Mascagni's Cavalleria Rusticana & Leoncavallo's Pagliacci

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Verismo Begins Here

寫 實 主 義 由 此 起

Until 1890, when Pietro Mascagni’s Cavalleria Rusticana won the first prize in a competition, operas had typically been about kings and queens, lords and ladies, or occasionally characters from myths or the Bible. But Mascagni set his one-act opera in rustic Sicily with no nobles or knights anywhere near: just peasants, passion, church, wine, sin and murder. It was a hit from its debut. When Ruggero Leoncavallo saw Cavalleria, he was inspired to write his own one-act verismo opera. Pagliacci, which debuted in 1892, is also set in a small Italian town and also climaxes with a jealous husband murdering his unfaithful wife (based, Leoncavallo said, on a true story). But Pagliacci is structured as a play within a play: when the traveling troupe of comedians (the “clowns” of the title), perform for the villagers, art and life fatally become one. Both operas were set in what would have been for audiences of the time more or less the present day. The stories and the characters who peopled them, furthermore, were meant to be drawn from life, to be “true”, hence verismo. The two operas, so similar in tone and execution that they seem like two acts of a larger work, were paired together almost from the start: the Metropolitan Opera ran them as a double bill as early as 1893. The pairing is now affectionately known among cognoscenti as “Cav & Pag”. Pagliacci contains one of the best-known arias ever written. Although Canio, who leads the troupe, catches his wife in flagrante delicto, the show must still go on. As he is putting on his make-up, he sings “Ride, Pagliaccio” — “laugh, for you are a clown”. This has been a make-or-break aria for tenors since the days of Caruso, but has broken the bounds of opera and extended deeply into popular culture. Cavalleria doesn’t have quite the same showstopper, but the lyrical, contemplative intermezzo — so different from the passions boiling beneath the surface of this opera — is a stable of the symphonic repertoire. But if the love-hate duet between Santuzza and Turiddu, the man who has dumped her, doesn’t stay reverberating in your head for days afterwards, then equally striking Easter hymn (Innegiamo) for chorus and soaring soprano surely will. All things come to an end, and this production ends with opera’s most famous line: as Canio drops the knife, he tells the audience “La commedia è finita” — the play is over.

Peter Gordon 高博德

在 1 890 年皮埃特羅.馬斯卡尼的《鄉村騎士》 於比賽中獲得冠軍之前,歌劇一般都是關於皇 室和達官貴人的,有時則涉及傳說或聖經裡的 人物。但馬斯卡尼以質樸的西西里島作為他 這部獨幕歌劇的背景,故事裡沒有貴族、武 士,只有農民、情慾、教堂、酒、罪與謀 殺。作品一推出就大受歡迎。 得到《鄉村騎士》的啟發,魯傑羅.列 卡華洛也要寫一部獨幕的寫實歌劇。 《丑角》於 1892 年首演,同樣以意大 利一個小鎮為背景,故事也是以一個 嫉妒的丈夫殺掉不忠的妻子為高潮 (列卡華洛說是真人真事改編)。《丑 角》利用了劇中劇的寫法:當巡迴戲 班中的喜劇演員(標題中的「丑角」) 為村民演出時,藝術和生命合而為一, 像宿命一樣。 兩部歌劇或多或少都是以當時的 時代為背景。劇中的故事和人物都 是生活中會遇到的,是「真實」的, 故此是寫實主義。兩部作品的情 調 和 表 演 風 格 接 近, 彷 彿 是 一部大作的兩幕一樣 ─ 兩齣劇幾乎一開始就以 一 對 的 形 式 上 演, 早 於 1 893 年, 大 都 會 歌 劇 院 就把它們一併搬上舞台, 現在行內人都把這個組合稱為 「Cav & Pag」(「騎士和小丑」)。 《丑角》中有一部著名的詠嘆調。 雖然戲班班主卡尼奧發現妻子紅杏 出牆,演出還是要繼續的。化妝時, 他唱著《笑吧,小丑》 ─ 在卡羅 素唱過這首歌後,作品成為了一眾 男高音挑戰的詠嘆調,成王敗寇,而這 首歌曲也突破了歌劇的界限,其影響深入 至流行文化。 《鄉村騎士》不像《丑角》一樣,有教觀 眾熱烈拍掌而打斷演出的歌曲,但劇中一 部充滿詩意、像沉思一樣的間奏曲,建立出與 歌劇表面截然不同的情感,成為了交響樂團經 常演出的作品。桑桃莎和拋棄她的圖列度之間 愛恨交纏的二重唱令人一聽難忘,而合唱團和 高昂的女高音合演的復活詩歌《我們讚美》亦 震撼人心。 最後,演出到了尾聲時,卡尼奧掉下匕首,向 觀眾說:「今天的戲,到此為止。」這句話也 成為了劇中最著名的對白。

Opera Hong Kong

香 港 歌 劇 院

Established in 2003, Opera Hong Kong (OHK) is a non-profit making organization committed to the mission of enhancing the appreciation of the art of opera and promoting local musical talents under the direction of Warren Mok, world-renowned Chinese tenor from Hong Kong. In addition to staging operas and concerts, education and outreach programme are also held regularly to reach the young population. Opera Hong Kong Chorus and Opera Hong Kong Children Chorus (OHKCC) were established in 2004 and 2008 respectively and are becoming recognized forces in the local choral scene.

香港歌劇院是成立於 2003 年的非牟利藝團, 在世界知名的男高音莫華倫帶領下,一直致 力製作高質素及專業的歌劇給香港的觀眾, 並培養本地具潛質的音樂家。香港歌劇院亦 定期為年青一代舉辦各項教育及外展活動, 把歌劇藝術進一步推廣至社會各階層。香港 歌劇院更於 20 04 年及 20 0 8 年成立香港歌 劇院合唱團及香港歌劇院兒童合唱團,為本 地合唱界注入新的動力。

In 2019, OHK has been selected by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council as one of the three recipients of the coveted “Eminent Arts Group Scheme”. The Scheme’s consecutive 5-year funding has become the company’s steady financial support for its development in future.

20 1 9 年,香港歌劇院榮獲香港藝術發展局 甄選為「優秀藝團計劃」中三個受資助藝團 之一,以表揚歌劇院多年在藝術推廣上的努 力。這項持續五年的資助讓香港歌劇院於未 來得到穩健的發展。

Riding on the success of the Jockey Club Opera Hong Kong Young Artist Development Programme (the Programme) which kick-offed in 2015, The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust has renewed the Programme with OHK for another 3 years. The Programme, accompanied by a series of outreach activities, provides intensive vocal training to 12 local young artists.

香港歌劇院於 20 1 5 年推出為期三年的「賽 馬會香港歌劇院青年演唱家發展計劃」非常 成功,得到各界認同。現香港賽馬會慈善信 託基金繼續全力贊助,推出新一輪的三年培 訓計劃,培養十二位本地專業青年演唱家, 並配合一連串的外展活動。

The establishment of new music centre in Wanchai has marked a milestone for the development of our Education and Outreach endeavour. A wide range of courses are being organized for early age children to adult apart from OHKCC classes. The recent national policy of developing the Greater Bay Area, with its anticipated economic and population boom, will create an even better environment for OHK to initiate more collaborations and bring opera to an even bigger audience.

新成立的灣仔音樂中心是歌劇院發展教育及 外展工作的里程碑,課程規模將更加擴大, 涵蓋幼兒至成人課程。另一方面,隨著國家 積極發展大灣區,預期將區內城市帶來更大 的商機及人口增張,締造了更利於藝術發展 的環境。我們將把握機遇,積極與內地合作 及交流,讓歌劇藝術能發揚光大。

Mascagni's Cavalleria Rusticana 馬斯卡尼《鄉村騎士》

Leoncavallo's Pagliacci 列卡華洛《丑角》

Libretto 編劇及作詞 Giovanni Targioni-Tozzetti 托斯采第 Guido Menasci 蒙納希

Libretto 編劇及作詞 Ruggero Leoncavallo 列卡華洛

Enrico Castiglione 卡斯蒂列尼

Santuzza 桑桃莎

Canio 卡尼奧

Hao Xingwa 郝幸娃

Opera Hong Kong Orchestra 香港歌劇院樂團

Dominique Chan 陳皓琬 * Bobbie Zhang 張倩 # Turiddu 圖列度

Chen Chen 陳晨

Louise Kwong 鄺勵齡 * Li Yang 李洋 #

Alfio 艾菲奧

Tonio 東尼奧

Liu Songhu 劉嵩虎

Sun Li 孫礫

Opera Hong Kong Chorus 香港歌劇院合唱團

Lucia 露茜亞

Peppe 佩帕

Ivy Mak 麥可明

Chen Yong 陳永

Chorus Director 合唱團總監

Lola 露娜

Silvio 西爾維奧

Alex Tam 譚天樂

Emily Liu 劉韻

Liu Songhu 劉嵩虎

Producer 監製

Warren Mok 莫華倫 Conductor 指揮

Gianluca Martinenghi 馬田倫基 Director 導演

Music Director 音樂總監

Wong Sze Hang 王思恆

Nedda 妮達

* 24 Aug; # 25 Aug

Chinese tenor from Hong Kong, Warren Mok has been making frequent guest appearances in many leading opera houses throughout the world. His operatic repertoire exceeds 60 roles including Cavaradossi in Tosca, Calaf in Turandot, Rodolfo in La Bohème, Radamès in Aïda and many others. In recent years, Mok is very active in promoting western opera and music in Hong Kong, Macau and the Mainland; recently he has been the Artistic Director of Opera Hong Kong, Fujian Grand Theatre and Zhuhai Huafa Grand Theatre, and was also the Artistic Director of the Macao International Music Festival.

Warren Mok, 莫華倫 Producer and Artistic Director 監製及藝術總監

Mok was awarded Officer of the Order of the Star of Italy by the Government of Italy in 2018, a Medal of Honour by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in 2011, World Outstanding Chinese Award in 2010, and both Cavaliere dell’Ordine della Stella della Solidarietà Italiana (Knight of the Star of Solidarity MH of Italy) by the Government of Italy and Chevalier dans I’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres (Knight of the Order of Art and Letter) by the Government of France in 2008. In 2012, China’s Three Tenors — Warren Mok, Dai Yuqiang and Wei Song toured the world to promote Chinese culture. In 2015, Mok was appointed as member of Beijing Committee of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, fostering the bridge and development between the two cities and Hong Kong. He was a former member of Zhuhai Committee of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. 莫華倫是世界知名來自中國香港的男高音歌唱家。他的演唱行程遍及世界各大著名歌劇院。他演唱 的歌劇角色超過六十個,其中包括《托斯卡》的卡瓦拉多西、《杜蘭朵》的卡拉夫、《波希米亞生涯》 的魯道夫、《阿伊達》的拉達梅斯等。莫氏在港澳及內地積極推廣西方歌劇與音樂,近年除出任香 港歌劇院、福建大劇院及珠海華發大劇院的藝術總監外,亦曾為澳門國際音樂節的藝術總監。 2018 年莫華倫獲意大利政府頒發「意大利之星軍官勳章」,2011 年榮獲香港特區政府榮譽勳章,及 20 1 0 年榮獲世界傑出華人獎,此外莫氏於 20 0 8 年獲意大利政府頒發「意大利團結之星騎士勳章」 及法國政府頒發「法國藝術騎士勳章」。 2012 年,莫氏與戴玉強、魏松所組成的中國三大男高音一 起舉行世界巡迴演出,積極推動中國文化走向世界。他自 20 1 5 年起獲委任為北京市政協委員,促進 兩地與香港交流發展。他也是前珠海市政協委員。

Gianluca Martinenghi 馬田倫基 Conductor 指揮

Gianluca Martinenghi began his career at Teatro Massimo di Palermo. He has conducted at most prestigious theatres, including Teatro Comunale di Bologna, Teatro dell’Opera di Roma, Arena di Verona, Teatro Bellini di Catania, Deutsche Opera Berlin, Teatro Carlo Felice di Genova, Sydney Opera House and National Centre for the Performing Arts in Beijing. The orchestras he has collaborated include Orchestra de la Suisse Romande, Orquestra Sinfónica de Tenerife, Maribor Symphony Orchestra, l' Orchestra Sinfonica di Macerata, l'Orchestra Festival Puccini di Torre del Lago, Hungarian National Philharmonic Orchestra, Münchner Rundfunkorchester and L'Orchestre Symphonique de Montréal. He received excellent reviews for the CD recording of Puccini Arias and Verdi Duets. Recently he conducted at Festival of Dubrovnik, and Japan tour for Tosca with Teatro Massimo in Palermo. Since 2016, he has been the Chief Conductor of Macedonian National Theatre. 馬田倫基於意大利巴勒莫馬西穆劇院作其職業生涯起步點,隨後曾和多個享負盛名的歌劇院合作, 包括博洛尼亞市立歌劇院、羅馬歌劇院、維羅那露天劇場、馬西莫貝利尼劇院、柏林德意志歌劇院、 熱那亞卡羅費利切劇院、悉尼歌劇院及中國國家大劇院等。他曾合作的樂團不勝枚舉,當中包括瑞 士羅曼德管弦樂團、特內里費島交響樂團、馬里博爾交響樂團、馬切拉塔交響樂團、托瑞德拉古普 契尼音樂節樂團、匈牙利國家管弦樂團、慕尼黑電臺廣播交響樂團及蒙特婁交響樂團等。他曾灌錄 多張唱片,其中「經典浦契尼詠嘆調及威爾第合唱曲」唱片更廣獲好評。最近他於杜布羅夫尼克藝 術節演出,以及與巴勒莫馬西穆劇院為《托斯卡》作日本巡演。自 20 1 6 年起,他獲邀出任馬其頓國 家劇院首席指揮。 Enrico Castiglione is one of the international acclaimed theatre and video directors and set designers. His style of direction was passionately realistic, characterized by a strong visual dimension of cinematographic inspiration. There were over two hundred DVDs of his theatrical productions broadcasted live in cinemas worldwide and also by international networks, including Manon Lescaut in 2019, Tosca in 2000 and 2008 and many others. He was also a television director of mega concerts featuring artists of high caliber like José Carreras and Lorin Maazel. He was the founder and artistic director of Taormina Opera Festival, Euro Mediterranean Festival, Easter Festival in Rome and Italian Bellini Opera Festival. He was also a President of Una Vita per la Musica award conferred each year for the recognition of greatest musical figures worldwide.

Enrico Castiglione 卡斯蒂列尼 Director 導演

卡斯蒂列尼在國際歌劇舞台上享負盛名,他是位優秀舞台及拍攝製作導演外,也是佈景設計師。他 的執導風格寫實兼洋溢著激情,在宏偉的佈景設計下附帶強烈的電影感官效果。他的逾二百個製作 常於各地電影院作現場直播及全球電視頻道轉播,包括 2019 年《瑪儂.萊斯科》及 2000 年及 2008 年的《托斯卡》等。他曾為大型音樂會出任電視製作的總導演,參演嘉賓包括卡雷拉斯及馬捷爾等。 他是多個著名藝術節的創辦人及藝術總監,包括陶爾米納藝術節、歐洲 — 地中海藝術節、羅馬的復 活藝術節及意大利貝里尼藝術節。他並曾出任終身音樂成就獎的主席,此國際頂尖殊榮乃每年表揚 全球最具代表性的音樂家。

Cavalleria Rusticana 鄉村騎士 Dominique Chan received her Postgraduate Diploma in Performance (Voice) from Leeds College of Music. Her operatic roles included Zita in Gianni Schicchi, Zerlatrice in Suor Angelica, Hansel in Hansel & Gretel, Empress in The Poisoned Kiss, Third lady in Die Zauberflöte, Emilia in Otello, Gertrude in Roméo et Juliette and Leader in The Tsar Has His Photograph Taken. Dominique has sung a number of mezzo-soprano/alto solos in sacred repertory, including Handel's Messiah, Mozart's Requiem, Mendelssohn’s Elijah , Dvo ák’s​​​​ Mass in D.

Dominique Chan 陳皓琬

陳皓琬畢業於英國利茲音樂學院。曾參演的歌劇角色包括《賈尼.斯基基》的齊塔、《修女安潔莉卡》 中的修女班長、《糖果屋》的韓賽爾、《毒吻》的女皇、《魔笛》的第三侍女、《奧賽羅》的愛美莉 亞、《羅密歐與茱麗葉》的葛楚特及《沙皇拍了一張照片》的領袖等。 除歌劇演出外,陳氏亦常擔 任音樂會中的女中音獨唱演出,包括韓德爾的《彌賽亞》、莫扎特的《安魂曲》、孟德爾頌的《以利 亞》及德弗扎克的《D 大調彌撒曲》。

Santuzza 桑桃莎 (24 Aug)

Bobbie Zhang obtained her bachelor’s degree in Music from the Shanghai Conservatory of Music and her Master degree from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA). She worked at the Shanghai Opera House and has appeared as a soloist in the China premiere of Shostakovich’s Jewish Folk Poetry and Berlioz’s Les nuits d'été. In addition, she has sung several roles which include Dorabella in Così fan Tutte, Berta in The Barber of Seville, Tisbe in La Cenerentola, Cherubino and Marcellina in Le Nozze di Figaro, Orlofsky in Die Fledermaus, La badessa in Suor Angelica, Juno in Semele and Mercédès in Carmen. She is a voice instructor at HKAPA’s Junior Programme and was a member of Jockey Club Opera Hong Kong Young Artist Development Programme. She will sing Santuzza in Cavalleria Rusticana and Maddalena in Rigoletto in 2019.

Bobbie Zhang 張倩 Santuzza 桑桃莎 (25 Aug)

Chen Chen 陳晨 Turiddu 圖列度

女中音張倩,以優異成績考入及畢業於上海音樂學院以及香港演藝學院,早些年工作於上海歌劇院並 出訪多國演出。張氏曾出演過多場音樂會以及歌劇表演,其中包括了中國首演的肖斯塔科維奇的《猶 太民間音詩》中的女中音獨唱,柏遼茲的《夏夜》,歌劇《女人皆如此》中的多拉貝拉;《塞維爾理 髮師》中的貝爾塔;《灰姑娘》中的緹絲貝;《費加洛的婚禮》中的凱魯比諾以及馬切林納;《蝙蝠》 中的王子;《修女安潔莉卡》中的修道院院長;《賽墨麗》中的朱諾以及《卡門》中的梅賽黛斯等等。 她現在她同時擔任香港演藝學院青少年課程的聲樂導師,並且在 20 1 7 年加入了賽馬會香港歌劇院青 年藝術家計劃。2019 年主要歌劇演出包括《鄉村騎士》中的桑桃莎,以及《弄臣》中的瑪德蓮娜等。

Chen Chen obtained his two Master degrees from the Royal Academy Music London and Welsh International Academy of Voice. He has studied with soprano Dame Kiri Te Kanawa, tenor Dennis O’Neill, bass Gong Dongjian. He is currently studying with the renowned tenor Warren Mok. He was the prize winner of the 7th International Lyrique Competition in Belgium and has given regular solo recitals in Europe, including the Engadin Festival and the Project of Martha Argerich of the Lugano Festival in Switzerland. His operatic roles include Ferrando in Mozart’s Così fan tutte, Jason in Cherubini’s Médée, Riccardo Percy in Donizetti’s Anna Bolena, Don José in Bizet’s Carmen, Rinuccio in Puccini’s Gianni Schicchi, Cassio in Verdi’s Otello and Wilheim Meister in Ambroise Thomas’s Mignon. He was engaged as President Roosevelt in the new opera Datong of Hong Kong Arts Festival 2015. 陳晨分別於英國皇家音樂學院及威爾斯國際聲樂學院考獲音樂碩士學位。曾師從女高音奇里.特.卡 娜娃、男高音丹尼斯.奧紐及男低音龔冬健,現跟隨著名男高音莫華倫學習歌劇演唱。陳氏曾於比利 時第七屆國際歌唱比賽中獲獎,其後於歐洲多個國際音樂節舉行個人音樂會,其中包括瑞士的恩嘎丁 音樂節和瑞士盧加諾音樂節。陳氏曾演出多個歌劇角色,包括莫扎特《女人皆如此》的費蘭度、凱魯 畢尼《梅蒂》的伊阿宋、多尼采第《安娜.博林娜》的貝西、比才《卡門》的唐.荷西、浦契尼《賈 尼.斯基基》的里努喬、威爾第《奧賽羅》的卡西奥和托馬《迷娘》的威廉。陳氏曾主演 20 1 5 香港 藝術節的全新歌劇《大同》中羅斯福總統一角。

Liu Songhu is a world-famous baritone living in Europe and the first resident soloist at National Centre for the Performing Arts (NCPA) in Beijing, singing in most of the NCPA productions and newly commissioned operas. In 2000-2010, he was a resident soloist at the Nuremberg State Theatre and a visiting lecturer at the Hochschule für Musik Nürnberg. Liu has won the first prize in Toulouse International Vocal Competition in 2006; the first prize in the LaVoce Art Song Singing Competition in 2007; the award for the performance in The Barber of Seville-Figaro, the rising star award and the award for the tour in Austria. He graduated with a doctoral degree from Hochschule für Musik Nürnberg and has sung over 600 opera performances throughout Europe.

Liu Songhu 劉嵩虎 Alfio 艾菲奧 Also performs in Pagliacci as Silvio 於《丑角》飾演 西爾維奧

劉嵩虎是旅歐國際著名男中音及國家大劇院首位駐院歌唱家,並參與多齣國家大劇院製作及其原創 歌劇。2000 至 2010 年間他為德國紐倫堡國家歌劇駐院歌唱家及德國紐倫堡國立音樂學院客席講師。 他曾獲多個國際歌唱比賽殊榮,包括法國圖盧茲國際聲樂比賽冠軍、德國聲音國際藝術歌曲聲樂比 賽冠軍、意大利詹多奈國際聲樂大賽歌劇獎「《塞維爾理髮師》 — 費加羅角色獎」、新秀獎及奧 地利巡回演出獎等。他畢業於德國紐倫堡國立音樂學院博士學位,並於歐洲各大歌劇院演出歌劇逾 六百場次。

Ivy Mak studied music at The University of Hong Kong and at the University of York (UK) before joining the Royal Northern College of Music where she had her debut as Baroness in Vanessa with high regards from the London TIMES and CityLife. To date, Ivy performed the role of Principessa in Suor Angelica, Dorotheé in Massenet’s Le Cendrillon, Marcellina in Le nozze di Figaro, Sally in A Hand of Bridge and Zena in Katya Kabanova. She recently won two International Music Competitions for Opera Singing in Airola and Concorso Pietro Argento, Italy. She was also singing in the master class of the prestigious soprano Montserrat Caballé in Spain.

Ivy Mak 麥可明 Lucia 露茜亞

Emily Liu 劉韻 Lola 露娜

麥氏畢業於香港大學音樂系學士及英國約克大學碩士,並於英國北方皇家音樂學院深造聲樂文憑。麥 氏曾演出多齣歌劇包括《修女安潔莉卡》、《灰姑娘》、《費加羅的婚禮》、《橋牌》、《卡嘉·卡 芭諾娃》,更在巴伯歌劇《萬涅薩》中獲得《倫敦時報》及《城市生活報》的好評。麥氏曾被選上參 與世界知名女高音卡巴耶在西班牙的國際聲樂大師班,並剛剛在兩場意大利國際歌劇比賽中獲獎。 Mezzo-soprano Liu Yun received her Bachelor of Music degree in Vocal and Opera Performance from Xinghai Conservatory of Music, and later obtained her Master of Music degree at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts on a full scholarship, under the tutelage of world-renowned soprano, Professor Nancy Yuen. Liu has participated in masterclasses by Kiri Te Kanawa and Salvatore Licitra. In 2015, Liu won the only Gold Prize (Senior Vocal) in The 2nd Hong Kong International Music Festival. Notable operatic roles include Nerone in Monteverdi’s L'incoronazione di Poppea, Dorabella in Mozart’s Cosi fan tutte and Jiao Mu in the Chinese opera The Savage Land. As an alto soloist, Liu has performed Yu Kwan-chung’s Words & Music Concert in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore. Liu was invited to perform for multiple occasions by Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra in Beethoven Symphony No. 9, and has appeared in chamber music concerts presented by Guangzhou Opera House and Shenzhen Grand Theatre. 女中音劉韻曾為香港歌劇院、深圳大劇院客席歌劇演員。劉氏於星海音樂學院聲歌系本科畢業後獲 全額獎學金入讀香港演藝學院音樂碩士,師從國際女高音歌唱家阮妙芬教授。獲世界著名女高音奇 里.特.卡娜娃、世界著名男高音李契特拉等音樂家指導,並獲 2015 香港國際音樂節青年組唯一金 獎。代表演出包括蒙特威爾第《波佩阿的加冕》的尼祿王、莫扎特《女人皆如此》的朵拉貝拉、中 國歌劇《原野》的焦母等。作為女中音獨唱,劉氏曾參與余光中詩歌與音樂音樂會巡演(香港、台灣、 新加坡),並獲法國魯法克音樂節邀請參與音樂節表演。劉氏獲深圳交響樂團多次邀請擔任貝多芬 第九交響樂女中音領唱,並在廣州大劇院、深圳大劇院舉行的室內樂音樂會中演出。

Pagliacci 丑角 First prize winner of the Madama Butterfly International Singing Competition in Nagasaki of Japan in 2016, young Chinese tenor Hao Xingwa received vocal training at San Francisco Opera’s Merola Opera Programme, the Royal Academy of Music in London, the Georg Solti Accademia di Bel Canto and the Central Conservatory of Music in China. Praised for his thrilling high notes, his voice possesses the stamina and colour for the heroic tenor roles of Radames, Calaf, Canio, Cavaradossi, Pinkerton, Andrea Chenier, Don Carlo and many others. He was recognized by the Premiere Opera International Vocal Competition in New York as the only Asian jury in 2018. Hao has also worked with world renowned maestros including Plácido Domingo and Seiji Ozawa.

Hao Xingwa 郝幸娃 Canio 卡尼奧

於 20 1 6 年在日本長崎勇奪《蝴蝶夫人》國際聲樂大賽金獎的年青男高音郝幸娃曾獲多個優秀學院及 劇院培訓,包括三藩市歌劇院梅洛拉歌劇計畫、倫敦皇家音樂學院、喬治.索爾蒂美聲學院及中國 中央音樂學院等。除了擁有一副扣人心弦的高音外,他那堅實及厚重的音色也讓他完美演繹多個屬 英勇男高音角色,如拉達梅斯、卡拉富、卡尼奧、卡瓦拉多西、平克頓、安德烈謝尼埃及卡洛王子等。 他亦是 2018 年紐約國際聲樂大賽的唯一亞洲評委。他曾與著名大師合作,包括杜鳴高及小澤征爾等。

Louise Kwong 鄺勵齡 Nedda 妮達 (24 Aug)

Louise Kwong is a soprano at the Young Artist Programme of Rome Opera House in Italy from 20182019. Kwong is a graduate of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, the Dutch National Opera Academy, the Conservatory of Amsterdam and the Royal College of Music of London. Kwong debuted at the Rome Opera House as Mimì in La Bohème, Micaela in Carmen and The First Lady in Die Zauberflöte; at the National Centre of Performing Arts in Beijing as the title role Rita in The Dawn Here is Quiet; Fiordiligi in Così fan tutte in the Grachtenfestival. Kwong won the 2nd place, Audience prize and the Best Soprano prize in the 18th International Singing Competition Ferruccio Tagliavini in Austria. Kwong’s achievement was recognized by being awarded with the Young Artist Award in Music in 2014 by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council and in the Secretary for Home Affairs Bureau's Commendatory Scheme by the HKSAR Government in 2015. This season, she will return to Rome Opera House singing Donna Elvira in Don Giovanni and Sacerdotessa in Aïda. 鄺勵齡是羅馬歌劇院 20 1 8 - 1 9 年度青年藝術家計劃的女高音。她畢業於香港中文大學 、荷蘭皇家歌 劇學校、阿姆斯特丹音樂學院及英國皇家音樂學院。鄺氏在 2018 年於羅馬歌劇院出演的角色包括《波 希米亞人》的咪咪、《卡門》的米卡耶拉以及《魔笛》的第一仕女;在 20 1 7 年於北京國家大劇院擔 演歌劇《這裡的黎明靜悄悄》中麗達一角;在 2013 年於阿姆斯特丹格克頓音樂節中擔演《女人皆如此》 的費奧迪麗姬。鄺氏曾獲奧地利第十八屆泰利亞雲尼國際聲樂比賽第二名、觀眾獎及最佳女高音獎; 意大利柳金國際聲樂比賽第一名、以賽奧國際聲樂比賽第一名;以及比利時第七屆美藝國際聲樂比 賽第二名。鄺氏於 20 1 4 年獲香港藝術發展局頒發年度藝術新秀獎,並於 20 1 5 年入選民政事務局局 長嘉許計劃。 鄺氏將於 2019 年於羅馬歌劇院出演莫扎特歌劇《唐.喬望尼》中的安娜和威爾第歌劇 《阿伊達》中的女祭司。 Highly versatile soprano Li Yang embraces repertoire and operatic roles. Li’s operatic credits include Liù in Turandot, Micaëla in Carmen, Angelica in Suor Angelica, Rosalinde in Die Fledermaus, Gerhilde in Die Walküre, Contessa in Le nozze di Figaro, Stephano in Roméo et Juliette, Jinzi in The Savage Land, Fiordiligi in Così fan tutte, Tatyana in Eugene Onegin and the title roles of L'incoronazione di Poppea, The Cunning Little Vixen and The Merry Widow. On the concert stage, she featured as a soprano soloist in Mahler's Symphony No.4, Verdi’s Requiem, Brahms’ Liebeslieder Waltzes, Schubert's Der Hirt auf dem Felsen, Haydn’s Nelson Mass, Vivaldi's Gloria in D and Carl Orff’s Carmina Burana.

Li Yang 李洋 Nedda 妮達 (25 Aug)

抒情女高音李洋活躍於不同的交響樂及室內樂舞台上,並在多部歌劇中擔任主要角色。其出演的歌 劇角色包括《杜蘭朵》的柳兒、《卡門》的米凱拉、《修女安潔莉卡》的安潔莉卡、《蝙蝠》的羅 賽琳達、《女武神》的格希爾德、《費加羅的婚禮》的伯爵夫人、《羅密歐與茱麗葉》的斯坦法諾、《原 野》的金子、《女人皆如此》的費奧迪麗姬、《尤金.奧涅金》的塔蒂阿娜、《波佩娥的加冕》的 波佩娥、《狡猾的小狐狸》的小狐狸、《風流寡婦》的安娜。李氏曾擔任獨唱演出的曲目包括馬勒《第 四交響曲》、威爾第《安魂曲》、布拉姆斯《花之圓舞曲》、舒伯特《岩石上的牧羊人》、海頓《尼 爾遜彌散曲》、維瓦爾第《榮耀頌》及奧爾夫《布蘭詩歌》。 Renowned baritone in China, Sun Li is the President of Fujian Opera Dance and Drama Theatre, Director of Fujian Folk Music and Symphony Exchange Centre, Deputy Secretary-General of the China Opera Research Society and member of the Chinese Musicians Association. He performed Ping in Turandot for cultural exchange in Egypt. In 2008, the opera Farewell My Concubine starring Sun toured six cities in USA. He also won Wenhua Performance Award in 2010 by virtue of this play. In 2010, Nucci acclaimed his skill being 'so perfect that amazes him!' at Leo Nucci Master Class.

Sun Li 孫礫

孫礫為中國著名男中音歌唱家,並出任福建省歌舞劇院院長、福建民樂交響樂交流中心主任、中國 歌劇研究會副秘書長及中國音樂家協會會員。他遠赴埃及演唱《杜蘭朵》的平作交流演出。2008 年, 他主演的歌劇《霸王別姬》在美國六個州巡演,孫氏更藉此劇摘得「文華表演獎」。20 1 0 年,孫氏 參與里奧努奇的大師班,獲努奇盛讚他的技術「非常完美,令他驚訝!」。

Tonio 東尼奧

Tenor Chen Yong has performed leading roles including Roméo in Gounod’s Roméo et Juliette, Ferrando in Mozart’s Così fan tutte, Ernesto in Donizetti’s Don Pasquale, Alfredo in Verdi’s La Traviata, Rinuccio in Puccini’s Gianni Schicchi, Rudolfo in Puccini’s La Bohème. He has performed with Les Chorégies d'Orange, Hong Kong Arts Festival, Opera Hong Kong, Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, Opera Shanghai, Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra, Beijing International Comic Opera Festival, l'Opéra de Poche, and City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong. Chen graduated from the Vocal Department of Universität für Musik und Darstellender Kunst Wien with full scholarship after obtaining a Master degree from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts.

Chen Yong 陳永 Peppe 佩帕

抒情男高音陳永活躍在樂壇,才華橫溢,其在歌劇和藝術歌曲方面都有傑出表現,其中包括與香港 歌劇院演出《羅密歐與朱麗葉》中的羅密歐,《女人皆如此》中的費蘭度;與香港管弦樂團合作, 擔任韓德爾《彌賽亞》的男高音獨唱;於威爾第《彌撒安魂曲》中擔任男高音獨唱;《卡門》中的 第一男主角唐.荷西以及第 4 0 屆香港藝術節原創音樂舞台劇《六月戀人》中擔任主要角色。陳永畢 業於香港演藝學院,曾獲全費獎學金於該學院深造碩士課程,後成為首位維也納歌劇舞會獎學金獲 頒者,赴奧地利維也納國立音樂與表演藝術大學修讀研究院課程。

Stage 舞台

Front Stalls 大堂前座

A $480 B $380

Rear Stalls 大堂後座

C $280 D $100

24-25 Aug 2019 (Sat-Sun)


Concert Hall, Hong Kong City Hall 香港大會堂音樂廳 Performed in Italian with Chinese & English Surtitles 意大利語演出,中英文字幕

Balcony 樓座

Tickets NOW available at all URBTIX outlets, on Internet, by Mobile Ticketing App and Credit Card Telephone Booking. 門票現於城市售票網售票處、網上、流動購票應用程式及信用卡電話購票熱線發售。 Limited half-price tickets available for citizens ages 60 or above, people with disabilities and the minder, full-time students and Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) recipients on a first-come-first-served basis. 設有 60 歲或以上高齡人士、殘疾人士及看護人、全日制學生及綜合社會保障救援助受惠人士半價優惠(名額有限,先到先得)。

Opera Hong Kong Member Discount 香港歌劇院會員優惠 20% discount for Opera Hong Kong Members, Opera Hong Kong Supporters, Opera Hong Kong Chorus Members and Friends of Opera Hong Kong (standard tickets only). 香港歌劇院會員、香港歌劇院支持者、香港歌劇院合唱團成員及香港歌劇院之友可享受八折優惠(只限正價門票)。

Group Booking Discount 集體購票優惠 5% discount for each purchase of 4-10 standard tickets; 10% discount for each purchase of 11-20 standard tickets; 15% discount for each purchase of 21 or more standard tickets. 每次購買正價門票 4-10 張可享 95 折優惠;11-20 張可享 9 折優惠;21 張或以上可享 85 折優惠。 Internet Booking 網上購票 : Credit Card Telephone Booking 信用卡電話購票:2111


Ticket Enquiries 票務查詢:3761 Programme Enquiries 節目查詢 :

6661 2234 0303 The programme will last approximately 3 hours with one intermission. 演出長約 3 小時包括一節中場休息。 For aged 6 or above. 招待 6 歲及以上人士。 Latecomers are not admitted until intermission or suitable break. 務必準時入場,遲到觀衆須待中場休息或節目適當時間方可進場。 The presenter reserves the right to replace artists at short notice in the event of the said performer(s) indisposition or other unforeseen circumstances. 如表演藝術家因健康問題或其他理由未能演出,主辦者保留更換人選的權利,在此情況下將盡早預告。

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