Adjusting to the ‘New Normal’- Learning from home

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Adjusting to the ‘New Normal’- Learning from home

The coronavirus pandemic and consequent lock-down and maintaining social distancing norms have affected individuals globally. Especially, for the student community, this fundamentally means anendto the joyous school days since most schools are encouraging learning from home, of course, with the help of their parents.

As part of this ‘new normal’, many students are attending virtual classes from the safety of their households. Educators too are taking classes via modern online school softwarewhich offers video-conferencing facility.

There are educational institutions that are also uploading pre-recorded lectures online. Though, for the parents dealing with children’s study routine and helping them to learn to utilize high-tech software like an online school management system can be anotable challenge for them.

Below are some tips that can help children learn from home without any pressure • Create a routine One of the main benefits of school is the enforcement of discipline.The learners have a pre-set routine to follow which includes a set time for waking up, a set playtime as well as time for learning. When at home, it is a relaxedatmosphere and kids lose the discipline of a routine. So, it is vital for parents to create anunassuming routine for the kids to chart. This routine will assist the childrento organize themselves for studying and will put them in the correct mindset when they actually sit down for learning. • Set practical and achievable goals for the children While at home, it is unrealistic and difficult to get kids to concentrate and learn for considerable hours as they do during a regular school day. In its

place, parents can inspirechildren to learn in small capsules of time providing them with intermittent breaks. This not only gives the kids a break but also helps them to absorb and retain things better. • Give shape to a learning environment Every single home is different and not all of them will have the indulgence of space.But, creating a commotion free zone for learning is a fantastic gesture to encourage learning at home. This zone can simply be a different room or just a table but it should be away from interferences like the television, the mobile, or other family members. • Staying connected/involved with peers and teachers Learning from home does not mean that the students are learning in isolation. Encourage your children to reach out to their classmates and teachers via video conferencing or through online discussion forums provided by the online school software. This not only helps in erasing the sense of distance from their minds but it also offers the students achance to ask questions and clear their qualms. • Utilizealternative online resources to make educationenjoyable Parents can inspire their children to tryoutonline resources which are anexciting alternative to traditional learning approaches. Some of these resources include online learning games, virtual museums, collaborative quizzes, YouTube videos, and others. • Regular workout to ease stress Regular exercise plays a crucialpart in assistinglearnersto learn better when at home. It helps to lessen the child’s anxiety levels and help dispense some of that curbed energy level and aid them to concentrate well on their studies. • Pay attention to the emotional needs of the learners It is certainly important to ensure our kids use the time at home diligently and stay informed on all the school work, it is also equally vital to support

and comfort the child if they are feeling depressed. So, open up and lend an ear to their child ensuring that they do not feel fretful or vexed. • Explore interesting leisure pursuit While advancing with the school work/projects, students and parents together can cultivate new hobbies like cooking, gardening, singing, etc. These activities can provide great scope for relaxation and intimately communicate with each other.

Knowledge is not restricted to a setting.Justbecause your child is away from school, it does not mean that their learning process should also come to a halt. With help from their parents and also with advanced learning technologies like online school management system children can continue with their lessons uninterrupted. For More Details Please Contact Us BOB GHOSH 001-404-431-0091 1-281-6736747 2673 Bonar Hall Path, Duluth, GA 30097

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