Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Global Management: The Perspective of Peter F. Drucker
H ow will my organization benefit? Navigating a company in an uncertain world comes with many challenges. The ultimate challenge boils down to an organization's ability to embark on the right course of action and respond quickly to the changes imposed by the rapidly altering business environment. This executive program hones your leadership and entrepreneurial skills. It expands your management horizons by giving you the core set of management principles, creative insights and best business
practices embodied in the perspective of the most prominent leader in
"One of the sp ec ific q ua lities of knowled g e is tha t it ma kes itself ob solete very fa st. Skills la st unc ha nged for c enturies, knowled g e c ha nges every few yea rs. If you d on't renew your knowled g e often a nd thoroug hly, you b ec ome ob solete a nd fa ll b ehind ."
contemporary Management Science - that of Peter. F. Drucker.
Program Description
Program Objectives
The Drucker Curriculum is a 14 module executive education program. It ties Peter Drucker's management principles, concepts, insights and ideas with the most pressing business issues of today, i.e. sustainable business development, effective leadership, creative thinking, innovation, strategic decision-making, change management and entrepreneurship. The program is best suited for Business owners, executives, managers and consultants; Public administrators and servants; NGO leaders; and Academic lecturers, researchers and advanced students.
The integrated body of knowledge in this timely program will help organizations to: Master discontinuity through continuous creation of value in business and society; Understand management as a human activity fostering entrepreneurship, leadership and change within an organization; Recognize the context and realize the content of the strategic process; Appreciate diversity as a vehicle to innovation and effective leadership within an organization.
About Peter F. Drucker Management Expert, Author and Educator (1909 - 2005)
Peter Druc ker, 2000
Contact: Open Mind Society 3 "Tzarevo Selo, apt. 36, 4 floor, Beli Brezi, Sofia - 1612; GSM: 0893519876 info@openmindfund.org
Peter Drucker wrote 39 books, which have significantly impacted the development of modern organizations and their management for the past 60 years. Drucker's reasoning was strongly influenced by both Joseph Schumpeter, Austrian Economist and Soren Kierkegaard, Danish Philosopher . While Schumpeter enlightened Drucker about the importance of innovation, Kierkegaard’s teachings sparked within him a concern for human beings and their relationships. For his contribution to business and social development, Drucker received 25 honorary doctorates in six countries, the United States Presidential Medal of Freedom, honorary awards from the Japanese and Austrian governments, and New York University's Presidential Citation. Today, he continues to reign as "The Farther of Modern Management."
Modules VIII & IX - The Effective Executive Parts I & II
About the Drucker Institute
Summary: Drucker's work on management may be divided into two parts-the policies and structures for managing society's organizations and leadership principles for doing so. Drucker's basic leadership principles are discussed in Modules VIII & IX.
The Drucker Institute is a campus-wide resource of Claremont Graduate University and a close affiliate of the Peter F. Drucker and Masatoshi Ito Graduate School of Management. It was formed in 2006, when more than 100 leading Drucker-like thinkers and practitioners decided to carry forward the Drucker legacy in a manner that would help produce the next generation of effective managers and ethical leaders for business, government and civil society. Attendees included Jim Collins, bestselling author of Good to Great and Built to Last; Paul H. O'Neill, former U.S. Secretary of the Treasury and former chairman of Alcoa; A.G. Lafley, chairman and CEO of Procter & Gamble; Nobuhiro Iijima , CEO of the multi-billion dollar Yamazaki Baking Co.; and Masatoshi Ito, the founder and honorary chairman of the Ito-Yakado Group, Asia's largest retail chain. Together this group decided that the best way to advance Drucker’s legacy was not just to look back at his huge body of work but to tie his ideas and ideals to the most pressing issues of today. The Drucker Institute was thus born with a mission of stimulating effective management and responsible leadership. Through a variety of programs, it takes Drucker’s teachings to new audiences in new ways.
Curriculum Module I - A Functioning Society and Social Ecology Summary: The overall thrust of Drucker's work is to create a society of functioning organizations. Drucker worked as a Social Ecologist and developed the discipline and practice of management to do this. Module I therefore covers the topics of "A Functioning Society and Social Ecology."
Module II - The Theory of the Business Summary: The Theory of the Business is the way an organization creates values for its customers and for society. It requires understanding the environment an organization faces; its mission or purpose; and its core competencies or strengths.
Module III - Managing Social Sector Institutions Summary: A functioning society requires that the discipline of management be applied to all organizations of the society including non profit and governmental institutions. This module covers the application of Drucker principles to the social sector institutions of society.
Module IV - Making Work Productive and the Worker Achieving Summary: A basic task of management is to make the work of individuals in the organization productive but to do so while creating motivation in the human being. These two topics, making work productive and the worker achieving, are covered in this module.
Module X - Managerial Skills Summary: In addition to principles of organization and management and principles of leadership, Drucker develops a number of skills executives must acquire if they are to be effective. This module covers these skills.
Module XI - Managerial Organization Summary: Effective managerial organizations are required to successfully implement an organization's Theory of the Business. This large topic is the subject of Module XI.
Modules XII & XIII - Innovation & Entrepreneurship
"We a c c ep t the fa c t tha t lea rning is a lifelong p roc ess of keep ing a b rea st of c ha ng e. And the most p ressing ta sk is to tea c h p eop le how to lea rn. " Peter Druc ker
Module V - Social Impacts and Social Responsibility Social Responsibility: An organization exists to make a contribution to society. It can only exist if the society is healthy. This requires that an organization take responsibility for the negative impacts it creates on society as it pursues its own mission. In addition, the best organizations go beyond these two requirements and contribute financially, and by volunteering individual efforts for helping to solve society's problems.
Module VI - Management by Objectives & Self Control Summary: The centerpiece of Drucker's Management System is the creation of functioning organizations in order to create a functioning society. Management by Objectives and Self Control is the Drucker's philosophy of managing organizations to do this.
Module VII - Implementing MBO through the Balanced Scorecard Summary: Management by Objectives requires metrics and a system for achieving its intended results. Drucker recommended the balanced scorecard for doing this. Others have worked out the details for doing this which are covered in this module.
Contact: Open Mind Society 3 "Tzarevo Selo, apt. 36, 4 floor, Beli Brezi, Sofia - 1612; GSM: 0893519876 info@openmindfund.org
Summary: For a society to prevent decline and to continue to grow it requires systematic processes for creating new wealth. The processes of entrepreneurship, with its specific goal of innovation, should be carried out in each organization. Modules XII and XIII are devoted to developing these systematic processes.
Module XIV - Drucker on Leadership & Management Summary: Module XIV summarizes the entire Drucker System in terms of the twin subjects of leadership and management. Module XIV is therefore an advanced treatment of all the subjects discussed in the Drucker Curriculum.
Program Fees Pr icing per pa rticipa nt ( in USD) Days
up to 2 36 715 pe ople people people
The Drucke r Curr iculum Module s I XI V
Dr uck er for Ex ecut ive s Module s I I , I V VI I , I X XI , XI I I
Dr uck er for Public Adm inistra tors Module s I , I I I VI , I X XI , XI I I
Dr uck er for Aca dem ics Module s I , I V, VI , X, XI I , XI V
Dr uck er for NGO Lea ders Module s VI I I I X, X, XI I XI V
A Single Dr ucke r Module
- Prices do not include government taxes. - A Drucker Guide will be provided to all participants. The guide includes course material, slides, evaluation exercises and case studies. - Upon completion of the above Drucker programs, each participant will receive a certification documenting completion of the Drucker Curriculum, issued by the Drucker Institute and Open Mind Society.