Bellini’s I Capuleti e i Montecchi | Leaflet

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Enjoy the “bel” in “bel canto” 享受「美聲」的「美」 Peter Gordon 高博德

Bellini’s I Capuleti e i Montecchi may feature the same protagonists as Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, but the two works are cousins rather than twins, both ultimately drawn on parallel paths from the same source: Luigi da Porto’s 1530 novella Giulietta e Romeo. Bellini’s opera restricts itself to the lovers’ final 24 hours and sets the story within the very real political violence between the Guelphs and Ghibellines that roiled medieval Italian cities. When the opera opens, the die is already cast: Giulietta (Juliet) is betrothed to Tebaldo (Tybalt), but has already fallen in love with Romeo who has earned the eternal enmity of her family by having inadvertently killed Giulietta's brother in battle. Scheduled for the 1830 Carnival season in Venice, Bellini was given only six weeks to write the opera, which something he accomplished by repurposing eight numbers from his previous opera Zaira, which had flopped the year before, as well as from the even earlier Adelson e Salvini. In its second outing, however, the music secured Bellini’s reputation. Bellini was a consummate composer for soprano, and here his Romeo is sung by a mezzo-soprano; thus, the duets between the lovers are exquisitely lyrical; listeners are left in no doubt where the “bel” in “bel canto” comes from. This was perhaps the final flowering of the romantic male lead sung by a soprano — at least until Richard Strauss resurrected it in Der Rosenkavalier eighty years later. This is very much an opera for the sopranos — the pathos of Giuletta’s anguish providing a contrast to the beauty of the melodies — although Tebaldo’s È serbata a questo acciaro is a recital-worthy tenor aria. Perhaps due to the popularity of the Gounod’s more Shakespearean version of the story, I Capuleti e i Montecchi was rarely produced after the 1860s, but is today thankfully no longer the relative rarity it once was. Nevertheless, this production is, as far as we know, the Hong Kong premiere of this Bellini’s masterpiece.

貝里尼的《卡普里特與蒙塔古家族》跟莎士 比亞的《羅密歐與茱麗葉》雖然都是講述相 同的人物,但兩部作品並不算雙胞胎,只是 有親屬關係,同樣取材於路易吉.達.波爾 托 1530 年的《茱麗葉與羅密歐》。貝里尼的 《卡普里特與蒙塔古家族》集中描述兩位戀 人的最後 24 小時,故事發生在中世紀,當時 歸爾甫派和吉伯林派之間的政治衝突令意大 利各城市動盪不安。歌劇開始時,死亡已是 無法避免:茱麗葉已被許配給蒂巴多,但她 卻愛上了在戰事中意外殺掉自己兄長的世仇 羅密歐。 貝里尼只有六星期就得把歌劇寫好,以參與 1830 年的威尼斯嘉年華會。他把去年反應不 大理想的《扎伊拉》和舊作《阿代爾森與薩 爾維納》中的八部樂曲,放到新作去;而這 部新作終於讓貝里尼聲名大噪。 貝里尼擅長譜寫女高音的聲樂,《卡普里特 與蒙塔古家族》中的羅密歐由女中音主唱, 一對戀人合唱的二重唱亦因而特別抒情,聽 眾明確感受到「美聲」的「美」在哪裡。這 種由女聲演唱男主角的安排幾乎成為絕響 ──一直到八十年後理察.史特勞斯的《玫 瑰騎士》才再次出現這效果。《卡普里特與 蒙塔古家族》可說是一部以女高音為主的歌 劇,茱麗葉的痛苦以對比的手法增添旋律上 的美感;當然,蒂巴多的「以此劍報仇」也 是一首美妙的男高音詠嘆調,可於獨唱會曲 目中佔一席位。 也許是因為古諾以莎士比亞劇本改編而成的 《羅密歐與茱麗葉》大受歡迎,1860 年後, 《卡普里特與蒙塔古家族》就甚少得到演出, 然而近年作品又被搬上舞台。無論如何,是 次製作該是貝里尼這部傑作的香港首演!

Opera Hong Kong 香港歌劇院 Founded in 2003 Opera Hong Kong (OHK) is Hong Kong’s first professional opera company. Over the years, the company has gone from strength to strength under the Artistic Director Warren Mok, the internationally acclaimed Hong Kong tenor. OHK has elevated opera in the Asia’s world city, with many world-class productions covering all major works in the operatic canon and has collaborated with opera houses and festivals including Teatro dell’Opera di Roma, Taormina Opera Festival, Theater Erfurt, Opéra de Nice, National Centre for the Performing Arts and Shanghai Opera House.

香港歌劇院成立於 2003 年,是本地首個專業 歌劇藝團。在世界知名的香港男高音莫華倫帶 領下,歌劇藝術在這個亞洲大都會得以發揚光 大。歌劇院多年來致力製作世界級的歌劇節 目,劇目已涵蓋所有主要歌劇作品,曾合作過 的歌劇院及音樂節包括羅馬歌劇院、意大利陶 爾米納歌劇藝術節、德國艾褔特劇院、法國尼 斯歌劇院、中國國家大劇院及上海歌劇院。

In 2019, OHK was selected by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council as one of the three recipients of the coveted “Eminent Arts Group Scheme”. The Scheme’s consecutive 5-year funding has become a boost to further the company’s development.

2019 年,香港歌劇院榮獲香港藝術發展局甄 選為「優秀藝團計劃」中三個受資助藝團之 一,以表揚歌劇院多年在藝術推廣上的努力。 這項持續五年的資助讓香港歌劇院有更大的發 展。

OHK is committed to promoting the city’s brightest, young opera singers. In 2015, OHK launched the Jockey Club Opera Hong Kong Young Artist Development and Education Programme (the Programme), a three-year opera training programme designed to nurture ten young local artists. The success of the Programme led to its renewal by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust for another three years from 2019 to 2022, providing intensive training to 12 local artists.

香港歌劇院積極培養本地優秀年青的歌唱家。 劇院於 2015 年推出為期三年的「賽馬會香港 歌劇院青年演唱家發展及教育計劃」非常成 功,得到各界認同。香港賽馬會慈善信託基 金遂繼續全力贊助,推出新一輪由 2019 年至 2022 年的三年培訓計劃,向十二位本地青年 演唱家提供密集訓練。

OHK also places a strong emphasis on its education and community activities. Opera school tours, summer schools and master classes are held regularly to reach young audiences. The music centre in Wanchai provides a wide range of courses for early age children to adult in addition to Children Chorus classes. The OHK Chorus and the OHK Children Chorus were established in 2004 and 2008 respectively and are becoming recognised contributors on the local choral scene. The recent development of the Greater Bay Area has created an environment for OHK to initiate more collaborations and bring the art of opera to a wider audience.

香港歌劇院亦定期為年青一代舉辦各項教育及 外展活動,包括學校歌劇巡演、夏令營及大師 班。灣仔音樂中心除籌辦兒童合唱團的恆常班 外,更提供由幼兒至成人不同類型的課程, 範圍廣闊。香港歌劇院於 2004 年及 2008 年 成立香港歌劇院合唱團及香港歌劇院兒童合唱 團,為本地合唱界注入新的動力。 近年大灣區發展亦營造了發展藝術的環境,香 港歌劇院將把握機遇與內地合作,向區內推廣 歌劇藝術。


Warren Mok 莫華倫


Bobbie Zhang 張倩


Francesco di Mauro 狄.莫爾魯


Louise Kwong 鄺勵齡


Nancy Yuen 阮妙芬

Tebaldo Capellio

Chen Chen 陳晨 * Chen Yong 陳永 ^ Sammy Chien 錢深銘


Alexander Chen 陳俊堯


指揮 導演

Opera Hong Kong Orchestra 香港歌劇院樂團 Orchestra Executive Anders Hui 許致雨 樂團統籌

羅密歐 茱麗葉 蒂巴多

卡佩利歐 羅倫索

Opera Hong Kong Chorus 香港歌劇院合唱團 Chorus Director Alex Tam 譚天樂 合唱團總監

* 27/8  ^ 29/8

Warren Mok, BBS, MH 莫華倫

Producer and Artistic Director 監製及藝術總監

A world-renowned Chinese tenor from Hong Kong, Warren Mok has made frequent guest appearances in many leading opera houses throughout the world. His operatic repertoire exceeds 60 roles including Cavaradossi in Tosca, Calaf in Turandot, Rodolfo in La Bohème, Radamès in Aïda and many others. In recent years, Mok is very active in promoting western opera and music in Hong Kong, Macao and the Mainland; recently he has been the Artistic Director of Opera Hong Kong, Fujian Grand Theatre and Zhuhai Huafa Grand Theatre, and was also the Artistic Director of the Macao International Music Festival. Mok was awarded the Bronze Bauhinia Star and the Medal of Honour by the Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in 2021 and 2011 respectively, the Honorary University Fellowship by Hong Kong Baptist University in 2019, Officer of the Order of the Star of Italy by the Government of Italy in 2018, World Outstanding Chinese Award in 2010, and both Cavaliere dell’Ordine della Stella della Solidarietà Italiana (Knight of the Star of Solidarity of Italy) by the Government of Italy and Chevalier dans I’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres (Knight of the Order of Art and Letter) by the Government of France in 2008. In 2012, China’s Three Tenors — Warren Mok, Dai Yuqiang and Wei Song toured the world to promote Chinese culture. In 2015, Mok was appointed as a member of Beijing Committee of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, fostering the bridge and development between the two cities. He was also a former member of Zhuhai Committee of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. 莫華倫是來自中國香港、世界知名的男高音歌唱家。他的演唱足跡遍及世界各大著名歌劇院。他演唱 的歌劇角色超過六十個,其中包括《托斯卡》的卡瓦拉多西、《杜蘭朵》的卡拉夫、《波希米亞生涯》 的魯道夫、《阿伊達》的拉達梅斯等。莫氏在港澳及內地積極推廣西方歌劇與音樂,近年除出任香港 歌劇院、福建大劇院及珠海華發大劇院的藝術總監外,亦曾為澳門國際音樂節的藝術總監。 莫氏於 2021 年及 2011 年分別獲香港特區政府頒授銅紫荊星章及榮譽勳章,2019 年獲香港浸會大學頒 授榮譽大學院士銜,2018 年獲意大利政府頒發「意大利之星軍官勳章」,及 2010 年榮獲世界傑出華 人獎。此外,莫氏於 2008 年獲意大利政府頒發「意大利團結之星騎士勳章」及法國政府頒發「法國 藝術騎士勳章」。2012 年,莫氏與戴玉強、魏松所組成的中國三大男高音展開世界巡迴演出,積極 推動中國文化走向世界。他自 2015 年起獲委任為北京市政協委員,促進兩地交流發展。他也是前珠 海市政協委員。

Francesco di Mauro 狄.莫爾魯

Conductor 指揮

One of the most accomplished and well-known Italian conductors, Francesco di Mauro debuted at the Carnegie Hall in New York and has actively worked with Florence National Opera, Grosseto Opera, Pisa Opera, Agrigento Opera, Teatro Bellini di Catania, Teatro Lirico di Cagliari, Opera Lyra Ottawa, Odessa Opera House and Gda sk Opera Theatre. He is currently the Artistic Director and Chief Conductor of the Orchestra Sinfonica Siciliana in Palermo, Music Director of the Helycon Symphony Orchestra and Guest Conductor of the Kraków Philharmonic Orchestra. He was the Artistic Director of the Orchestra Sinfonica Siciliana from 2005 to 2007, and Music Director of the Metaponto Lyric Festival from 2002 to 2004. In recognition of his contribution, he was awarded the prestigious Giordano Bruno Prize in the field of Art, Science, Culture and Solidarity in 2013. 狄.莫爾魯是最成功及著名的意大利指揮家之一。他於紐約卡內基大廳作其首演後,便陸續與多間歌 劇院合作,包括佛羅倫斯國家歌劇院、格羅塞托歌劇院、比薩歌劇院、阿格里真托歌劇院、卡塔尼亞 貝里尼歌劇院、卡尼亞里劇院、渥太華歌劇院、奧德薩歌劇院及波蘭格但斯克歌劇院等。他現任巴勒 莫西西里交響樂團的藝術總監及首席指揮、夏利勤交響樂團的音樂總監及克拉科夫管弦樂團的客席指 揮。2005 年至 2007 年期間,他出任西西里交響樂團的藝術總監,並於 2002 年至 2004 年期間獲委 任為梅塔蓬托藝術節的音樂總監。他於 2013 年獲頒發佐丹奴.布魯諾獎這具聲望的殊榮,表揚他對 藝術、科學、文化及團結範疇所付出的努力及成果。

Nancy Yuen 阮妙芬

Director 導演

A top graduate from London’s Royal Academy of Music, Nancy Yuen has made Cio-cio-san (Madama Butterfly) her signature role, winning great critical acclaim since her debut with the Welsh National Opera. Yuen has since repeated the role with English National Opera, West Australia Opera, Opera Queensland, Singapore Lyric Opera, New Zealand International Festival of Arts, and at the Royal Albert Hall in 1998, 2000 and 2003. Other operatic roles include Violetta, Gilda, Tosca, Aïda, Liù, Desdemona, Mimì and Soong Chingling. The operas she has directed include: Così fan tutte, The Merry Widow, Prima la Musica, Carmen and The Marriage of Figaro. Yuen has been the Head of Vocal Studies with The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA) since 2010 and Honorary Artistic Director of Singapore Lyric Opera since 2015. Yuen was elected Associate of the Royal Academy of Music in 2014 and was appointed as Professor by the HKAPA in 2018. 阮妙芬是倫敦皇家音樂學院的高材畢業生,首次與威爾斯國家歌劇團合演《蝴蝶夫人》一舉成名後, 又載譽與英國國家歌劇團、西澳洲歌劇團、昆士蘭歌劇院、新加坡歌劇團、紐西蘭國際藝術節及皇家 阿爾伯特音樂廳等分別於 1998、2000 及 2003 年重演這齣歌劇。她曾飾演的角色包括薇奧列達、吉 爾達、托斯卡、阿伊達、柳兒、蒂斯蒂夢娜、咪咪及宋慶齡等,並曾為《女人皆如此》、《風流寡婦》、 《音樂至上》、《卡門》及《費加羅的婚禮》執導。阮氏自 2010 年起出任香港演藝學院聲樂系系主 任及 2015 年新加坡歌劇團榮譽藝術總監。她更於 2014 年獲頒皇家音樂學院院士及 2018 年香港演藝 學院教授榮銜。

Romeo 羅密歐

Bobbie Zhang 張倩

Mezzo-soprano Bobbie Zhang is a former member of Jockey Club Opera Hong Kong Young Artist Development Programme. Graduated from the Shanghai Conservatory of Music and The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA), she has worked at the Shanghai Opera House and has appeared as a soloist in the China premiere of Shostakovich’s Jewish Folk Poetry and Berlioz’s Les nuits d’été. She has also sung Maddalena in Rigoletto, Dorabella in Così fan tutte, Tisbe in La Cenerentola, Berta in The Barber of Seville, Cherubino and Marcellina in The Marriage of Figaro, Orlofsky in Die Fledermaus, La badessa in Suor Angelica, Juno in Semele and Mercédès in Carmen. In the coming months, she will be Santuzza in Cavalleria Rusticana. Zhang has been a voice instructor at HKAPA’s Junior Programme since 2016. 女中音張倩為前「賽馬會香港歌劇院青年演唱家發展計劃」成員,畢業於上海音樂學院及香港演藝 學院,曾於上海歌劇院演出並出訪多國演出,包括於中國首演的肖斯塔科維奇《猶太民間音詩》中 擔任女中音獨唱,及柏遼茲《夏夜》的演出。張氏演出過多場歌劇表演,包括《弄臣》的瑪德蓮娜、 《女人皆如此》的朵拉貝拉、《灰姑娘》的緹絲貝、《塞維爾理髮師》的貝塔、《費加羅的婚禮》 的凱魯比諾以及瑪賽蓮娜、《蝙蝠》的王子、《修女安潔莉卡》的修道院院長、《塞墨勒》中的朱 諾及《卡門》的梅賽黛斯等,她亦即將演出《鄉村騎士》桑桃莎一角。張氏自 2016 年起擔任香港演 藝學院青少年課程的聲樂導師。

Giulietta 茱麗葉

Louise Kwong 鄺勵齡

Louise Kwong was a soprano at the Young Artist Programme of Rome Opera House in Italy from 20182019 and an awardee of the Hong Kong Ten Outstanding Young Persons in 2019. Kwong is a graduate of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, the Dutch National Opera Academy, the Conservatory of Amsterdam and the Royal College of Music of London. She was Mimì in La Bohème, Cio-cio-san in Madama Butterfly, Micaëla in Carmen, Liù in Turandot, Anna in Anna Bolena, Donna Elvira in Don Giovanni and many others. Kwong won the 2nd prize, Audience prize and the Best Soprano prize in the 18th International Singing Competition Ferruccio Tagliavini in Austria. She was awarded with the Young Artist Award in Music by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council in 2014 and in the Commendatory Scheme of the Secretary of Home Affairs in 2015. 鄺勵齡是羅馬歌劇院 2018 年至 2019 年度青年藝術家計劃駐院女高音,並於 2019 年獲選為「香港十 大傑出青年」。鄺氏畢業於香港中文大學、荷蘭皇家歌劇學院、阿姆斯特丹音樂學院及英國皇家音 樂學院。她曾擔任不同歌劇角色,包括《波希米亞生涯》的咪咪、《蝴蝶夫人》的秋秋桑、《卡門》 的米凱拉、《杜蘭朵》的柳兒、《安娜博萊娜》的安娜及《唐.喬望尼》的愛爾維拉等。鄺氏曾獲 奧地利第十八屆泰利亞雲尼國際聲樂比賽第二名、「觀眾獎」及「最佳女高音獎」。她於 2014 年獲 香港藝術發展局頒發年度「藝術新秀獎」,並於 2015 年入選「民政事務局局長嘉許計劃」。

Tebaldo 蒂巴多

Chen Chen 陳晨 (27/8)

Tenor Chen Chen obtained his two Master degrees from the Royal Academy Music London and Welsh International Academy of Voice. He has studied with soprano Dame Kiri Te Kanawa, tenor Dennis O’Neill, bass Gong Dongjian. He is currently studying with the renowned tenor Warren Mok. He was the prize winner of the 7th International Lyrique Competition in Belgium and has given regular solo recitals in Europe, including the Engadin Festival and the Project of Martha Argerich of the Lugano Festival in Switzerland. His operatic roles include Ferrando in Mozart’s Così fan tutte, Jason in Cherubini’s Médée, Riccardo Percy in Donizetti’s Anna Bolena, Don José in Bizet’s Carmen, Rinuccio in Puccini’s Gianni Schicchi, Cassio in Verdi’s Otello and Wilheim Meister in Ambroise Thomas’s Mignon. He was engaged as President Roosevelt in the new opera Datong of Hong Kong Arts Festival 2015. 男高音陳晨分別於英國皇家音樂學院及威爾斯國際聲樂學院考獲音樂碩士學位。曾師從女高音奇 里.特.卡娜娃、男高音丹尼斯.奧紐及男低音龔冬健,現跟隨著名男高音莫華倫學習歌劇演唱。 陳氏曾於比利時第七屆國際歌唱比賽中獲獎,其後於歐洲多個國際音樂節舉行個人音樂會,其中 包括瑞士的恩嘎丁音樂節和瑞士盧加諾音樂節。陳氏曾演出多個歌劇角色,包括莫扎特《女人皆 如此》的費蘭度、凱魯畢尼《梅蒂》的伊阿宋、多尼采第《安娜.博林娜》的貝西、比才《卡門》 的唐荷西、浦契尼《賈尼.斯基基》的列諾喬、威爾第《奧賽羅》的卡西奥及托馬斯《迷娘》的威 廉。陳氏曾主演2015年香港藝術節的全新歌劇《大同》中羅斯福總統一角。

Tebaldo 蒂巴多

Chen Yong 陳永 (29/8)

Tenor Chen Yong has performed the leading roles including Roméo in Gounod’s Roméo et Juliette, Ferrando in Mozart’s Così fan tutte, Ernesto in Donizetti’s Don Pasquale, Alfredo in Verdi’s La Traviata, Rinuccio in Puccini’s Gianni Schicchi, Rudolfo in Puccini’s La Bohème. He has performed with Les Chorégies d’Orange, the Hong Kong Arts Festival, Opera Hong Kong, Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, Opera Shanghai, Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra, Beijing International Comic Opera Festival, l’Opéra de Poche, and City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong. Chen graduated from the Vocal Department of Universität für Musik und Darstellender Kunst Wien after obtaining a Master’s degree from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts on a full scholarship. In 2015-2018, Chen was selected as one of the ten young singers under Jockey Club Opera Hong Kong Young Artist Development Programme. 抒情男高音陳永活躍在樂壇,才華橫溢,其在歌劇和藝術歌曲方面都有傑出表現,其中包括與香港 歌劇院演出《羅密歐與朱麗葉》中的羅密歐、《女人皆如此》中的費蘭度;與香港管弦樂團合作, 擔任韓德爾《彌賽亞》的男高音獨唱;於威爾第《彌撒安魂曲》中擔任男高音獨唱;《卡門》中的 第一男主角唐荷西,以及第 40 屆香港藝術節原創音樂舞台劇《六月戀人》中擔任主要角色。陳氏畢 業於香港演藝學院,曾獲全費獎學金於該學院深造碩士課程,後成為首位維也納歌劇舞會獎學金獲 頒者,赴奧地利維也納國立音樂與表演藝術大學修讀研究院課程。2015 年至 2018 年,陳氏被獲挑選 為「賽馬會香港歌劇院青年演唱家發展計劃」的十位學員之一。

Capellio 卡佩利歐

Sammy Chien 錢深銘

Baritone Sammy Chien graduated from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts in 2008. Chien is a graduate of the Jockey Club Opera Hong Kong Young Artist Development Programme and conductor of Music Lover Choir. He has performed more than 30 major roles in operas, including the title role in Gianni Schicchi, Don Giovanni and The Legend of Zhang Bao-Zai, Escamillo in Carmen, Marcello in La Bohème, Belcore in L’Elisir d’amore, Guglielmo in Così fan tutte, Germont in La Traviata, Count Almaviva in The Marriage of Figaro, Frère Laurent in Roméo et Juliette, Ping in Turandot etc. He has sung the title roles of Mendelssohn’s Elijah in concert, Dvořák’s Te Deum, Brahms’s Ein deutsches Requiem, Mozart’s Requiem, etc. His current performance including Carmen produced by Opera Hong Kong in May of this year. 男中音錢深銘於2008年畢業於香港演藝學院聲樂系,為2015年至2018年度「賽馬會香港歌劇院青 年演唱家發展計劃」的成員,現為草田合唱團指揮。錢氏由在學期間至今所擔演的歌劇角色達三十 多個,包括《賈尼.斯基基》、《唐.喬望尼》、《張保仔傳奇》的男主角、《卡門》的埃斯卡米 洛、《波希米亞生涯》的馬切洛、《愛情靈藥》的貝爾柯雷、《女人皆如此》的古烈爾摩、《茶花 女》的傑蒙、《費加羅的婚禮》的艾馬非凡伯爵、《羅密歐與茱麗葉》的勞倫斯神父、《杜蘭朵》 的平等。錢氏亦常於音樂會及典禮中獨唱,如神劇《依利亞》、德伏扎克《謝恩讚美頌》、布拉 姆斯《德意志安魂曲》、莫扎特《安魂曲》等。近期的歌劇演出包括今年五月由香港歌劇院製作的 《卡門》。

Lorenzo 羅倫索

Alexander Chen 陳俊堯

Baritone Alexander Chen has performed with numerous opera companies in Hong Kong and the United States. His roles include Schaunard in La Bohème, Figaro and Dr. Bartolo in The Marriage of Figaro. Apart from operatic performances, Chen appeared in Vaughan William’s A Sea Symphony with Ponte Singers as the baritone soloist. He has recently appeared as bass soloist in Bach’s Cantata BWV 39 and BWV 99 in Bach Pilgrimage Series: Cantatas for Trinitytide presented by Die Konzertisten. As a recipient of various scholarships, Chen completed his Bachelor of Music in Voice at Manhattan School of Music in New York City, under the tutelage of baritone Mr. Maitland Peters; He also obtained a Master of Music degree in Voice at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, under the tutelage of soprano Nancy Yuen. 男中音陳俊堯曾與多個本地及美國歌劇團體演出。演出角色包括《波希米亞生涯》的舒奧納、《費 加羅的婚禮》的費加羅及巴托羅醫生等。除了歌劇演出外,他亦在 Ponte Singers 舉辦的沃恩威廉斯 《海洋交響曲》演出中擔任男中音獨唱。陳氏最近在 Die Konzertisten 巴赫清唱劇 BWV 39 及 BWV 99 中擔任男低音獨唱。陳氏為香港演藝學院聲樂系碩士畢業生及紐約曼克頓音樂學院聲樂系學士畢業 生,分別師隨女高音阮妙芬及男中音 Maitland Peters,並獲多個團體頒發獎學金。

$480 $380 $280 $100

27 & 29.8.2021 (Fri & Sun) 7:30pm

Concert Hall, Hong Kong City Hall 香港大會堂音樂廳 Performed in Italian with Chinese and English Surtitles 意大利文演唱 , 中英文字幕

Tickets NOW available at KLOOK and URBTIX.

門票現於 KLOOK 客路及城市售票網發售。

Limited half-price tickets available for citizens aged 60 or above, people with disabilities and the minder, full-time students and Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) recipients on a first-come-firstserved basis.

設有 60 歲或以上高齡人士、殘疾人士及看護人、 全日制學生及綜合社會保障救援助受惠人士半價 優惠(名額有限,先到先得)。

Opera Hong Kong Member Discount


20% discount for Opera Hong Kong Members, Opera Hong Kong Supporters, Friends of Opera Hong Kong and Opera Hong Kong Chorus Members (standard tickets only).

香港歌劇院會員、香港歌劇院支持者、香港歌劇 院之友及香港歌劇院合唱團成員可享受八折優惠 (只限正價門票)。

KLOOK Exclusive Discount

KLOOK 獨家優惠

Book now at KLOOK with exclusive 15% OFF (with handling fee and shipping fee).

於 KLOOK 訂票可享受獨家八五折優惠(含手續費 及郵費)。

Group Booking Discount


10% discount for each purchase of 4-10 standard tickets; 15% discount for each purchase of 11-20 standard tickets; 20% discount for each purchase of 21 or more standard tickets.

每 次 購 買 正 價 門 票 4-10 張 可 享 9 折 優 惠;11-20 張可享 85 折優惠;21 張或以上可享 8 折優惠。 演出時間長約 2 小時 30 分鐘包括一節中場休息。

The programme runs approximately 2.5 hours with one intermission. For age 6 or above.

招待 6 歲及以上人士。 務必準時入場,遲到觀衆須待中場休息或節目適 當時間方可進場。

Latecomers are not admitted until intermission or suitable break.

Internet Booking 網上購票

Official Ticketing Partner 官方售票平台 Internet Booking 網上購票 My URBTIX App 流動應用程式 Ticket Enquiries 票務查詢

Hong Kong Arts Development Council supports freedom of artistic expression. The views and opinions expressed in this project do not represent the stand of the Council. 香港藝術發展局支持藝術表達自由,本計劃內容並不反映本局意見。 The presenter reserves the right to change the programme and substitute artists. 主辦機構有權更改節目及更換表演者。

Credit Card Telephone Booking 信用卡電話購票

2111 5999 Ticket Enquiries 票務查詢

3761 6661 Programme Enquiries 節目查詢

2234 0303 Opera Hong Kong

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