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5.9 Garages

Garages are an important part of the high quality streetscapes and should be carefully considered when designing your home. The garage and associated parked car have a significant impact on the streetscape and the design and location of garages should endeavour to make them an integral and unobtrusive part of the dwelling. All homes must allow for an enclosed garage for car accommodation.

Design Objectives


· The location and treatment of garages, garage doors and carports is to contribute positively to design of the dwelling and the streetscape. · Vehicles must be accommodated on-site with minimal obtrusiveness and adequate provision made for vehicle manoeuvring. · The design of each dwelling should minimise the visual appearance of the garage. Design Controls

1. Each house must provide a minimum of one (1) covered car space in the form of a garage plus one visitor space within the lot. 2. Any garage side boundary walls facing the front boundary must contain windows of a size and proportion matching that of the house façade. Garage side boundary walls facing the front boundary are generally not acceptable. 3. A garage must have lock up doors to its street frontage. 4. Open carports are not permitted. 5. Where driveways and garages are located in the boundary of an allotment, a minimum 500mm landscaped garden bed is to be provided between driveways and the side lot boundary. 6. Garages must have a panel lift/sectional door to the street frontage. 7. Double garage door width must not exceed 6m. 8. For two storey dwellings, on lots with a frontage 18m or greater, garages that exceed 40% of the width of the allotments frontage are discouraged.

Figure 22. Garages should be set back from the primary facade and be unobtrusive.

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