Volume 10, Issue 4 February 2011
“It is as exhilarating to think as it is to dance, and just as natural.” - Walter Lippmann
MIT Makes Music part two Featuring Sam Allen & David Hayes
Wikileaks, Usage-Based Billing, The Toronto G20 Summit, Textbook Costs, Info Overload and much more
Disclaimer: The sole responsibility for the content of this publication lies with the authors. Its contents do not reflect the opinion of the University Students’ Council of the University of Western Ontario (“USC”). The USC assumes no responsibility or liability for any error, inaccuracy, omission or comment contained in this publication or for any use that may be made of such information by the reader.
The New Face of FIMS: MITSC 2011/2012 Executives
The Toronto G20 Summit
Hadrian Mertins-Kirkwood zine.editor@gmail.com HEAD COPY EDITOR
Taylor Pearce zine.copyeditor@gmail.com LAYOUT EDITOR
Mary Wong zine.layouteditor@gmail.com ADVERTISING AND WEB EDITOR
Jonathan Forani zine.adteam@gmail.com
Kim Appotive, Erika Casupanan, Paul Craig, Stefanie Farrant, Samuel Hong, Jesica Hurst, Mathu Jeyaloganathan, Samuel Hong, Sarah Koopmans, Anita Lee, Gillian Marsh, Lauren McVittie, Brooke Morgan, Lauren Nisbet, Tania Overholt, John Roman, Jennifer Spence, Emily Stewart, Julian Uzielli, Steven Wright COPY EDITORS
Gillian Cummings, May Chow, Marisa Dametto, Meg French, Nicole Gibillini, Lisa Del Guercio, Vincy Kwong, Kristen Rosehart, Andie Wright, Steven Wright ILLUSTRATORS
Jordan Coop, Gillian Cummings, Sasha Goldstein, Olivia Griggs, Meg Hackney, Shaista Kitabi, Warren Kong, Lauren McVittie, Anna Peirce, Melissa Pushelberg
READ THE ZINE ONLINE www.scribd. com/mitZine
Conspiracy? Or necessity?
Out with the Old...
Pointing Fingers (and Guns)
A First Year Guide to Intent to Register
7 WWSD: What Would Snorlax Do? TAYLOR PEARCE
8 MIT Makes Music part two Featuring Sam Allen and David Hayes
10 When the Public Voice Matters the Most GILLIAN MARSH
Social Media Sobriety STEFANIE FARRANT
20 In a Relationship with Facebook ANITA LEE
22 SPAMTM and Scams: Both Should be Canned on Campus LAUREN MCVITTIE
23 The Inflated Price Tag of Textbooks STEVEN WRIGHT
Gervais Should be Praised 24 Too Much of a Good Thing? for Subversive Jabs JONATHAN FORANI
Wikileaks: Keep the Faucet Running
Anti-Fashion Shows Not Negative
McDonald’s Didn’t Make You Fat—Your Mom Did
Stars Without Makeup 2.0: Katy Perry
110 Tracks You Should’ve Heard in 2010 JOHN ROMAN
Upcoming Events
EDITOR’S NOTE A lot has happened in FIMS, at UWO, and around the world since our last issue hit stands in November. The incredible revolution that unfolded in Tunisia has sparked rebellions across the Middle East, largely provoked by leaked government documents published by Wikileaks and helped along by social media and an invigorated youth movement. In Egypt, President Hosni Mubarek’s decision to completely blackout the Egyptian Internet, cancel trains, and disrupt mobile networks is censorship and control at its very finest, and certainly worthy of any media student’s attention. Closer to home, a contentious CRTC ruling that would allow major ISPs to monopolize and prioritize the Internet market through exploitative pricing schemes caused a public outcry. The decision has been challenged by the Canadian government, but it’s a worrying harbinger of a future without net neutrality. Closer still, it is elections season at UWO. Although this should prove to be an exciting time for candidates and voters alike, a discouraging number of positions have been acclaimed—especially in FIMS. Is the problem apathy? Awareness? Perhaps it’s time the USC and MITSC reevaluate how they engage and involve their electorate. Wikileaks, usage-based billing, student elections, and a huge assortment of other topics grace the pages of this issue: the biggest and (dare I say) best edition of the mitZine we’ve ever published. The incredible efforts of our dedicated Zine staff and an unprecedented number of contributors (an astounding 37 individuals) made this possible; an inspiring reminder that enthusiasm for this faculty continues to grow. I would especially like to thank our many daring writers. I look forward to the challenging discussions their articles will inspire. Hadrian Mertins-Kirkwood mitZine Editor-in-Chief
CONTRIBUTE TO THE MITZINE We’re always looking out for talented writers, illustrators, copy editors, artists, and other contributors. Make your voice heard and your work seen in the official FIMS undergraduate student publication. Contact Hadrian Mertins-Kirkwood for information or inquiries: zine.editor@gmail.com Or visit us online at mitzine.wordpress.com
LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT Its that special time of year. The best, or worst, time was acclaimed. See this weird pattern we're getting of year depending on who you are asking. If you've into? seen the (minimal) signs on UC Hill you probably This faculty is filled with talented, intelligent, and know that it's time for #USCelections. critical students but not enough are throwing their hat Amongst the numerous Facebook invites and the into the race come election time. To be completely elections related global BBM messages, some of honest I'm surprised that we've missed out on an you are probably wondering what is happening election for two years. Many students in this faculty for FIMS/MITSC elections. I'm happy to say that have something to say about the way things are a talented pair will be taking over as next year's run. Faculty elections allow students to be informed, MITSC president and MIT councillor. Both Zach make their potential student representatives visible, Valliant and Jessica Bronstein have been acclaimed and most importantly, provide a time for students to to be the 2011/2012 MITSC president and MIT reflect on what exactly they want from their student councillor, respectively. I can tell you personally that experience. these two are passionate, experienced, and more That's why next year I encourage you, whoever you than amazing for these positions. I can't wait to see are, to pick up a nomination form and throw yourself what they will accomplish next year. Unfortunately, out there in the election. Provide an election that two acclaimed positions leads to no FIMS elections. will allow students to get excited by the candidate Now think back to this time last year. How did I they are supporting or allow students to be critical even get here? Why am I even allowed to write to of candidates that they are not. Provide candidates you? Well that's because I garnered a commanding a reason to find out what students truly want. number of votes in last year's election: zero. I, too,
I'll let you in on a secret: no one likes to be acclaimed. Sure it may reduce some stress during the campaigning period, but no one likes to think that others view them as being entitled or having walked into the position. If you do relish in the thought of being acclaimed then maybe a position in student government isn't for you. On that note, I am more than confident that Zach and Jessica will lead next year's MITSC with dependability, new ideas, and a genuine concern for student opinions. Plus, you still have the chance to get involved on next year's MITSC by applying later this semester. From your acclaimed MITSC president, Erika Casupanan p.s. The two positions for Social Science/MIT senator have both been acclaimed as well. Fun fact: no FIMS student has held one of these positions ever. Just some food for thought for next year. [mitZine v10.i4] 3
THE NEW FACE OF FIMS TWO MIT VETERANS SET TO TAKE OVER FIMS’ UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS’ COUNCIL written by mitZine Staff // photos by Hadrian Mertins-Kirkwood For the second year in a row, the only two elected positions on the Media, Information and Technoculture Students’ Council (MITSC) have been acclaimed. Zach Valliant and Jess Bronstein will take over for Erika Casupanan and Brandon Sousa as President and Vice President External, respectively, in the coming school year.
Valliant also hopes to consolidate the MIT Street Team and Production Committee into a smaller group of committed and enthusiastic FIMS students. The team will be more exclusive and competitive than in past years, but will also be more accountable. “All Street Team members will be affiliated with positions on council,” explains Valliant, “so the onus is on each member to ensure Both Valliant and Bronstein have impressive that their liaised position is promoted.” extracurricular resumes and plenty of experience in the Faculty of Information and Media Studies “Street Team will be a focused machine,” he says, (FIMS) that they bring to the positions. As president, “but I want them to have just as much time to have Valliant will assume his fourth different role on the fun and bond as a team.” faculty council since he was selected as First Year Despite an ambiguous title (MITSC VP External Representative in 2008. He is also a former Street and USC FIMS Councillor are often used Team Coordinator and currently holds the title of VP interchangeably), Bronstein has a clear vision for Communications. Bronstein is this year’s MITSC her role as liaison between FIMS and the USC. “One VP Events, one of FIMS’ assistant head sophs, and thing FIMS students can be sure to expect from me has also held positions on a number of University is effective communication about key issues that are Students’ Council (USC) committees. going on with the USC,” she explains. “I plan to work In addition to selecting the members of the MITSC diligently with the MITSC’s VP Communications to and overseeing how council operates, the President make this information more accessible.” and VP External advocate for FIMS undergraduate Like Valliant, however, the focus of her platform is on concerns at the faculty and university level. As voting student involvement. “There are so many ways that members of the USC, they are key representatives FIMS students can get involved,” says Bronstein, for FIMS in the broader Western community. “but I don’t think that students are entirely aware of Valliant’s platform includes improvements to the these opportunities.” MITSC as well as some faculty-wide initiatives. His Increased awareness of the USF is important to her leading platform point, Valliant tells the mitZine, is to as well. “Most students don’t know how they can create faculty scholarships with the Undergraduate access that money to execute projects like events, Student Fund (USF). “The USF has a proposal trips, or the purchase of equipment that will benefit process where you can apply to take some of the the entire faculty,” Bronstein remarks. The solution, money and spend it in a way that benefits the FIMS she says, is better communication. “It is most community,” he explains. important to me that FIMS students are in the loop.” But only a handful of people every year apply to use The notable overlap between both platforms bodes some of the student-paid $96,000 fund, which is well for next year, which should be a productive one something Valliant hopes to change. “I want to give for the MITSC. Although campaign promises in any some of this money back in the form of at least 3 student election are rightfully viewed with a healthy scholarships worth at least $1,000 each,” he says. dose of skepticism, Valliant and Bronstein’s visions
for student involvement are both admirable and achievable. Further publicizing the USF and finding creative ways to give that money back to students is a necessary step for council, and the Street Team could seriously benefit from an overhaul. Overall, both platforms are well thought out, appropriately focused, and should result in positive changes to the FIMS undergraduate community. Nevertheless, questions will have to be asked in the coming year by both the MITSC and the greater student body about why, in the last two election seasons, only four people have been interested in council’s top two positions. Whether FIMS students are disinterested in, intimidated by, or unaware of the positions and the elections process is unclear. As with the school-wide USC elections, many potential candidates seem far more determined to apply for non-executive positions on the MITSC with more narrow, concrete responsibilities than put themselves on the line for the ‘face of FIMS’. Through no fault of their own, the lack of an actual voting process starts the new execs off on uncertain footing. Regardless of how well-suited they are to their respective positions, not being democratically chosen by the FIMS electorate undermines their legitimacy. Both Valliant and Bronstein will have to work especially hard early in their terms to earn the respect and recognition that would otherwise come from a successful election campaign. Their approach to this challenge, they tell the mitZine, is to make themselves available to students and listen to their concerns. “I want people to think of me as their friend, someone who is approachable and open to constructive criticism,” Valliant says. Bronstein agrees. “The best thing we can do is make sure that we are taking feedback into account and making changes where changes need to be made.”
Mitchell Sturm HEAD SOPH 2011/2012 The only other locked-in member of the 2011/2012 edition of the MITSC is Mitchell Sturm, who has been selected as the FIMS head soph for the coming year. Sturm (3rd year Hons. MIT) is the other half of this year’s assistant head soph team alongside Jess Bronstein. He takes over for graduating head soph Brooke Nolan.
photo by Romina Cortellucci
Returning MIT sophs Genevieve La Cute (2nd year Hons. MIT) and Hadrian Mertins-Kirkwood (3rd year Hons. MIT) have been selected as his assistant head sophs, who topped a competitive field of applicants for the two positions. The soph team will welcome the class of 2015 this September.
3rd Year Honours Specialization in MIT 2008-2009
MITSC First Year Representative
UWO First Year Student Caucus Member
MITSC Street Team Coordinator
MIT Soph
UWO Pre-Law Society Member
MITSC VP Communications
MIT Soph
MIT Soph Team Charity Representative
3rd Year Honours Specialization in MIT 2008-2009
Alumni House Floor Representative
MIT Soph
MIT Soph Team Charity Representative
USC Communications Committee Member-at-Large
MIT Assistant Head Soph
USC Charity Committee Awareness Coordinator [mitZine v10.i4] 5
HOW TO STAY INFORMED DURING USC ELECTIONS SEASON written by Brooke Morgan It’s that time of year again. Everywhere you look there is a face on a USC elections campaign poster staring back at you. Whether you are interested or not, there is no way of avoiding the chaos on campus during campaign season. In past years, students have complained of the popularity-oriented nature of the USC presidential election. But the truth is, if students make an informed vote then it doesn’t have it be that way. So in the 2011 election season, how will you be staying informed? As MIT students know and the rest of the world is rapidly learning, social media is the new newspaper. When ‘snowmaggedon’ hit in December, many students first learned through Twitter that the school was closed. There is no doubt that Twitter and Facebook are going to be used more than ever during these elections. These resources will help you keep up-to-date with elections events and important information about candidates and their platforms. Plus, these media provide a method of two-way communication with candidates so you can ask questions about their platform and bring up your own concerns.
For impartial coverage of the elections, campus media outlets will be your best resource. The Big Purple Couch, the official talk show of the University Students’ Council, will be bringing you a backstage pass to all things elections. BPC will provide you with detailed information on each of the candidates. The show will deliver provocative and entertaining political commentary with segments such as Video-On-Trial with all of the presidential campaign videos. On February 16th, BPC will stream results night live from the UCC Atrium. The Gazette will also provide daily reports and tweeting with their take on the political race and run a media forum with the candidates. Following @BigPurpleCouch and @uwogazette will lead you to the most recent information as it is updated throughout the day.
be knowledgeable during this round of elections and then do some research yourself. Look into the details of each candidate’s platform and see what they are really promising to deliver. The USC is here for the students and that is why we get a vote. At a university that promises “the best student experience,” make sure you have a say in the choices that shape that experience.
The information is out there, so educate yourself on the candidates that could affect you. This doesn’t have to be a high school popularity contest. Some students will choose to vote based on the biggest sign on UC hill or the catchiest campaign video. As MIT students we can see past these flashy gimmicks.
vote FEBRUARY 15TH-16TH voteusc.ca
The suggested media outlets give you the tools to
A FIRST YEAR GUIDE TO INTENT TO REGISTER WHAT IT IS AND WHY YOU (ACTUALLY) HAVE TO DO IT written by Lauren Nisbet, MITSC VP Academic Do you enjoy attending Western? Do you plan on coming back next year? Are you confused by the acronym ITR and terrified by the concept of your future academic plans? If you answered yes to any of these questions, intent to register is a necessary process to help you stay on track in your program. Intent to Register (ITR) is not a complicated process but the decisions leading up to it can be overwhelming, especially for students in first year who have never been through it before. Below you will find the answers to some common questions and concerns courtesy of your friendly neighborhood academic counselors, Kathie Hess and Jeff Childerhose. What is Intent to Register? Why do I have to do it? If you are planning on returning next September, you must complete the Intent to Register process to be permitted access to course selection during summer registration through the Student Center. Students who do not complete this process will forfeit priority registration and may miss being reviewed for Limited Enrollment Programs How do I know what program to register in? View the online Academic Calendar and take note of the sections that apply to your intended program of study. Check that you have the prerequisites for your intended courses and watch for anti-requisites. Plan your program and make note of any questions you have to bring up at your information session. Review your Academic Record to ensure the requirements of your program will be met.
What are Information Sessions? Each faculty has their own information session—for students in FIMS this session is mandatory. The session will give you a chance to ask any questions you have about your program. See the website for details http://www.registrar. uwo.ca/index.cfm/general-information/guides/intent-to-register-planningguide What is involved in the actual process of ITR? Most students will complete the Intent to Register process using the online service. For first year FIMS students a paper form is necessary to apply for year two, which will be explained in the mandatory information session. Where can I go for more information / help concerning ITR? Additional information can be found on the Registrar’s Office website (http:// www.registrar.uwo.ca/index.cfm/course-enrollment/intent-to-register), and it’s also a good idea to check the FIMS website for details on your specific program: http://www.fims.uwo.ca/acad_programs/undergrad/mit_mpi.htm
written by Taylor Pearce, mitZine Head Copy Editor // edited by Vincy Kwong illustrated by Anna Peirce Students are busy—that’s a given. Between readings, assignments, essays, exams, classes, extracurriculars, and some semblance of a social life, it can be difficult to find a moment of rest where our mind isn’t categorizing the unchecked items on our ever-growing to-do list. One of the first things students sacrifice before everything else is sleep. Some of you are probably staring at the word right now like it’s a foreign entity. Phrases like “catching some shuteye” and “grabbing some z’s” make it sound like sleep is an elusive creature we must forage through a dense forest to find. In reality, sleep is a natural response to life; a time for our bodies and minds to rest and reboot. Our body actively sends us signals we’re tired as we yawn, our eyelids droop, and we begin to feel sluggish. As our body coaxes us to give into its gentle demands, what do we do? Chug another coffee and open up our laptops to flood our retinas with fluorescent light, essentially shoving our body’s sleep signals back into the corner of the closet—next to that broken-down Furby. Why is sleep so easy for students to take for granted? If we are dehydrated, our body creates the sensation of thirst. We don’t then gorge on a salty snack; we get a drink to quench our thirst. With sleep though, we have a strained relationship as we continually ignore its innate cues. For whatever reason, a student’s psyche can rationalize putting off this essential activity, but—speaking from experience—can always find the time to click through old Facebook photos or find another funny video on YouTube. We have the capacity to do what we want, so it seems as if we don’t want to sleep. Some feel that sleep is inefficient because it uses up valuable hours of productivity. While we could be editing an essay or reviewing lecture slides, instead, our body wants us to lie still on a mattress in the dark for hours on end. It’s true: sleep is like an impatient child that demands your attention every night. But the logic that we are apathetic to sleep doesn’t hold up when you consider the end of Daylight Saving Time; how our palms are sweaty in anticipation to turn the clock back an hour—one more hour to sleep. Some students eagerly await this November day, punned as “Fall Back”, more than St. Patties Day, New Year’s Eve, and all constitutional holidays combined. That is one hour a year that we treat as if it was a prophetic gift from the Gods, when really it’s no longer than two episodes of How I Met Your Mother. Every person’s ideal amount of sleep differs according to gender, age, and activity level among a host of other factors. For a student entering university, school is like being thrown in the deep-end; you have to learn how to tread water as you handle previously unknown amounts of stress and responsibility. A few words of wisdom: sleep can be your water wings. No matter what year you’re in, a two-hour night sleep is like a ‘tease sneeze.’ You know the ones: you feel a sneeze coming and grab Kleenex, your body preparing for a full-out surge, and—nothing. It’s the same scenario when your obnoxious alarm clock blares out in the morning, only a few hours after you shut your eyes. Again, we all have the capacity to do what we want. So the next time it’s 3:00 AM and you find yourself debating whether to go to bed or stay up, think “W.W.S.D.”. Translation: what would Snorlax do? In the morning, the to-do list will still be there, but unlike everyone else who didn’t “hit the hay” at a decent hour, you’ll actually be refreshed and focused to take it on. [mitZine v10.i4] 7
written by Jesica Hurst // edited by May Chow Drive and focus are two qualities MTP honours student Sam Allen does not lack. With three musicrelated projects on the go and a full course load at UWO, it is obvious he has his priorities in check and goals on his mind. Allen has not only created a name for himself through his solo music project, but also plays bass in the local experimental band A Horse and His Boy. “A Horse and His Boy is definitely the main focus musically for me right now, which is strange because for so long I gave both the Sam Allen project and A Horse and His Boy equal attention.” He explains that his recent refocusing was, “kind of inevitable, but also a conscious decision.” A Horse and His Boy released their self-titled debut album back in September 2009, earning the title of 94.9 CHRW’s Local Album of the Year. They have an inherently unique sound, which makes it difficult for the band to categorize what they create into one specific genre. “A Horse and His Boy is really funny because we always thought we were kind of a weird experimental band that nobody would like, but we all thought what we did was very interesting,” he muses. “When I go back and look at what we’ve done, we have made this experimental music but with strong pop and rock tendencies. It is accessible because it is pop rock but weird and different because it is experimental, and I think that’s what draws people to it.” A Horse and His Boy are continuing to play a few shows, but they are focusing on recording their new album in hopes of releasing it in fall of 2011. On top artwork as well. So basically I am the one that takes of that, Allen is also a director of London’s Open care of everything media related at Oh!, or at least House Arts Collective, or Oh! for short. have a say in it.“ “Open House Arts Collective was formed to help For someone who is interested in getting involved promote local arts and culture to London specifically, with the music scene in London, Allen’s advice is to because I think that there’s a big problem in London figure out exactly what you want to do and go for it. where nobody gives a damn about local culture,” Allen says. “We said let’s get together and try to “There is this misconception that if you send us an change that. We not only want to promote London e-mail we are going to book your band, but it doesn’t work that way,” he explains. “I would say contact the to London, but London to other cities as well.” venues, and try to self-promote. At the same time, Within Open House Arts Collective, Allen puts his I think it is really important for people to hone their MTP education in multimedia and design to great craft or really work at it. There are a lot of people use. who just play music, but you do have to be good. It “My job, with my background as an MTP student, takes a lot of work and you have to keep working at is to take care of a lot of the PR—working on the it and working at it, and then you can work towards website, working with press, and a lot of the social getting new shows.” media as well.” He explains. “In the past I have Allen has been creating music since high school, done a lot of the posters and helped out with album and is now at the point where he feels confident
photo by Thomas Pilgrim about where his future is headed. So what is his ultimate goal with music and media? “Millions of dollars!” he laughs. “No, that is a joke, but [music is] definitely more than a hobby for me. I think that for me, my whole life is involved with music, and it is a part of what I am going to do. No matter what, I am always going to be making music, and A Horse and His Boy is definitely at a stage where we want to really make a go at it. I think I will have a career that is involved in media, with music as well. Both will definitely influence each other.” Make sure to check out A Horse and His Boy at The Spoke on February 11th at 9pm as part of CHRW’s Wired Fridays—the show is free! www.myspace.com/samuelmusical www.myspace.com/ahahb www.openhouseartscollective.com
DAVID HAYES written by Sarah Koopmans // edited by Marisa Dametto // illustrated by Hadrian Mertins-Kirkwood He may not be Girl Talk or Wax Audio, but second-year MIT student David Hayes, known to his fans as Ha! Yes, is gaining a reputation of his own. Inspired by a mash-up a friend had produced, and influenced by indie music artists such as The Twelves, DiscoTech, and Death to the Throne, Hayes began experimenting with blending tracks to make new songs. Motivated by his friends, Hayes continued to make mash-ups, and recently released “Bangers and Mash,” a collection of 15 songs that incorporate tracks by artists like Notorious B.I.G., Lupe Fiasco, Empire of the Sun, and Jay-Z, among many others. Hayes has been masterminding mash-ups for about a year and a half, using just his laptop and some “overpriced headphones.” He is very humble about his craft: “I don’t claim to be a musician. I just try and make some songs you can jam to.” He is surprised at his success, saying that he makes his songs “just for fun,” but his audience is growing beyond the fan base that he claims is his small group of friends. Ha! Yes is also becoming popular within the realm of other mash-ups artists. According to his Ha! Yes Facebook fan page, Hayes’ work is being incorporated into other productions. His song “I Know,” a remix of tracks by Two Door Cinema Club and Drake, is part of a release by an international group of DJs known as the Global Mashup Crew, of which Ha! Yes is also a member.
The Global Mashup Crew also collaborated on a compilation by popular music blog, Sunset in the Rearview (sunsetintherearview.com). The Lil’ Wayne tribute mash-up album, Welcome Back Weezy, includes Ha! Yes’ track “Imma Be On You.” Hayes is nonchalant about the prospect of a philosophical side to mash-up music. He jokes, “I’m sure I could find a quote from Adorno, and talk about how mash-ups are only possible because there is such a standardization of music. But really, I just make them because I know my friends like them, and they make for good background music on the weekends.” On the issue of copyright, Hayes observes that every original artist has a different opinion. He assumes, in his case, that the original artists whose material he remixes will never hear his versions, so he doesn’t fear any repercussions. If they were to be exposed to Ha! Yes-esque remakes of their songs, Hayes imagines, “a remix would likely serve as a compliment to the original.” The music of Hayes can be heard in several places on the web. Ha! Yes presides over his fan community on the Facebook page www.facebook. com/musicofhayes, and has videos on YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/ musicofhayes. Six tracks are also currently available for download at www. soundcloud.com/musicofhayes. To download “Bangers and Mash,” head over to http://www.filefront.com/17328001/Bangers-and-Mash.zip.
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How appealing does usage-based Internet billing sound to you? Probably about as appealing as a TV tax sounds. Unfortunately, television has already made this transition and usage-based billing could be the next reality affecting how we use the Internet today.
In the past two years, the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) has threatened the television industry and more recently has approved some questionable requests for Internet Service Providers (ISPs). In late 2009, the CRTC warned local television broadcasters and cable companies of a ‘local TV tax’ that was to be put in place. Throughout the first few months of 2010, debates continued, but in the end the written by Gillian Marsh // edited by Taylor Pearce CRTC “recommended a form of fee-for-carriage for illustrated by Hadrian Mertins-Kirkwood over-the-air broadcasters,” says stopthetvtax.ca. This fee is essentially a tax on all cable and satellite customers that neither major cable companies— Rogers and Bell—were happy about.
10 [mitZine v10.i4]
closing down there’s more monopolization of the industry. Just like the fight for a future of fairness in the television industry, blame has been projected in all directions and consequently most Canadians are unaware of what is truly going on. The CRTC took a small step in the right direction last month by giving indie ISPs a 15% discount to differentiate their pricing structure from the large ISPs. But openmedia.ca—a non-profit organization aiming to increase public awareness and informed participation in Canadian media policy formation—states that this is “barely enough” to allow for differentiation and that they are “disappointed by the decision” of the CRTC.
Due to this announcement, openmedia.ca’s survey “Stop the Meter” (stopthemeter.ca) has grown from 41,000 petition signees to over 83,000 signees in just three days. This survey aims to “stop big telecom companies from forcing usage-based Internet billing on Canadians” and allow for consumer choice and Throughout 2010, Internet usage and billing competition in the Internet market. became the CRTC’s next hurtle. Mid-year they If there is ever a time for Canadians to make their approved usage-based Internet billing—allowing voice be heard its now. We have been taxed on companies such as Bell “to bill Internet customers television; why would we want the level playing based on how much they download each month,” field that has made the Internet what it is today to said a CBC News article published last year. This disappear? forced any customers on an unlimited bandwidth plan to transfer over to a limited one, just so they stopthemeter.ca could eventually be charged per gigabyte. This change forced small ISPs working under Bell’s infrastructure to make those same changes or risk [ed. note: the Stop the Meter petition has now been signed by more than 400,000 Canadians, prompting the closure of their companies entirely. a review of the CRTC decision by the federal It’s interesting how Bell expressed disappointment government] with the TV tax, but finds usage-based Internet billing acceptable. Not to mention, with smaller ISPs
written by Jonathan Forani, mitZine Advertising & Web Editor // originally posted at mitzine.wordpress.com illustrated by Lauren McVittie Kanye is right—the douchebags need a toast.
If not only to ease our gag reflex (and sense of inferiority), celebrity jabs should be the favoured While there was some of the usual glass-clinking hosting approach. Awards shows have enough going on at the Golden Globe awards last Sunday, praise already. They don’t need the hosts to gush the praise was mixed for sophomore host Ricky over the nominees too. Gervais. Some applauded his wise-cracks with a hesitant clap while others criticized the comedian Nominees can be assured that awards shows are for his supposed “bad form”, begging the question: not a Comedy Central Roast. When they walk on should comedians hold back when celebs are the stage to accept their statuette, the moment and target? The negative responses to Gervais were the mike is all theirs. Gervais’ attempts to turn the largely based on the warped belief that we should night—or at least those few moments between the be nice to celebrities. And there’s nothing more gushing—into a Comedy Central Roast deserve the biggest statuette of all. offensive than that. Forget the particular strengths of Gervais as a comedian—timing, voice, etc.—and consider why his jokes were so “shocking” in the first place. It’s because we rarely see it. Most celebrity hosts make cuddly jokes about their friendships with other celebrities, the nerves of competition, or worst of all, comments like “Look over there—it’s Meryl Streep!” Take the Oscars for example. Hollywood’s biggest night. Last year Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin hosted the ceremony which might have been more aptly titled “Hollywood’s Biggest Love Fest”. From their onstage perch the pair poked fun of each other like the stage was a school playground, and went through the Kodak theatre pointing out the celebs in attendance. I probably wouldn’t have assumed Meryl Streep was in the audience if they hadn’t pointed her out for me, so I do thank them for that. This month’s ceremonies will be hosted by Anne Hathaway and James Franco. Don’t be surprised if it’s much of the same. Yes, awards shows are meant for honouring the work of the artist, so the artist should be honoured accordingly. At awards ceremonies like the Globes and the Oscars, the artists are largely celebrities. But forgive me then if celebrities aren’t already the most glorified group of people on the planet. They grace the covers of the magazines we base our style on. They send crowds of commoners into fainting frenzies. The red carpet events they attend are staged like coronations. And most of the time their everyday lives earn our attention more than any politics or human issues. What Gervais managed to do at the Globes was subvert celebrity culture for a couple of hours at the kind of event where celebrity culture is usually at its fullest bloom.
With his performance, Gervais has managed to become the firebrand of Hollywood—the Ann Coulter of entertainment, if you will. If you won’t, then allow me to explain. Coulter is a self-proclaimed “polemicist”, or in other words, an agitator who should not be taken seriously as anything more than an agitator. They agitate to stir up the pot, and stir up the pot they do. I may have strayed into risky territory here comparing Gervais to Coulter, but neither of them would hold back, so I won’t either. Don’t get me wrong, Gervais is quite a bit more respectable than Coulter, but the two share an ability to subvert the mainstream that makes this comparison important. Whether you support them or not, both Gervais and Coulter have managed to get our attention. And that is probably the most significant thing about the tactic of polemics, whether comedic or political—they get us talking. Coulter’s subject matter might seem more important, but politics is an arena that will likely always involve more critical engagement than entertainment. What Gervais managed to do at the Golden Globes was as funny as it was subversive. We need people like Gervais. I used to like the Globes. If only for the escalating drunkenness of the celebrity attendees throughout the night, the Golden Globes used to be fun. But what this year’s ceremony revealed amidst the Gervais controversy was the often sickening narcissism of Hollywood. Plus, nobody seemed drunk. With Gervais announcing he will decline an invitation to host next year’s ceremony, the Golden Globes may have nothing left to offer the lowly commoner. [mitZine v10.i4] 11
CONTROVERSIAL WHISTLEBLOWING WEBSITE JUST DOING ITS JOB written by Mathu Jeyaloganathan // edited by Andie Wright // Illustrated by Sasha Goldstein It’s not every day we’re fortunate enough to witness a revolution. Yet it seems in the 21st century, technology has privileged our generation. The creation of Google and social media has allowed us to witness drastic changes in the way our world works. A website, now synonymous with whistle blowing, has fueled a new revolution that captured the world’s attention, and our generation was in the midst of it: a revolution on the freedom of information.
Kenyan government. The English newspaper, The Guardian published the information in an article titled, “The Looting of Kenya”. The article sparked fury in the international community and emphasized the importance of revealing secret information in a primarily democratic world. WikiLeaks followed the Kenyan embezzlement leak by publishing information about the Church of Scientology, membership in the British National Party, toxic dumping in Africa by corporate giant Trafigura, as well as private emails written by infamous politician The unprecedented battle over freedom of speech Sarah Palin. started in January 2007 with the creation of WikiLeaks, a non-profit organization that has been On April 5, 2010, publishing important clandestine information to the WikiLeaks released its public through the Internet and news media. The most controversial leak organization operates through a publication model yet. The organization where members of the public are offered a secure published a website and anonymous method of sharing information. called CollateralMurder. WikiLeaks journalists and volunteers scan, edit com. The website and verify any submitted information before it is portrayed a video of released to the public. American helicopter pilots engaging in unnecessary WikiLeaks, created by former Internet hacker Julian violence in Baghdad. The Assange, started to release important information attack led to the death of Iraqi civilians as well as in 2007. The organization’s first major “whistle two Reuters’ journalists. Perhaps the most chilling blowing” provided evidence that President Daniel section of the video is the American pilot’s reaction Arab Moi secretly embezzled money from the to seeing a little girl in the firing zone: “ Well it’s
their fault for bringing their kids to a battle” (Adams, The Guardian). The media quickly picked up the story and within hours, it was on television screens around the world. The response to the video was unanimous outrage. Citizens around the world were appalled at the unnecessary atrocities committed by the American helicopter pilots and the American government was irate classified information was leaked. However, the controversy did not end there. In July 2010, the site released 92,000 military documents about the Afghanistan war, entitled “The Afghan War Diaries. In October of 2010, WikiLeaks followed up “The Afghan War Diaries” by releasing 400,000 documents titled “The Iraq War Logs”. The documents exposed everything from unreported civilian deaths to torture and abuse incidents. Finally, on November 28, 2010, WikiLeaks, through five prominent world newspapers, released the United States diplomatic cables. The cables described the details of over
“What WikiLeaks has done, more than anything, is reveal to the public that freedom of speech is only being entertained as an option.”
300 international affairs and displayed horrific situations such as corporate giants engaged in child prostitution (Boone, The Guardian). What may be more interesting than the content of the leaks is the reaction they generated. Following the release of the cables, EveryDNS. net terminated the WikiLeaks.org domain and Amazon withdrew its U.S. hosting services of WikiLeaks. In the following days, PayPal, Visa and MasterCard stopped providing Wikileaks supporters with a platform to donate to the organization. In a society where capital has become the essential ingredient needed to voice an opinion, the restriction of capital inflow to WikiLeaks was damaging. Furthermore, the credibility of the U.S government was questioned when Senator Joe Lieberman “took credit for forcing Amazon to drop WikiLeaks from its servers” (York, Al Jazeera). Paypal also reported that its decision to close WikiLeaks’ account was based off a letter received from the U.S. government. Ironically, the actions of the U.S. government seem hypocritical, as it was only in January 2010 that Hillary Clinton declared, “Information has never been so free. Even in authoritarian countries, information networks are helping people discover new facts and making governments more accountable.” What WikiLeaks has done, more than anything, is reveal to the public that freedom of speech is only being entertained as an option. It is a dotted line that appears concrete, but when needed, there are spaces to go through it. The government shouldn’t have been pressuring companies to shut down WikiLeaks, never mind the fact the government shouldn’t have the power to enact such pressure in the first place. The WikiLeaks saga exposes the false freedoms promised by the U.S. government. Something is clearly wrong if private corporations can shut down an organization because the government sees it in a negative light. Although you might argue WikiLeaks was shut down because it was dangerous to citizens, you must consider why other controversial organizations have not lost their First Amendment privileges. Why is the Klu Klux Klan still allowed to spread their message? Why should Pastor Terry Jones who advocated “Burn a Koran Day” still be allowed to voice his opinions? The fact the U.S government attempted to stop WikiLeaks may be most telling of all. If Clinton’s words are sincere, then the information released by WikiLeaks is simply holding the U.S. government accountable for its actions, which WikiLeaks should be free to do. The bigger questions now are whether WikiLeaks will lead to change, and whether or not its revolution can come to fruition.
HOW THE AMOUNT YOUR MOM ATE COULD DETERMINE YOUR WEIGHT written by Samuel Hong // edited by Marisa Dametto // illustrated by Gillian Cummings When the 2004 documentary “Super Size Me” was released, Ronald McDonald’s reputation was officially tarnished. His Big Mac developed selfimage issues and “super size” was wiped from employee vocabulary. No amount of Happy Meals and smiles will fill the hole society and the media have created in the fast food giant’s reputation.
she was pregnant. The results from this study were kept behind closed doors because it suggested that many of the risk factors for diseases were specifically predetermined, not by your genes, nor your lifestyle choices, but rather by your very own mother’s diet while you innocently splashed around in her amniotic kiddy pool.
However, as if name-calling was not enough, people began to steal lunch money from innocent Ronald McDonald. In fact, it has been reported that McDonald’s had to hand over $17,500 to a man who sued the fast food chain for making him fat.
It was also shown that babies who were born during World War II were at a substantially higher risk for obesity and diabetes later in life because their mothers’ intentionally ate less food while pregnant. Their careless behaviour permanently programmed their children’s metabolism to be lower than the So, why are you selling out on your beloved average child’s. Then when these World War II childhood friend who gave you a Barbie and Hot babies indulged in the same diet as any normal Wheels, even when it wasn’t your birthday? Well, kid― they were much more likely to become obese. I’ve got news for you bullies who’ve outgrown the height cut-off to play in the gigantic pool of plastic So before you start name-calling and even before balls: McDonald’s didn’t make you fat― your mom you consider stealing lunch money from poor did. Ronald McDonald because of your weight problem, start double-checking what was underneath those In recent research, physiologist, David Barker suspicious spinach leafs your mother kept “super made a scandalous discovery. His study revealed sizing” on her plate while pregnant. Although it that mothers substantially increased their child’s seems that life is full of opportunities and choices risk for developing high blood pressure in adult for us to make, the truth is, it isn’t always— our life when their babies were born with a low birth moms already made some irreversible decisions for weight; one of the main factors that determined us and we didn’t even know it. birth weight was how much your mother ate while [mitZine v10.i4] 13
YOU SHOULD’VE HEARD IN 2010 MIT DJ PHENOM JOHN ROMAN REFLECTS ON A MONUMENTAL YEAR IN DANCE MUSIC written by John Roman // originally posted at blog.johnromandj.com // illustrated by Meg Hackney Looking back, I’d describe 2010 as a year in transition for dance music. For some of us, the ideas and elements that first attracted us to the genre had grown tired. And for many others, these ideas and elements were brand-new and exciting; inspiring the same obsession that urged us to dig further into the culture. As a whole, dance music’s popularity in North America grew exponentially in the past year, seeing many mainstream milestones (Deadmau5 at the VMAs, Pharrell on SHM’s “One”, the superstar cameos in Duck Sauce’s “Barbra Streisand” video, “We No Speak Americano” everywhere) and a stunning amount of new fan enthusiasm and genuine passion. But as audience expectations became more refined, definitions of what “dance music” is and should be narrowed for the majority. For DJs, the inner-conflict between entertainer and curator heightened, often creating a strange grey area on dancefloors that was, at its best, magical and inspiring, and, at its worst,
confusing and alienating. Although this is not an altogether new phenomenon, for a new generation of DJs created from dance music’s recent explosion (myself included), it was a difficult, and at times stifling, creative challenge. The experience that was once communal became adversarial for some. Honesty and integrity were often put at odds with entertainment and commercial appeal. Through no fault of the audience though—these are just the growing pains of reaching artistic maturity. The DJ’s frustration is inherent given the way he or she listens to music compared to most fans: a greater part of their life is devoted to finding music, listening critically, and understanding how tracks function in relation to others. Expecting this same level of interest from the average crowd is illogical and idealistic. To me, a good DJ set is like a good argument: here’s what I like, here’s what you like, and here’s why I prefer what I like. If the DJ and the crowd like the same thing, then this argument is
much easier, but, if not, some convincing is required. A great DJ plays a persuasive role, helping the audience arrive at conclusions naturally rather than educating them against their will. But expecting great DJ sets to completely shift mainstream tastes is probably just as illogical and idealistic. Popular music is popular for a reason. The emphasis of “lowest common denominator” is more so common than lowest. For something to interest the majority, it has to appeal to people’s most base and universal similarities. By their nature these qualities can’t be complex, unique, or individual; they’re shallow, instinctual and the more one grows intellectually and independently, the further one moves away from these basic commonalities. But this isn’t to say that the current state of popular dance music will be accepted passively forever. Art is reactionary—what is now will not be in the future. Nothing is permanently popular, only temporary.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.
20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26.
And with the pace that we create and consume music, its temporary and disposable nature will only increase with time. It’s very easy to miss some of the amazing, original, and expertly crafted dance tracks within a sea of conventional sound-a-likes and popularity fiends, but the effort of searching to find them is always a worthwhile and rewarding experience. 2010 was a year in transition, but more importantly, it was a year filled with GREAT dance music. I hope this list serves as one of those “magical and inspiring grey areas” between what’s popular and what should be. I’m not trying to create an all-encompassing best-of here, or reflect the esoteric taste of some pretentious music nerd. Rather I hope you recognize a lot of these names, check out some of the picks you aren’t familiar with, and broaden your definition of what dance music is and can be.
27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34.
35. 36. 37. 38.
(Baby I Don’t Know) What You Want Jacques Greene 1010 Boys Noize 1992 Dexter 1999 (Tim Green Remix) Cassius Ancova Mumbai Science Antidote Style of Eye Arnold Classics (Egyptrixx Remix) Brodinski Aspic Simian Mobile Disco Avalanche Boys Noize & Erol Alkan Babylon Congorock Bare Knuckle Kid Gloves Beachball (Joris Voorn Remix) Nalin & Kane Berlin Booty Hobo Best in Class (Soulwax Remix) Late of the Pier Beton Brut Cosmin TRG Bit This Thin Djedjotronic Blitz (Harvard Bass Remix) Digitalism Calypso Round Table Knights Closed Timelike Curve (Marcel Dettmann Remix) Traversable Wormhole CMYK James Blake Coma Cat Tensnake Coma Cat (Round Table Knights) Tensnake Cut To The Top Round Table Knights Cvan Jesper Dahlbäck Deeper Filthy Rich Dis (KiNK 909 Tool) DJ T. Enjoy Music (Riva Starr Remix) Reboot Epsilon Terence Fixmer Extravaganza Soul Clap Fatherless Breach Fireworks Deadboy Fissa Tune Homework Flanter Filnger Jonas Kopp Forever This Phil Weeks, Hector Moralez, Fries & Bridges Forever You L-vis 1990 Gain Reaction Jan Driver Gare Du Nord Carte Blanche Get Funky Pirupa
39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.
51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58.
59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76.
Gold Mumbai Science Gospel (Super Flu’s Antichrist Remix) Format:B Haasten Egbert Hands Up Massimo Massivi Harmageddon Green Velvet Hello Chicago Guilio LNT Homeless (Canblaster Remix) Style of Eye Horse Power (Popof Remix) The Chemical Brothers I Can Change (Tiga Remix) LCD Soundsystem I Love You So Cassius I Need a Dollar (Tensnake Remix) Aloe Blacc I Wanna Be Your Telephone (Tiga Remix) Jamie Lidell I Want Everything Mowgli I Wonder Erdbeerschitzel Into The Night Azari & III Jack The Potato Jori Hulkkonen & Jesper Dahlbäck Keep Time Shed Klavierwerke James Blake Kleine Traume D.I.M. La La Land (Derrick Carter’s ‘D’s BHQ Business’ Remix) Green Velvet Lazers (Deepgroove Remix) Sei A Left Hander Martyn Lemonade Boys Noize & Erol Alkan Maybes (James Blake Remix) Mount Kimbie Mayor Mount Kimbie Miezekatze Ogris Debris Motion Sickness Audiojack Mr. Spock Justin Martin & Ardalan My Sweet Vital Angel Steve Bug Never Stop (Erol Alkan Rework) Gonzales Not The Only Girl Dexter Nott (Shadow Dancer Remix) Boys Noize NY is Killing Me (Jamie XX Remix) Gil Scott-Heron On Off (Sebastien Leger Remix) Cirez D One (Congorock Remix) Swedish House Mafia Overshoot (DJ Mehdi Remix) Zombie Nation Percolator (Riva Starr Remix) Cajmere Pimpin’ Ain’t Easy (Format:B Remix) Hugo
78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86.
87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100.
101. 102. 103. 104. 105.
106. 107. 108.
109. 110.
Reckless With Your Love (Tensnake Remix) Azari & III Robert Schumann, Clara Wieck Wolfgang Voigt Say What Gary Beck Scat Track Renaissance Man Silly Froggies Electric Rescue Sing Deetron & Seth Troxler Sinister Boogie Remote Soda Caustic KiNK Soho Julian Jeweil Somebody To Love Me (Congorock Remix) Mark Ronson Soms Hermanez Souvenir Slam Squeek Zombie Nation Steal Drums (Julio Bashmore Remix) The Martin Brothers Supersonic Mark Henning Tarantula Pleasurekraft Tellyfoam Jan Driver The Chomper (Matt Walsh Remix) Popof The Dub Track (Len Faki Remix) Pfirter The Look Jacques Greene The Majestic Shlomi Aber The Secret Joris Voorn Upside Down David Keno Vallee De Larmes (Pleasurekraft Sideshow Remix) Jean Claude Ades Vaporizer Gingy & Bordello Variations Gesaffelstein Wahhagoogoo Renaissance Man Without You Art Department World Class Driver (Harvard Bass Remix) Felix Cartal Yard Birds Boy 8-bit Yearning Black Van You Gonna Want Me (Hey Today! Remix) Tiga You Know It Jesse Rose Zzafrika ZZT
[mitZine v10.i4] 15
written by Kim Appotive // edited by Kristen Rosehart Who knew that 20 people coming to Canada for the G20 summit would be such a big deal? While there are many things you probably do know, there are also things you should know about the G20 summit. For example, you probably know by now that $1.1 billion was spent on security; however, you may not have known that right before the summit Stephen Harper made serious changes to the plan, above all location, which created, or justified, this huge expense. Day one of the G20 Summit: everything is going smoothly with peaceful protestors. Sadly it’s going too well. Some protestors’ picket for gay rights, some want more bike lanes, but overall no controversy is warranting the $1.1 billion spent. So what happens? The police claim the protestors are dangerous and round them up. By days end, approximately 75 people are kept in the Eastern Avenue detention centre, an old studio turned into a makeshift prison. Word that rubber bullets were used begins to circulate. Protestors are labeled as either ‘anarchists’ or ‘peaceful’; the distinction doesn’t seem to matter. On the news the next morning, it is broadcast that over 300 people have been arrested and thrown in the detention center. Day two: there is controversy in Queens Park over the detention center. Questions like, “why are these protestors detained” and “what is really happening at Eastern Avenue?” are being asked. There is also evidence tha on day one rubber bullets were in fact used. Despite this, it seems people will be released from the detention centre. That is, until the biker protestors- described to be young 20-something hippies prancing around Toronto – are considered a threat because suddenly 20 people in black clothing take batons and smash the windows in Toronto’s shopping district: Bloor and Queen. Stores hit? Mainly American Apparel, Starbucks, and Scotiabank. These black clothed protestors are called the Blac Block but that’s inaccurate; the Blac Bloc is actually a technique mobsters use when they hide in a crowd and then emerge in black clothing to cause violence.
Note: these people used the Blac Block technique; they are not the Blac Block. The black clothed protestors enter a vacant unlocked police car and light it on fire. The fire remains un-extinguished for several hours. Interestingly, all of those in black clothing ‘get away’ and on camera change into regular clothing. Moments later innocent civilians are arrested with plastic handcuffs and taken to the detention center. Anyone without an ID, with black clothing, or in the wrong place at the wrong time is also taken.
on people at this intersection, until it starts to rain. The only way out of this barricade described as the ‘human fence’ is to go to the detention center, or wait in the rain while your phone and camera is ruined. About 300 people are detained at Queen and Spadina for almost five hours. With nowhere to go to the bathroom, most people willingly go to the detention center. After five hours, the detained are released; no record is kept of who was detained or why they were.
“We were duped into allowing our government to spend Canadian tax dollars to fund this brutality.”
People in the detention center: over 500. By now the media run the scenes of the burning cop car and the smashed storefront windows on loop.
Evening day two: Queen and Spadina. This intersection is the main area for buses and streetcars and a popular location to transfer from one stop to another. It’s also the main area for entertainment. Notably, the World Cup is going on at this time. Regardless, the police slowly move in
Day Three: over 900 people are held in the detention center. The conditions of the center are atrocious and word emerges that people are held behind bars, with those who identify themselves as gay quarantined in a small cell alone from the others. The center is dirty, and detainees are only given a small sandwich and one cup of water in a dirty Styrofoam cup. Most use the sandwich as a pillow. Porta potties, with no door or toilet paper, are in the cell. Some detainees are held for up to 30 hours with no reason given or accessibility to a lawyer. Media personnel, who
SECURITY WORTH EVERY CENT OF TAXPAYERS’ MONEY written by Tania Overholt // edited by Vincy Kwong John F. Kennedy, Abraham Lincoln, Ronald Reagan, Theodore Rossevelt, Gabrielle Giffords: dignitaries that have been shot at public events. Three: the number of activists who were shot at a European Union summit in Gothenburg in 2009. One thousand: the number of police and citizens that were injured during the 2007 G8 summit— just three years before Toronto hosted the G20 conference this past summer. In 2008, Japan spent $381 million on the security for hosting the G8. In 2009, Italy spent $600 million on the G8 summit (Jenilee Guebert and Shamir Tanna, University of Toronto Research Group). So when Canada hosted both the G8 and the G20 in 2010 with a combined security total of $1.1 billion, it can be considered a respectable cost in comparison. Countries all over the world have recognized the risk of holding such conferences and have gone to extreme measure (or rather, extreme price tags) to avoid fatal mishaps.
illustration by Mary Wong were licensed to be in the crowd, are in the cells but now their badges and licenses have been taken and in the confusion, they too are shuffled into the detention center. I am horrified the way our government treated innocent civilians and I am further bothered that they are denying citizens the ability to investigate. So far only one officer has been charged with aggravated assault in the case of an unidentified male, “Nobody”, who was beaten because the officer thought he was being cheeky with his last name. It is clear, however, that many more officers used too much force during the G20 summit. It seems our tax dollars should go to keeping us actually safe. Furthermore, it seems we were duped into allowing our government to spend Canadian tax dollars to fund this brutality. What’s worse, people generalized the violent act of 20 black clothed protestors to encompass the peaceful protestors, and the media deliberately portrayed all of the protesters as violent people who deserve to be put in dirty cells. Oh, and in case you were wondering, the G8 summit in Hamilton was lovely, thanks for asking.
The $1.1 billion dollars included the salaries for police, soldiers, and spies deployed into Toronto and Huntsville, travel and board costs and Huntsville’s infrastructure needs. We aren’t just protecting 20 average citizens, as the airport and Olympic examples involve; Canada stepped up to protect 20 leaders of the world’s most powerful economies with large targets on their backs. Hosting twenty world leaders is a big deal. Yes, it comes out of our tax dollars; however, the money must be considered well spent. Being part of a powerful world organization, one that gives Canada a voice in how the global economy is organized, is a necessity and comes with an admission price. Canada taking its turn in hosting the event is simply part of it. Instead of the widely held belief that this part is a suffered detriment, it may actually be considered one of the benefits involved in being an integral member of the G20. The G20 Summit being held in Canada gave the government the ability to set the agenda and put pressing issues first. As well, Canadian businesses had an opportunity to meet with international clients and negotiate deals. Even more, it increased Canada’s global name recognition, which attracts more tourists and investment towards the host location (Steph Davidson, Ottawa Life). Not bad for the economy, eh?
Justifiably so: Canada’s recent history has shown world events have become a prime target for our own butt-load of raging protesters. In response to the bill forfeited by Canada for the G8/G20 security, activists bombed a Royal Bank of Canada branch in Ottawa before the summit had even commenced; the group threatened more attacks would happen leading up to and during the near approaching conference. Further, it gave Canada a chance to prove it is more than ‘America’s little cousin.’ In parading Canada’s Or let’s re-visit the Vancouver 2010 Olympics. On well-trained security and representing the devotion just the second day, roughly 200 people raided to its international partnerships, it became a big downtown, smashing windows and knocking over international player on the world stage. Turns out newspaper boxes. It seems that remonstrating the the Great White North does measure up. costs ironically perpetuates the prices. With the reoccurrence of protesters and G8/G20’s violent On June 26th and 27th of 2010, 20 leaders of the history, as only briefly described above, Canada’s world’s most powerful economies met to discuss security had to be fully prepared. world issues. There were few injuries, no fatalities, and the dignitaries accomplished what they set out To make matters worse, these activists aren’t even to do; it was a success. Yet, the event has caused the biggest worry. Security costs have skyrocketed uproar and turmoil for the citizens of Canada. Many everywhere in response to the 9/11 tragedy. Airport chose to protest the large bill imposed onto the security measures have multiplied to $5.9 billion per country, a bill that successfully ensured the safety year in the US and $2.6 billion per year in Canada. of not only powerful dignitaries, but also thousands The possibility of another attack—whether from of our own citizens. Just last week, this call of duty terrorists or activists—is always present. Simply, cost Toronto police officer, Sergeant Ryan Russell, tragic events and disturbances happen and our his life. What dollar value would his family put on the government must react. cost of public safety? Is there a cap? Let’s leave it to the professionals to debate, shall we? The G20 security measures cost our country $1.1 billion dollars but this wasn’t an empty pay cheque. [mitZine v10.i4] 17
“Being a part of a global organization that gives Canada a voice in how the global economy is organized comes with an admission price.”
HOW SENSATIONALIZED POLITICS OVERSHADOWED THE SHOOTING IN TUCSON, ARIZONA written by Julian Uzielli // edited by Andie Wright // illustrated by Warren Kong “It’s going to take way more than an inconceivable act of violence for America to rise above politics,” or at least so says The Onion. Though satirical, this recent headline contains more than a grain of truth. Almost immediately after the tragic shooting in Tucson on January 8, which left six dead and 13 wounded, including Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, the accusations started flying. Pundits and politicians from the left and the right raced to blame each other’s politics for the shooting. Many on the left pointed to a map posted on Republican Sarah Palin’s website marking twenty Democratic swing districts—including Giffords’—with cross hair graphics. Within hours, the blogosphere erupted with talk of Palin and the rightwing Tea Party movement and their seemingly obvious responsibility; it soon seemed that Palin’s alleged involvement had eclipsed the actual shooting in importance.
appalling. The treatment of it in the blogosphere and the mass media, however, was not much better; it took astonishingly little time for this completely apolitical act to be turned into an excuse for finger pointing and name-calling. Focusing on sensationalism, speculation, and petty politics, the majority of discussion surrounding the shooting only contributed to the environment of binary politics claimedv to have caused the shooting in the first place. Palin condemned this unfair partisanship in her video address, but, predictably, it only took a few days for her to proclaim that the left would stop at nothing to “bring America to her knees” in an interview with Sean Hannity. She even went so far as to suggest that Loughner might be “left-leaning”—a completely unfounded claim, not to mention shamelessly hypocritical.
“American political rhetoric has descended into an abyss of simplistic name-calling, absolutism, and outright lies.”
Now, in full disclosure, I’m no fan of Sarah Palin. In fact, I think she represents everything wrong with American politics today. Personal beliefs aside, the idea that anything she said or did, no matter how inflammatory, could have been the impetus for a political assassination is dubious at best.
As it turned out, the deeply divided and rancorous nature of America’s current political environment had little to do with Loughner’s actions. Regardless, though, the media reaction to the shooting has illustrated just how bad the situation is. American political rhetoric has descended into an abyss of simplistic name-calling, absolutism and outright lies (see: the absurdly common comparisons to Nazism coming from both sides). I don’t mean to suggest there was ever a golden age of politics where people exchanged opinions and patiently listened to one another and never raised their voices; politics have always been messy. But the situation is undeniably dire, and it shouldn’t have taken a killing spree to prompt a debate about it.
Before any of the details of the shooting had even been released to the press, bloggers were selfrighteously painting the tragedy as the direct result of Palin and the Tea Party’s rhetoric, citing Palin’s Facebook posts (“Don’t retreat, reload!”) and the cross hair map as their primary examples. It was later revealed that the shooter, Jared Loughner, had never seen the graphic and (shockingly!) suffers from serious mental health problems. This tragedy certainly warrants political discourse. For starters, there needs to be a serious look at the It wasn’t long before the inevitable retaliation from social and legal conditions that allowed a certifiable the right came. In Palin’s video address, focusing lunatic to legally purchase a handgun. What it mostly on herself, she claimed the media had doesn’t merit is the kind of childish bickering it has manufactured a “blood libel” against her, and then so far inspired. In the wake of the Tucson shooting, provided feel-good sound bites about freedom, there have been wildly unfair and unfounded democracy, and America’s enduring strength. On accusations from both ends of the political spectrum. the January 18 episode of “The Daily Show”, Jon Stewart referred to Palin, tongue firmly in cheek, Although sadly predictable, the kind of reaction when he reported that, “the victim our nation has provoked by Loughner’s rampage is exactly the been tracking so closely these last 10 days is making opposite of what should have happened. Hopefully, a miraculous recovery and is now apparently sitting now that tempers have cooled somewhat, political upright and communicating.” players will be able to see the error of their ways and, going forward, will try to foster a new era of The quip from Stewart, though obviously a joke, cooperation and bipartisanship in American politics. illustrates the problem plaguing America’s punditry. But I’m not holding my breath. What took place on January 8 was nothing less than
PREVENTING DRUNKEN SOCIAL NETWORKING IS JUST SCRATCHING THE SURFACE written by Stefanie Farrant // edited by Nicole Gibillini // illustrated by Lauren McVittie It’s two in the morning, you’re home from the bar, and you’ve decided to go on Facebook. At the time, it seems like a great idea to tell your ex that their new partner is ugly; however, the next morning when you groggily sign on, you’re struck by fear, embarrassment, and the wish that there was something that could’ve prevented you from accessing your social media post-bar. There’s no need to hope anymore; thanks to the company Webroot, new software can stop you from achieving next morning regret. The Social Media Sobriety Test is a two-megabyte program that can be downloaded onto your computer for free. After it’s installed, all you need to do is customize the settings and set limits to certain social media. To gain access to any of these sites, you must pass a simple test to prove that you’re sober. If you fail, Webroot suggests you go to bed. The idea for the software comes from the thought of no access, no harm. But in today’s society is such software necessary? One student doesn’t think so.
do fail the sobriety tests and get locked out from accessing your social media sites, the software changes your status to “[Insert name here] is too intoxicated to post right now.” Unfortunately, this still lets future employers, fellow colleagues, friends, and possibly strangers, know that you were too drunk to perform a simple sobriety test[N1] . Ironically, the software that is trying to prevent embarrassment could result in the same amount of damage as the comment “your new girlfriend looks like your mom.” From a technological standpoint, Berridge believes that the software is good; however, he thinks that Webroot is addressing a minor problem, and should be looking at the larger picture. “Where I can see this software developed - if it takes off with a high level of interaction - is not just people who are intoxicated, but with people who say harmful stuff,” he argues.
Just this past year, Tyler Clementi committed suicide by jumping off the George Washington Bridge due to a private video that was posted on a social Third year Broadcast Journalism student at the networking site by his roommate. “So many times University of Western Ontario, Rebecca Fryer, says and this happens a lot with the younger generation - their brains haven’t fully she had mixed opinions developed yet - they say about the new software. things and post things “At first I was kind of online that can do serious disappointed. I thought, damage,” Berridge says. do we really need that? What has humanity Richardson has different come to? Is drunk social concern with the mediating such a huge software. Coming from a problem?”. Fryer isn’t the Journalistic background, only one who thought that he thinks that this a social media sobriety software could negatively test was an odd idea. impact the media’s ability “I thought it was a hoax at first that had gone viral,” to access information and present news. “If people says Chris Richardson, a media, information and do decide to download this software, it would stop technoculture professor at Western. “Are you them from posting inappropriate things online,” the sure it isn’t a hoax? This can’t be real.” Contrary Ryerson grad states. “Particularly for politicians, it is to Richardson’s disbelief, the software is real these inappropriate comments that journalists need and responds to a need perpetuated by the fact access to in order to gain juicy information for their that more people online means more room for stories. This software would prevent that.” embarrassment. For now, we’ll just have to wait and see how this “I had broken up with this guy recently, and was software pans out. Berridge concludes, “If someone really nice to his face but upset behind his back,” could invent morality software, to help kids an unidentified Facebook user says, “I basically understand the outcome of some of the things they went on a rampage when I got home for the night. are posting online now, I wonder what tomorrow The next morning when I saw what I did, I was like would look like.” ‘ohh…’- having that software would’ve prevented me from saying it.”
“The software is real and responds to a need perpetuated by the fact that more people online means more room for embarrassment.”
Scenarios like this are exactly what caused Webroot to develop the software. Webroot does however have an odd way of showing their concern. If you
[mitZine v10.i4] 19
THE DIZZYING IDEA THAT FRIENDS EXIST BEYOND THE ONLINE WORLD written by Anita Lee // edited by Steven Wright // illustrated by Mary Wong and Anna Peirce The following is an update of my Relationship sensationalized people’s online personas can be. Status with Facebook as I struggle to classify our People are proud of these word collages; after relationship within the confines of a drop down all, they worked long and hard, for all of 2010, to menu. construct their ideal, online persona. It’s Complicated As your Facebook Friend, I have admission into A friend of mine recently deactivated his Facebook your cyberlife. While I appreciate you allowing me account. His reasons were simple: he wasted too to be a spectator of the edited, perfected online much time creeping people on Facebook and it version of you, does that make us friends? distracted him from schoolwork and real life, but he My profile page is not me. Yours is not you. wasn’t one of those Friends. He was a real friend, and he was one of the few people whose Facebook In a Relationship profiles I checked regularly. Suddenly I found that I We used to ask people for their phone numbers had one less reason to log onto Facebook. to stay in contact with them. Now we creep them I began to wonder why I bother to go on Facebook on Facebook and send a Friend Request. We in the first place. I sign in, check my little red communicate with people differently on each type notifications for new friend requests or new of media: phone, text, email, but Facebook is one of messages and then from there I return to the home the most impersonal. What I say to you, by posting page and read people’s status updates until I come on your wall, I am actually saying to our entire across something or someone of interest and shared network as well. Replying to my message is devour the tidbits of other people’s lives. optional because I was not just talking to you, I was talking to everyone else in the room. I was never someone who cared much for updating my own status, but now with one less Friend to check The online platform promotes a certain kind of up on, I was reading the status updates of people I relationship: friendships that are made with the click hardly talked to. There is something incredibly eerie of a button, and as such, have no accountability. about reading people’s profile updates. If I want to If you do not write on my wall, I will not write on know so badly what my friends are up to, why don’t your wall. You can secretly stalk your Friends, look I just talk to them? A profile on Facebook is poor at their personal pictures, and then conveniently substitute for a friend anyway. The new application ignore them. If you really want to be my friend, then that makes a word collage of “My 2010 in Statuses” let’s hang out, chill, party, go for coffee, or study is a fine example how reduced, amplified, and together.
Facebook thrives off superficial, self-edifying relationships. We think we know people because we have them as a friend on Facebook, which gives us access to their identities online. When I consider public Facebook knowledge (relationship status, favourite artists, books, what you did last night), how many of my Friends do I really know? How much do each of themselves - their personalities, their experiences - do they choose to reveal to me individually? If I am searching your name up on Facebook instead of spending time with you, I cannot consider myself a genuine friend to you. I’m sorry that you thought we could be Friends. Be honest, you didn’t want to be my friend. You only wanted to see pictures of me in a bikini. Single (Aw! What happened, babe?) I cannot linger on someone else’s profile if I don’t intend to leave a comment. It is akin to walking to your room while your not home and passing judgment on all your possessions. I know my best friend. I know the pitch range of her voice and the way she slurs certain words. To me, she is not only the collection of pictures on her Facebook profile, but also the pictures I have on my laptop of the two of us. Our relationship extends beyond Facebook, or more importantly, outside of Facebook; I want to keep it that way. On Facebook, the people I genuinely care about get lost in my 433 other Friends. Worse, yet, I come to believe that the same 50 people who update their status so
regularly as to appear on my Newsfeed every time I enjoying logging on to update their online personas or be updated. Why? Because Facebook makes sign in are my closest friends. us feel special. Aw, you are interested enough in I make a conscious effort to ignore my Newsfeed my life to browse through my “shots, shots, shots” because I refuse to let Mark Zuckerburg change the album. I’ll return the favour by writing on your wall way I instinctively feel about my relationships. I do with an adoring love letter, complete with a row of not want to hear about your self-announced dirty the x’s and o’s. Let’s all gloat over how awesome gossip if you would not tell me yourself. If I want to or how pathetic our lives are. Forgive me for not reconnect with a friend, I want to send her a text and wanting to wallow in the sea of narcissism. ask her when she’s available to meet up. That’s not to say Engaged Facebook does not As much I hate how cynical Facebook has made have a few redeeming me about online friendships I find that I still need qualities. I dislike the fact Facebook to keep in touch with certain people, that what I post on one namely, long-distance friends. Even if I can only person’s wall is visible Skype my friend in Holland once a month, I can look to both of our entire at her albums online, comment on a picture or two networks, it is incredible and let her know I still think of her. While this is not that people do care to comment. I needed a large the most personal interaction between two people, number of people to complete surveys for a school it maintains and reinforces a connection between project and posted the survey as a Facebook event. two people who actually want to be spending time I was surprised to find that nearly half of the people together. Facebook, however, still poses several I invited, some I hadn’t seen in years, responded to challenges. The long distance friendships that I the survey. The potential for building communities do maintain over Facebook are diluted in the other increases exponentially on Facebook. If you want to get the word out about a charitable cause, you hundreds of can invite 60 of your closest friends or all 800 of Friendships that I do not invest in— I merely decided your friends and know that some of them will pay to accept the friend request. attention to the invitation. Nonetheless, Facebook Can I be uncommitted to Facebook while still trying cannot replace a face-to-face conversation, or even to use it to maintain and establish real relationships a phone conversation. Nowhere does this become that won’t get lost in the accumulation of ever more clearer than when you fail to contact those you care you about most. Inviting your friend to your “21st Friends? It remains to be seen. BDAY BASHH!!!!” on Facebook is no substitute for Separated contacting him or her individually. Do not wait until Lurking on Facebook will not strengthen a friendship, the night of your party and wonder why your best but it makes a real good ego boost. Despite the friend did not show up only to have someone ask creepiness of being intimate friends with a webpage, you, “did you talk to her?” Turns out she doesn’t Facebook is still highly popular because people check Facebook.
In an Open Relationship At the end of the day, it’s the friends that matter, and people will eventually realize that. Facebook is no different from the time, not long ago, when we maintained lists of exclusive friends on MSN. We used it all the time to talk to our Friends and those who did not use MSN were excluded from this connection. What made Facebook appealing at the beginning was this exclusivity. You could build an online world for only you and your friends to interact, share photos, and write messages back and forth. However, Facebook is no longer just a club for the cool, college kids. The fastest growing demographic of Facebook users has been people aged 55 and over since 2008. As more moms, dads, aunts and uncles appear on the “People You May Know” side bar, Facebook becomes more of a panopticon and less of a secret club. For all the hype that surrounds Facebook now, in a few years it will be another, “Remember when we used to go on Xanga/ICQ/Myspace/MSN/Facebook all the time?”
“Facebook is particularly good at blurring the line between real and pseudo friendships.”
We are always using technology to communicate with each other, but Facebook is particularly good at blurring the line between real and pseudo Friendships. I for one, will be glad when this phase passes so that I no longer have to interact with blue and white versions of people pretending to be my friends. In the meantime, excuse me if I do not comment on your wall post, and decide to call you instead. [mitZine v10.i4] 21
This might have happened to you: after you’ve sat down in lecture, expecting your professor at the front, instead there is someone unfamiliar pitching something completely unrelated to your syllabus. This has happened to me multiple times, and I’m only in first year. Exhibit one: “TJ” from Prime Home Services had barely gotten through his pitch of looking for a “select group” of “motivated students” for manager positions before my professor arrived and abruptly cut him short. My professor had a few words with the man and sent him out of the lecture hall. I applaud my professor for sending him out; “TJ” had no right to be there. Not only is this type of advertising to students completely unethical, it is also against university policy.
According to section 12.00 of the Policy on written by Lauren McVittie // edited by Meg French Advertising and Commercial Activity1: “Advertising illustrated by Olivia Griggs and any other commercial activity will not be permitted in classrooms or laboratories or any other space specifically devoted to academic purposes.” The policy defines commercial activity as “any revenue-making or fundraising activity on campus by an outside business or organization or unit within the University.” This policy is in place for a reason; people who advertise services or events not affiliated with the university have no place in our lecture halls. 22 [mitZine v10.i4]
On the other hand, university organizations promoting student-specific events are appropriate. Recently, Arts and Humanities Student Council members gave brief talks in front of arts classes about Margaret Atwood’s impending visit. Those were informative; a person representing a company that’s most likely a scam is not. It doesn’t just happen in lecture; I’ve also encountered inappropriate sales tactics around campus. Exhibit two: a woman approached me outside Weldon Library offering coupons to a spa but at the end of her pitch, she asked for money. Scam? I was suspicious enough to decline and walk away. The Vice-President External must approve advertising and commercial activity on campus and it’s doubtable this woman had permission. It’s understandable that students are a big market for some businesses, but these types of advertising cross the line. In an institution for higher learning and critical thinking, it’s surprising that scammers choose to target students. If there’s anyone who can see through thinly veiled marketing schemes, it should be us. 1. http://www.uwo.ca/univsec/mapp/section1/ mapp112.pdf
HOW PUBLISHERS REAP PROFITS FROM REQUIRED READINGS written by Steven Wright // edited by Lisa Del Guercio // illustrated by Melissa Pushelberg At the beginning of every new term, Carissa Palmer joins thousands of other Western students in the UWO Bookstore. With heavy baskets full of their prescribed course readings, students join the long line-up to purchase their books. Palmer, a secondyear psychology major, is herded over to one of the 17 cash registers. After her book’s anti-theft mechanism has been deactivated and her purchase rung through, Palmer looks at the total shown on the display.
“The harder question is how much of that money going directly to corporate publishers is ‘trickling down’ to the authors and the academic labourers who create the content for these products,” Trosow answers his own question as he concludes, “I’d say not much.” In some instances, publishers even profit from the sale of works that have no legal author.
Unbeknownst to arts & humanities students in particular, Canadian copyright law states that any “You don’t expect to be paying $150 for a textbook,” work created by an author who has been deceased she remarked looking at the receipt. “It doesn’t for at least 50 years belongs in the public domain. make sense to pay that much”. The Norton Anthology of English Literature, There may have been students behind her paying presented as course content in many first year even more; the most expensive text books belong English classes, is a compilation of the most famous to the engineering and health science departments, and influential works from 1485 to the modern era. as a half-term text book can cost students up to The vast majority of the works in the book were $250. written by authors whose If the costs of tuition and time has long past. Their housing do not flounder stories, poems and plays students in enough debt, have become part of the every new term, students public domain, and are are burdened with the free to access, by law. costs of extra course Nevertheless, the two materials, including thick volumes of The textbooks. Yearly, the cost Norton Anthology cost of textbooks alone can over $150; debt-burdened students are dishing out reach up to $1,200, depending on your program. a significant surcharge for content they can legally It would be absurd to think that the printing costs access on the Internet. Since authors included in of textbooks would be enough to justify their the anthology are considered public domain, profits high prices.Most students don’t bother to look fall into publishers’ pockets. twice at their receipt but perhaps it’s because Students should know where their money is going students assume their money is going towards the before they drop hundreds of dollars on a textbook. professors, authors, and researchers who create To Palmer, it seems unfair students pay such an our course content. additional surcharge for course content. It certainly Sam Trosow, a law professor in FIMS, whose paper doesn’t help that students no longer have access to Citizen’s Guide to Copyright is used in some MIT a used book store where they can get a fair resale courses, is convinced otherwise. price. Next term, take a second look at your receipt, question where your money is going, and consider As it turns out, a significant amount of profits made if you should be paying that amount at all. by book sales go elsewhere. As he explains,
“Students should know where their money is going before they drop hundreds of dollars on a textbook.”
“Clearly, money, and a lot of it, is flowing from the pockets of students to the coffers of publishers. Check your cash register receipt at the bookstore every term to know that”. Students may also assume that publishers pass on the profits made from their textbook sales to the labourers who performed the research and wrote the content. After all, the job of publishing companies is to represent their authors well. Trosow also dispels this hopeful assumption.
[mitZine v10.i4] 23
TOO MUCH OF A GOOD THING? INFO OVERLOAD IN THE AGE OF THE INTERNET written by Paul Craig // edited by Gillian Cummings // illustrated by Jordan Coop Whether we’re checking for the next 6 Richmond on WebWatch, refining our personal brand on Facebook, or learning the three tips for a flatter stomach, we of the online generation are saturated with information. Undoubtedly, we owe much of this to the Internet: a revolutionary, unprecedented technology that has managed, by itself, to expose every single person in the world to sweeping generalizations.[citation needed] Of course, ‘more’ does not always mean ‘better’ —not all information is accurate—which raises an important concern: do we have too much information altogether? Despite its contemporary abundance, information (that is to say, knowledge) was once an elusive commodity. Historically, information was frequently withheld or carefully dispensed in metered doses.
Umberto Eco’s The Name of the Rose, provides a “Not all truths are for all ears,” the abbot concludes. fitting example. Subversive information, he feels, should be tightly regulated, and the two monks are forbidden from th In the novel, two monks visit a 14 century the library. Benedictine abbey housing an extensive library. Upon meeting the abbot, the wiser of our two Entering illicitly, the protagonists discover the protagonists expresses his desire to browse library is indeed a labyrinth. They quickly become through prestigious collection of books—reputed to disoriented by the intentionally bewildering layout: be unmatched throughout the Christian world. The wandering for hours through similarly-sized, abbot is quick to acknowledge the compliment, but windowless rooms. Hidden passages, trick mirrors, also to constrain the monk’s vigour. even hallucinogenic herbs hamper their progress. Not even Weldon library is as uninviting. “Only the librarian has... the right to move through the labyrinth of books, he alone knows where to By today’s standards, such a library seems counterfind them and where to replace them, he alone is intuitive, but different historical circumstances beget responsible for their safekeeping... Only he decides different societies. how, when, and whether to give [a book] to the Producing books was exceptionally labour-intensive monk who requests it; sometimes he first consults when each new book was copied out by hand. A me.” (Eco 37) monk might take as long as three years to fully
transcribe a Bible. Unsurprisingly, newly-written books often remained the only copy in existence and, practically, books can only take so much handling. Freely distributing them to all who asked would result in considerable wear—even more reason to limit access. Finally, the Church, as the purveyor of absolute truth, had a vested interest in monopolizing information. Religious elites had much to gain by proclaiming themselves the sole interpreters of divine mysteries. As an organization whose power was based on a unified interpretation of a specific holy doctrine, it was imperative to restrict access to holy texts, lest a multiplicity of opinions create division within the Church. While this (now antiquated) structure existed, it functioned not only to exercise control over information, but also to supervise its interpretation—effectively regulating the production of new information. In a society where books were labouriously produced, sparingly distributed, and jealously guarded, the Church was able to maintain a unified front—for a while. Today, we live in a radically different society. Books are now available for free in our local libraries (with significantly reduced levels of peril) or for purchase at many fine local establishments. Other major outlets of information include radio, television, and newspapers, all of which cater to differing tastes and are available in different price brackets. Perhaps the most significant developments in communication have been the introduction of the personal computer and the subsequent development of the Internet. At the most rudimentary level, a computer is a machine that stores data in various digital formats. Over several decades, the storage capacities of computers have increased exponentially and we can now store obscene amounts of data on hard drives not much bigger than a pocket novel. A 500GB hard drive, for example, is capable of storing hundreds of thousands of text-based eBooks.
full of busy monks. A person-to-person platform, the Internet has come a long way since the first message was sent on ARPANET (the precursor to the Internet) in October 1969. Throughout 2010, for example: 107 trillion emails were sent (royal.pingdom.com), equating to an average of 294 billion per day. Give or take a few billion. 25 billion tweets had been, er, tweeted (blog.twitter. com). So, like, 24 billion + Jamie Rajf. This year’s total may even surpass that amount now that I have Twitter (@pcraig3).
generally regarded to be a good thing. Usually glossed over is the more sobering fact that having your voice heard is only beneficial when you have something worth saying. Millions of people now have a captive audience at their mercy. Both Facebook and Twitter direct the logged-in user to a communal page filled with a hodge-podge of others’ most recent ‘content’, where, unfortunately, examples such as “So hungry...” or “I hate morning classsss” frequently harass one’s sensibilities. How many bodily functions or states of mind are really worth Facebook status updates? How many small vexations deserve to be tweeted about? Are they really adding anything to the world? In 71% of cases, it seems, the answer is no.
The record for Tweets per second (TPS) at time of writing happened 4 seconds after midnight in To be sure, I am by no means advocating a Japan, on January 1st 2011, with a staggering restricted Internet, or disallowing people from its 6,939 Tweets (blog.twitter.com). use. As previously noted, the Internet’s greatest weaknesses are also its greatest strengths, and Facebook currently has over 500 million active vice-versa. users (facebook.com). If Facebook were a country, it would be the third largest in the world, after China In the dark ages of information control, the only and India. Presumably, they would allow dual ones with a mouthpiece were those who exercised citizenship. control. Religious elites prohibited open access to books and, consequently, their word was law. These practices helped bring about an elitist, intolerant Certainly, the technical achievement of the Internet, society with a value system that impeded social allowing for nearly instantaneous transfers of progress. digital files across massive geographical spans, is Conversely, the Internet allows everyone (well, absolutely a laudable achievement. But a measure everyone on the priveleged side of the digital of salt must be taken when trying to assert that the divide) the chance to participate. The Internet must wealth of ‘information’ on the Internet represents the perforce remain nondiscriminatory if it is to continue pinnacle of human knowledge. to be a democratizing force. Limitations would be Having enabled information to go forth and multiply, fatal. the natural consequence The Internet may be a polluted environment, but has been a veritable it makes up for it by its sheer vastness. The small torrent of crap. Also in percentile of pristine achievements on the Internet 2010, Pingdom reports more than make up for the incalculable heaps of that 89.1% of all emails smouldering debris. 10.9% of 107 trillion is still in were spam, and Wired. the trillions. co.uk maintains that 71% of Tweets are ignored. Rather, I believe that users should consider a Don’t worry about doing greater degree of self-censorship. An egalitarian the math, it all adds up to technology providing the capacity for an online a phenomenal amount of audience may be a fantastic ideal on paper, but spam. The Internet also it can be a mind-numbing reality on Facebook. I leaves people vulnerable think the verb ‘expose’ is particularly instructive in to phishing (commonly situations like these. While it means ‘to air opinion known as identity theft), adware, and other publicly’ or ‘to disclose’, it’s equally applicable to malicious programs. grungy weirdos baring themselves to people who will never again walk though the park. Confused? Let’s try and sort this out. So maybe next time you’re going to update your Pros: the Internet provides a mouthpiece through Facebook status, don’t. which an individual can potentially reach millions of people.
“Pros: the Internet provides a mouthpiece through which an individual can potentially reach millions of people. Cons: a lot of dickheads use the Internet to annoy millions of people.”
The Internet (a series of interconnected networks) has accelerated communication and digital information retrieval to previously unconceivable levels. In lieu of any encryption, information uploaded to the Internet is available to all, regardless of geographical location, allowing individuals to connect with potentially billions of users. Said users are often free to contribute to, modify, and/or discuss information amongst themselves—actions previously made impossible by the financial burden of a printing press, radio transmitter, or scriptorium
Cons: a lot of dickheads use the Internet to annoy millions of people. It seems that the Internet’s advantages, then, are also its defects. Empowering people, giving them a forum where they may air their grievances or engage in that noble practice of ‘dialogue’, is
[mitZine v10.i4] 25
HOW A DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE ON FASHION BENEFITS ALL written by Jennifer Spence // edited by Meg French // Illustrated by Shaista Kitabi “Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. wearing donated clothing from local thrift stores. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to The outfits were not only trendy, but practical and do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.” environmentally-friendly. - Coco Chanel “The Anti-Fashion Show is all about challenging Chanel, the fierce feminist fashion mogul, was conventional beauty norms and what the fashion spot on: fashion, and the fashion industry, is more industry tells us to wear,” explained Tasha Kinnear, than little black dresses. Fashion is a political, WIN’s Resource Manager. “University students are social and cultural phenomenon that’s inextricably being bombarded by media messages all the time, interwoven in the media and economic interests. telling us what we have to look like, and what we Unfortunately, these ulterior interests have resulted have to buy, but we can stand up to that. Students in the normalization of harmful beauty ideals and can think for themselves and say ‘no’.” the corporate world’s idea of individualism, all of Kelly Anderson, one of the volunteer models, agreed which comes at the expense of the environment. with Kinnear, “we wanted to get this message out However, feminist groups across the country are there to students,” she said. “And an Anti-Fashion fighting back. Concerned, frustrated, and outraged Show does that, but in a fun way.” activists have come up with a subversive way to Another London-based organization is currently spread their counter-culture, anti-corporation, propreparing for its own “Anti-Fashion Show” this environment message through the emerging trend spring. The Sexual Assault Centre London, in of “Anti-Fashion Shows”; two of which are held partnership with the Amazon Collective, will be annually right here in London, Ontario. hosting “The Eco-Feminist Anti-Fashion Show” on On January 18, 2011, the Women’s Issues Network, March 4, 2011. a USC-funded student service at Western, held their In true Anti-Fashion Show spirit, the event aims to “WIN Anti-Fashion Show.” Dedicated volunteers set criticize the mainstream fashion industry and start a up a runway in the UCC Atrium, and student models dialogue about the many ways it harms women and strutted their stuff on stage for an enthusiastic the general society. The press release promises crowd. Why the “anti-“ in the name? The show to “bring light to the fashion industry’s unethical was created to be complete opposite of a typical production, sexist and objectifying advertising, and haute-couture show; it featured models, both male the destruction of the environment, which impacts and female, of all shapes, sizes and ethnicities,
women’s health and well being across the world.” This eco-feminist angle will highlight designers and manufacturers who are committed to sweatshopfree processes that produce sustainable and locally made garments. The fashion industry has changed much since the days of Coco Chanel. Chanel was a self-made entrepreneur, whose radical menswear-for-women fashion designs in the 1920s replaced corsets with pantsuits. This shift from physically-restricting garments to looser, more comfortable clothing was representative of the evolution of women’s role in society; Chanel’s introduction of bell-bottom pants in the 1950s was important not only as a landmark in the women’s fashion industry, but also as a sign of the changing times. Today, there is nothing wrong with the concept of “fashion”, but plenty could change for the better within the culture of the fashion industry. One can only hope that if Coco Chanel were still with us, she’d be sitting front-row at an Anti-Fashion Show, cheering on those who are trying to make fashion and feminism a matched set.
CELEBRITY DOESN’T MEAN UNSELFCONSCIOUS written by Emily Stewart // edited by Steven Wright // illustrated by Melissa Pushelberg Everyone has days when they’re not comfortable with their looks; the mirror becomes your enemy and it can spoil your outlook. Some women feel they can’t go through a day without make-up even though they look perfectly fine without it; others are perfectly content to leave out lip-gloss and eye shadow in their daily routine. Unfortunately, many tabloids and gossip websites will judge celebrities on their looks, no matter how they’re feeling the specific day. If the media feel that a celebrity is naturally pretty, they recognize it through their publishing. Likewise, the media will trash a celebrity who doesn’t live up to their red-carpet beauty in real life; Katy Perry is no exception.
otherwise; many of the comments responded Perry studies have linked exposure of photographs of the was a beautiful woman with lovely eyes. skinny, airbrushed models to depression, loss of self-esteem, and unhealthy eating habits in women. Another article, however supports Kersey’s argument. The writer “Firecracker” of the blog ‘Pop The success of magazines is in their images of on the Pop’ reported, “Katy looks good when she is beautiful women, surrounded by the finer things dolled up, and clearly does not look good when she without the constraints of real-life responsibility, is not.” Likewise, Kersey suggests how quickly the for the average reader to emulate. From here, photo was taken off of Brand’s Twitter, most likely magazines create a want, which manifests into after Perry saw it. a need. Magazines know how to play on the self-conscious tendencies of women. Still, Perry’s It seems a bit odd that Perry would feel insecure makeup-less picture was off Twitter probably within about the picture, considering she bursts with minutes. Perry has been on the cover of a multitude confidence on-camera and sings the inspirational of magazines. Did the latter help her confidence song “Firework”. With so many mixed messages when a real-life image was released? No. In reality, about what beauty truly is, it can really mess celebrities have just as many good and bad hair with a woman’s head. However, the media has days as anyone else; they just have their own ever-changing expectations for beauty, which hairstylists. brainwash women into thinking they need to change themselves, wasting their money along the way on beauty products.
It is hard to believe the media would call a gorgeous girl like Perry ugly. However, they did. On Twitter, Perry’s husband, and comedian, Russell Brand posted a picture of the “Teenage Dream” sans makeup. The photo was removed shortly after it was posted. Although the photo is equal to that of anyone just woken up in the morning, critics had One way the media presents expectations of beauty something to say about it. is through magazines. A typical women’s magazine is chock full of articles encouraging women to In the article “Picture Katy Perry Without Makeup”, change their appearance, and to see it as one step Stephen Kersey referred to the picture as “hideous” on the road to a perfect life. Likewise, insecurity and warned readers, “if you look at this photo, you is a key factor in marketing products to women in may not be able to look at Katy Perry the same way order to obtain “the look”. It is more likely that a again”. He suggested she would lose her reputation woman will buy a new outfit, makeup, and weight as one of the “hottest chicks on Earth” because of loss products if they’re self-conscious, rather than the photo. The response to the article told Kersey someone whose confident about their looks. Sadly,
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