Pravaha volume 3

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From the editors desk Dear Readers, Hope you all are having an amazing time. Operations club, IIM Shillong takes immense pleasure in introducing to you the third edition of its enriched and concise assay of different aspects of operations bundled together, the third edition of its biannual magazine “Pravaha”. With the tormenting summer receding and the frenzyness of the ever fascinating monsoons we have tried to cover yet another innovative aspect of bringing Operations to your convenience. The magazine greets you with a very sensitive; much heard of yet not tapped enough topic of “Humanitarian Logistics”. Something that has been a persistent challenge for us. Pravaha tries to cover the different angles pertaining to the same. Innovation that’s going to redefine the logistics of tomorrow has been aptly touched upon. With pathbreaking technology of Drones and Anticipatory shipping all eager to adorn the existing establishment of supply chain, Pravaha tries to bring to you subtle aspects of all these technologies. Important Environmental aspects to give and enlighten ourselves about a responsible tomorrow have been aptly covered by “Green Supply Chain Management”. It indeed is of subtle and pinnacle importance that our environment today stands endangered to a huge threat that is looming and as responsible global managers of tomorrow, it’s imperative on our part to implement and monitor sustainable technology. At the same time the bottom of the pyramid holds significant importance in the upliftment of business. A socially inclusive model that prompts rural India to enjoy the benefits of e-commerce has also been touched upon and many more insightful facades have been spoken of. It has been our consistent attempt to go beyond the four walls of the classroom and create a conducive environment just to make learning and exploring operations all the more easy and convenient to our dear readers. Hope Pravaha this time takes you through the strides of a lovely, engaging and yet insightful journey along the challenging facades of Operations Management. With that “Team Pravaha’” signs off and welcomes you to turn to the next page and commence upon this wonderful journey.

Happy reading!!

Please feel free to provide your inputs about the magazine, its priceless and it keeps us alive.

Table of Contents INSIGHT Drones - Transport of the future? Raymond MTM - Taking supply chain management to new heights E-commerce in Rural India - Towards Increasing Profit Anticipatory Shipping - Amazon showing the way Digitising Manufacturing - A supply chian perspective

4 7 10 12

BLAZE-A-TRAIL 3D Printing - Transformation of the supply chain - Redefining supply chain

15 18

ROOBAROO Mr. Chaitanya Aggarwal - CEO of Juvalia and You India


COVER STORY Humanitarian Logistics - Managing supply chain at the time of disaster


VIRTUOSOS Father of Quality - Joseph M. Juran Introduced Taguchi Loss Function - Genichi Taguchi

25 26

RENDEZVOUS Events - Optimus 6.0, Optimus 7.0, OpsMerge Industry Associations - Meghalaya Institute of Governance, SCNext, Magic Cements



Look for this sign inside! In this issue of Pravaha, we are featuring some of the largest supply chain disasters that had happened based on an analysis from the Supply Chain Digest and bring to light some of the historic failures of giant multinational companies. IIM Shillong • Pravha • 1





n June 23rd 2014, Michael Huerta, the Administrator

the FAA calls them, are aircraft usually of lesser than 55 pounds

of the FAA (Federal Administration Aviation) , the

in weight, that are usually used for hobby/recreational flying .

American civil aviation regulator, released a very

The primary use of drones today is military: they are being used

cryptic communiqué on the usage of drones. In a

continuously by the armies of the US, UK and China to carry out

press release eliciting public comment on the use

surveillance missions. However, an even bigger tectonic shift has

of drones in civil aviation, Mr. Huerta stated that

occurred in another field – transportation, due to the advent of

unmanned aircraft “delivering packages for a fee” was illegal. What


the ruling effectively stated was that the use of commercial drones would not be permitted, at least not in the near future. “We have

Current Usage of Drones

a mandate to protect the American people in the air and on the

When we think of drones today, the first images that pop into our

ground, and the public expects us to carry out that mission,” he

minds are the drones in movies being used for ultra-secret stealth

said. As news trickled in of the FAA’s ruling, companies like Amazon

operations in Iraq or Afghanistan. Indeed, this may be frighteningly

which had invested heavily in developing such UAV’s (unmanned

true. The current usage of drones among the big defence spenders

aerial vehicles) had to admit that their drone projects may indeed

such as the US, UK and China is on the rise. A recent study published

take some more time to get off the ground.

by the International Institute for Strategic Studies in the Guardian data blog estimated that there are presently over 807 drones in


active military duty around the world. The United States continues

What exactly are drones? Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) as

to be the biggest user of such technology, but these numbers are

2 • Pravha • Op-Era

highly understated as proper estimates are not available for China, Turkey and Russia. (Incidentally, even India is estimated to have over 30 UAV’s in its arsenal). AMAZON PRIME – First Mover The event that sparked the fire of the drone revolution was when Amazon revealed that it been working on a drone to carry out delivery of packages. Amazon describes Prime Air as ‘a new delivery system that will get packages into customers’ hands in 30 minutes or less using unmanned aerial vehicles’. Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, in his annual letter to shareholders, gave an update on the progress achieved in the use of unmanned aircraft for delivering packages, while referring to his prime air team that carried out the drone flights. “The Prime Air team is already flight testing our 5th and 6th generation aerial vehicles, and we are in the design phase on generations 7 and 8” he said. Disruptive Innovation Drones have been around for a long time, with the first reported air raid by drones being done by the Austrians against Venice in 1849 . The Austrians attacked the city of Venice with unmanned balloons loaded with explosives. However, the recent surge in interest begets the questions - How exactly do drones help the cause of improving the supply chain? How exactly is it so pathbreaking innovative? The first and foremost reason for drones revolutionizing the transportation sector is the joy of instant

with the company incurring a loss of over $3.538 billion in 2013 on shipping costs alone. Implementation Concerns Even though there are so many advantages associated with such a technology, it does come with its own share of concerns. In Amazon’s case, since the drones will be manually operated, training the pilots, granting them some sort of flying licenses will be required, in conjunction with the FAA. Also, the drone would need some sort of biometric identification to ensure the package has reached its

gratification . Amazon Prime promises and order

rightful owner. The most important change in the supply chain

in 30 minutes or less. So anything that you order

itself would in the location of warehouses, as most drones would

will arrive on your doorstep half an hour from

not be able to travel over very long distances. This might cause a

Amazon Prime promises delivery in 30 minutes or less. So anything that you order will arrive on your doorstep half an hour from now. How amazing is that!”

strategic shift in the supply chain itself, with companies having to shift to smaller warehouses scattered all over the country compared to one major warehouse supplying to an entire geographical area. Other minor concerns such as tracking the position and delivery status of drones would also be problematic and quite complex. The way forward - What does the future hold? If there are that many advantages as the companies developing such UAV’s state, why then has such a technology not been fully utilized? The main obstacle continues to be the regulatory framework, which

now. How amazing is that! Also, there’s the wow factor, at least in the initial stages of such drones – people might actually order a product just to see the drone deliver it at their doorstep. This could be considered the second reason why drones are such a disruptive innovation. Thirdly, it reduces the cost of transportation, as customers are willing to pay a very high premium for near instant delivery of their products. This alone could be reason for companies like Amazon and DHL to invest in such technologies. For example, a recent study by Robot-economics

showed that

considering a premium charge of $15 to $20 per delivery, the use of one drone making 30 deliveries a day, extrapolated over a year,

does not presently allow the use of drones for commercial purposes in the USA, the hotbed of such UAV development. Most other countries are following a wait and watch approach, waiting to see what action the US takes and then follow through. While all the hullaballoo was going on at the FAA, Amazon quietly continues developing its 7th and 8th generation drone devices. The standoff between companies like Amazon, DHL and the FAA shows no sign of abating soon. However, with development of such UAV’s being taken up even in developing countries , there is no doubt that drones will constitute the zenith in transportation efficiency and rule the roost for many years to come.

only cost Amazon about $9.75 to $17.44 in costs, per delivery. This is a huge improvement over Amazon’s present rates for shipping,

IIM Shillong • Insight • 3






upply Chain management is the backbone for any

free cash flows these companies have invested hugely into their

organisation because of which each and every aspect

distribution networks. Companies have now started to benchmark

of it is planned in detail. In case of large Indian

themselves with the very best globally.

conglomerates, such planning becomes more difficult

In this article, we will talk about a concept which promises to

as the distribution networks of these companies have

provide best customer service and will result in huge first mover

evolved over the time and are not planned from the

advantage for Raymond.

beginning. The fact that most of the companies have come through

Raymond is one of the largest branded and fashion apparel retailer

the license raj era which made land acquisition a big

in India. The company has dominated various categories of apparel

challenge have forced companies to look for cost

in both rural and urban sectors of India through its huge presence

efficient methods of managing their supply chain.

across the country.


Made to Measure which is positioned to transform the apparel industry in India� 4 • Pravha • Op-Era






The company operates through various formats which require robust supply chain management:-

unplanned networks

1. Company Owned Company Operated Stores (CoCo)

for companies. But

2. Franchise Owned Franchise Operated Stores (FoFo)

times have changed

3. E-Commerce


4. Multi Brand Outlets (MBO)

of and



liberalisation availability of

5. Conventional Distribution

There has been a recent addition to this list through the introduction

3. Money Flow

of MTM-Made to Measure- which is positioned to transform the apparel industry in India. MTM is a European concept which has

Information Flow

been altered to suit the needs of India consumer. It’s a concept

• The fashion advisor gets real time updates on the fabrics available

which provides its customers best of both the words – Tailoring and

at the manufacturing plant. In case of stock out of any kind of fabric,

Ready Made. It is a salon oriented approach focusing on customer

the fashion advisor is notified immediately so that the specific

service in product industry.

sample can be removed from the display at the store. • The measurements and other details of the customers flows from

Process of MTM

the outlet to a central server which transmits this information to the

A customer can walk into any Raymond outlet with MTM facility.

manufacturing plant and also saves this information permanently

Each MTM facility is equipped with a fashion advisor, a tailor and

to ensure quicker service to the customer during his next visit.

large range of collars, cufflinks, buttons etc. The fashion advisor helps the customer to choose the right fabric, colour, collar pattern,

Product Flow

cufflinks etc. The customer then moves to the measurement area

• The fabric flows from the manufacturing plant of Raymond to

where he is asked to wear a trial-on according to his body shape.

the garmenting unit of MTM. This makes use of ARS (Automated

The tailor then take measurements of the alterations that needs

Replenishment System) which triggers an order automatically

to be done on the trial on to make it a perfect fit for the customer.

when stock of any particular fabric touched the re-order level.

These alterations are fed into the computer along with the fabric

• The final product flows from the garmenting unit to the postal

and styling that the customer has chosen. Pictures of the customer

address of the customer through 3rd party courier services (Bluedart

are also clicked that will later assist in computer aided design at

in this case).

the manufacturing plant. This is followed by billing and collection of money and other details from the customer.

Money Flow

The manufacturing plant (located at Bangalore) receives this data

The money collected by the stores is deposited in the nearest

and transmits it to the machines which automatically picks up the

bank branch on daily basis which is reflected in the ERP solution

required fabric and uses laser cutting to cut the garment into pieces

implemented by the company.

with high precision. This is then stitched into garment using state of art technology and packed. This ensures a high quality and defect

What’s in it for the company?

free product. The garment is then shipped to the postal address of

• One of the big advantage that the company gains through the

the customer within 3 days of order placement, thus completing

MTM network is negative working capital. As soon as the customer

the entire chain.

places the order, he is required to make the payment upfront at the MTM counter. If the payment is through credit/debit card it reaches

Supply Chain Management

the company directly. If it is through cash, the store manager is

The entire process of MTM requires a fully integrated supply chain

required to deposit the cash on daily basis in the nearby bank in

and adequate flow of information to ensure the promised level

the Raymond’s account. Thus, Raymond gets the money even before

of customer service. Automating the entire chain of processes,

it starts producing the garment. The company is putting up the

delivering the product in 5 days, managing inventory and workforce

concept of postponement to a good use in this case.

in the supply chain is no small task. To add to it, MTM is being

• The integrated process of MTM results into the final output

provided in the following retail formats – CoCo stores, FoFo stores,

reaching to the customer within 3-5 days of ordering. This results in

Exclusive MTM stores and at Location Independent Stores (Mobile

huge satisfaction level among the customers further strengthening


the brand name.

MTM leads to 3 kinds of flow which needs to be managed through

• MTM helps Raymond in freeing up its capital tied up in inventory

robust supply chain management:

at various stores. Stocking of samples at various stores is an

1. Product Flow

insignificant investment as compared to stocking of large amounts

2. Information Flow

of fabric at each store.

IIM Shillong • Insight • 5

• MTM also reduces the company’s dependence on Brick & Mortar

We can say that Raymond’s MTM presents a prime example of a

stores as this concept is working well out of a bus too. Raymond has

company’s carefully managed innovative supply chain delivering

converted Volvo buses to MTM stores which are known as Location

huge customer value.

Independent Stores (LIS). This helps in reaching the customer at their place rather than being limited to a single location. Raymond is using these LIS specifically to target colleges and office campuses.


Mattel Inc. the toy manufacturer with famous brands such as Fisher-Price, Barbie dolls, Hot Wheels and WWE Toys faced a huge supply chain disaster in 2007. In summer of 2007 Mattel had to recall 10 millions of toys owing to the quality issue that raised from offshore manufacturing in China such as use of lead based paints on some toys. The brand suffered huge hit and huge financial losses. The origin of the issue was not clearly attributed to

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sloppy manufacturing processes followed by the Chinese suppliers and product design. But this issue did a greater good to the world but exposing the entailing issues of offshoring that many companies failed to realize at that point of time. Companies realized the necessity of restricting the offshoring of QA and having a hold on the supplier end for quality checking.

Article of the Issue





he size of the rural industry in India is expanding

for the consumers. Hence, there is a huge potential to develop the

rapidly. As the rural market is getting more attractive,

e-commerce industry in rural areas.

increasing number of companies are expanding their operations into the rural areas. Despite continuous

Novel Approach

development in India’s rural business environment,

As a preliminary step for designing the supply chain network,

companies are facing various challenges to generate

the needs of rural e-shopper has to be addressed. Some of the

sustained, profitable growth in these markets. The key challenge

parameters that need to be understood are delivery speed, delivery

in rural markets is the increased cost of serving them because of

price, product variety, returns and customer grievance procedures.

poor infrastructure facilities and lack of established supply chain network. Hence, there is a need to improve the network and create

In this article, a new approach is proposed. The basic premise

sustainable channel relationships.

of this approach is to segregate vast expanse of rural areas into groups consisting of few villages. The number of villages can vary

Since 2000s, per-capita GDP has grown faster in India’s rural areas

depending upon various factors like the propensity to consume by

than in urban areas. There has been an increase of 19.2 % in

these rural e-shoppers, proximity of these villages to a town or a

monthly per capita expenditure in rural markets from 2009 to 2012.

city, existing supply chain network & infrastructure facilities. The

Rural incomes are growing and consumers are buying discretionary

aim of this exercise is to aggregate suitable number of orders and

products like electronic items, lifestyle products, two wheelers etc.

thereby save on cost of transportation.

The product variety available in rural areas is quite less. Through e-commerce, there is an opportunity to provide wide product range

From the fulfillment center, the products should arrive at hubs that

IIM Shillong • Insight • 7

2) Mobile App – One of the most exciting statistics is that as many as 68 million Internet users are from rural India and the E-commerce industry is waking up to the potential of the rural Indian who often has enough money but lacks access to goods. This growth opportunity is also visible in the recent survey conducted by IAMAI and IMRB International which indicated that there has been a 57% growth in the number of claimed internet users and 32% increase in the number of active internet users in rural India. This is the result of the many initiatives taken by the government and private agencies to improve the Internet infrastructure in the villages such as setting are closest to the area to be delivered, preferably a town or a tier III city. In case, a hub is not present in a town or a tier III city that

up of Community Service Centers and Cyber Cafes.

is closest to the final destination, then it is imperative to enter into a collaborative agreement with a 3PL logistic service provider or

Most rural places in India are famous for their handicrafts, sarees &

with warehouses in that town or a tier III city, to hold goods and

paintings etc. Therefore, e-commerce companies should encourage

then transport further downstream. Here, orders are aggregated

rural e-shoppers to list their products on the company’s website.

depending upon the group of villages to be catered. These orders

This would enhance e-commerce Company’s brand image among

are then transported to respective villages, where they are delivered

the rural e-shoppers and increase their disposable income as

selling through traditional channels would offer them less profit. at a drop points present in each village, which could be a mom and pop store, a newspaper depot or a petrol station. These orders must

Supply Chain Improvements

be delivered from the hub to the drop point through suitable mode

Establishing a supply chain network in rural areas is quite an onerous

of transport, for example for a small order size a two-wheeler might

task given the uncertainty of the orders to justify investment in the

suffice. Clarkes-Wright algorithm (

supply chain. As a preliminary step, forging favorable relationships

DiscreteOpt/CH6.pdf) is used for finding the path to be traversed in

with supply chain intermediaries that deliver in the rural areas

each group of villages. It would ensure a closed loop as the path to be traversed as shown in figure, which reduces transportation cost. Customer Touch-Points 1) Online Ordering Kiosk – Computers with internet connectivity need to be deployed for a given population size, to communicate company’s brand value to the rural population and also to provide opportunity for them to order products online. In addition to this, company can nominate a person from a particular village who will not only be responsible for aggregating orders but also act as an ambassador enhancing brand value of E-commerce Company to the rural e-shoppers.

8 • Pravha • Op-Era

might be a good idea.

Improper functioning of Online Status Tracker

Poor Customer service experience because of rude behavior of

1) Collaborative channels –



delivery staff •

Money retrieval to Amazon through COD is delayed

established distribution channels of other non-

Feasibility Analysis



As this is a new approach, a feasibility study has

should be explored. This

to be conducted by the e-commerce company to

would reduce delivery

ensure smooth implementation. In this regard, a

costs. The challenge in


this model is that the

the sequence of steps

final delivery happens

to be implemented is

only till the retailer level.


The final leg of home

The major assumption

delivery needs to be

in the analysis would

addressed. Taking a leaf

be that the customer

out of FMCG companies

base for e-commerce

books, which came up with innovative solutions to deliver in the

Company in rural areas

rural areas, e-commerce companies can tweak FMCG companies

will increase in the

rural distribution model to make their presence felt in rural areas

future. This is only

like nominating a brand ambassador from each village who will

possible when the customer service is exemplary. Hence during the

not only aggregate orders from each household but also enhance

analysis and implementation of the above action points, addressing

brand reputation of the e-commerce company since word of mouth

all the customer needs would be given utmost importance.


....every company looks for ways to increase revenue and reduce risk and costs involved.”

publicity is the most effective form of marketing in rural areas. 2) India Post Channel – Presently, Amazon is delivering products through this channel. India Post has large penetration in rural areas, however, this channel is fraught with the following problems which have to be addressed •

Reliability of services

IIM Shillong • Pravha • 9




nd the doorbell rings! To your surprise, it is a delivery

products in anticipation of demand has always been there. ‘Click and

man with a parcel. It might be something you ordered

collect ‘is another concept where you buy online and pick up from

few days back or something which you ordered a few

the store. But in the fight to gain market share as huge as possible

minutes back or let’s imagine it was something you

on the basis of faster and cost effective deliveries, companies have

were going to order but did not.

now come up with the idea of ‘ship from store’ where the product

Yes. This is exactly what the ecommerce colossus

ordered online and shipped to the customer not from the warehouse

‘Amazon’ has been up to – to overwhelm its customers by express

but from a location closer to him. Everybody is coming up with

delivery (by express I mean in the blink of an eye). Amazon has

their version of this concept like eBay’s same

come up with a shipping system called Anticipatory Shipping that

day delivery, amazon’s Sunday delivery. Amazon

will slash delivery times by predicting what the buyers are going to

is planning to take this to a whole new level by

buy before they actually hit the ‘buy’ button. The system would work

shipping products

like this: shipping a package for delivery to a specific geographical area (closer to the customer) without a particular delivery address and specifying the delivery address while the package is still intransit. Ecommerce players have replaced the bricks and mortar shops due to the low prices and speedy, often free deliveries. Companies have resorted to many tricks and ideas to make speedy deliveries. Stocking

10 • Pravha • Op-Era

...predicting what the buyers are going to buy before they actually hit the ‘buy’ button”

in of

anticipation demand


and the

never-ending desire


customers existing potential.

its both and

The impact of this system on some important elements of a retail supply chain: •

Demand forecasting

Amazon already has predictive algorithms to offer nextday deliveries. To be able to make overnight or same-day deliveries, it needs to know in advance, the time of placing the order and the location from where it is placed. This will require tremendous amount of work on the data collected by means of surveys/questionnaire, demographic data,order history, wish lists, basket contents and cursor movements over items, time spent on a particular items etc. Amazon will know what items are pre-packed at the fulfillment center that a particular customer had ordered in the past and will suggest them for reorder with a promise of immediate delivery. Gauging the mind of a customer to know what he wants before he himself knows will set amazon apart from others. •


The target of same-day delivery could be achieved only if Amazon expands its already-huge distribution network and opens hubs. These hubs are different from the fulfillment centers in the way that these don’t deal with order picking and packaging instead they are centers with box handling capabilities.If there is a partial truck load and empty space at a hub, the package will be prepositioned to that hub for any expected order. •


For Amazon to be able to keep items closer to customers whether in transit or in hubs, it will take more safety stock to cater to the anticipatory demand of numerous small region around every hub. Also it can plan to re-route the items from one small region to another depending upon the demand or plan to keep packages continuously on transit on truck until a customer makes a purchase. This prospective shipping will mostly be made for mass-interest products like mobile devised or books by bestselling authors. The key to the profitability of this approach is innovative big data based analytics and intelligent network synchronization and planning. Advantages By doing everything discussed above, Amazon will capture the speedy delivery frontier in the ecommerce space. Even if it is able to pre-ship items to urban locations and not to very remote location, it is ok because nobody else would be able to do that. Secondly, the fact that a wrongly shipped item might be delivered as a gift to the customer will give Amazon to add some new customers to its exhaustive list. Thirdly, it will only reduce their cost of making express deliveries through courier services as now they will make bulk-deliveries of an item to the hubs in a particular region. Amazon’s concept of anticipatory shipping is an extension of Amazon’s relentless efforts to provide customers with 3 D’sDelights, Deals and Discounts. The level of convenience which this idea could bring in is tremendous. The customer is in the process

A word of caution Though anticipatory shipping might sound exciting to some but it can also land Amazon in a weird situation. Just imagine Amazon delivering kids’ toys to bereaved parents. Another word of caution for Amazon has to be in terms of Privacy violation issues. It has to ensure that the data being used for predicting the customer buying behavior in order to make the delivery time negligible is not being misused against the interests of the customers. Amazon is already operating on very low margins and it could hardly afford to dole out free shipments to customers who may not even be loyal to the online retailer. Some people might misuse it by just hovering over some products without the intent of buying it or adding them to wish-list just in the expectation of receiving a free delivery from Amazon. This move of Amazon can be seen in the perspective of earning through the patents as well. Its 1-Click patent in 1999 transformed the online purchasing by allowing the customers to buy a product with a single click. Amazon at that time granted the license of 1-Click buying to Apple Inc. for use on its online stores. Similarly it could also offer licenses for anticipatory shipping to other online retailers. It is yet to be seen that when will Amazon actually start implementing it. Amazon’s ambitious vision of 30-minutes drone deliveries, in which a flying drone would drop a package on the delivery address within 30 minutes of placing the order, is yet to turn into reality. So it is clear that there is a lot of forward thinking going on in the minds of company’s leaders through which they want to take the e-commerce shopping experience to the next level. Amazon’s CEO Jeff Bezos has always startled everyone with his vision and his commitment to his vision. He knows exactly what he’s doing. This innovative concept by Amazon may lead to a war in this industry with every player trying to deliver the right product before the right time in the lowest prices. Well only time will tell us that whether this patent will bring a revolution in e-commerce or will prove to be a just another patent among the dearth of patents being filed but never being implemented. Till then keep shopping and keep anticipating. You never know what may arrive at your door-steps.

of finalizing the product and even before completion of the process the product is delivered.

IIM Shillong • Insight • 11



anufacturing success is no longer defined by


development and production expertise, but is

RFID – Radio Frequency Identification is an AIDC concept. It is a

going through a phase of unprecedented change

method of wireless and non-contact mode of storing and retrieving

where responsiveness, resilience, agility and

data by electromagnetic transmission to a RF compatible circuit.

operational excellence are the game changers

The recent developments have drastically reduced the cost

in gaining a competitive edge. Producing good

associated with the manufacturing of RFID as a result of which this

product at good price does not depict the excellence model, but

technology has penetrated into various arenas including retailing,

building in value across the stream has become inevitable. And as

manufacturing etc.. The simplest form of this technology includes

Moody (2006) suggests that in Supply Chain arena technology is

a chip that can be embedded into any object and can be tracked

the direct route to cutting cost and improving productivity in the

throughout the lifetime of the object.


quickest possible manner. Integration of Information Technology with Manufacturing promises to bring forth a journey in this

RFID in Lean Management

direction. The lean oriented manufacturing can no longer hold the

Lean principle involves elimination of waste from the system as

influence of IT at bay. Automated Identification and Data Capture

key focus. Lean processes and its implementation majorly revolve

(AIDC) systems were a development that helped Manufacturing

around the following five stages. For any process being accepted as

in this pursuit. One of the significant developments in this field

a lean model, it is essential that it carries these five functionalities.

towards ‘technology-fying’ of manufacturing is RFID in Lean and Supply Chain Management.

The first stage involves the evaluation of value addition, which any practice would bring to the system. RFID provides the opportunity

12 • Pravha • Op-Era

for the system to shift from a long era of group level control to individual item level control. The increased visibility and data tracking that the technology brings in can change the basics of product tracking and inventory management. The step involves identifying the value stream associated with the adaptation of the suggested practice. It is the key to main motive of lean, which is the systematic identification, and elimination of waste. One of the major set backs that value stream mapping faced before RFID technology is the lack of dynamic information. But with the onset of RFID has enabled the tracking of a product across entire process stream not just internal but even after the product has left the premises of the manufacturing unit. This enables the real time value stream mapping and thereby simplifying and improving the ability to plan, distribute and replenish in a Supply Chain. Flow stage of Lean implementation focuses of elimination any waste flow in the system. How does RFID play a role in ensuring that the flow is oriented towards eliminating waste? RFID can be used to bridge the gap between the material and information flow in the Supply Chain. A dynamic appraisal in the system brings real-time visibility of the product flow and can help in avoiding unwanted material flow by providing better traceability and higher reliability. This can ensure a continuous and accurate flow production process. The next objective of Lean implementation is to address one of the most important necessities of Supply Chain. Which is developing a responsive system that is triggered by the pull created by customer requirements arising at the later end of the Supply Chain. Reducing the span between the generation of customer requirement and its incorporation in production process is one of the methods of

ensures the progress towards perfection. By analyzing the fundamentals of Lean with the functionalities and abilities of RFID, the role of RFID in Lean Management has been clearly established. This gives a go-ahead for most of the organizations that look forward to an effective lean implementation in their Supply Chain. A Model for the Automotive Industry An illustration of integration of RFID technology in Automotive manufacturing to achieve Lean process is explained below. Some of the major challenges that the manufacturing world faces include •

manufacturing set-up the chance of misplacing an asset or

achieving this effectively. RFID renders the Supply Chain with this super power thereby helping in tackling the pressure arising due to pull factor. This also helps in achieving the goals of Just In Time

losing track of the asset is highly probable. •

conventional Kanban such as the time lag, loss of data, lesser efficiency, etc. has been removed.




continuous quest for


thus forms the core



thinking for which transparency acts as



It also enables reducing clerical

operational efficiency. •

Safety issues and security issues that can arise due to the lack of where about of people and resources

Unwarranted delays and waiting that can occur due to lost information or resources

Finally the focus shifts

Possibility of seeping of in-efficiency in allocation of resources and people for processes is another deterrent to achieve

(JIT), which is accurate delivery in terms of time and quantity. RFID stands parallel to E-Kanban, just that the shortcomings of the

Lack of visibility of valuable or critical assets. In a crowded

RFID provides the opportunity for the system to shift from a long era of group level control to individual item control”

intervention and helps in real-time measurement of key performance indicators. Thus by bringing in real-time visibility and transparency RFID

These are some of the challenges that can be overcome with the help of an effective tracking system in the Supply Chain that increases its flexibility, accuracy, responsiveness and visibility. RFID technology can be implemented to track the order, account for incoming items, distribution and their replenishment. A RFID enabled parts replenishment system automates the entire process thereby eliminating the gap that can arise in the process due to delay in information sharing. RFID tracking is not limited to inbound parts but also can also be activated in work in progress inventory as a result of which a dynamic real-time estimation of the output and productivity can be obtained. It can accurately estimate the WIP inventory, the time it would require to hit the outbound logistics and in case of interruptions the module at which it is trapped. Thereby enabling an effective mode of preventing accumulation of

IIM Shillong • Insight • 13

inventory at workstations.

it leaves the premises of the manufacturing unit and can be used as a tool for customer delight by better coordination depending on

On the completion of production, the out-bound inventory can

the time taken for dispatch, foreseen and unforeseen delays that

be integrated with the demand schedules. This can enable an

occurred during the course of dispatch of the product.

automated dispatch and framing of the next production cycle. RFID also can be made to initiate triggers based on the utilization of

The major areas that can be enabled with this technology includes: This level of visibility that is enabled by using RFID technologies within the lean paradigm allows firms to collaborate, schedule, monitor, and execute while striving




operations within the extended value stream. Some of the industries that are reaping major benefits through this technology breakthrough in manufacturing include aerospace




semi-conductor industry and automotive industry. Other technologies from the IT domain that hold huge scope for meeting the fast changing demands of manufacturing industry include Cloud computing in manufacturing and Plant virtualization. These




the workstations, which in turn will help in improving workstation

enabled architectures would go to great extend in revolutionizing

utilization through dynamic tracking. This help in eliminating

the Manufacturing world and making it competent to handle the

useful workstation utility time. With RFIDs travelling right through

changes that are occurring at an unprecedented rate.

the entire useful life journey of product, the exact location of each product until it reaches the customer end along with time stamp can be tracked. This can improve the visibility of the product once

DISASTER #2 : WAL-MART’S RFID SAGA In August 2003 Wal-Mart had announced that top 100 suppliers to the retail giant should adopt RFID tagging for its pallets and cases, which would be extended to all its suppliers in 2006. Few of the suppliers started incorporating RFID tagging for some of the distribution channels. But many where reluctant due to the substantial cost involved. The RFID stint by Wal-Mart dint hold its focus, as the company itself had various views about the benefits of the program to its suppliers. Despite all the PR effort, the program lost its focus by 2006 and continued to be partially accepted by view suppliers. The investment that went into implementing the technology and instruments never paid back for RFID. Many technology companies invested in marketing RFID technology of WalMart expecting the technology to succeed once Wal-Mart’s program succeeded. But all the investment in this line went down the drain. The silver lining to this problem is

14 • Pravha • Op-Era

that all this money that went down the drain where the reason for RFID technology reaching its current state of maturity.

3D printing is classic example of disruptive innovation that has created new market dimensions”





or a business to be successful innovation is the prime

mail by email’ or of ‘telegraphy by telephones’ are the examples

key. It leads to sustenance of that business in long run.

where presence and power of disruptive innovations can be felt.

But the innovations named as disruptive innovations

In the current era, technology is changing at tremendous speed.

have always dominated on the way in which industry

Companies using traditional practices for day to day operations

works. As a result many companies have adopted these

are living in the red zone while companies that are integrating

innovations or died down. Disruptive innovations

disruptive innovations in their practices are at safe zone.

are meant to create a new market with a unique set of values,

3D printing is a classic example of disruptive innovation that has

and to eventually disrupt existing market. Replacement of ‘postal

IIM Shillong • Pravha • 15

mass production by reversing standardization approach. Goods can be customized according to personal and demographic needs, and also need not to be made at a stray location. 3D printers accompanied with software defined designs have started democratizing the manufacturing process. Economies of Scale Use of 3D printing can help companies to produce optimum volumes of goods as per the requirement of particular demography. Hence economies of scale are expected. Although initial investments on 3D machines are on the higher side, it will be compensated with reduced logistics, Source: 3D Printing – The Ultra Postponement of Products and Parts created new market dimensions. Although early it was used for prototyping, it is now accepted in daily basis practices. Due to its impressive qualities viz. small size, simple operation, ease of using; it will make industries to think over incorporation of this innovation in their business strategy and adopt accordingly. 3D printing can have impact on various industries and on various functional areas, and supply chain not an exception for this. If properly coupled with artificial intelligence, robotics, and open source electronics, 3D printing can transform global chain supply. A typical supply chain

lower production cost, quality and efficiency of production, and evacuation from many in between processes. It will be boost the era of small and simple. According to IBM, software defined supply chain will lower the unit cost up to 23% in 2022. Customization 3D printing machines have the feature to create various models and this feature is far more beneficial than conventional method of manufacturing, where whole assembly line setup has to be modified if one requires changes in the model. Modifying assembly line leads to long term investments and pause in production cycle.

consists of production, distribution, warehouse, and retail. To make products reach to its final consumer these departments have work together with each other. The major challenges for industries are cost control and customer services i.e. providing right product in the right quantity to the right place and the right time. It looks simple from outside to handle these challenges but in reality it is very difficult because of constraints that an industry faces. Company also depends on various suppliers and contractors within supply chain. Although traditional practices have benefited all those who followed them and the economies as whole, but the trend shows that introduction of new technologies demands new rules to be followed and ultimately changes the economies of market. Using 3D printing a product can be directly delivered to user just after conceptualization stage, bypassing all the intermediate stages viz. manufacturing, assembly, distribution etc. This will have tremendous impact on traditional supply chain model. Current supply chain model is based on standardization, modularization, and digitization. These processes have helped productivity to push further. Standardization has helped to reduce production time, while modularization has helped to create integrated modules. And the processes became simpler due to digitization. Synergistically these three processes impacted on market trade, investments, and employment. Standardization has improved supply chain as it supports economies of scale. Also each company intends to have efficient product supply chain with low cost. 3D printing will make companies to switch to customization from

16 • Pravha • Op-Era

But now small changes in computer program will help to produce various models, saving lots of money. Smaller Development Cycles Most of the big companies require huge manpower to operate their different assembly lines for different products. 3D printing will wipe out this requirement, hence reduction in labour cost and lead times. As an example Airbus, European plane-maker using printed components in its new test plane, saving up to 70% in cost of component and in production time. 3D printing will also help in minimising redundancy present in supply chain to dispatch some components in short time and start production again. These savings can be achieved with just a click by downloading required design from the internet. As they say “Today’s Globalisation, tomorrow’s Localisation”. Businesses residing overseas to take advantage of lower cost

Industrial Utility 3D printing is going to boom the market in next several years. All industry sectors that are having supply chain as their heart will need to change their approach to survive. Textile Industry Customization is the key for businesses like textile and fashion industries. 3D printing will have huge impact due to lower product cycle. Designers will be having chances for infinite models. And they can forward those design directly to consumer and consumer can produce the tangible model on their own. are under threat as 3D printing spreading as a wave. Currently in most of the cases point of consumption is far away from point of production. Hence supply chain is incurring more logistics cost and suffering from long lead times. Alteration in market demands causes changes product model. Also transportation with long lead

Defense Industry Defense Industries deal with products cum weapons that require complex and extensive production procedure. But 3D printing will help to ease the procedure with accuracy and promptness.

time gives birth to possibility of product spoiling. But due to inception of 3D printing, companies can distribute products more easily as point of production and point of consumption will be nearer to each other. Elimination of Redundant 3D printing also known as additive manufacturing, builds an objects by depositing layers over each other. This is very effective than conventional manufacturing process which includes cutting and binding. This will result into lesser stocks of raw material in warehouse. Also printing can be done on make to order basis, hence saving finished goods inventory cost. In the best cases products will be directly made at buyer’s place, saves huge cost involved in supply chain. In short company will save money related to storage and distribution. One of the major advantages of additive manufacturing is lesser waste generation; this will lead to higher profits. As 3D printing will start expanding its wing, all companies will start following make to order approach. This will eliminate unnecessary retailers. Order will be directly hand over to consumer of the product. Whole scenario will help companies to earn more profits. Customer managed Inventory Traditional model incorporates vendor managed inventory. 3D printing will introduce customer managed inventory wherein supplier can install 3D printers at customer site with software designs for models as per requirement. Or even customer can buy a printer while supplier will provide required data and designs. 3D Printing Hub 3D printing will extend concept of high street printing companies of 1980s like KallKwik. Companies will provide 3D printing services in domestic and foreign areas. UPS, one of the largest package delivery companies has announced several Stratasys printers across its USA sites. Basic motivation behind this is to provide printed products to customers according to their design requirements.

Automobile industry It is one of the fastest growing industries. There is a presence small and medium scale industry along with big players. With the help of 3D printing, producer and customers will develop required parts to replace the old one instead of buying from vendors. But the after sales services will fall as accuracy and life of printed models will be more. Conclusion 3D printing is seen as future demand in almost each aspect of industry operation. Soon the conventional production methods will become outdated. Processes are changing from hardware to software dependent models. Cost and labour are the major challenges for industries to adopt this technology. But with the time 3D printers will become cheaper. There will be requirement of competent human resources to handle this change. Only 30% of leaders in supply chain have tested this technique. But trend shows positive response from remaining players. Definitely quality improvement and cost reduction advantages will play major role in the revolution. It is just a matter of time!

IIM Shillong • Pravha • 17




n Ecommerce there is always a trade off between

for customers and this is what companies like Amazon, Alibaba,

control and convenience. On one hand customers

Flipkart etc. are trying to do by substantially reducing the delivery

are gaining convenience by way of browsing through

time with the help of various futuristic technologies and concepts.

multiple websites, comparing the products on various parameters and 1 click shopping to avoid the hassles of

Several ecommerce companies are trying various process and

actual market place. On the other hand customers are

supply chain innovations to increase their business by increasing

also letting go of the control that they enjoy. E.g. when they visit a

customer satisfaction and developing customer loyalty in their

brick and mortar store they can actually touch and feel the product,

customers. Flipkart, for example, has recently launched “Flipkart

they can use the product on trial basis. These kinds of features

marketplace” which will eliminate the need for Flipkart to have its

are not available with online shopping. According to the theory

own inventory and buyers can directly deal with sellers. Flipkart will

of loss aversion, any loss has a far greater negative impact than

only act as a delivering agent. Also to pull more customers, Flipkart

a comparably sized gain has a positive impact i.e. Losses looms

has started same day guaranteed delivery across 10 major cities in

larger than gains in the mind of the customers. Lack of control

India. Similarly is planning to have an autonomous

over the shopping is the loss in Ecommerce and the comparable

flying delivery drone system (Prime Air) for shipment of goods.

gain is convenience. To compensate for the negative impact due to

These all efforts are basically targeted to reduce the delivery time

loss of control, companies need to increase the convenience level

and to pull customers from the traditional brick and mortar model.

18 • Pravha • Op-Era

Although companies like Amazon can deliver goods in 2 days time and can deliver in a day by charging some premium from customers, these methods are constrained by high costs to be paid by customers and dissuade customers to buy online. This is where a concept called anticipatory shipping comes into picture for which Amazon recently got a patent. Amazon’s anticipatory shipping is a shipping system that will deliver the goods to an area or to the right door even before the goods have been ordered. The system is called as anticipatory shipping and is expected to cut delivery time of shipping the goods by predicting the general patterns of what buyers will buy even before they buy. Based on previous buying patterns of customers of

..... anticipatory shipping is a shipping system that will deliver the goods to an area or to the right door even before the goods have been ordered”

a particular area, Amazon is planning to ship products to that area

arrive from different locations. These packages are sorted here

where the goods will wait at shipper’s hub or on trucks until the

and then sent for distribution. These are established to service a

order arrives. On receiving the order the product will be shipped

geographical region which is in proximity.

in no time to the customer’s house. Which product will be shipped

Expedited Services: Medium of transporting goods which provides

where is decided by looking into customer’s wish list, shopping cart,

fast travel from one location to other. e.g. Aviation.

past orders and even his curser movements over an item. Non-Expedited Services: Medium of transporting goods which is Let’s get an understanding of some terminologies related to the

usually slow compared to expedited services. e.g. Road Transport.

process: Fulfillment Center: Location where orders are received, stored,

Delivery Location: The final location where the goods are to be

packaged and shipped to end consumers. These stores receive

delivered viz. the Customer address.

incoming orders from affiliated stores or suppliers. It is not mandatory that all activities related to packaging and Common Carrier Network: The network for transporting goods from

shipping happen at one location (Fulfillment centers), different

one Hub to another or from a Hub to final delivery location.

functions may be carried at separate locations. Usually fulfillment centers have a supporting warehouse which is used to replenish

Hub: these are the shipping facilities where goods or packages

inventories whenever deemed necessary. Thus, in Anticipatory shipping



be dispatched through company’s





different Hubs. In-transit Package would

addressing be






of items to customer location.


fulfillment differs


mechanism from


the method

in terms that it doesn’t need a specific address for shipping of items. Products are shipped to a geographical location or hub without specifying the



The address of delivery could be finalized during the transit of the product.

IIM Shillong • Blaze-A-Trail • 19

In the diagram, the orders are shipped using anticipatory shipping

to better predict the customer buying behaviour of a particular

(observing buying behaviour of users at a particular geographical

region. They are even willing to give the customers some incentives

location) from the fulfillment centers using Common carriers. These

in order to make the customers give orders. It is easier to determine

carriers transport goods to Hubs (1a, 1b, 1c) strategically established

that a customer who is a regular reader of a particular author will

near those geographical locations. The common carriers could be a

order the upcoming book of that author. This deduction can be

part of Expedited or Non-Expedited services based on the distance

made by going through the past purchases and searches of the

between fulfillment centers and the hubs to which it caters or

customer. But a much more riskier and rewarding scenario is that

based on the time limit under which the delivery has to be done.

when the ecommerce companies can predict the changing views

When the products arrive at hub, they are sorted and final delivery

and tastes of the reader by using business intelligence software

addresses are given to these packages which till now had only

and can ship a book based on that prediction before the customer

partial addresses. Once, the delivery location is known, packages

makes the order for this kind of alternative purchase.

are transported to these customers using local transports. In today’s age, the customer is very demanding and will provide It’s possible that packages arrived at a hub may not find a customer

his loyalty to the company from which he can reap maximum

in the geographical location to which it caters. Thus, these goods

benefits. Drastically reduced delivery times and policies like gifting

could be further transported to hub where there is demand or back

the package in case it doesn’t find any customer, will definitely

to the fulfillment center only if the cost of return is less than product

enhance the company reputation and image. In 1999, Amazon

cost. Else, the product could be gifted to a random customer in that region. Factors Affecting Anticipatory Shipping Anticipatory shipping mechanism would consider several factors before deciding the products and quantity which would be shipped to an area. E-Commerce companies like Amazon store huge data related to customer buying patterns which could be analyzed and utilized for demand forecasting in an area. Some of the important data points which could be used for this patented mechanism are: 1) Previous Orders: Past orders placed by a customer through the website. 2) Product Search: The products a customer searches while surfing the website. 3) Wish List: Customers



maintained in his account on the website where he puts the products he/she would like to be placed for sale on the portal. 4) Shopping Cart Items: The items present in the shopping cart of the user.

received a patent for 1 click ordering in which customers could

5) Cursor Hovering: The time duration for which the cursor of the

order goods by a single click with payment information already

system hovers over a particular product.

entered by the user previously. Because it was a mega hit, other

6) Return: The history of the products returned by the consumer to

companies like apple had to take license from Amazon to use that

the portal.

service. Now if anticipatory shipping could also prove to be a mega

Predicting about customers orders would not only reduce the

hit, various ecommerce companies have to pay Amazon royalty to

shipping time but will also help in cutting inventories and supply

use this service. With adoption of anticipatory shipping by various

chain costs. “Supply chain and logistics optimization is neither easy

ecommerce companies, one of the biggest drawbacks of online

nor cheap, but it is the biggest opportunity for most companies

purchase i.e. large waiting/delivery time would be substantially

to significantly reduce their cost and improve their performance,”

mitigated. This would possibly sway a large number of customers

wrote H. Donald Ratliff, Ph.D., executive director of the Supply Chain

from the brick and mortar model to ecommerce model.

and Logistics Institute. By using predictive analysis, Amazon feels that they would be able

20 • Pravha • Op-Era

ROOBAROO Op-Era: Team Op-Era would like to congratulate you for the success you

an intelligence system built-in, the

have faced with an innovative model of Juvalia & you. Could you share

demand forecast is done through

with us the operational constraints that you have faced in establishing

system analytics. We have a tracking

such a business model in Indian scenario?

system which provides data including

Chaitanya Aggarwal: Thank you so much. The first major operational

the vendor from which the product was

challenge was not in establishing the operating facility but

originated, who picked, checked the

integrating and reaching out to 16,000 odd pin codes through 13

quality, packed and dispatched, which

logistics partners. Integration of the supply chain for 2500 SKUs

airway bill it was dispatched through

to be procured from different suppliers, inventory management

and to which destination. This enables

in various warehouses, subsequent shipment of 1,50,000 parts to 160000 pin codes across India is a big challenge. As it involves multiple variables at different levels, it is necessary to create a multivariate model and then build the technology behind it. Additionally this includes b2b aspects in inbound logistics and b2c aspects in outbound logistics. Op-Era: Was there any readymade technology available that suited your requirement?

Chaitanya Aggarwal is the CEO of Juvalia and You India. He has a Master’s degree in Business Administration from Columbia Business School. With entrepreneurship running in his veins, he aims to project JUVALIA & YOU India as India’s first and finest international jewelry brand. JUVALIA & YOU is an innovative and modern social selling company that offers today’s busy woman a career alternative, where she can achieve success and balance through a career in something she loves.

Chaitanya Aggarwal: A readymade technology was not available. The available technology has to be scaled up to match the

us to have data analytics on piece level rather than a lot level. So

requirement of this model which handles huge number of SKUs.

the system ensures a re-order only when there is enough stock

The outbound has to be six sigma ready with lean operations. The

available in the warehouse.

complexity level is reduced in other businesses due to single source

Op-era: What are the challenges involved in reverse logistics?

and multi-delivery points. But in this model multiple sources cater

Chaitanya Aggarwal: Reverse Logistics are always a big challenge

to multiple delivery points which increases the complexity many

for any E-Commerce company. Most of the service providers cater

folds. Hence the backend system has to be more detailed and robust.

to only fewer pin codes in the reverse direction. We tried to solve

The outbound logistics carries the major challenge of creating

it through our Juvalia’s customer feedback mechanism. However

‘Aaha experience’ to the customers in spite of the complexities

it continues to be a challenge. Another challenge in this system

involved by delivering the promised product at promised time and

is to face non-genuine claims regarding replacements. In order to

in promised condition.

create a ‘wow customer experience’, leniency has been maintained,

Op-Era: Could you tell us more in detail about in-bound logistics?

thereby entertaining few such claims from the customers. The risk

Chaitanya Aggarwal:

hedging is possible through insurances against pilferage, damages,

Products are imported from 45 suppliers

located in different geographies including Thailand, Taiwan, China,

customer non-payment and other such issues.

Korea, Turkey and India. The import and indigenous ratio is about

Op-Era: How are independent designers integrated into the functioning

forty and sixty percent respectively.

of this model?

Op-Era: What is the nature of products that you sell in terms of its life

Chaitanya Aggarwal: Though the business aspects of these designers


are in b2b level, we manage them with b2c approach wherein a

Chaitanya Aggarwal: Every year we launch four collection – one

designer is provided with a login through with the transactions

new collection every quarter. For product to be ready for launch,

are made. They are considered as dealers and are provided with

the design initiation should happen five months in advance. The

dashboards, mobile logins and other tools that are required to run

lead time for the product delivery will be around 45 to 60 days and

the business. Around 75000 stylists are currently working with

considering a 15 days safety time, the order has to be placed at

Juvalia and conduct around 8000 to 10,000 style shows a month.

least 75 days prior to the launch.

Op-Era: Thanks a lot for giving us an opportunity to interact with you.

Op-Era: With such a tight schedule, how do you ensure product

We wish you success in all your future endeavors.


Chaitanya Aggarwal: Thank you so much!

Chaitanya Aggarwal: All our vendors are integrated through ERP system. Purchase order initiation, order placement, inventory replenishment happen through ERP. Though it does not have

IIM Shillong • Roobaroo • 21

Cover Story





very year there are about 400 disaster (human &

about the scale of challenges they are facing in Liberia, fighting the

man-made) killing on an average 120000 people and

battle against the Ebola virus.Many technicians are dying because

affecting 250 million people and resulting in damage

they lack the necessary protective clothing. Program director for

of US$120 billion. Over the past few decades, the

Pharmaceutical Systems Africa — an organisation devoted to

frequency of natural disasters has increased globally

developing sustainable supply chains in developing countries says

but the sharpest increase has been in the Asian and

“supply chain is pivotal to the treatment of the epidemics and to

Pacific region. This region is also highly sensitive to the man-made

prevent its spread. But lack of medicines and poor infrastructure

disasters. Consider the current conflict in Middle East Region where

in Asia and pacific regionpresent insurmountable

millions of people are in extreme need of assistance.

barriers”. Similar problem has been encountered

The activities of ‘‘planning, implementing and controlling the

by Indian Army in flood affected Jammu and

efficient, cost-effective flow of and storage of goods and materials


as well as related information, from point of origin to point of consumption for the purpose of alleviating the suffering of vulnerable people’’ are known as humanitarian logistics (Thomas and Kopczak 2005 p. 2). Until fairly recently, no proper attention was given to the humanitarian logistic and was back office function. This is changing, as logistics has started to be recognized as integral to any relief operation. In recent incident, pharmacists working in West Africa are talking

Disaster relief is about 80% logistic, and it is the one that decides between a successful and a failed operation”




collaboration among players



chain. The response phase refers to the various operations executed immediately a


after occurs.

Its main objective is to restore basic services and delivery of goods to highest possible


of beneficiaries in shortest time. Disaster relief is about 80% logistics ,and it is the one that decides between a successful and a failed operation. When disasters strike, relief/humanitarian organizations respond by delivering aid to those in need with the help of donors. Fast and agile supply chain is required by these organizations. Because of these reasons, knowledge of logistics and supply chain management has become critically important for humanitarian organizations. Stages of Humanitarian Supply Chain Humanitarian Supply chain is highly dependent on disaster management cycle which have four phases: a) Mitigation


possible stage

requires high level of coordination and collaboration among all the players of Humanitarian Supply Chain. The reconstruction phase aims to address the problem occurs after the disaster. It involves rehabilitation, reconstruction etc. In humanitarian supply chains, effectiveness ensures that we save time which help in saving more lives and efficiency ensures that we save costs which results in helping more lives. High level of agility in humanitarian supply chain helps in saving time by responding early in response phase. The objective of the reconstruction phase is saving as many costs as possible, and it can be achieved through

b) Preparation c) Response d) Reconstruction Humanitarian


chain concerns about the preparation,


and reconstruction and called as humanitarian logistics stream. The


phase refer to various activities/operation that occurs during the period before a disaster strikes. It aims to avoid possible disaster consequence by incorporating strategies, learning and adapting from past experience which



response. This help




operational phase


physical infrastructure,

IIM Shillong • Cover Story • 23

leanness. Key Performance Indicators Uncertainty and Risk

Appeal Coverage, donation-to-delivery time, Financial Efficiency

Supply Chain is all about getting right product, at the right time, to

and Accurate Assessment are four developed and mostly used key

the right place and distributed to the right people are still applicable

performance parameters. These does not reflect the pure and true

in the humanitarian context but humanitarian logistic always faces

picture but are helpful to the logisticians to get a sense of how

the higher uncertainty and risk than that of logistics in private

well they are achieving their goals related to each “appeal,” the term

sector. Adding to this ,accurate data about demand and supply

which refers to the list of items recorded on an operation’s total

varies very dramatically in case of humanitarian logistics. Dealing


with unexpected events also makes it difficult for humanitarians.

1. Appeal Coverage: It comprises of two important metrics: percentage

So we can conclude that humanitarian supply chains show the

of appeal coverage and percentage of items delivered. First one

extremes of a trend towards more uncertainty and risk.

quantify quantity of items that have been pledged by donors out of the total number of items requested for the operation. Second

What makes a successful response in humanitarian logistic?

metrics is percentage of items that has been delivered on site out

A successful response heavily depends on better preparedness.

of total number of items requested for the operation

Humanitarians have begun to learn from previous disasters

2. Donation-to-delivery time: It indicates the time taken for an item

and have started thinking more in terms of optimizing their

to be delivered to the destination after a donor has pledged to

performance by being better prepared. So the question comes,

donate it

how can organizations be better prepared if they do not have prior

3. Financial Efficiency: This consists of a comparison between the

or accurate information regarding the timing (when?), location

budgeted prices to the actual prices paid for items delivered in the

(where?) and type of disaster (what?) or the number of people

operation. It also incorporates the transportation cost of delivering

requiring assistance (how many, where from?).

the goods to the beneficiaries 4. Assessment accuracy: A quick and efficient donation and delivery

Preparedness consist of five key factors that have to be in place to

relies on how accurately the field personnel assessed the needs

insure better preparedness. They are:

of the affected population. Therefore this indicator indicates how

a) Human resources

much the operation’s final budget changed over time from the

It is always better to have a prepared, trained local team to dispatch

original budget

at the time of a disaster. Members should speak basic English and local language



have capability to plan, coordinate,



intervene where it is necessary. b)


Management Learning from previous disasters

by capturing,

codifying and transferring knowledge about logistics operations.

Events from past few years have forced humanitarians and

c) Operations and Process Management

logistics firms to rethink their decision making process, inventory

First of all, recognize logistics as central role in preparedness. There

management policies and disaster management planning. There

should be alternate suppliers, mode of transportation and trade

is need of restructuring the supply chain strategies in order to

lane in place.

minimize the impact of eternal incidents and improve security.

d) Resources

Initially, companies were participating in humanitarian efforts

Arranging sufficient money and financial resources to prepare

because they observed that the losses inflicted by disasters

and initiate operations and ensure that they run as smoothly as

are enormous and it’s interrupting their flow of business but it’s

possible. Also goods like food, water, clothes, drugs etc. should be

changing. Leading logistics companies like FedEx, DHL, UPS,

available at ease.

Maersk and TNT have raised their involvement in terms of sharing

e) Communication between Players

their resources, knowledge and assets to their humanitarian

It’s important to have effective communication for a better

counterparts. It’s because of their capability in speed and efficiency,

collaboration with the key players like government, military,

logistic companies are supposed to play a more prominent role as

humanitarians etc.

partners in humanitarian organization.

24 • Pravha • Op-Era




hat every Tom, Dick and Harry in operations domain tells in 21st century “It is most important that top management be quality-minded. In the absence of sincere manifestation of interest at the top, little will happen below” is actually told by a son of Jewish immigrant in USA. He began his humble beginning (compared to what he later became) as an engineer in Bell System in 1924. Sooner, he was assigned a responsibility of implementing new tools and techniques that are known today as statistical quality control. That created an early interest for Juran to lead a quality life devoted to quality.

During the crisis situation of WW II, he was appointed specially as an assistant administrator for the Lend-Lease Administration to improve the efficiency of the process, eliminating excessive paperwork and thus hastening the arrival of supplies to the United States. This was a turning point to his illustrious career when he felt that he was controlled by stronger forces than himself. After the war time, he was relieved from government duties and never went to join back. By the end of the war, he was a wellknown




and industrial engineering theorist and that helped him become a teacher. It is by his virtue he was invited by the Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers to Japan in 1954. There he interacted with many other Stalwarts including Kaoru Ishikawa and he recorded “Juran’s visit marked a transition in Japan’s quality control activities from dealing primarily with technology based in factories to an overall concern for the entire management. The Juran visit created an atmosphere in which QC was to be regarded as a tool of management, thus creating an opening for the establishment of total quality control as we know it today.” After coming back from Japan Juran gave more credit to Japanese than Americans for the development of quality. He started to advocate Japanese systems like

Joseph M. Juran Father of Quality (Juran) Trilogy Life Span – Dec 24, 1904 – Feb 28, 2008 Known for – Management Theory of Quality Major Works – Application of Pareto principle in quality, transfer of knowledge on quality aspects between East and West IIM Shillong • Pravha • 25

Quality Circles openly. The ideas that Juran developed were gradual rather disruptive ones. He is best known for ideas like involvement of Top management, quality application of the Pareto principle, the need for widespread training in quality, the definition of quality as fitness for use, the project-by-project approach to quality improvement and all emerged gradually. Readers! We give you Dr. Joseph Juran, a teacher, as introduced by the ASQ president Dana M. Cound, when he could not fathom introducing him with mere words.

Genichi Taguchi Life Span – Jan 1, 1924 – Jun 2, 2012 Known for – Taguchi’s loss function Major Works – Deign of Experiments, Philosophy of off-the-line control


he traditional mentality of binary system in quality,

environment where both ECL of Japan and Bell Systems of USA

i.e. a produced item is of either good quality or bad

were working on the same project and eyeing for the same contract

depending on the specifications of upper and lower

from AT&T. Eventually ECL bagged the contract, thanks to Taguchi’s

tolerance levels, was the only quality concept preva-

impact in ECL’s superior production. Later, he worked on Experimen-

lent in Japan and the rest of the world, before a textile

tal Design and Life Test Analysis, Design of Experiments, industrial

engineer named Genichi Taguchi came and changed

research on signal to noise ratio. He chose research over industrial

the perception of quality altogether.

job and worked with number of Universities including Princeton University. During his brief stay in USA he was consulted by leading

Initially Taguchi was looking after his family business, textile manu-

industries like Ford, AT&T and Xerox.

facturing. It during the crisis wartime situation he was sent to work with the Ministry of Public Health and Welfare and in the Institute

Taguchi was recognized for his outstanding contributions to Japa-

of Statistical Mathematics of the Ministry of Education. It created an

nese economics and industry and was awarded the Indigo Ribbon

everlasting interest in statistics for Taguchi and an opportunity to

from the Emperor of Japan in 1986. That year he also received the

meet the renowned statistician, Matosaburo Masuyame, who nur-

International Technology Institute’s Willard F. Rockwell Medal for

tured Taguchi’s statistical skills.

combining engineering and statistical methods to achieve rapid improvements in cost and quality by optimizing product design and

He later went to Indian Statistical Institute and worked as guest

manufacturing processes.

lecturer during 1954-55. It was that time when he had the opportunity to work with best brains in statistics like C.R. Rao, Ronald Fisher and Walter Shewart. He was fascinated by orthogonal arrays invented by C.R. Rao and applied the principles to develop Taguchi’s methods. He was later assigned to work for ECL to develop cross bar and telephone switching systems. It was a highly competitive business

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IIM Shillong • Virtuosos • 26

RENDEZVOUS B I O S CO P E O F T H E PA S T S I X M O N T H S EVENTS Optimus 6.0 Optimus 6.0, held in March 2014, was an online quiz for 20 minutes which required participants to register in a team of two. It gauged their expertise in various fields like supply chain management,





industries, best industry practices and concepts involving operations. Team The Blue & The Black from IIM Shillong stood first followed by Team Serendipity from XLRI Jamshedpur. Optimus 7.0 Optimus 7.0 tested the creativity and conceptual clarity of the participants in a few pre-mentioned basic Operations and Supply Chain concepts. Participants were required to submit a one slide power point presentation in a team of two which was followed by gathering of Facebook likes by them. Teams were evaluated on creativity, concept clarity/originality, content and Facebook likes/ shares. Team Blackops from NITIE emerged as a winner for innovative solution explaining the topic “Influence of GST on Supply Chain Industry”. OpsMerge On 24th August 2014, Op-era in association with i-cube, Entrepreneurship Cell of IIM Shillong launched OpsMerge– a national level operations case study competition. It was a two round event. In first round over 100 teams participated from all the B-schools. Out of all the participating teams, 25 teams proceeds to second round which was a case study round. Finally the teams Optimus from SIMSR emerged as winner of the OpsMerge while Team Brahmashiras from IIM K settled as the runner-up.

INDUSTRY ASSOCIATIONS Magic cement Op-Era collaborated with Magic cement of RNB group in the form of a live project to design Market penetration strategies into the Shillong cement market. OP-ERA has successfully accomplished the task and is entering into newer collaborations with the group including more

IIM Shillong • Rendezvous • 27

live projects, industrial visits etc. Meghalaya Institute of Governance, Government of Meghalaya OP-ERA has begun its association with Meghalaya Institute of Governance (MIG) in the form title sponsorer for Shrinkala, the flagship event of the club at Khlurthma, the annual B-school fest of IIM Shillong. Op-ERA has also entered into a tie-up in the form of a live project with MIG related to governance in Meghalaya state thus taking the relationship to newer heights. SCNext The club associated with SCNext, an international



together youth working in the domain of Supply Chain from across the world. As a part of members of the prestigious competition the students get to interact with professionals from across the globe, get to enrol for various certifications in the domain of supply chain, six sigma etc. and participate in the international PTAK prize organized by ISCEA.

DISASTER #3 : APPLE MISSED THE BUS Apple’s leadership in PC market share in 90’s is a lesserknown fact. But this dominance of Apple took a hit in 1995. In 1995, Apple introduced its new line of product Power Mac PCs. In a similar launch of Power Book Laptops during 1993 Apple had burnt its finger with excess inventory and production capacity. The company played it safe this time around and was hit drastically by the explosive demand for Power Macs. There wasn’t enough PCs in supply and default for suppliers made Apple miss huge demand of the Christmas season. Stock prices where cut in half owing to the lack of capability to handle market opportunity, CEO was fired, Share holders raised lawsuit and Apples market

dominance took a permanent hit. It took years after for Apple to come up with the legendary IPOD to gain its prominence.

DISASTER #4 : CISCO’S INVENTORY MAYHEM Cisco was riding the high tide with its technological innovation reflecting in its incredible growth, profit, stock valuation and prominence. But the tech bubble burst led to the tanking of market. The inventory system and visibility issues at Cisco led to Cisco not realizing this slowing demand. The company was soaring high on inventory that it had to face as huge as $2.25 Billion inventory write up, probably the largest write up of inventory that had occurred in history. The network industry, which had not faced a downturn till then, encountered its first ride down the hill. With the industry Cisco also faced a bubble burst, had a half cut in stock price and lost its market position.

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Clockwise from left : Jayaraman P, Nishant Kumar, Keshav Sodhi, Harsha Deepak RVS, Ansuman Mishra, Dipak Bajaj, Aishwarya V.R. , Ankit Kumar Narsaria

IIM Shillong • Pravha • 29

Op-Era, Operations Club, IIM Shillong Email: Website: Follow Us at

30 • Pravha • Op-Era

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