Founded in 2003 Opera Hong Kong (OHK) is Hong Kong’s first professional opera company. Over the years, the company has gone from strength to strength under the Artistic Director Warren Mok, the internationally acclaimed Hong Kong tenor. OHK has elevated opera in the Asia’s world city, with many world-class productions covering all major works in the operatic canon and has collaborated with opera houses and festivals including Teatro dell’Opera di Roma, Taormina Opera Festival, Theater Erfurt, Opéra de Nice, National Centre for the Performing Arts and Shanghai Opera House. In 2019, OHK was selected by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council as one of the three recipients of the coveted “Eminent Arts Group Scheme”. The Scheme’s consecutive 5-year funding has become a boost to further the company’s development. OHK is committed to promoting the city’s brightest, young opera singers. In 2015, OHK launched the Jockey Club Opera Hong Kong Young Artist Development and Education Programme (the Programme), a three-year opera training programme designed to nurture ten young local artists. The success of the Programme led to its renewal by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust for another three years from 2019 to 2022, providing intensive training to 12 local artists. OHK also places a strong emphasis on its education and community activities. Opera school tours, summer schools and master classes are held regularly to reach young audiences. The music centre in Wanchai provides a wide range of courses for early age children to adult in addition to Children Chorus classes. The OHK Chorus and the OHK Children Chorus were established in 2004 and 2008 respectively and are becoming recognised contributors on the local choral scene. The recent development of the Greater Bay Area has created an environment for OHK to initiate more collaborations and bring the art of opera to a wider audience.
香港歌劇院成立於2003年,是本地首個專業歌劇藝團。在世界知名的香港男高音莫華倫帶領下,歌劇 藝術在這個亞洲大都會得以發揚光大。歌劇院多年來致力製作世界級的歌劇節目,劇目已涵蓋所有主 要歌劇作品,曾合作過的歌劇院及音樂節包括羅馬歌劇院、意大利陶爾米納歌劇藝術節、德國艾褔特 劇院、法國尼斯歌劇院、中國國家大劇院及上海歌劇院。 2019年,香港歌劇院榮獲香港藝術發展局甄選為「優秀藝團計劃」中三個受資助藝團之一,以表揚歌 劇院多年在藝術推廣上的努力。這項持續五年的資助讓香港歌劇院有更大的發展。 香港歌劇院積極培養本地優秀年青的歌唱家。歌劇院於2015年推出為期三年的「賽馬會香港歌劇院青 年演唱家發展及教育計劃」非常成功,得到各界認同。現香港賽馬會慈善信託基金繼續全力贊助,推 出新一輪由2019年至2022年的三年培訓計劃,向十二位本地青年演唱家提供密集訓練。 香港歌劇院亦定期為年青一代舉辦各項教育及外展活動,包括學校歌劇巡演、夏令營及大師班。灣仔 音樂中心除籌辦兒童合唱團的恆常班外,更提供由幼兒至成人不同類型的課程,範圍廣闊。香港歌劇 院於2004年及2008年成立香港歌劇院合唱團及香港歌劇院兒童合唱團,為本地合唱界注入新的動力。 近年大灣區發展亦營造了發展藝術的環境。香港歌劇院將把握機遇與內地合作,向區內推廣歌劇藝 術。
Message from the Major Funder 主要捐助機構的話 Leong Cheung 張亮 Executive Director, Charities and Community, The Hong Kong Jockey Club 香港賽馬會慈善及社區事務執行總監
The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust is very encouraged by the positive response to the Jockey Club Opera Hong Kong Young Artist Development and Education Programme, an initiative the Trust has been supporting since 2015 to make arts more accessible to all. Last year, the Trust is delighted to be supporting the next phase of the Programme and helping another group of gifted singers receive coaching by internationally renowned maestros. These young artists also have the chance to participate in operas every year to boost their stage experience, artistic skills and confidence. More educational and outreach activities will take place with school tours, guided talks and new master classes. The intention is to nurture more talent, broaden the appreciation of opera, and reach younger audiences. This much-anticipated performance of Così fan tutte x The Magic Flute, which combines Mozart’s two timeless masterworks, is a feast for opera fans. It also provides a valuable platform for the Programme’s participants to showcase their talent and promote opera in our city. In view of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Programme is developing online videos in lieu of school tours for students to experience the charm of opera at home. Through an approved donation from the Trust, the Hong Kong Arts Development Council has launched the “Arts Go Digital” scheme, which supports local art groups to develop digital artistic content in the current difficult environment and to strengthen our community. The Club’s support for the arts and cultural sectors reflects its strong commitment to its purpose – the betterment of society. This is made possible by its unique integrated business model which enables it to contribute sizeable taxes and significant charitable donations. As one of the world’s top ten charity donors, the Club has designated Arts, Culture and Heritage as one of its strategic focus areas. We are dedicated to building a culturally vibrant Hong Kong, enriching lives and promoting social inclusion. We are also a staunch supporter of cultural and heritage conservation. There is no better example of this than Tai Kwun – Centre for Heritage and Arts. The revitalisation of the Central Police Station Compound was led by the Club in partnership with the Hong Kong SAR Government, and the project was honoured with the Award of Excellence in the 2019 UNESCO Asia-Pacific Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation. My deep gratitude goes to Opera Hong Kong for its dedication to the long-term development of arts in Hong Kong. I wish Così fan tutte x The Magic Flute every success, and the audience a very enjoyable and memorable evening.
香港賽馬會慈善信託基金自2015年開始已捐助香港 歌劇院展開「賽馬會香港歌劇院青年演唱家發展及 教育計劃」,推廣藝術普及化,深受各界歡迎。 有見及此,我們去年再度撥款支持新一期計劃,讓 新一批樂壇新秀跟隨國際知名音樂家學藝,並參與 年度歌劇演出,增加舞台經驗、藝術造詣和自信 心。新計劃進一步豐富教育外展活動內容,務求透 過校園巡遊、導賞講座,以及新增的專業大師班 等,培育更多新力軍,提高大眾對歌劇的鑑賞力, 並拓闊觀眾群至新一代。 今年獻上的《女人皆如此》x《魔笛》經典歌劇精 要版,將莫扎特兩套家喻戶曉的創作串聯起來,以 饗一眾歌劇迷,同時讓青年演唱家在舞台上展現才 華,從而推動本地歌劇普及化。 面對新冠病毒疫情挑戰,本計劃亦靈活應變,製作 網上版的學校小型歌劇音樂會,讓學生可以足不出 戶,體驗歌劇的魅力。同時馬會捐助香港藝術發展 局推出「Arts Go Digital藝術數碼平台計劃」,支持 本地藝團發展數碼藝術內容,以藝術回應疫情,加 強社會凝聚力。馬會今次向受影響的藝文界提供支 援,反映我們秉持致力建設更美好社會的宗旨,這 有賴馬會的獨特綜合營運模式,透過賽馬及博彩帶 來的稅收及慈善捐款回饋社會。 位列全球十大慈善捐助機構之一的馬會,近年將 「藝術、文化及保育」納入為其中一個慈善策略範 疇,積極為香港注入藝術文化活力,豐富市民生 活,推動創意共融;同時十分重視歷史古蹟的保育 活化工作,例如馬會與香港特區政府合作的中區警 署建築群活化項目「大館」,2019年榮獲聯合國教 科文組織亞太區文化遺產保護獎卓越獎項,肯定了 馬會在這方面的成就。 我要感謝香港歌劇院對促進本地藝術長遠發展所 付出的努力和心血,並祝願是次《女人皆如此》x 《魔笛》表演成功,各位觀眾度過難忘之夜。
Message from Opera Hong Kong 香港歌劇院的話 Ronald Kwok 郭永聰 Chairman, Opera Hong Kong 香港歌劇院主席
It is my great honour to bring you Così fan tutte x The Magic Flute: Abridged Versions of Operas by Mozart. This is the first production of another round of the Jockey Club Opera Hong Kong Young Artist Development and Education Programme (the Programme).
The three-year opera training programme was inaugurated in 2015, with the aim of nurturing local young talents through intensive vocal training and a series of outreach activities. We are so grateful that the previous round of the Programme was a great success. Led by Programme Director Alex Tam, the new round of the Programme was started in May last year with twelve local young artists. Opera Hong Kong is committed to the mission of enhancing opera appreciation in Hong Kong and promoting local musical talents. With the support from The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, Opera Hong Kong continues to provide the soil for nurturing these young artists and cultivating the appreciation of opera in Hong Kong.
I would like to acknowledge in particular the very important contributions of The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust for their new round of support. Without their generous support, our work in local operatic talent development would not have been so successful. This sponsorship has also enabled us to invite thousands of students to enjoy the Programme’s annual opera concert and to help broaden the audience base for opera. Our deep gratitude also goes to our long-term supporters Leisure and Cultural Services Department and Hong Kong Arts Development Council. All would not have been possible without their tremendous effort and support. Please sit back and enjoy the thrilling music from our terrific talents!
歌劇精要版,是次演出為「賽馬會香港歌劇院青年 演唱家發展及教育計劃」(本計劃)的首個製作。
香港歌劇院青年演唱家發展及教育計劃」,以密集 式訓練及一連串外展節目等活動,培養本地專業青 年演唱家。我們十分高興首輪計劃非常成功,得到 各界廣泛認同。去年是新計劃開始的第一年,在計 劃總監譚天樂的帶領下,現正培育12位本地青年演 唱家。香港歌劇院一直致力為香港觀眾帶來高質素 及專業的歌劇表演,並積極栽培本地青年演唱家。
我們希望透過本計劃繼續為培育本地人才和推廣 歌劇欣賞作出貢獻。香港歌劇院非常感謝香港賽馬 會慈善信託基金繼續支持,讓更多青年演唱家能夠 受惠。有賴香港賽馬會慈善信託基金的贊助,我們 邀請了數以千計的學生欣賞本計劃的年度歌劇音樂 會,令更多觀眾能夠接觸歌劇。我們亦衷心感謝康 樂及文化事務署及香港藝術發展局,長期支持香港 歌劇院。是次計劃能夠成功舉辦實在有賴各界鼎力 支持。
Message from the Artistic Director 藝術總監的話
Opera Hong Kong proudly presents Così fan tutte x The Magic Flute: Abridged Versions of Operas by Mozart to all of you tonight. It is absolutely a rare opportunity to enjoy two well-known operas in one night!
Così fan tutte was composed more than two hundred years ago and has been enjoyed by generations of audience around the world, the theme of story on fiancée swapping is still provocative and daring. Based on a risqué plot by the playwright da Ponte, Mozart amazingly enlivened the story with his sublime music. The Opera features a good number of ensemble combinations including duets, trios, quartets and sextets which serve an excellent platform for the young artists to relive the characters solely with their singing. It would be a refreshing experience for audience to enjoy their interpretations including all-time favourites such as Soave sia il vento and Alla bella Despinetta.
The Magic Flute, Mozart’s last opera, is one of the most popular classics in history. The attractive Tamino sets off to rescue Pamina, the daughter of the Queen of the Night. Accompanied by Papageno and the Magic Flute, Tamino has encountered many trials and challenges along the way before he successfully saved the princess. They confess their love to each other and defeat the dark and evil Queen of the Night. Each character in the opera has distinctive music motif which audience can tell who is appearing on stage easily. We are delighted the performance today features the fabulous young artists from the new round of the Jockey Club Opera Hong Kong Young Artist Development and Education Programme. I hope you would be pleased with this unique and creative version of the operas and please support our work nurturing local talents in the coming days.
《魔笛》:莫扎特經典歌劇精要版。今晚大家能於 同一晚演出欣賞到兩套經典歌劇,機會實屬難得!
地觀眾歡迎,但其關於交換未婚妻的故事主題至今 仍令人覺得大膽及具爭議性。劇本源於當代劇作家 達.龐蒂一個俗氣的故事,莫扎特卻以他天籟般的 音樂為故事灌注生命。《女人皆如此》內的二重 唱、三重唱、四重唱及六重唱等將成為極佳的平 台,讓本地青年演唱家盡展所長,純以歌聲演活各 個角色,其中一些著名的詠嘆調,如《微風輕吹》、 《會見美麗的小迪絲賓娜》等,定能令觀眾耳目一 新。
膾炙人口的《魔笛》是莫扎特最後一套歌劇。俊美 的主角塔米諾帶著魔笛與巴巴基諾出發前往拯救夜 后的女兒柏美娜。塔米諾途中遇到很多試煉和挑 戰,最終都能成功救出柏美娜並共結連理,最後戰 勝黑暗邪惡的夜后。每個人物擁有獨特的音樂動 機,令觀眾容易辨認台上各個角色。
我們十分高興第二屆「賽馬會香港歌劇院青年演唱 家發展及教育計劃」優秀的青年演唱家將參與是次 演出。我也希望你們喜歡這個獨特、別具新意的製 作,並繼續支持香港歌劇院的本地人才培訓工作。
Warren MOK, MH
Message from the Programme Director 計劃總監的話
I would like to extend a very warm welcome to you all for coming this evening. It is my greatest pleasure to bring you a special production of Così fan tutte x The Magic Flute: Abridged Versions of Operas by Mozart , with principal roles performed by members of The Jockey Club Opera Hong Kong Young Artist Development and Education Programme (the Programme). The Programme provides an invaluable opportunity for local emerging talent to develop and strengthen their performing skills and showcase their learning outcome. Applicants for the Programme attended competitive auditions. The audition panel, drawn from leading figures in the local music industry, was very impressed by the high standard of the applicants and finally selected twelve exiting and talented singers.
On stage today, you will see abridged versions of two Mozart’s masterpieces, Così fan tutte and The Magic Flute. With instantly recognizable melodies and plots made readily accessible by Cantonese dialogue, these two classics are perfect for both the first-time opera goer and opera buff. The Programme serves the dual purpose of nurturing young artists and enhancing public appreciation of the art of opera. To further promote opera to younger audiences, our young artists have also performed Mini Operas and given Masterclass School Tours in conjunction with other activities at numerous primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong when the Programme started.
展及教育計劃(本計劃)的週年演出。本計劃成員 將為大家獻上《女人皆如此》x《魔笛》:莫扎特 經典歌劇精要版。本計劃為本地青年演唱家提供寶 貴的學習機會,及提供不同的演出平台以提昇他們 的水平及表演技巧。本計劃報名者經嚴謹篩選,並 由業界專業代表組成的評審小組選出12位青年演唱 家加入計劃。遴選過程激烈,而獲選的演唱家亦是 甚具素質。
傳戶曉的歌劇劇目製作成精要版本,透過耳熟能詳 的旋律,濃縮的故事內容,讓從未接觸過歌劇的朋 友也能輕鬆欣賞西方歌劇,可算是歌劇欣賞入門的 不二之選。本計劃透過專業的訓練及一系列外展活 動培養青年演唱家,繼而普及和推廣歌劇藝術。自 計劃開始,青年演唱家將到訪全港中小學演出小型 歌劇及舉辦大師班。透過教育及外展活動,我們旨 意向年輕一代推廣歌劇藝術,讓他們體驗歌劇的樂 趣。
I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust for its generosity and continued support; Mr Warren Mok for his charismatic leadership and mentorship; Prof. Johnny M Poon for leading the Orchestra so well, despite his busy schedule; and last but by no means least, Director Prof. Nancy Yuen for her witty staging and creativity which has brought the two operas to life. These twelve artists are still young in terms of their careers but have already performed some prominent roles in the Hong Kong music scene. They are our next generation of opera stars and deserve every opportunity and support from society. Please enjoy the show.
藉此向以下機構和人士表達我們的謝意:香港賽 馬會慈善信託基金、香港歌劇院藝術總監莫華倫先 生、樂團指揮潘明倫教授以及導演阮妙芬教授。我 亦衷心感激各位台前幕後的工作人員努力不懈完成 這個製作。這十二位青年演唱家仍然年紀尚輕,但 都已在香港音樂界扮演重要角色。這一班歌劇界的 明日之星,絕對需要各位及社會各界的支持!請細 心欣賞。
譚天樂 賽馬會香港歌劇院青年演唱家發展及教育計劃 計劃總監
賽 馬 會 香 港 歌 劇 院 青 年 演 唱 家 發 展 及 教 育 計 劃 Jockey Club Opera Hong Kong Young Artist Development and Education Programme Programme Director 計劃總監 : Alex Tam 譚天樂
Yanna Chen 陳妙燕
Candice Chung 鍾嘉欣
Gladys Ho 何朗幏
Rachel Kwok 郭岍
Jasmine Law 羅曉晴
Valentina Tao 陶依靜
Funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust since 2015, the Jockey Club Opera Hong Kong Young Artist Development and Education Programme is the Hong Kong’s first-ever intensive opera training project to benefit local young singers, chorus members and enhance the public’s appreciation of operatic music through a series of outreach activities. Twelve local talents were selected by an expert panel of judges. The young artists will attend intensive voice training sessions and regular lectures given by local and international renowned vocal coaches, as well as acting classes by local acting teachers. The Programme aims at enhancing the stage experience and artistic attainments of the young artists, helping them pursue their career in the local and international stage, eventually benefits the opera industry - local and abroad.
「賽馬會香港歌劇院青年演唱家發展及教育計劃」自2015 年起獲香港賽馬會慈善信託基金資助,為香港首個以密集 式訓練,培養本地歌劇人才的計劃。受惠的青年演唱家及 合唱團亦會透過一連串外展活動,將其所學回饋社會,提 高大眾對歌劇的鑑賞力。 由專業評審團選出的十二位本地精英,將定期接受本地及 國際著名歌唱家的聲學訓練、大師班,以及本地戲劇導師 的演技指導,提升其舞台經驗及藝術造詣,讓他們在香港 和國際舞台上大放異彩。
Ashley Chui 徐曉晴
Christy Li 李詩蓓
Wesley Lam 林俊傑
Henry Ngan 顏嘉樂
Alex Kwok 郭俊立
Lam Kwok Ho 林國浩
Opera Hong Kong Proudly Presents 香港歌劇院隆重呈獻
Abridged Versions of Operas by Mozart 莫扎特經典歌劇精要版 Così fan tutte 《女人皆如此》 Music 作曲 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 莫扎特 Libretto 編制及作詞 Lorenzo Da Ponte 達.龐蒂 Intermission of 20 minutes 中場休息20分鐘
The Magic Flute 《魔笛》 Music 作曲 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 莫扎特 Libretto 編制及作詞 Emanuel Schikaneder 席克奈德 The programme runs approximately 2 hours 30 minutes, including one intermission. 演出時間長約2小時30分鐘包括一節中場休息。 Performed in Italian and German with Chinese and English Surtitles, Dialogue in Cantonese 意大利文及德文演唱,中英文字幕,廣東話對白
House Rules 場地規則 To avoid undue disturbance to the performers and other members of the audience, please switch off your mobile phones and any other sound and light emitting devices before the performance. We also forbid eating and drinking, as well as unauthorized photography, audio and video recordings in the auditorium. Thank you for your co-operation. 為求令表演者及觀眾不致受到騷擾,請關掉手提電話、其他響鬧及發光裝置。同時請勿在場地飲食 或擅自攝影、錄音或錄影。多謝合作。 Hong Kong Arts Development Council supports freedom of artistic expression. The views and opinions expressed in this project do not represent the stand of the Council. 香港藝術發展局支持藝術表達自由,本計劃內容並不反映本局意見。
Programme Director Conductor Director
Alex Tam Johnny M Poon Nancy Yuen #
計劃總監 指揮 導演
譚天樂 潘明倫 阮妙芬 #
City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong
Opera Hong Kong Chorus Chorus Master Assistant Rehearsal Conductor & Répétiteur Rehearsal Pianist
香港歌劇院合唱團 合唱團指導 林俊 助理排練指揮及 張頌欣 練唱指導 排練伴奏 黃歷琛
Albert Lim Ronald Cheung Alexander Wong
Production Team Production Manager Gloria Ngai Set & Costume Designer Yoki Lai Assistant Production Manager Oliva Li Lighting Designer Adonic Lo Stage Manager Yvonne Lam Deputy Stage Manager Tam Hoi Wai Tiffany Assistant Stage Manager Wong Wai Lok Ray Wardrobe Supervisor Anne Lau Makeup Betty Wan Faye Chow Bonnie Yiu Cantonese Script Writer Aaron Kwan Yankov Wong Surtitle Operator Bonnie Yung
製作團隊 製作經理 舞台及服裝設計 助理製作監督 燈光設計 舞台監督 執行舞台監督 助理舞台監督 服裝主管 化妝 廣東話對白撰寫 字幕操作員
魏婉意 賴妙芝 李玟蓉 羅兆鏵 林宇凰 譚鎧蔚 黃韋樂 劉瑋欣 溫筱敏 周慧瑜 姚邦琦 關卓城 黃曉初 翁蒨懃
Project Management Youn Ling Stephane Lun Cynthia Chan Derek Wu
項目統籌 連𨯚君 倫世豪 陳頌恩 胡贊邦
盧家華 區美茵 張慧紅 譚穎宜
Boris Lo Vivian Au Miller Cheung Shirley Tam
Mozart’s Così fan tutte 莫扎特《女人皆如此》 Libretto
Lorenzo Da Ponte
Fiordiligi Candice Chung * Jasmine Law ^ Dorabella Ashley Chui * Christy Li ^ Guglielmo Lam Kwok Ho Ferrando Henry Ngan Despina Yanna Chen * Gladys Ho ^ Don Alfonso Alex Kwok
費奧迪麗姬 鍾嘉欣 * 羅曉晴 ^ 朵拉貝拉 徐曉晴 * 李詩蓓 ^ 古烈爾摩 林國浩 費蘭度 顏嘉樂 迪絲賓娜 陳妙燕 * 何朗幏 ^ 阿方索 郭俊立
Mozart’s The Magic Flute 莫扎特《魔笛》 Libretto Emanuel Schikaneder
Tamino Wesley Lam Papageno Alex Kwok Pamina Yanna Chen Queen of the Night Rachel Kwok * Valentina Tao ^ Sarastro Lam Kwok Ho Monostatos Henry Ngan Papagena Gladys Ho Ladies Jasmine Law Candice Chung Ashley Chui * Christy Li ^
塔米諾 林俊傑 巴巴基諾 郭俊立 柏美娜 陳妙燕 夜后 郭岍 * 陶依靜 ^ 薩拉斯妥 林國浩 莫諾斯塔托 顏嘉樂 巴巴基娜 何朗幏 侍女 羅曉晴 鍾嘉欣 徐曉晴 * 李詩蓓 ^
# By kind permission of the School of Music of The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts 承蒙香港演藝學院批准參與是次演出
*4 DEC 7:45pm & 5 DEC 7:45pm ^5 DEC 3pm
Così fan tutte Synopsis
Act I
Act II
In a café, Ferrando and Guglielmo, two military officers,
Despina successfully convinces the sisters to be engaged in a
are discussing the fidelity of women with their friend Don
little innocent flirtation. Dorabella pairs off with Guglielmo
Alfonso, a philosopher. Alfonso claims women cannot be
while Fiordiligi chooses Ferrando, a swap of lovers in
trusted to be faithful to their men. Ferrando and Guglielmo
reality. Fiordiligi goes off for a stroll with Ferrando, leaving
express objection. They believe their fiancées, Dorabella and
Guglielmo alone with Dorabella. Dorabella does not resist the
Fiordilligi respectively, who are two sisters, will never be
courting of Guglielmo strongly. She even exchanges with him
unfaithful. Alfonso wagers that in a day’s time he can prove
for a heart-shaped locket with a medallion with Ferrando's
his point, and proposes that Ferrando and Guglielmo will
portrait inside. On the other hand, Ferrando is less successful
pretend to have been called to military service; afterwards,
with Fiordiligi. The two men meet to exchange news of their
they will return pretending to be another person and each
progress. Ferrando is enraged when Guglielmo shows him the
will pay court to the other’s sweetheart.
The sisters are singing the praises of their lovers. Alfonso
Ferrando arrives and continues his seduction. Fiordiligi finally
enters and tells them of the bad news. Ferrando and
yields and falls into his arms. Alfonso wins the bet. He tells
Guglielmo arrive and bid the girls affectionate farewell. The
the two chastened men to forgive their fiancées and comforts
sisters mention their loss to Despina, their maid. Calmly,
them with the moral that “all women are like that”- Così fan
Despina advises them to take new lovers while the two men
are away. The advice is met with rejection. Alfonso sees in Despina a possible ally so he bribes her into helping him.
The plot proceeds to a double wedding for the sisters and the “Albanian” grooms. Despina, disguised as a notary, presents
The two men arrive, disguised as mustachioed Albanians.
a marriage contract for them to sign. Military music is
The sisters are shocked to see the two strangers, and even
heard in the distance, announcing the return of the officers.
more shocked when the two men say they were led by love to
The “Albanians” pretend to panic and go into hiding. A
them. Fiordiligi pledges her fidelity to her absent lover. The
moment later, Ferrando and Guglielmo appear in uniform.
“Albanians” try their best to win the girls’ hearts. Yet, the girls
They discover the marriage contract. Furious, they rushed
are unmoved.
out, only to return shortly, half in Albanian disguise, half as officers. The ruse is revealed. The lovers follow Alfonso’s
The two “Albanians” suddenly burst into a garden scene.
advice to forgive and forget, and the entire group accepts life
They dramatically swallow a fake poison and pretend to pass
is composed of both good times and bad times.
out. Despina and Alfonso go in search of a doctor while the sisters watch over the “dying” men. Despina returns as a doctor, who uses a magnet therapy to extract the poison from the “suicides”. The two men are revived. They renew their pursuit of the sisters.
《女人皆如此》 故事大綱 第一幕
蘭度假裝被徵召入伍,然後折返喬裝外人,交 义 引誘
兩個男人互通計劃的進展。當古烈爾摩炫耀他騙來的 戰利品時,費蘭度立刻怒氣衝天。
姊妹們歌唱讚美自己的愛人,阿方索進場帶來壞消息: 她們的未婚夫將被調往前線。隨即古烈爾摩和費蘭度
立時遭到拒絕。另一方面,阿方索看準迪絲賓娜可結 為同謀,予以收買。
劇情發展到姊妹們跟「阿爾巴尼亞」新郎們聯婚。迪 絲賓娜偽裝成證婚人,預備婚約給新人簽署,忽傳來
示,揭開騙局真相。兩人聽從阿方索的勸諫原諒對 方,大團圓結局之餘,大家認同人生畢竟是好壞參
兩個「阿爾巴尼亞人」突闖花園,戲劇性地服假毒裝 暈倒。迪絲賓娜和阿方索順理成章出外尋找醫生,留 下姊妹姐們陪伴這兩名「瀕死」的戀慕狂。迪絲賓娜 扮作醫生返回,運用磁石療法抽出毒素後,二人終告 甦醒,並重訴對姊妹的追求。
The Magic Flute Synopsis
Act I
Act II
In mythical landscape, the young prince Tamino runs from
Sarastro tells the priests of Isis and Osiris that Tamino is ready
a serpent. He faints, and three maidens save him. Charmed
for initiation. Papageno and Tamino are sworn to silence. The
by his looks, they depart to inform the Queen of the Night.
three ladies reappear and try to induce Tamino and Papageno
Tamino wakes to find the serpent dead and Papageno,
into speaking. Papageno cannot resist, but Tamino is resolute.
the Queen’s bird-catcher, taking credit for it. The maidens return, upbraid Papageno, and show Tamino a portrait of the
As Pamina sleeps, Monostatos makes to kiss her but is
Queen’s daughter Pamina, with whom he promptly falls in
frightened away by the arrival of the Queen of the Night. She
love. Pamina, they say, has been abducted by the evil sorcerer
gives her daughter a dagger, ordering her to kill Sarastro with it
Sarastro. Tamino vows to rescue her. The Queen of the Night
and threatening to disown her if she does not. Pamina is left in
arrives and promises him Pamina if he succeeds: she presents
tears, consoled by Sarastro.
him with a magic flute; Papageno gets magic bells and is to accompany Tamino.
Tamino and Papageno are led in by priests, who remind them that they must remain silent. Papageno complains of thirst.
In Sarastro’s palace, the slave Monostatos pursues Pamina. But
An old woman offers Papageno water. When he teasingly
Papageno’s arrival frightens him away; Papageno tells Pamina
asks whether she has a boyfriend, she answers “Papageno”.
that Tamino loves her and is coming to save her.
Papageno asks her name but she disappears. Tamino plays the flute, summoning Pamina. Tamino, bound by his vow, will not
Tamino is led to Sarastro’s temple and learns that Pamina
speak to her, leaving Pamina distraught.
is safe and Sarastro, furthermore, is not evil, but the Queen is. He plays his flute, charming the animals. He hears
Once the priests celebrate Tamino's successes so far, Sarastro
Papageno’s pipes; Monostatos chases Papageno and Pamina
instructs Pamina and Tamino to bid each other farewell before
but are stopped by Papageno’s magic bells. Sarastro enters
the greater trials ahead.
and promises Pamina eventual freedom while punishing Monostatos. When Tamino and Pamina meet, when Sarastro
Papageno expresses his desire for a wife. The elderly woman
announces that Tamino must undergo trials of wisdom to be
reappears and warns him that unless he immediately promises
worthy to be Pamina’s husband.
to marry her, he will be imprisoned forever. When Papageno promises to love her faithfully, she is transformed Papagena, young and pretty. Papageno rushes to embrace her but is prevented by the priests: he is not yet worthy. Pamina believes Tamino has abandoned her and contemplates suicide but is restrained by the child spirits. She finds Tamino and accompanies him through the ordeals of water and fire, protected by the magic flute. When Papageno also considers suicide, the spirits remind him to play his magic bells. Papagena appears and the two are united. The Queen of the Night (who she has promised her daughter Pamina to the traitorous Monostatos), her three ladies, and Monostatos attack the temple, but they are magically cast out into eternal night. Sarastro announces the sun's triumph over the night and hails the dawn of a new era of wisdom and brotherhood.
《魔笛》 故事大綱 第一幕
女回來,責備巴巴基諾,又讓塔米諾看夜后女兒柏美 娜的畫像,告訴他柏美娜被邪惡的男巫薩拉斯妥綁架。
又分別給二人一具魔鈴和一枝魔笛。 祭司帶領著塔米諾和巴巴基諾,提醒他們要保持沉默。 在薩拉斯妥的宮殿裡,奴隸莫諾斯塔托對柏美娜展開
諾。」巴巴基諾請老婦留下芳名,老婦卻消失了。塔 米諾吹起長笛,召喚柏美娜,但卻因必須保持沉默而
又發現薩拉斯妥並不邪惡,相反,夜后才是真正可怕 的角色。塔米諾吹起長笛,教附近的動物都感到陶醉。
答應釋放柏美娜,並會懲罰摩莫諾塔托。塔米諾與柏 美娜見面,薩拉斯妥宣佈,塔米諾必須通過智慧的考
倘若不立刻答應娶她為妻,會終身被囚。巴巴基諾答 應會愛她,矢志不渝,老婦即搖身一變,成為年輕貌 美的巴巴基娜。巴巴基諾想擁抱巴巴基娜,卻遭到祭 司阻止,因為他還不配。 柏美娜以為塔米諾將她拋棄,打算了斷自己的生命, 幸得仙童阻止。她找到塔米諾,在魔笛的保護下,一 起通過水和火的考驗。巴巴基諾同樣打算尋死,後來 仙童提醒他使用魔鈴,巴巴基娜再次出現,二人得以 團聚。 夜后答應把柏美娜許配給叛將莫諾斯塔托,她聯同三 位侍女及莫諾斯塔托襲擊神殿,卻遭到魔法驅逐到永 恒的黑暗中。薩拉斯妥宣佈太陽戰勝黑暗,歡迎充滿 智慧和情義的新世代。
Warren Mok, MH 莫華倫 Artistic Director 藝術總監
Alex Tam 譚天樂 Programme Director 計劃總監
A world-renowned Chinese tenor from Hong Kong, Warren Mok has been making frequent guest appearances in many leading opera houses throughout the world. His operatic repertoire exceeds 60 roles including Cavaradossi in Tosca, Calaf in Turandot, Rodolfo in La Bohème, Radamès in Aïda and many others. In recent years, Mok is very active in promoting western opera and music in Hong Kong, Macao and the Mainland; recently he has been the Artistic Director of Opera Hong Kong, Fujian Grand Theatre and Zhuhai Huafa Grand Theatre, and was also the Artistic Director of the Macao International Music Festival.
莫華倫是來自中國香港、世界知名 的男高音歌唱家。他的演唱足跡遍 及世界各大著名歌劇院。他演唱的 歌劇角色超過六十個,其中包括 《托斯卡》的卡瓦拉多西、《杜蘭 朵》的卡拉夫、《波希米亞生涯》 的魯道夫、《阿伊達》的拉達梅斯 等。莫氏在港澳及內地積極推廣西 方歌劇與音樂,近年除出任香港歌 劇院、福建大劇院及珠海華發大劇 院的藝術總監外,亦曾為澳門國際 音樂節的藝術總監。
Mok was awarded the Honorary University Fellowship by Hong Kong Baptist University in 2019, Officer of the Order of the Star of Italy by the Government of Italy in 2018, a Medal of Honour by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in 2011, World Outstanding Chinese Award in 2010, and both Cavaliere dell’Ordine della Stella della Solidarietà Italiana (Knight of the Star of Solidarity of Italy) by the Government of Italy and Chevalier dans I’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres (Knight of the Order of Art and Letter) by the Government of France in 2008. In 2012, China’s Three Tenors — Warren Mok, Dai Yuqiang and Wei Song toured the world to promote Chinese culture. In 2015, Mok was appointed as a member of Beijing Committee of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, fostering the bridge and development between the two cities. He was also a former member of Zhuhai Committee of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference.
2019 年莫華倫獲香港浸會大學頒 授榮譽大學院士,2018 年獲意大 利政府頒發「意大利之星軍官勳 章」,2011 年榮獲香港特區政府 榮譽勳章,及 2010 年榮獲世界傑 出華人獎,此外莫氏於 2008 年獲 意大利政府頒發「意大利團結之星 騎士勳章」及法國政府頒發「法國 藝 術 騎 士 勳 章 」。2012 年, 莫 氏 與戴玉強、魏松所組成的中國三大 男高音展開世界巡迴演出,積極推 動中國文化走向世界。他自 2015 年起獲委任為北京市政協委員,促 進兩地交流發展。他也是前珠海市 政協委員。
Born in Hong Kong, opera singer, choral conductor and composer, Alex Tam graduated from the Royal Academy of Music in London, and The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. Tam has recently received the "Outstanding Musician Awards" from the Hong Kong Music and Dance Association; also the ARAM award from the Royal Academy of Music for he has made a significant contribution to the music profession. Alex is currently the Chorus Director of Opera Hong Kong, founder of Aria Academy of Music, voice teacher and choir conductor of the HKAPA, also radio presenter on RTHK Radio 4.
譚天樂生於香港,畢業於倫敦皇家 音樂學院歌劇課程及香港演藝學 院,身兼男高音、合唱指揮、及作 曲家,現為香港歌劇院合唱總監、 艾莉亞音樂學院院長、香港演藝學 院合唱指揮、聲樂導師及香港電台 第四台節目主持。
Tam has taken leading roles in productions worldwide and performed over 30 operatic roles, including Rinuccio in Puccini’s Gianni Schcchi at the age of 19. This success was followed by his performance of other lead characters such as Almaviva in The Barber of Seville, Ferrando in Così fan tutte, Nemorino in L'elisir d'amore, Tonio in La fille du régiment and many others.
譚氏曾在世界各地不少製作中擔任 要角,當中超過三十個歌劇角色, 十九歲即演出浦契尼《賈尼.斯基 基》中的雷諾喬一角,大獲好評; 其他角色亦包括亞馬維瓦伯爵《西 維爾理髮師》、 費蘭多《女人皆 如此》、尼莫連奴《愛情靈藥》、 東尼奧《軍團的女兒》等。最近更 獲香港音樂及舞蹈界聯會頒發「傑 出音樂家大獎」,及英國皇家音樂 學院頒發 ARAM 榮銜,以表揚譚 氏在音樂領域上的貢獻。
Johnny M Poon 潘明倫 Conductor 指揮
Nancy Yuen 阮妙芬 Director 導演
Chan Wing Wah 陳永華 Pre-performance Talk Speaker
Johnny M Poon has regularly appeared in concert halls and festivals across the globe, including the Carnegie Hall, Glinka Cappella Hall, Novgorod Philharmonic Hall, National Centre for the Performing Arts, Forbidden City Concert Hall, Harlaxton International Music Festival, Manhattan - Hong Kong Music Festival, Operafestival di Roma and Hong Kong Arts Festival. He has guest conducted ensembles such as the Moscow State Philharmonic Orchestra, Südwestdeutsche Philharmonie, Slezske divadlo Opava, Kammerchor Stuttgart, Sinfonica dell’ International Chamber Ensemble, New England Symphonic Ensemble, Beijing Central Conservatory Symphony Orchestra, Manhattan School of Music Symphony Orchestra, Xiamen Philharmonic Orchestra, Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra and Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra.
潘明倫曾於多個世界級音樂節及音 樂廳演出,包括紐約卡內基音樂 廳、俄羅斯格林卡卡佩拉音樂廳、 格尼辛音樂院、北京國家大劇院、 以及英國哈拉克斯頓音樂節,曼克 頓香港音樂節、意大利羅馬歌劇節 及香港藝術節等。他曾客席指揮的 樂團包括有莫斯科國內愛樂樂團、 西南德國愛樂樂團、瑞典室樂團、 捷克西里西亞並國立歌劇院樂團、 新英格蘭交響樂團、北京中央音樂 學院交響樂團、曼克頓音樂學院交 響樂團、廈門愛樂樂團、深圳交響 樂團及香港管弦樂團等。
A top graduate from London’s Royal Academy of Music, Nancy Yuen has made Cio-cio-san (Madama Butterfly) her signature role, winning great critical acclaim since her debut with the Welsh National Opera. Yuen has since repeated the role with English National Opera, West Australia Opera, Opera Queensland, Singapore Lyric Opera, New Zealand International Festival of Arts, and at the Royal Albert Hall in 1998, 2000 and 2003. Other operatic roles include Violetta, Gilda, Tosca, Aida, Liu, Desdemona, Mimi and Soong Chingling. The operas she has directed include: Così fan tutte, The Merry Widow, Prima la Musica, Carmen and The Marriage of Figaro. Yuen has been the Head of Vocal Studies with The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts since 2010 and Honorary Artistic Director of Singapore Lyric Opera since 2015. Yuen was elected Associate of the Royal Academy of Music in 2014 and was appointed as Professor by the HKAPA in 2018.
阮妙芬是倫敦皇家音樂學院的高材 畢業生,首次與威爾斯國家歌劇團 合演《蝴蝶夫人》一舉成名後,又 載譽與英國國家歌劇團、西澳洲歌 劇團、昆士蘭歌劇院、新加坡歌劇 團、紐西蘭國際藝術節及皇家阿爾 伯特音樂廳等分別於1998、2000及 2003年重演這齣歌劇。她曾飾演的 角色包括薇奧列達、吉爾達、托斯 卡、阿伊達、柳兒、蒂斯蒂夢娜、 咪咪及宋慶齡等,並曾為《女人 皆如此》、《風流寡婦》、《音樂 至上》、《卡門》及《費加羅的婚 禮》執導。阮氏自2010年起出任香 港演藝學院聲樂系系主任及2015年 新加坡歌劇團榮譽藝術總監。她更 於2014年獲頒皇家音樂學院院士及 2018年香港演藝學院教授榮銜。
Chan Wing Wah was the first Resident Composer of the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra and has written 9 Symphonies plus other orchestral, chamber and choral music. His music had won him numerous international and local awards plus performances in over 20 countries. His biography is included in the New Grove Dictionary of Music & Musicians Online. He received his BA in music from CUHK, MMus and DMus from the University of Toronto on a Canadian Commonwealth Scholarship. He had been Professor of Music and Chairman of the Music Department CUHK and Deputy Director at HKU SPACE. He is now Chairman of the Composers and Authors Society of Hong Kong, Adjunct Professor at CUHK, Music Director of the HK Oratorio Society, Council member of the HK Chinese Orchestra and advisor to numerous groups.
陳永華是香港管弦樂團首位駐團作 曲家,作品有九首交響曲、其它管 弦樂、室樂及聲樂等。唱片由雨果 製作出版,第五、六交響曲總譜由 北京人民音樂出版社出版。曾獲多 個國際及本地獎項,並於超過 20 個國家演出。陳氏的履歷也被列入 《葛洛夫音樂百科全書》線上版。 陳氏畢業於香港中文大學文學士, 獲英聯邦獎學金赴加拿大多倫多大 學,獲音樂碩士及博士銜。曾為香 港中文大學音樂系講座教授、文學 院副院長及音樂系系主任、香港大 學專業進修學院常務副院長等。 現任香港作曲家及作詞 家協會主 席、香港中文大學音樂系客座教 授、香港聖樂團音樂總監、香港中 樂團理事及多個團體的顧問。
Yanna Chen 陳妙燕 Soprano 女高音
Candice Chung 鍾嘉欣 Soprano 女高音
Gladys Ho 何朗幏 Soprano 女高音
Soprano Yanna Chen received her Master of Music with celebrated soprano Professor Nancy Yuen and the Bachelor of Music (Honours) under renowned soprano Ella Kiang both from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA). She was the recipient of the Welsh Male Voice Choir Scholarship. Chen is actively engaged and has performed in numerous opera productions with Opera Hong Kong and HKAPA. Recent productions include Papagena and Third Lady in The Magic Flute, La Ciesca in Gianni Schicchi, and the Mistress of the Novices in Suor Angelica. Chen had been selected to participate in masterclasses by Nelly Miricioiu, Joy Mammen, and Gun-Brit Barkmin. She has also studied with Michèle Crider in the Mozarteum International Summer Academy.
女高音陳妙燕於香港演藝學院完成 音樂學士(榮譽)學位課程,師從 女高音江樺。隨後,陳氏於演藝學 院完成音樂碩士學位,師從聲樂 系系主任阮妙芬教授,並曾獲得威 爾士男聲合唱獎學金。陳氏積極參 與多部歌劇演出,包括香港歌劇院 及香港演藝學院的製作,曾飾演莫 扎特《魔笛》的巴巴基娜及第三 侍女、浦契尼三合一歌劇其中兩 部《 賈 尼· 史 基 基 》 的 傑 斯 卡 及 《修女安潔莉卡》中管新手的修 女。 在 學 期 間, 陳 氏 亦 參 加 了 多 位名師舉辦的大師班,包括 Nelly Miricioiu、Joy Mammen、 Gun-Brit Barkmin 和 Michèle Crider。
Soprano Candice Chung studied at Manhattan School of Music and Eastman School of Music. Her recent stage appearances include Pamina in The Magic Flute, the title role in Maria Stuarda in Hong Kong, Countess in The Marriage of Figaro in Italy, and Rosalinda in Die Fledermaus in the United States. She has also appeared on stage as Manon, Marschallin and Susanna. Most recently, she sang the original role of the Swallow in the musical The Happy Prince & the Other Wiseman in December 2018 and its re-run in March 2019. Chung earned her Bachelor of Music degree at Manhattan where she studied with Metropolitan Opera’s Mark Oswald and renowned American soprano Ashley Put-nam. At Eastman where she attained her Master of Music degree, she studied with American mezzo-soprano Katherine Ciesinski.
女高音鍾嘉欣於香港土生土長,就 讀並畢業於美國曼哈頓音樂學院及 伊士曼音樂學院。近期在舞台上參 與的演出包括在香港飾演《魔笛》 的 柏 美 娜 以 及《 瑪 莉 亞. 史 都 華 特》的同名角色、在意大利飾演 《費加羅的婚禮》的羅西娜伯爵夫 人,以及在美國飾演《蝙蝠》的羅 莎琳達。其他曾經飾演的要角包 括 曼 儂、 元 帥 夫 人、 蘇 珊 娜 等。 鍾氏於 2018 年十二月參演原創音 樂劇《快樂王子與第四個智者》 的 首 演, 飾 演 主 角「 燕 子 」, 並 於 2019 年三月載譽重演。鍾氏於 曼哈頓音樂學院取得學士學位,師 承大都會歌劇院歌唱家馬克.奧士 維以及著名美籍女高音艾殊莉.砵 藍;於伊士曼音樂學會受教於美籍 女中音卡芙蓮.茲辛琪,並獲得碩 士學位。
Gladys Ho studies opera singing under the tutelage of Chan Siu Kwan, Valentin Peytchinov and Brian Montgomery. Ho has actively performed in opera productions with Opera Hong Kong, Musica Viva, C5 Productions and Opera Society of Hong Kong. Recent performances include Geisha 2 in Beauty and Sadness, Giulietta in Tales of Hoffmann, Adele in Die Fledermaus, Giannetta in L’elisir d’amore, suor Dolcina in Suor Angelica and La zia in Madama Butterfly. She had also performed as Fiordiligi in Così fan tutte by IMAI in Verona. Apart from opera productions, Ho has also been engaged as a soloist and chorister in different music genres, including the Broadway Musicals such as Emilia in Othello, the Rock Show, slave girl in The Happy Prince & The Other Wiseman, The Pajama Game, Once on this Island, and the Wild Party.
何朗幏跟隨陳少君、費千諾和孟浩 文學習聲樂。何氏積極參與歌劇演 出,包括於《美麗與哀愁》飾演藝 妓 2、《霍夫曼的故事》飾演茱莉 葉、《蝙蝠》飾演愛黛兒、《愛情 靈藥》飾演珍妮特、於意大利演出 《女人皆如此》的費奧迪麗姬、《修 女安潔卡》飾演修女甜甜、《蝴蝶 夫人》飾演姨姨。何氏除了參與歌 劇演出,還活躍於音樂劇,包括於 《快樂王子與第四個智者》飾演女 奴、《Othello the Rock Show》 飾 演伊米麗亞,及參與《睡衣遊戲》、 《小島情尋夢》、《狂野派對》的 演出。
Hong Kong soprano Rachel Kwok Hin recently received the Espoir Prize in the 19th Osaka International Music Competition. Besides her busy performing and teaching career, she serves in the church as music minister, sharing her belief with music.
Rachel Kwok 郭岍 Soprano 女高音
Jasmine Law 羅曉晴 Soprano
She performs extensively as a soloist and chorister, from Baroque to contemporary music. She obtained the Advance Diploma in Opera & Vocal Studies from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, under the tutelage of Madam Ella Kiang and Professor Hsu Wei-en. Rachel’s study in HKAPA is generously supported by the Hong Kong Government Scholarship Fund. In additional, she holds the Bachelor of Social Science in Sociology from the Hong Kong Baptist University.
女高音郭岍於第十九屆大阪國際音 樂 節 獲 得 Espoir Prize 特 別 獎。 除 教學及演唱之外,郭氏亦於教會 擔任詩班指揮及教學,盼能以音樂 分享信仰。 郭氏積極以獨唱及合唱形式參與歌 劇、不同音樂類型及舞台演出,足 跡遍佈香港、台灣、馬來西亞、東 京等地;獲香港浸會大學社會科學 學士(社會學)及香港演藝學院頒 發歌劇及聲樂演唱高級文憑。在校 時師隨歌唱家江樺女士並獲徐惟恩 副教授擔任其藝術及聲樂指導,深 受啟發。
Jasmine Law received her MMus from the Royal Academy of Music, London. She made her European operatic début as Eliza in the European premiere production of Dark Sisters by Nico Muhly in Trentino Music Festival, Italy, in summer 2018. Other highlights include singing as soloist in: chamber work Due volte è iniziata la mia vita by Fausto Tuscano (world premiere), Romitelli's An Index of Metals conducted by Manuel Nawri (Asian premiere), Kurtag’s Kafka Fragments (New Vision Arts Festival, Hong Kong), the first performance of Schoenberg’s Pierrot Lunaire by Hong Kong musicians with the Hong Kong New Music Ensemble under the baton of Paul Zukofsky.
羅曉晴畢業於倫敦皇家音樂學院, 獲音樂碩士學位。曾參與的演出包 括荀白克《月迷彼埃羅》、於新視 野藝術節與愛麗斯實驗劇場合作庫 塔格的聯篇歌曲《卡夫卡片語》, 以及於意大利與格林美大獎得主大 衛羅素同台演出室樂作品《兩次人 生》世界首演。羅氏曾在意大利 特 倫 蒂 諾 音 樂 節 參 與 歌 劇《Dark Sisters》 的 歐 洲 首 演, 飾 演 女 主 角 Eliza。 羅 氏 曾 獲 美 國 Musical Observations, Inc. 基金支持,與鋼 琴家羅乃新女士遠赴意大利佩魯賈 灌錄荀白克的藝術歌曲專輯。
Valentina Tao Yijing received her Master of Music degree from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and Bachelor of Music degree from Shenzhen University, under the tutelage of renowned soprano Nancy Yuen and soprano Liu Li-Lin.
陶依靜獲取香港演藝學院音樂碩士 學位及深圳大學音樂學士學位,師 隨著名女高音阮妙芬教授及女高音 劉麗琳。
Valentina Tao 陶依靜 Soprano 女高音
Tao has performed in opera productions by Musica Viva and The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. Recent operatic roles include Queen of Night and First Spirit in Mozart’s The Magic Flute and Maria from Bernstein’s West Side Story. She is a recipient of the Cecil Leong Scholarship and the School of Music Nancy Yuen Singing Scholarship. During her studies, she has been selected to perform in masterclasses by international artists, Eduardo Chama, Gregory Massingham, Wang Yun-Peng, Yang Yan, Wei Song and soprano Dilber Yunus.
陶氏曾參與多個歌劇製作,包括香 港非凡美樂及香港演藝學院製作。 近期曾演唱過的角色包括:莫扎特 《魔笛》的夜后和第一精靈及伯 恩斯坦《西城故事》的瑪麗亞。陶 氏曾獲得梁思豪獎學金和音樂學院 阮妙芬歌唱獎學金。在學期間,她 獲選參加Eduardo Chama、Gregory Massingham、王雲鵬、楊言、魏松 及迪里拜爾等多個大師班。
Ashley Chui 徐曉晴 Mezzo-soprano 女中音
Christy Li 李詩蓓 Mezzo-soprano 女中音
Wesley Lam 林俊傑 Tenor 男高音
Ashley Chui has earned a Bachelor degree in Music from Manhattan School of Music, under the tutelage of voice teacher Joan Patenaude-Yarnell. In 2013, she came 2nd in the Yokohama International Music Competition in Japan. Ashley portrayed the role Franktik and Woodpecker in The Little Cunning Vixen by Janacek and Angelique in Le Roi L’a Dit by Delibes at the Manhattan School of Music. In program Oberlin in Italy, she was casted as Cenerentola in La Cenerentola by Rossini and Dorabella in Così fan tutte by Mozart in the opera scenes performance. Besides opera performances, Ashley has collaborated as a soloist with the International Chamber Orchestra of America, New York Four Seas Players, Hong Kong Festival Orchestra and more. Ashley continued her studies at Columbia University in New York City and received a Master of Science degree in the Nonprofit Management.
女中音徐曉晴畢業於美國愛德華藝 術高中,隨後於紐約曼哈頓音樂 學院完成音樂學士課程,師隨Joan Patenaude-Yarnell。於2013年在橫濱 國際比賽中獲亞軍。在紐約深造期 間,徐氏參與演出的歌劇包括《女 人皆如此》、《狡猾的小狐狸》和 《國王如是說》。除了歌劇的演 出,徐氏亦多次接受獨唱演出的邀 請,曾與美國國際室內樂團、紐約 四海劇團和香港節慶管弦樂團等合 作。演出以外, 徐氏在紐約哥倫比 亞大學修讀非牟利機構管理,獲得 碩士學位。
Christy Li obtained her MA Music in Vocal Performance with distinction at the University of York, and MA Music degree from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, studying with Chan Siu Kwan and Yvonne Seymour accordingly. Li was the First Place winner of the Australian Concerto & Vocal Competition in 2018. Being selected as the Most Outstanding Singer in the 2nd International Opera Exchange Masterclass, she has received a scholarship to study in Italy. Li has performed Marcellina in The Marriage of Figaro, Nicklaus and La muse in The Tales of Hoffmann, Madame de la Haltiere in Cendrillon, to name a few. Li also sang as the alto soloist in Beethoven Symphony No. 9, Haydn's Nelson Mass and Bach’s St John Passion.
李詩蓓以優等成績於英國約克大學 取得音樂文學碩士(聲樂演奏)及 香港中文大學音樂文學碩士學位。 師隨陳少君及Yvonne Seymour學習 聲樂。李氏於2018年奪得澳洲協奏 曲及聲樂比賽冠軍,又於第二屆香 港國際歌劇大師班獲選為最優秀歌 者,獲獎學金到意大利進修。曾飾 演《費加羅的婚禮》中的瑪賽蓮 娜、《霍夫曼的故事》中的尼克勞 斯與藝術女神,以及《灰姑娘》中 的後母等。李氏曾於貝多芬第九交 響曲、海頓《彌撒曲》和巴哈 《受 難曲》中擔任女低音獨唱。
Wesley Lam received Master of Music (Voice) at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts under the tutelage of Professor Nancy Yuen, and Bachelor of Arts (Music) at The Chinese University of Hong Kong with scholarships.
林俊傑獲獎學金完成香港演藝學院 音樂碩士及香港中文大學音樂文學 士,受教於阮妙芬教授。
His operatic roles include Tamino, Monostatos and First Armoured Man in Mozart’s The Magic Flute; Hoffmann, Spalanzani, Nathanaël, Frantz and Pitichinaccio in Offenbach’s The Tales of Hoffmann; Rinuccio in Puccini’s Gianni Schicchi; and Apollo in Handel’s Semele. He also performed as the tenor soloist in Handel’s Messiah, Mozart’s Requiem, Mendelssohn’s Elijah, Beethoven’s Choral Fantasy, Tippett’s A Child of Our Time and Scriabin Symphony no.1. Lam is teaching at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts Junior Programme and HKU SPACE. He is also a conductor of The Hong Kong Children’s Choir and a vocal coach of Hong Kong Repertory Theatre.
他曾演唱過的角色包括:《魔笛》 的王子、莫諾斯塔托及武士;《荷 夫曼的故事》的荷夫曼、斯帕朗扎 尼、納撒內、弗朗茲及僕人;《賈 尼.斯基基》的里奧齊奧及《塞墨 勒》的阿波羅。他亦曾擔任《彌賽 亞》、莫扎特《安魂曲》、孟德爾 遜《以利亞》、貝多芬《合唱狂想 曲》、蒂皮特《我們時代的孩子》 及斯克里亞賓第一交響曲的男高音 獨唱。林氏任教於香港演藝學院 青少年課程及香港大學專業進修學 院。他亦為香港兒童合唱團指揮及 香港話劇團的歌唱指導。
Henry Ngan graduated from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, Royal Northern College of Music (MMus) and Wales International Academy of Voice (MA, studied with Dennis O’Neill CBE).
Henry Ngan 顏嘉樂 Tenor 男高音
Ngan is a recipient of Muses Foundation for Culture & Education, RNCM Scholarship, Sir Robert Black Trust Fund, HK Welsh Male Voice Choir Scholarship, HK Children’s Choir Scholarship and Michael Rippon Memorial Scholarship. A Dunraven Welsh Young Singer of the Year and Overall Champion in HK Youth Singing Festival, he frequently won in HK School Music Festival. Performing across the UK, Europe, Russia and Hong Kong, his operatic roles included Don Jose and Remendado in Carmen, Tamino and Monostatos in The Magic Flute, Rinuccio in Gianni Schicchi, Goro in Madama Butterfly, Spoletta in Tosca and many more.
Baritone Alex Kwok received a Bachelor of Music (Honours) Degree from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, majoring in voice, under the tutelage of Albert Lim. Scholarships received during his studies include The Hong Kong Children's Choir Music Scholarship, and the Sing Music Studio Scholarship.
Alex Kwok 郭俊立 Baritone 男中音
Lam Kwok Ho 林國浩 Baritone 男中音
In 2018, Kwok won the Espoir Prize in Lieder Group, at the Osaka International Music Competition. Recent opera performances include Semele by Handel, Gianni Schicchi by Puccini, Otello and Aïda by Verdi, The Tales of Hoffmann by Offenbach and Papageno in The Magic Flute by Mozart. Kwok has also performed in a number of Broadway Musicals such as Rent and Avenue Q. Kwok was the singing coach of the Musical Project – Rent, presented by the The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, Drama School.
Lam Kwok Ho has performed in opera productions by Opera Hong Kong, Musica Viva and The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. His operatic credits include Sciarrone in Tosca, Somnus in Semele, Marco and the title role of Gianni Schicchi, Lindorf/ Coppélius/ Dr. Miracle/ Daperdutto in The Tales of Hoffmann. As a concert soloist, he has performed Beethoven’s Choral Fantasy and Bach’s Christmas Oratorio under the baton of Helmuth Rilling. His recent performance includes Guglielmo in Così fan Tutte (Taiwan). Lam received his Master of Music degree from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts under the tutelage of renowned soprano Nancy Yuen. He has participated in masterclasses by Nelly Miricioiu, Renée Fleming, Eric Halfvarson, Thomas Quasthoff, Dennis O’Neill, Rudolf Piernay, Wolfgang Brendel and Helen Donath.
顏嘉樂畢業於香港演藝學院、英國 皇家北方音樂學院碩士及威爾斯 國際聲樂學院碩士,師隨丹尼斯. 奧尼爾。 顏氏曾獲美思堂文教基金、皇家音 樂學院獎學金、柏立基爵士信托基 金、威爾斯男聲合唱團獎學金、香 港兒童合唱團獎學金及聶明康紀念 獎學金等。他曾獲選威爾斯年度青 年歌唱家之一、香港青年歌唱節總 冠軍,並於校際音樂節多次奪冠。 顏氏演出遍及英國、歐洲、俄羅斯 及香港。歌劇角色包括唐荷西及雷 門達多《卡門》、塔米諾及莫諾斯 塔托《魔笛》、雷諾喬《賈尼.斯 基基》等。
男中音郭俊立畢業於香港演藝學院 修讀音樂學士(榮譽)學位課程, 主修聲樂,師隨男中音林俊。 在學 期間,曾獲得香港兒童合唱團音樂 獎學金及聲音樂獎學金。 郭氏於2018年奪大阪國際音樂比賽 (歌曲組)「最感染力獎」。近期 演出歌劇包括:莫扎特《魔笛》 的巴巴基諾、韓德爾《塞默勒》、 浦契尼《賈尼.斯基基》、威爾第 《奧塞羅》、威爾第《阿伊達》, 以及奧芬巴哈《霍夫曼的故事》 等。郭氏亦演出過多套大型百老匯 音樂劇,包括:《吉屋出租》、 《Q畸大道》等。近年亦為香港演 藝學院戲劇學院的音樂劇製作《吉 屋出租》中擔任聲樂指導。
林國浩曾於香港歌劇院、非凡美樂 和香港演藝學院參與多個大型歌劇 製作,曾演唱的角色包括《塞墨 勒》睡神、《賈尼.斯基基》的同 名角色、《托斯卡》斯亞朗尼、 《荷夫曼的故事》靈多夫 / 高佩利 斯 / 密拉克 / 達貝多托、《女人皆 如此》古烈摩,並於多部巴哈清唱 劇中擔任獨唱。 林氏獲得香港演藝學院聲樂系音樂 碩士,師承著名女高音阮妙芬。他 亦多次獲得獎學金,包括梁思豪 獎學金、聶明康紀念聲樂獎學金 等。曾參與多位著名歌唱家的大師 班,包括 Nelly Miricioiu、 Renée Fleming 、 Eric Halfvarson、Thomas Quasthoff 、 Dennis O’Neill 、Rudolf Piernay、Wolfgang Brendel 及 Helen Donath 等。
City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong 香港城市室樂團 City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong (CCOHK) holds a unique position as one of Asia’s leading chamber orchestras. Since its establishment in 1999, CCOHK has performed with many world-class artists including Sir James Galway, Dame Evelyn Glennie, Sir Neville Marriner, Sir Thomas Allen, Sarah Chang, Dame Emma Kirkby, Julian Lloyd Webber, Dawn Upshaw and The King’s Singers. On tour CCOHK has been invited to perform in Italy, Taipei, Beijing and at the 20th China Shanghai International Arts Festival. At home CCOHK is in high demand with performing engagements for Hong Kong Ballet, Le French May Arts Festival, RTHK Radio 4 and The Hong Kong International Piano Competition. CDs include an internationally acclaimed release on OUR Recordings with Danish recorder virtuoso Michala Petri. CCOHK’s original productions for young audiences include Bug Symphony (The Musical) which received the Public Choice Award at the 2017 YAMawards in Portugal. French conductor Jean Thorel served as chief conductor from 2008 to 2016 and was succeeded by Armenian conductor and virtuoso pianist Vahan Mardirossian in 2019. 香港城市室樂團以別樹一幟的風格,已成為亞洲首屈一指的室樂團之一。自 1999 年創團以來,樂團已經和許多 享譽國際的名家同台演出,包括占士 ‧ 高威、依芙蓮 ‧ 格妮、馬連拿爵士、湯馬士 ‧ 艾倫爵士、張永宙、愛 瑪.柯克比、朱利安 ‧ 萊 ‧ 韋伯、唐恩 ‧ 艾普梭、英皇合唱團等。香港城市室樂團曾獲邀出訪意大利、台北 及北京,並參加第 20 屆中國上海國際藝術節。在本地,樂團獲邀演出不綴,包括香港芭蕾舞團、法國五月藝術節、 香港電台第四台、香港當代音樂節、香港國際鋼琴比賽等。樂團曾與丹麥直笛名家帕蒂莉合作灌錄鐳射唱片,由 OUR Recordings 全球發行,大獲好評。樂團為年輕觀眾創作多個節目,包括獲 2017 年葡萄牙 YAMawards「觀眾 票選獎」的《失蝨室樂團》音樂劇。法國指揮尚 ‧ 托勞於 2008 年至 2016 年間任香港城市室樂團首席指揮。而 阿美尼亞指揮及鋼琴家瓦安 ‧ 馬狄洛辛於 2019 年起擔任樂團新任首席指揮。
First Violin
Amelia Chan John Sit Jonathan Yuen Nina Wong Ye Byeol Lee Hui Chi-kin Zita Yang Vivian Shen Justin Ho
陳詩韻 # 薛子豪 * 袁以恆 王倩兒 李伊璧 許智健 陽芊 沈庭嘉 何冠宗
Leanne Nicholls Kelvin Lam
黎燕欣 * 林嘉奇
Anthony Wong Frederick Fung
黃智輝 * 馮智銓
Second Violin
Zheng Yang Samuel Au Andy Yeung Feng Lok-yee Daria Kovtunova Juan Andres Carmona Wong Tak-kin Lam Man-sau Leonard Chow
鄭陽 * 區駿熙 楊善衡 馮諾兒 高杜娜 賈約翰 黃德健 林文秀 鄒子豪
Grace Guo Chan Wai-bun Benjamin Wong Nikolay Demerdzhiev Michael Chak Monica Johnston
郭豫雯 * 陳煒彬 王健聰 歷高尼 翟灝軒 莊妮嘉
Haedeun Lee Shelagh Heath Ray Cheung Calvin Wong
李希冬 * 洪嘉儀 張緯揚 黃泰城
Double Bass David Lee Ma Sai Cheung Chung-yan
李鋮浚 * 馬賽 張頌恩
Matthew Wu Emily Lin
胡永彥 * 林昱伶
Bassoon 巴松管 Nigel Sandall Leung Tak-wing
黎山度 * 梁德穎
Joe Kirtley Harry Chiu
裘德禮 * 趙展邦
Angel Lo Oscar Lam
盧安祖 * 林韋行
Trombone 長號 Ben Pelletier Yaoji Giuseppe Fu John Lo
彭禮傑 * 符耀基 盧國軒
Rebecca Ng
吳美瑩 *
# Concertmaster
* Principal Players
Founder, Executive & Artistic Director 創辦人、行政及藝術總監 Leanne Nicholls
Concert Manager & Librarian 音樂會及譜務經理 Ray Leung
Project Intern 項目實習生
Emily Lin
林昱伶 *
Katie Cheuk
Opera Hong Kong Chorus 香港歌劇院合唱團
The Opera Hong Kong Chorus was established in 2004. The Chorus was directed and developed by Mr. Jimmy Chan who established it as one of the leading choirs in Hong Kong. Mr. Chan retired from the position of Chorus Director in January 2013 and was succeeded by Mr. Alex Tam who is well known locally for his operatic performing skills as well as being an accomplished choirmaster. The Chorus has attained new heights of artistic excellence. Unlike their full-time counterparts in professional choruses in other major world cities, members of the Opera Hong Kong Chorus are all part-time singers from all walks of life. Whilst there are currently more than 60 active members, the Chorus’s size and composition varies according to requirements of each production. This pool of gifted singers includes current music students, highly qualified graduates, music teachers and experienced performers, all of whom have been selected by competitive public auditions. Since making its debut in December 2004 in La Traviata, the Chorus has participated in over 15 fully staged operas including the Opera Hong Kong productions of The Magic Flute in The National Centre for the Performing Arts of China in 2009 and the world premiere of Dr. Sun Yat-Sen in Hong Kong in 2011. In addition to major productions, the Chorus gives public recitals of works such as The Verdi’s Requiem and operatic excerpts, including choral and solo performances, with the aim of promoting opera and high quality choral music in Hong Kong.
香港歌劇院合唱團於 2004 年創立,在指揮家陳晃 相先生的率領及推動之下,香港歌劇院合唱團已成 為香港最優秀的合唱團之一。2013 年 1 月,陳晃 相先生卸任合唱團總監一職,由歌劇演唱家及屢任 合唱團團長的譚天樂先生接任。香港歌劇院合唱團 成就更高的藝術水平。 有別於世界各地主要城市的專業合唱團以全職模式 來運作,香港歌劇院合唱團團員皆是兼職身份,來 自各行各業,至今已超過 60 名活動團員,演出人 數會因應製作規模而調整。合唱團團員包括音樂學 生、大學畢業生、音樂老師及經驗豐富的表演者, 他們皆通過嚴格的公開篩選。 香港歌劇院合唱團自從 2004 年於大型歌劇《茶花 女》首度亮相以後,已參與十多部歌劇演出,包括 於 2009 年在中國國家大劇院上演、由香港歌劇院 製作的《魔笛》,以及於 2011 年香港首演、由香 港歌劇院委約及製作的《中山•逸仙》。除了大型 歌劇以外,合唱團亦參與音樂會如《威爾第安魂彌 撒曲及歌劇選段》的合唱及獨唱演出,致力將歌劇 藝術與合唱音樂推廣至香港普羅市民。
Chorus Master
Rehearsal Pianists
Albert Lim
Ronald Cheung Alexander Wong
張頌欣 黃歷琛
Tenor 男高音
Cheung Hoi Ki, Heidi Chik Tsz Kwan, Candy Fu Yang, Fiona Li Zhen, Jennie Man Che On, Angel Tsang, Polly Wong Hoi Ki, Kate Wong Wai Wah, Pancy
張凱琪 戚芷君 * 傅揚 李蓁 文賜安 曾麗佩 黃凱琪 # 黃偉樺
Kong Chi Kwan, Clement Lo Tat Chi, Arthur Wong Chi Lok Yau Kai Chung Yeung Tat Ming, David
江志群 盧達智 # 黃志樂 邱啟忠 楊達明
Chan Kwok Kin, Patrick Chung Ying Yin, Desmond Kwan Cheuk Shing, Aaron Kwok Kar Kit Sze, Alfred Tsang Kwong Chiu, Charles
陳國堅 * 鍾英賢 關卓城 ^ 郭家傑 施子仁 曾廣釗 #
Chung Yin Ling, Athena Hui, Lovina Li, Jess Shing, Lisa
鍾燕玲 許羨儀 #* 李芷蔚 忻賢雯
* Part leader 聲部長 # Chorus working committee 合唱團工作小組 ^ Narrator 旁白
Albert Lim 林俊 Chorus Master 合唱團指導
Albert Lim is one of the most active baritones in Hong Kong. Lim is trained at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, from which he received the Advanced Diploma and Bachelor of Music degree. Lim was admitted to the Royal College of Music in London, graduated with distinction from the Postgraduate Diploma programme in vocal studies. With his remarkable stage presence and fine lyrical singing, Lim has appeared frequently in opera and concert performances presented by Opera Hong Kong, Musica Viva, Hong Kong Sinfonietta, Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, Hong Kong Ballet, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Chorus, the Learners’ Chorus, the Hong Kong Bach Choir, and the Hong Kong Oratorio Society. A highly versatile singer, Lim is equally at home in the pop music scene. He has shared the stage with Cantopop star, Hacken Lee, and Taiwanese singer, Jeff Zhang, and has also been engaged to record Cantonese vocal covers of Disney animation movies, including Lady and the Tramp, Enchanted and Lava. In addition to his stage appearances, Lim is currently faculty member of The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He is also the choral conductor of the Hong Kong Children Choir.
林俊是香港最活躍的男中音歌唱家 之一。早年於香港演藝學院獲高等 文憑及音樂學士學位,後負笈英國 倫敦皇家音樂學院(RCM)主修 聲樂,並以優異成績獲頒深造文 憑。 林氏多次參演歌劇製作及音樂會, 曾合作的團體有:香港歌劇院、非 凡美樂、香港小交響樂團、香港管 弦樂團、香港芭蕾舞團、上海交響 樂團、香港中文大學合唱團、學士 合唱團、香港巴赫合唱團及香港聖 樂團。 除了古典音樂外,林氏亦活躍於流 行音樂界。他曾與李克勤及張信哲 同台演出。他也曾為多部迪士尼製 作 如《 小 姐 與 流 氓 》、《 魔 法 奇 緣》、《熔岩熱戀》灌錄粵語版電 影歌曲。 在舞台以外,林氏亦任教於香港演 藝學院及香港中文大學。他也擔任 香港兒童合唱團合唱指揮。
Acknowledgement 鳴謝 PRESENTER
Opera Hong Kong would like to express its deepest appreciation to its sponsors and supporters for their generous sponsorship and support, which have made Così fan tutte x The Magic Flute: Abridged Versions of Operas by Mozart possible. 香港歌劇院衷心感謝下列機構及人士的贊助及支持,使《女人皆如此》x《魔笛》:莫扎特經典歌劇精要版得 以順利演出。
Major Funder
Opera Development Patron of Opera Hong Kong
Cultural Development Patron of Opera Hong Kong
Mr & Mrs Richard Hui
Mrs Ivy Wong
One-Year Jade Sponsor & Student Ticket Fund
Two-Year Platinum Sponsor
Mrs Lui Chiu Kam Ping
One-Year Gold Sponsor & Student Ticket Fund
Fung Yiu King Charitable Foundation Ltd 馮堯敬慈善基金會有限公司
Silver Donor of Student Ticket Fund
Piano Sponsor
Special Thanks
K.L. Wong & Friends
創院主席 鄭慕智博士
BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chairman Mr Ronald Kwok
董事局成員 主席 郭永聰先生
Honorary Treasurer Mrs Teresa Lin
榮譽司庫 林劉淑英女士
Honorary Secretary Mr Gordon Jones, BBS
榮譽秘書 鍾悟思先生 榮譽法律顧問 胡百全律師事務所 榮譽核數師 黃龍德會計師事務所
Honorary Legal Advisor P. C. Woo & Co. Honorary Auditor Patrick Wong C. P. A. Ltd Directors Ms Vena Cheng Ms Chiu Wen Ling Ms Chung Yan Yan Mr Philip Eisenbeiss Mr Chester Hoang Mr Francis Liu Ms Olivia Lo, Chevalier de l’Ordre national du Mérite Mrs Mabel M. Lui, JP Ms Paddy Lui, BBS, JP Ms Sonia Lui Ms Tsang Wing Hin, Emily
董事 鄭慧恩女士 邱文伶女士 鍾恩恩女士 艾飛立先生 黃智成先生 廖漢波先生 盧大川女士
行政及財務委員會 召集人 郭永聰先生 會員 鄭慧恩女士 鍾恩恩女士 黃智成先生 鍾悟思先生 林劉淑英女士 呂元珠女士
Members Ms Vena Cheng Ms Chung Yan Yan Mr Chester Hoang Mr Gordon Jones, BBS Mrs Teresa Lin Ms Sonia Lui ARTISTIC COMMITTEE Chairman Mr Gordon Jones, BBS Members Mr Philip Eisenbeiss Mr Chester Hoang Mr Ronald Kwok Co-opted Members Mr Alex Tam Ms Nancy Yuen EDUCATION & OUTREACH COMMITTEE Chairman Ms Sonia Lui Members Mr Francis Liu Co-opted Members Ms Jean Lau Miss Felicity Yeung DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Chairman Ms Chung Yan Yan Members Ms Chiu Wen Ling Mr Ronald Kwok Mrs Mabel Lui Ms Tsang Wing Hin, Emily
呂馮美儀女士 呂慧瑜女士 呂元珠女士 曾詠軒女士
藝術委員會 召集人 鍾悟思先生 會員 艾飛立先生 黃智成先生 郭永聰先生 增選會員 譚天樂先生 阮妙芬女士 教育及外展委員會 召集人 呂元珠女士 會員 廖漢波先生 增選會員 劉祉延女士 楊婉華小姐 拓展委員會 召集人 鍾恩恩女士 會員 邱文伶女士 郭永聰先生 呂馮美儀女士 曾詠軒女士
PR & AUDIENCE BUILDING COMMITTEE Chairman Ms Vena Cheng Members Mr Philip Eisenbeiss Mr Chester Hoang Mr Gordon Jones, BBS Mr Ronald Kwok Ms Olivia Lo, Chevalier de l’Ordre national du Mérite
公共關係及觀眾拓展委員會 召集人 鄭慧恩女士 會員 艾飛立先生 黃智成先生 鍾悟思先生 郭永聰先生 盧大川女士
Co-opted Members Ms Sheryl Lee Mrs Helen Lin Sun
增選會員 李明哲小姐 孫林宣雅女士
Members Mr Gordon Jones, BBS Mrs Teresa Lin Mr Francis Liu Ms Olivia Lo, Chevalier de l’Ordre national du Mérite Ms Paddy Lui, BBS, JP Ms Sonia Lui
主席 黃智成先生 會員 鍾悟思先生 林劉淑英女士 廖漢波先生 盧大川女士 呂慧瑜女士 呂元珠女士
藝術總監 莫華倫先生
HONORARY ADVISORS Mr Fok Tsun Ting, Timothy, GBS, SBS, JP Mrs Alice King Mr Peter Thompson, OBE, ILD, JP Sir Gordon Wu, KCMG, FICE
ARTISTIC ADVISORS Mr Henry Akina Mr Chen Xie Yang Mr Raymond Fu Ms Ella Kiang Dr Joanna C Lee Mr Liu Shih Kun Mr Tyrone Paterson Mr Lorne Richstone Mr Sergio Segalini Mr Tan Dun Mr Samuel Wong Ms Yao Jue Ms Yip Wing Sie Mr Zhang Guo Yong
MEMBERS Mr But Mau Sum * Dr Chan Ka Ho, Johnny * Ms Chan Kit Wah, Eva * Mrs Mimi Chan Mr Robert Chan Dr Chang So Min, John * Dr Margaret Chia Mrs Mary Chen Dr Edgar Cheng Miss Jessica Cheng Mrs Mariana Cheng, BBS,JP * Dr Moses Cheng, GBM, GBS, OBE, JP * Ms Vena Cheng Mrs Cheong So Ka Wai, Patsy * Dr Cheung Kit Ying, Andy * Dr Tony Cheung Prof Alice Chiu, BBS, JP * Ms Chiu Wen Ling *
霍震霆先生 金董建平女士 Mr Peter Thompson, OBE, ILD, JP 胡應湘爵士 Mr Henry Akina 陳燮陽先生 符潤光先生 江樺女士 李正欣博士 劉詩昆先生 Mr Tyrone Paterson Mr Lorne Richstone Mr Sergio Segalini 譚盾先生 黃大德先生 姚珏女士 葉詠詩女士 張國勇先生
畢茂森先生 * 陳嘉何醫生 * 陳潔華女士 * 陳葉蘇虹女士 陳子亮先生 張叔銘醫生 * 賈士秋醫生 陳王靈誼女士 鄭維健博士 程珍小姐 鄭曹志安女士 * 鄭慕智博士 * 鄭慧恩女士 張蘇嘉惠女士 * 張潔影醫生 * 張振雄博士 趙曾學韞教授 * 邱文伶女士 *
Mrs Janice Choi, BBS, MH * Dr Choi Koon Shum, Jonathan, GBS, BBS, JP * Miss Jolene Chow Mr Anthony W. K. Chow, SBS, JP Mrs Joy Chung Mr & Mrs Chung Po Yang * Miss Chung Wai Mun * Ms Chung Yan Yan Mr Philip Eisenbeiss Dr David Fang, SBS, JP * Ms Janie Fong Dr Fung Carl Pui * Mr Fung Hing Cheung, Kenneth * Mr Fung Hing Wang, SBS, JP Dr Patrick Fung, JP Mr Chester Hoang Mrs Rachel Hui Dr Goh King Man, Victor * Mr Goh Soon Khian, David Dr Aron Harilela Ms Rumiko Hasegawa Ms Ho Chiu King, Pansy Catilina * Mr Edward S. T. Ho, OBE, SBS, JP Ms Ho Wai Yu Ms Hu Xiao Bing, Shirley Mr Huo Wai Chiu, Rex * Mr Gordon Jones, BBS Mr Kan Fook Yee, SBS * Mrs Alice King * Mr David Kung Ms Angelina Agnes Kwan * Ms Kwan Man San, Lucy Mr Ronald Kwok Ms Kwon Young Ah, Marie Mr Joseph Lai * Mr Lai Yim Shik, Daniel Mrs Ivy Lau * Ms Lee Choi Chun, Joyce * Ms Loretta Lee Mr Cecil Leong * Ms Catherine Leung Mr Leung Chi Tien, Steve Dr Leung Chung Chuen, Roland Mrs Teresa Lin Mr Francis Liu Dr Lo Kwong Yin, Richard * Ms Olivia Lo, Chevalier de l’Ordre national du Mérite Mr James Louey Dr Lui Che Woo, GBM, MBE, JP * Mrs Lui Chiu Kam Ping * Mrs Mabel M. Lui, JP Ms Paddy Lui, BBS, JP * Mr Roger S. W. Lui Ms Sonia Lui Dr John Luk * Mrs Emma Lummis Dr Michael Ma Dr Ma Ching Wan, Ronald * Dr Mok Hing Yee * Mr Johnny Mok Mrs Mok Koo Mei Chee * Mr Tony Mok Mr Warren Mok, MH * Mr Robert Nield Ms Doreen Pao Mr Douglas Pon Ms Teresa Pong Ms Vanessa Poon Mr Laurence Scofield Mr Ralph Raymond Shea Mr Shum Kai Kee, Robert Ms Edith Shih * Mr Stephen Tan * Mr Joseph Tang Chung Ping *
蔡關穎琴女士 * 蔡冠深博士 * 周瑋雯小姐 周永健先生 鍾瑞華女士 鍾普洋伉儷 * 鍾蔚文小姐 * 鍾恩恩女士 艾飛立先生 方津生醫生 * 方文靜女士 馮培邦醫生 * 馮慶鏘先生 * 馮興宏先生 馮鈺斌博士 黃智成先生 許申屠麗華女士 吳敬文醫生 * 吳順強先生 夏雅朗博士 長谷川留美子女士 何超瓊女士 * 何承天先生 何慧瑜女士 胡小冰女士 霍偉釗先生 * 鍾悟思先生 簡福飴先生 * 金董建平女士 * 龔鈁先生 關蕙女士 * 關文珊女士 郭永聰先生 權英雅女士 黎明先生 * 黎炎錫先生 劉麥念慈女士 * 李彩珍女士 * 李碧慶女士 梁紹禎先生 * 梁嘉彰女士 梁志天先生 梁宗存醫生 林劉淑英女士 廖漢波先生 羅光彥醫生 * 盧大川女士 雷兆光先生 呂志和博士 * 呂趙錦屏女士 * 呂馮美儀女士 呂慧瑜女士 * 雷永業先生 呂元珠女士 陸宏廣博士 * Mrs Emma Lummis 馬健基醫生 馬青雲醫生 * 莫慶義醫生 * 莫樹聯先生 莫古美慈女士 * 莫華彤先生 莫華倫先生 * 廖樂柏先生 包陪慧女士 盤德先生 龐裳女士 Ms Vanessa Poon 史葛.羅蘭士先生 佘頌平先生 岑啟基先生 施熙德女士 * 陳智文先生 * 鄧頌平先生 *
Mr Peter Thompson, OBE, ILD, JP * Mrs Su-Mei Thompson Dr Ting Hok Shou, Dennis, OBE, JP * Mrs Angie Ho Ting Mrs Lynette Tiong Dr Tong Pak Chuen, Patrick * Mrs Tong Wang Pei Chi, Peggy Ms Tsang Wing Hin, Emily * Ms Tsang Wing May, Corina Dr Tsao Yen Chow * Ms Tammy Wan * Ms Beatrice Wen Mr KL Wong Dr Kennedy Wong, BBS, JP Prof Wong Leung Kit Wah, Annie Mrs Wong Ng Mei Ha Mr David Yam Dr Yang Kai Dr Yang Hsueh Chi, Serena * Mrs Anna Yeung Dr Anthony Yeung Ms Yeung Bik Yiu Belinda Miss Felicity Yeung Mrs Lisa Yeung Mr Patrick Yeung * Mr Yeung Tien Yuen, Christopher Mrs Selina Yu Dr Yu Hon Chiu
Mr Peter Thompson, OBE, ILD, JP * 周素媚女士 丁鶴壽博士 * 丁何穎雯女士 張何麗梅女士 唐柏泉醫生 * 童王佩琪女士 曾詠軒女士 * 曾詠美女士 曹延州醫生 * 溫德美女士 * 聞張麗儀女士 黃桂林先生 黃英豪博士 王梁潔華教授 王吳美霞女士 任懿君先生 楊凱博士 楊雪姬博士 * 楊劉詠霜女士 楊俊偉博士 楊碧瑤女士 楊婉華小姐 楊陳麗霞女士 楊偉添先生 * 楊天源先生 余胡家寶女士 余漢超醫生
*Founding Member
* 創院成員
SUPPORTERS Mr Nick Burns Mrs Ina Chou Mr Serge Dumont Mr Helmut Hennig Mrs Rosy Yih Hui Mr Stefan & Mrs Caroline Kracht Mr King Vee Ming, William Mr Lee Wai Yip, Simon Mr Vincent Qian Mr Anthony Rogers Mrs Helen Lin Sun Mr Wong Yat Hung, Edward Ms Yau Yuk Sum
MANAGEMENT General Manager Youn Ling Senior Manager Stephane Lun Senior Manager (Development) Cynthia Chan Manager (Corporate Affairs) Derek Wu Manager (Education and Outreach) Eliza Hui Assistant Manager (Accounting/HR) Boris Lo Assistant Manager (Marketing and Event Management) Vivian Au Assistant Manager Miller Cheung Officers Shirley Tam Joey Tsang
行政人員 總經理 連 君 高級經理 倫世豪 高級經理 ( 拓展 ) 陳頌恩 經理 ( 企業事務 ) 胡贊邦 經理 ( 教育及外展 ) 許嘉薇 副經理 ( 會計及人事 ) 盧家華 副經理 ( 市場策劃推廣 ) 區美茵 副經理 張慧紅 主任 譚穎宜 曾紫賢
Mr Nick Burns 周嚴雲震女士 杜孟先生 海寧先生 許葉靜儀女士 Mr Stefan & Mrs Caroline Kracht 金維明先生 李偉業先生 錢文超先生 Mr Anthony Rogers 孫林宣雅女士 王日維先生 丘玉芯女士
Jockey Club Opera Hong Kong Young Artist Development and Education Programme Highlights
賽馬會香港歌劇院青年演唱家發展及教育計劃 精華回顧
3 1
Voice Masterclass by Mr Warren Mok & Mr Paul Gay
Voice Masterclass by Mr Warren Mok
Voice Masterclass by Professor Nancy Yuen 阮妙芬教授聲樂大師班
Mini Opera School Tour 學校小型歌劇音樂會
Acting Class by Mr Chow Chiu Lun
Annual Performance Rehearsal