clermont-Ferrand: Éditions Étienne Chiron, 1942.


Le Corbusier. Des Canons, des munitions ? Merci, des logis s.v.p. Boulognesur-Seine: Éditions de l’Architecture d’Aujourd’hui, Collection de l’équipement de la civilisation machiniste, 1938.

Le Corbusier et François de Pierrefeu. La maison des hommes. Paris: Éditions Plon, 1942.

Le Corbusier. Destin de Paris. Paris, Clermont-Ferrand: Éditions F. Sorlot, Collection Préludes “Thèmes préparatoires à l’action”, 1941.

Le Corbusier. Entretien avec les étudiants des écoles d’architecture. Paris: Éditions Denoël, 1943.

Le Corbusier. La Charte d’Athènes. Avec un discours liminaire de Jean Giraudoux. Boulogne-sur-Seine: Éditions de l’Architecture d’Aujourd’hui, Collection de l’équipement de la civilisation machiniste, 1943.

Le Corbusier. UN headquarters: practical application of a philosophy of a domain of building. New York: Reinhold Publishing Corporation, 1947.

Le Corbusier. Les Trois établissements humains. Paris: Éditions Denoël, Collection ASCORAL, 1945.

Le Corbusier. New World of Space: Le Corbusier, the foundations of his work. Preface by F. S. Wight. New York: Raynal & Hitchcock, 1948; Boston: The Institute of Contemporary Art, 1948.

Le Corbusier. Manière de penser l’urbanisme. Boulogne-sur-Seine: Éditions de l’Architecture d’Aujourd’hui, Collection ASCORAL, 1946.

Le Corbusier. Grille CIAM D’Urbanisme. Éditions de l’Architecture d’Aujourd’hui, Collection de l’ASCORAL, Boulogne-sur-Seine, 1948

Le Corbusier. Propos d’urbanisme. Paris: Éditions Bourrelier, Collection “Perspectives Humaines”, 1946.

Le Corbusier. Le Modular I. Boulogne-sur-Seine: Éditions de l’Architecture d’Aujourd’hui, Collection ASCORAL, 1950.


Le Corbusier. Poésie sur Alger. Paris: Éditions Falaize, 1950.

Le Corbusier. L’Unité d’habitation de Marseille. Le Point n°38, Mulhouse: Souillac, 1950.

Le Corbusier. Le Modular II. Boulogne-sur-Seine: Éditions de l’Architecture d’Aujourd’hui, Collection ASCORAL, 1955.

Le Corbusier. Le poème de l’angle droit. Paris: Éditions Tériade, 1955.


Le Corbusier. Une petite maison. Zurich: Éditions Girsberger, Carnet de la recherche patiente n°1, 1954.

Le Corbusier. Les Plans de Paris: 1956-1922. Paris: Éditions de Minuit, 1956.

Le Corbusier. Architecture du bonheur, L’Urbanisme est une clef. Paris: Les Presses d’Île-de-France, Collection Forces Vives, Cahiers 5-6-7, 1955.

Le Corbusier. Ronchamp. Zurich: Éditions Girsberger, Les Carnets de la recherche patiente 2, 1957.

Le Corbusier. Von der Poesie des Bauens. Traducteur : Hugo Loetscher. Zurich: Im Verlag der Arche, Sammlung Horizont, 1957.

Le Corbusier. Le voyage d’orient. Paris: Les Éditions Forces Vives, 1966.

Le Corbusier. Salubra, claviers de couleur (2ème série). Zurich: Éditions Salubra, 1959.

Le Corbusier. Mise au point. Paris: Éditions Forces Vives, 1966.

Le Corbusier. L’Atelier de la recherche patiente. Paris: Éditions Vincent, Fréal et Cie, 1960.

Le Corbusier. Les maternelles vous parlent. Paris: Éditions Denoël-Gonthier, Carnets de la recherche patiente, n°3, 1968.

Le Corbusier. Textes et dessins pour Ronchamp. Paris: Éditions Forces

Le Corbusier reading in SaintTropez Bay, Mediterranean Ocean, France, Summer 1938.







Motifs égyptiens. Lotus, 1902, Gouache on paper, H: .325 x L: .255m

La cheminée 1918 Oil on canvas H: .6 x L: .73m

Paysage avec sapins, 1905, Gouache on paper, H: .085 X L: .13 m

Acropole d’Athènes. Marches et colonnade, 1911, Watercolour on paper, H: .385 x L: .385 m


Nature morte puriste: bol, cube, papier à plat et roulé, 1919, Graphite pencil, coloured pencil on paper, H: .48 x L: .36 m.

Le bol rouge, 1919, Oil on canvas, H: .81 x L: .65 m, On back-signed & dated Jeanneret 1919 and “ici le 24 août.” 1953,

PA I N T I N G , D R AW I N G , C O L L A G E , S C U L P T U R E , E N G R AV I N G , E N A M E L a n d TA P E S T R Y

Perspective aérienne du plan de Sao Paulo, 1929, Ink, coloured pencil on paper, H: .30 x L: .40 m.

Deux femmes fantastiques, 1937, Oil on canvas, H: 1.15 x L: 1.46 m

Portrait de femme, 1917, Pencil and gouache on Canson paper , H: .355 x L: .51 m

Guitar vertical 1921, Oil on canvas, H: 1.0 x L: .81 m

Nature morte au siphon 1928, Oil on canvas, H: 1.3 x L: .97 m

Femme couchée, fond bleu ciel, bras croisés derrière la tête, 1930, Pencil and watercolour on paper, H: .21 x L: .31 m


Portrait de Charlotte-Amélie Jeanneret-Perret, 1951, Pen on paper Dimensions: H: .21 x L: 27 m Not signed, dated at bottom: 10 septembre 1951. Inscription at bottom right: “à 91 ans Marie Charlotte Amélie Jeanneret Perret règne sur le soleil, la lune, les monts le lac et le foyer entourée de l’admiration affectueuse de ses enfants. 10 septembre 1951” La main ouverte, 1955, Lithograph in 7 colours, H: .37 x L: .285 m.

Étude pour sculpture, 1940, Black ink and watercolour on paper, H: .27 x L: .21 m


Main ouverte, 1963, Enamel, H: .39 x L: .42 m/1954, Watercolour on paper, paper, H: .21 x L: .27 m

Ozon, Opus I, 1947, Polychromed wood, alder, H: .74 x L: .47 x W: .38 m

“At 91 years old, Marie Charlotte Amelie Jeanneret Perret reigns over the sun, the moon, the mountains and the lake and is the focus of the admiration and affection of her children. September 10, 1951.”

Nature morte, 1965, Wool tapestry, H: 2.0 x L: 3.10 m Taureau à la main, 1963, Enamel, H: .44 x L: .66 m

Je rêvais, 1953, (first version), Oil on canvas, H: 1.3 x L: 1.62 m

Taureau, 1963, Oil on canvas, H: 1.62 x L: 1.3 m.





V O L U M E 1 1 9 1 0 - 1 9 2 9

VOLUME 2 1929 - 1934

VOLUME 4 193 8 - 1946

VOLUME 5 1946 - 1952

VOLUME 7 1957 - 19 65


VOLUME 8 19 65 - 19 69

VOLUME 3 1934 - 193 8

VOLUME 6 1952 - 1957







VOLUME 1 1910 - 1929

VOLUME 2 1929 - 1934

Introduction by Le Corbusier Sketches from trips and studies 1910 Ateliers d’artistes 1914/15 Maison <Dom-ino> 1916 Villa au bord de la mer 1919 Troyes 1920 Maison <Monol>, Maison <Citrohan> 1922 Ville Contemporaine de 3 millions Immeubles-villas Maison Citrohan, Villa à Vaucresson Maison d’artiste Maison en série pour artisans Maison Ozenfant à Paris Projet d’une villa à Auteuil 1923/24 Salon d’automne Deux hôtels particuliers à Auteuil Maison La Roche Jeanneret La maison standardisée Les tracés régulateurs La maison Lipchitz-Miestchaninoff 1925 Lotissement d’Audincourt Cité Universitaire pour étudiants Petite villa au bord du lac Léman Appel aux industriels Pessac/Villa Meyer, Paris Immeubles-villas Pavilion de l’Esprit Nouveaux, Paris Le <Plan Voisin> de Paris 1926 Petit maison d’artistes à Boulogne Dortoir du <Palais du peuple> à Paris Projet de maisons <Minimum> 5 points d’une architecture nouvelle Maison Cook, Maison Guiette 1927 Villa à Garches La colonie <Weissenhof> à Stuttgart Maison Plainex à Paris 1927/28 Palais pour la Société des Nations 1928 1° congrès du CIRPAC à La Sarraz 1928/29 Immeubles-villas, projets Wanner Immeuble pour artistes Immeuble locatif Villa Savoye à Poissy 1929 Les éléments du Mundaneum Maisons Loucheur Palais du Centrosoyus à Moscou La cité mondiale

Preface by Sigfried Giedion Introduction by Le Corbusier 1929/31 Villa Savoye à Poissy Asile Flottant de l’Armée du Salut Palais du Centrosoyus à Moscou Salon d’automne 1929 1930 Maison de M. Errázuriz, au Chili 1931 Appartement de M. de Beistegui 1930/31 Villa de Mme. Mandrot, près Toulon Projet d’aménagemant, Porte-Maillot 1930/32 Immeuble <Clarté> à Geneva 1931 Musée d’art Contemporaine à Paris 1930/32 Pavilion Suisse à la Cité universitaire Plan d’urbanisation pour Barcelone <Plan Voisin> de Paris, 1922 à 1930 1932 Immeuble locatif à Zurich 1932/33 Cité de Refuge à Paris 1931 Palais des Soviets à Moscou 1929 Études d’urbanisation en Amérique du sud 1930 Urbanisation à Alger, Projet A 1933 Immeuble locatif à la Porte-Molitor à Paris Urbanisation de Genève, Stockholm, Anvers 1933/34 Lotissement de l’Oued-Ouchaia à Alger Une maison locative à Alger Urbanisation à Alger, Projets B et C 1933 Projet pour le bâtiment de la <Schweiz Rentenanstalt> à Zurich 1934 Le village coopératif. Réorganisation 1933 agraire Alger. Rectification du chemin du Telemli par deux viaducs constituant des habitations à loyer Petit maison à Alger Barcelone. Lotissement destine à main-d’œuvre auxiliaire Projet pour Immeuble ouvrier dans les environs de Zurich 1933 Un nouvel ordre de grandeur des éléments urbains, une nouvelle Unité d’Habitation Torino Le Corbusier comme auteur


VOLUME 3 1934 - 193 8

VOLUME 4 193 8 - 1946

Introduction by Max Bill Le Corbusier, biologiste et sociologue, par Dr. P. Winter. Méditation sur Ford, par Le Corbusier Le grand gaspillage, par Le Corbusier L’organisation des villes 1934 Nemours: Un quartier…de Ville Radieuse 1935 Urbanisation d’Hellocourt (Bat’a) 1935 Plan régulateurs de la ville de Zlin 1936 Rio de Janeiro-recherche des éléments urbanistiques constitutifs des villes contemporaines 1936 Plan la Cité universitaire à Rio de Janeiro 1936 <Plan Paris 1937> 1936 L’îlot insalubre No 6 à Paris 1938 Urbanisation de la tête du pont de St-Cloud, Boulogne-sur-Seine 1938 Buenos Aires: Plan directeur 1935 Proposition pour Manhattan L’autorité est mal renseignée Les éléments des villes Le gratte-ciel cartésien 1936 Palais du Ministère de l’éducation et de la santé publique à Rio de Janeiro 1935 Musées de la ville et de l’État à Paris 1936 Un centre de réjouissance de 100,000 1935 Immeuble de colonisation à Nemours Immeuble locatif rue Fabert à Paris 1938 La Cité d’affaires d’Alger La réorganisation agraire 1934/38 Le village coopératif/Les standards 1936 Les Boutiques Bat’a 1935 Petites maisons, Maison de week-end <Ma maison> 1935 Plan pour la résidence du président d’un collège près de Chicago Maison aux Mathes Les expositions L’Exposition Internationale, Paris 1937 Projet A. 1932: Vicennes Projet B. 1934: Kellermann Projet C. 1935: Un centre d’esthetique 1935 Expostion Louis Carré Projet D. 1936: Le Pavillon des Temps Nouveaux Pavillon Bat’a. Exposition Internationale, Paris 1937 1939 <Saison de l’eau> Exposition à Liège

Introduction by W. Boesiger Introduction by Le Corbusier 1938 Maison Jaoul 1938/39 Exposition <Ideal Home> in London 1939 Musée á croissance illimitée Station biologique de Roscoll Maison Clarke Arrundell Station de sports d’hiver et d’été de la vallée de Vars 1940 S.P.A. Lannemezan, Type de maison pour contre- maître/ Type de maison pour ingénieur M.A.S. Maisons montées à sec 1942 Plan directeur d’Alger 1938/42 Le Quartier de la marine à Alger Aux approaches d’une synthèse La cité linéaire industrielle 1936/45 Le Ministère de l’éducation nationale Rio de Janeiro 1940 Exposition de <La France d’outre-mer> à Paris 1940 Murondin Écoles volantes pour les réfugiés de la guerre Problèmes de l’ensoleillement/Le brise-soleil 1942 Résidence á l’intérieur d’un domaine agricole en Afrique Nord 1944 Unité d’habitation transitoire 1945 Urbanisation de Saint-Dié Reportage sur un toit-jardin 1946 L’Urbanisme/Town Planning Le Peinture Le Corbusier Peinture murale 1945/46 Urbanisation de Saint-Gaudens Urbanisation de La Rochelle-Pallice Construction d’une <Unité d’habitation de grandeur conforme> (Premier projet) 1939 Grand-Place de la Mairie á Boulogne-sur-Seine 1946 Construction d’une <Unité d’habitation de grandeur conform> á Marseille 1946 U.N. Headquarters L’Architecture et les aéroports modernes Le Corbusier auteur


VOLUME 5 1946 - 1952

VOLUME 6 1952 - 1957

Preface Introduction by Le Corbusier 1946/51 Une Manufacture à Saint-Dié 1948 La Sainte-Baume. La Basilique de la Paix et du Pardon. La Nouvelle <Cité de la Sainte Baume> Les maisons en pisé (La Trouinade) 1947 Le Palais de l’ONU à New York La Grille CIAM d’Urbanisme 1950 Le Plan d’Urbanisation de Bogota 1948 Rapport sur l’Urbanisation de la ville d’Izmir (Turquie) 1949 La maison du docteur Currutchet à La Plata (Argentine) 1949 <Roq> et <Rob> à Cap-Martin Les lotissements des bords de mer 1952 Un Cabanon à Cap-Martin 1950 La Maison du professeur Fueter au bord du lac de Constance (Suisse) 1950 Synthèse des Arts Majeurs-Projet <Porte-Maillot 50> à Paris 1950/54 La Chapelle de Ronchamp 1947 Marseille Vieux-Port et Marseille-Veyre. (plans d’urbanisation). L’Urbanisme et la Règle des 7 V (Voies de circulation) 1951 Urbanisation de Marseille-Sud 1951 Le Concours de Strasbourg pour 800 1951/54 Chandigarh. La naissance de la nouvelle capital du Punjab. Punjab Premières études. Le palais de l’Assemblée. Plan d’urbanisation de Chandigarh et plan définitif du Capitole La Haute-Cour. Le Secrétariat (Ministères). Le palais de Gouverneur Dessin d’une tapisserie pour Haute-Cour. Les Signes. La Main Oueverte. La maison du péon 1952 Ahmedabad. Projets et plans d’exécution pour un musée et 4 villas 1952/53 Unité d’habitation de Nantes-Rezé 1951 Expostion Le Corbusier au Musée d’art moderne à New York 1952/53 Maison Jaoul à Neuilly-sur-Seine <Le Modulor> <La Bouteille> 1946/52 L’Unité d’habitation à Marseille. Plastique et poétique. Peinture, peinture murale, Sculptures en bois, Les tapisseries, Poème de l’Angel droit

Introduction by Le Corbusier L’Œuvre plastique 1950/55 La chapelle de Ronchamp (Nôtre-Dame-du Haut) 1951/57 Chandigarh 1952/56 Le parc du Justice La Main Oueverte Le palais de l’Assemblée (en construction) Le palais du Gouverneur La Grille climatique de l’atelier Le Corbusier L’arborisation de Chandigarh 1955/56 Maison d’habitation de Mrs. Manorama Sarabhai à Ahmedabad Tapisseries 1955/56 Villa Shodhan à Ahmedabad 1954/57 Palais de l’Association des Filateurs d’Ahmedabad Le Centre culturel d’Ahmedabad: le Musée (en construction) 1957 Le Musée national des Beaux-Arts à Tokyo Les Unités d’habitation: Nantes, Briey-en-Forêt, Berlin, Meaux 1958 Le Pavillon Philips à Bruxelles La Maison de Brésil dans la Cité universitaire de Paris Maisons rurales a Lagny 1954/56 Maisons Jaoul à Neuilly


VOLUME 7 1957 - 19 65

VOLUME 8 19 65 - 19 69

Le Corbusier by Oscar Niemeyer 1964/65 L’Ambassade de France à Brasilia 1964/65 Un Pavillon d’exposition à Zurich 1957/60 Le Couvent Sainte-Marie-de-la-Tourette à Eveux 1961/64 Visual Arts Center à Cambridge, USA 1950-65 Chandigarh, la nouvelle capital du Pundjab 1963/64 Centre de Calculs électroniques Olivetti à Rho-Milan 1960/65 Firminy. Maison des Jeunes et de la Culture Unité d’habitation L’église de Firminy-Vert 1965 Le Nouvel hospital de Venise 1964 Palais des Congrès à Strasbourg 1963 Un centre international d’Art à Erlenbach (Francfort- sur-le-Main) 1962 Un Pavillon d’exposition à Stockholm (Palais Ahrenberg) 1957/59 Musée national des Beaux-Arts de l’Occident à Tokyo 1957/59 La Maison du Brésil à la Cité universitaire à Paris Fins d’un Monde Les Unités d’habitation 1961 Orsay-Paris, projet pour un Centre de culture 1958 Concours international d’urbanisme de Berlin

Introduction Firminy-Vert par Eugène Claudius Petit 1963/68 L’Unité d’habitation 1960/65 La Maison de la Culture L’église de Firminy-Vert (projet) 1965/69 Le stade 1960/65 L’écluse de Kembs-Niffer La ville de Chandigarh, texte par M. N. Sharma 1952/65 Le Capitole 1960/65 Le Musée de la Connaissance (projet) 1960/65 La tour des Ombres (projet) 1960/65 Les bâtiments annexes du palais de Justice 1963/65 Le club Nautique au lac Sukhna 1958/64 Le lac Sukhna et la promenade 1958/69 Le centre de la cité de Chandigarh 1964/68 Le musée et galerie des Beaux-Arts 1964/69 L’École des Beaux-Arts et l’École d’Architecture 1952 Les habitations, texte par J. Nehru Les tapisseries dans le palais de l’Assemblée et de la Justice. Accoustique 1964/65 Le nouvel hospital de Venise (projet) 1963/67 Un pavillon d’exposition à Zurich 1958/65 Le barrage de Bhakra dans les montagnes de l’Himalaya aux Indes, texte par U. E. Chowdhury 1965 Le Musée du XXe siècle <Rien n’est transmissible que la pensées> le dernier texte conçu par Le Corbusier – son testament spirituel Pierre Jeanneret Á la memoire de Le Corbusier: Hommage du Gouvernement par André Malraux, minister d’Etat, chargé des Affaires culturelles Biographie Table des matières des huit volumes des Œuvres complètes


L E C O R B U S I E R R E A D I N G AT H O M E ; AT L’ E T O I L E S U R M E R , C A P M A R T I N ; W I T H B A L K R I S H N A D O S H I , 19 5 0 s





101 Publishers, 2009.

For most of the years that his office produced architecture, Le Corbusier worked in partnership with his distant cousin Pierre Jeanneret. In the bibliography, I have attempted to seperate the references into works that deal with projects created by the office and thus in collaboration and materials concerning more personally either Le Corbusier or Jeanneret. Many of the works that have only Le Corbusier’s name in the title actually celebrate that work created jointly by the partners.

Dynes, Wayne R. “Medievalism and Le Corbusier.” Gesta Vol. 45, No. 2 (2006), 89-94.

T H E OFFICE AT 35 RU E D E SE V RE S Bahga, Sarbjit. Le Corbusier and Pierre Jeanneret: Footprints on the Sands of Indian architecture. New Delhi: Galgotia Publishing Co., 2000. Bahga, Sarbjit and Surinder Bahga. Le Corbusier and Pierre Jeanneret: The Indian Architecture. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2014. Badovici, Jean. ed. L’Architecture Vivante. New York: Da Capo Press, 1975. Facsimile edition of the original journal 1923-1934. Baltanás, José. Walking Through Le Corbusier: A Tour of his Masterworks. London: Thames & Hudson, 2005. Benton, Caroline Maniaque. “Back to Basics: Maisons Jaoul and the Art of the mal foutu.” Journal of Architectural Education Vol. 63, No. 1, (Oct., 2009), 31-40. Benton, Charlotte. “Le Corbusier: Furniture and the Interior.” Journal of Design History Vol. 3, No. 2/3 (1990), 103-24. Benton, Tim. The Villas of Le Corbusier and Pierre Jeanneret, 1920-1930. Basel: Birkhäuser Architecture, 2007. Chadoin, Olivier. La Cité de refuge. Le Corbusier et Pierre Jeanneret. L’usine à guerir. Paris: Patrimoine, 2016. Cohen, Jean Louis, ed. Le Corbusier: An Atlas of Modern Landscapes. New York: The Museum of Modern Art, 2013. Cohen, Jean Louis and Tim Benton. Le Corbusier Le Grand. London: Phaidon Press, 2008. Curtis, William. “Abstraction and the Ancient Sense: Le Corbusier’s and Louis Kahn’s Ideas of Parliament.” Perspecta Vol. 20 (1983), 181-194. de Heer, Jan. The Architectonic Colour: Polychromy in the Purist architecture of Le Corbusier. Translated by George Hall. Rotterdam:


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P I ER R E J EAN N ERT ( 1 8 9 6 - 1 9 6 7 )

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O T H E R K E Y P L AY E R S - A R C H I T E C T S

B ALK R I S H N A D O S H I ( 1 9 2 7 -


PETER BEHRE N S ( 1868 - 1940)

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HENDRIK PE TRU S BE RL A GE ( 1856 - 1934 )

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