Honorary Patron of Opera Hong Kong
A Semi-staged Opera in Two Acts 兩幕半舞台式歌劇
Libretto 編劇及作詞: Emanuel Schikaneder 席克奈德
Producer 監製
Warren Mok 莫華倫
Conductor 指揮
Dejan Savic 沙域
Director 導演
Shen Liang 沈亮
25 & 26 AUG 2018
SAT & SUN 7:30PM
Concert Hall, Hong Kong City Hall
Alex Tam 譚天樂
酒店贊助 Hotel Sponsor
鳴謝 Acknowledgement
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hui
Opera Hong Kong Chorus 香港歌劇院合唱團 Chorus Director 合唱團總監
Performed in German with Chinese and English surtitles. Dialogue in Cantonese 德語演出,中英文字幕,廣東話對白
金嗓贊助 Gold Patron
Fujian Symphony Orchestra 福建交響樂團
Leisure and Cultural Services Department
Mozart’s Magical Fairytale
Peter Gordon
What exactly is Mozart’s The Magic Flute(Die Zauberflöte)? Is it an opera...or a musical? It is actually a ‘singspiel’ or ‘sing-play’ which, like a musical, combines spoken dialogue with arias and ensembles. The Magic Flute was written by Mozart for the Theater auf der Wieden in suburban Vienna as an intended popular hit. Premiered in 1791 with Mozart as the conductor, the opera, with its fairytale plot, comedy and exquisite music, was an instant success. It had close to 100 performances in the first year and is today one of the most performed works in the operatic canon. Like most fairytales, The Magic Flute tells a story of love, magic, and the triumph of good over evil. Prince Tamino promises the Queen of the Night that he will rescue her daughter Pamina (with whose picture he has fallen in love) from the evil sorcerer Sarastro. Tamino is accompanied on his quest by the bird-catcher Papageno. Tamino receives a magic flute to help him; Papageno receives magic bells. But it turns out that Sarastro is kind and wise and it is the Queen of the Night who is evil (the name should be a dead giveaway). Pamina can only be released if Tamino completes three trials. In the end, Tamino is united with Pamina, while Papageno finds love with Papagena. While the story is light-hearted and the music mellifluous, the arias and duets are as technically challenging to sing as those in any ‘serious’ opera. Scholars have also noted with interest the opera’s nod to freemasonry, as shown in the use of Egyptian elements and the number three, since both Mozart and the librettist Emanuel Schikaneder were masons.
The Magic Flute was Mozart’s last opera; he died just a few months after its premiere. It was reported that as he lay dying, Mozart was still thinking of the performance and whispered to his wife Constanze that her sister, who sang the role of the Queen of the Night “is singing her second aria, ‘Der Hölle Rache’; how strongly she strikes and holds the B-flat...” In keeping with The Magic Flute’s original intention - an opera which appeals to everyone, director Shen Liang has given this Opera Hong Kong production a Chinese slant. The cast of talented local singers will perform this semistaged opera in Chinese-style costumes, the dialogue is delivered in Cantonese, and the set design is inspired by Chinese calligraphy and xiqu.
莫扎特的《魔笛》其實應怎樣歸類?是歌劇,還是音 樂劇?其實《魔笛》是一部輕歌劇,它像音樂劇一樣, 在詠嘆調和小組合唱之間會有對話。 這部童話故事以普羅大眾為對象,寫給一所位於近郊 名為維登的商營劇院。雖然《魔笛》從 1 79 1 年首演即 廣受歡迎,但作品的音樂像其他歌劇一樣,對歌唱家 來說都是一種挑戰。無論我們把《魔笛》看成是什麼 跨類型的作品,莫扎特顯然是成功的:《魔笛》首年 已有近一百場演出,直到現在,仍是深受人喜愛。
像很多童話一樣,《魔笛》是一個有關善惡、挑戰、愛 和魔法的故事。塔米諾王子答應夜后會從邪惡的男巫 薩拉斯妥手上,拯救她的女兒柏美娜(他看見柏美娜的 畫像,就愛上了她)。他得到捕鳥人巴巴基諾的陪伴, 展開追尋之旅。塔米諾獲得一枝魔笛以協助他達成任 務,而巴巴基諾則獲得一具魔鈴。 原來薩拉斯妥個性善良,夜后才是個惡魔(當然她的 名字其實也透露了端倪)。塔米諾要通過三個考驗, 柏美娜才會獲釋。最後,塔米諾和柏美娜結成一對, 巴巴基諾在魔鈴的協助下,也找到他的情人巴巴基娜。 一般觀眾都能從《魔笛》中欣賞到莫扎特不朽的音樂, 和享受這個關乎愛、勇氣和德行的故事。但如果我們 稍為注意細節,會發現劇中的埃及符號和「三」這個 數字,這是因為莫扎特和作詞者伊曼紐爾.席克奈德 都是共濟會成員,這些元素都和他們息息相關。 《魔笛》是莫扎特最後一部歌劇,雖然作品帶給觀眾 不少歡樂,但親自指揮首演的作曲家,卻於幾個月後 與世長辭,令人覺得既婉惜又可貴。據說,莫扎特瀕 死前向太太康斯坦絲說,她演夜后的姐姐「唱第二部 詠嘆調《地獄的復仇》時,全力還緊緊抓住降 B 音……」 為了讓作品吸引及普及,在香港歌劇院製作的《魔笛》 中,對話會以廣東話演出,全由本地傑出歌唱家演唱。 導演沈亮還為作品加上中國色彩。服裝和道具的設計 靈感均源自中國書法和戲曲,令觀衆耳目一新。
Opera Hong Kong
Established in 2003, Opera Hong Kong is committed to the mission of enhancing the appreciation of the art of opera in Hong Kong and promoting local musical talents. In addition to staging operas and concerts, education and outreach programme are also held regularly to reach the young population. Opera Hong Kong Chorus and Opera Hong Kong Children Chorus were established in 2004 and 2008 respectively and are becoming recognised forces in the local choral scene.
香港歌劇院自 20 03 年成立以來,一直致力 製作高質素及專業的歌劇,將歌劇帶給香港 的觀眾,並培養本地具潛質的音樂家。香港 歌劇院亦定期為年青一代舉辦各項教育及外 展活動,把歌劇藝術進一步推廣至社會各階 層。香港歌劇院更於 20 04 年及 20 0 8 年成 立香港歌劇院合唱團及香港歌劇院兒童合唱 團,為本地合唱界注入新的動力。
In 2015, OHK has launched The Jockey Club Opera Hong Kong Young Artist Development Programme (the Programme), a 3-year opera training programme funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, to nurture ten professional young local artists. The Programme is the first-ever intensive professional opera training project in Hong Kong accompanied by a series of outreach activities. Mr. Gong Dongjian, a famous bass and an experienced vocal coach, is the Programme Director of the Programme.
2015 年,香港歌劇院獲香港賽馬會慈善信託 基金全力贊助推出「賽馬會香港歌劇院青年 演唱家發展計劃」,為期三年,培訓十位本 地專業青年演唱家,這是香港首個配以一連 串外展活動的密集式歌劇訓練計劃。計劃總 監是著名男低音龔冬健先生,他肩負計劃發 展的策劃外,更為參與計劃的十位年青本地 演歌唱家定期授課。
OHK will celebrate its 15th anniversary in 2018. In addition to presenting a series of celebratory programmes including full scale productions of Carmen in May and Turandot in October, the company will also be expanding its Education & Outreach efforts with a brand-new music centre Opera Hong Kong Atelier Lyrique and scaling up the Jockey Club Opera Hong Kong Young Artist Development Programme. Alongside, a complete digital overhaul on website and a re-energised social media platform will enhance readers’ knowledge of opera and nurture a new generation of opera lovers in Hong Kong.
香港歌劇院今年已邁進十五周年。本歌劇院 將呈獻一系列精彩慶祝節目,包括已於五月 上演的足本製作經典歌劇《卡門》和十月上 演的《杜蘭朵》。此外,香港歌劇院更致力 擴大教育及外展工作的規模,於灣仔設立香 港歌劇院樂樂坊作永久培訓空間,以及擴展 賽馬會香港歌劇院青年演唱家發展計劃。與 此同時,香港歌劇院即將推出全新網站,與 社交平台內容繼續精彩同步,以豐富及具創 意的內容增進讀者對歌劇藝術的認識,孕育 香港新一代的歌劇愛好者。
Producer Conductor Director
Warren Mok Dejan Savic Shen Liang
Tamino Papageno Pamina
Chen Yong Sammy Chien Colette Lam(25 Aug) Phoebe Tam(26 Aug) Etta Fung Zhou Jian Kun Apollo Wong Felix Suen Sandy Leung Paulina Yeung Samantha Chong Dominique Chan Edison Hung Charles Tsang Wesley Lam Cyrus Cheng Gladys Ho Candy Chik Rita Leung
Queen of the Night Sarastro Speaker of the Temple Monostatos Papagena First Lady Second Lady Third Lady Priest I Priest II Armoured Men I Armoured Men II Three Spirits
Fujian Symphony Orchestra Opera Hong Kong Chorus Chorus Director Alex Tam
監製 指揮 導演 塔米諾 巴巴基諾 柏美娜 夜后 薩拉斯妥 智慧廟的老人 莫諾斯塔托 巴巴基娜 首侍女 第二侍女 第三侍女 祭司 I 祭司 II 士兵 I 士兵 II 三精靈
莫華倫 沙域 沈亮 陳永 錢深銘 林穎穎(25 Aug) 譚樂軒(26 Aug) 馮曉楓 周建坤 黃日珩 孫梓浩 梁少瑩 楊寶琳 張吟晶 陳皓琬 洪思行 曾廣釗 林俊傑 鄭穎聰 何朗幏 戚芷君 梁淑嫻
福建交響樂團 香港歌劇院合唱團 合唱團總監 譚天樂
Director 導演
Shen Liang 沈亮 Resident Stage Director with the National Centre for The Performing Arts (NCPA) in Beijing, Shen directed Samuel Becket’s Come and Go, which has hailed as ‘one of the best interpretations in the world’in 2007. She was the co-director of Lalo’s Le Roi d’Ys, which marked the inauguration of SinoFrench Cultural Exchange Year and the feature performance in the closing ceremony of the NCPA’s 2008 season. Shen has assisted many world-renowned directors including Zambello, Brockhaus, Vizioli, Maestrini, Cao Qijing and Chen Xinyi. She was the director in new operas A Village Teacher and Xi Shi, and the revival directors in productions including Carmen, La traviata, Rigoletto, La Bohème, Aïda, Rickshaw Boy and The Chinese Orphan. 沈亮現任中國國家大劇院駐院導演,2007 年她曾為貝克特作品《來與往》執導,並被評為「全球 最優秀劇本演繹之一」。她並獲邀為圖盧茲歌劇院及國家大劇院聯合製作之歌劇:拉羅《伊斯國 王》的中方導演,此劇除了是中法交流年開幕演出外,更是 20 0 8 年國家大劇院開幕演出季閉幕 節目。沈氏曾與國內外著名導演合作,包括森貝羅、布克豪斯、法思奧利、馬斯特里尼、曹其敬 及陳薪伊。她所執導的製作包括原創歌劇《山村女教師》及《西施》,並曾為眾多製作擔任復排 導演,包括《卡門》、《茶花女》、《弄臣》、《波希米亞生涯》、《阿伊達》、《駱駝祥子》 及《趙氏孤兒》。
Conductor 指揮
Dejan Savic 沙域 Dejan Savic is the General and Music Director of the Serbian National Theatre. He has also been the Principal Conductor of the Belgrade Opera and Ballet Company since 1993. In 2005, he was appointed as the Superintendant of the National Theater Beograd, the first musician as the head of the prestigious national institute in its 140-year history. He was also the Guest Conductor of the Greek National Radio and Television Corporation Symphony Orchestra for four seasons, and Artistic Director of the ProMusica Chamber Ensemble. He has conducted major symphony orchestras in Italy, Spain, Austria, Cyprus, Israel, Switzerland and many more. In 2014, he conducted Tosca as his Asian debut at the Busan Cultural Center. 指揮家沙域是現任塞爾維亞國家劇院院長及音樂總監。他自 1993 年出任貝爾格勒歌劇及芭蕾舞蹈 團的首席指揮。沙域亦於 20 0 5 年獲委任為貝爾格勒國立劇院院長,是首位執掌這擁有 1 4 0 年歷 史劇院的音樂家。他出任雅典的交響樂團客席指揮達四季之久,及著名的 ProMusica 室內樂團的 藝術總監。他曾指揮多國主要的交響樂團,包括意大利、西班牙、奧地利、塞浦路斯、以色列及 瑞士等地。2014 年他於釜山文化中心指揮《托斯卡》,揭開他亞洲之旅。
Tamino 塔米諾
Chen Yong 陳永 ^ Tenor Chen Yong has performed leading roles including Roméo in Gounod’s Roméo et Juliette, Ferrando in Mozart’s Così fan tutte, Ernesto in Donizetti’s Don Pasquale, Alfredo in Verdi’s La traviata, Rinuccio in Puccini’s Gianni Schicchi, Rudolfo in Puccini’s La Bohème. He has performed with the Les Chorégies d'Orange, Hong Kong Arts Festival, Opera Hong Kong, Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, Opera Shanghai, Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra, Beijing International Comic Opera Festival, l'Opéra de Poche, and City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong. Chen graduated from the Vocal Department of the Universität für Musik und Darstellender Kunst Wien with full scholarship after obtaining a master degree from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. He is now a member of the Jokey Club Opera Hong Kong Young Artist Development Programme. 抒情男高音陳永活躍在樂壇,才華橫溢,其在歌劇和藝術歌曲方面都有傑出表現,其中包括與香 港歌劇院演出《羅密歐與朱麗葉》中的羅密歐,《女人皆如此》中的費蘭多;與香港管弦樂團合 作,擔任韓德爾《彌賽亞》的男高音獨唱;於威爾第《彌撒安魂曲》中擔任男高音獨唱;《卡門》 中的第一男主角唐荷西以及第 4 0 屆香港藝術節原創音樂舞台劇《六月戀人》中擔任主要角色。 陳永畢業於香港演藝學院,曾獲全費獎學金於該學院深造碩士課程;後成為首位維也納歌劇舞會 獎學金獲頒者,赴奧地利維也納國立音樂與表演藝術大學修讀研究院課程。陳永現為賽馬會香港 歌劇院青年歌唱家計劃的成員。
Papageno 巴巴基諾
Sammy Chien 錢深銘 ^ Winning first-prize in the operatic aria competition of the Hong Kong Youth Singing Festival in 2006, Chien is now a member of the Jockey Club Opera Hong Kong Young Artist Development Programme. He has performed over 20 operatic roles, including the title role in Don Giovanni, Escamillo, Dancairo and Morales in Carmen, Marcello and Schaunard in La Bohème, Guglielmo in Così fan tutte, Germont in La traviata, Capulet and Frère Laurent in Roméo et Juliette. As a soloist in concerts, he has sung the title role of Mendelssohn’s Elijah, Dvo ák’s Te Deum, Brahms’s Ein deutsches Requiem and Mozart’s Requiem. 於 20 06 年贏得香港青少年歌唱節歌劇演唱比賽冠軍,錢氏為「賽馬會香港歌劇院青年演唱家發 展計劃」的成員。他曾擔演的角色有二十餘個,並常於「法國五月藝術節」節目中獨唱。他於歌 劇裡演出的主要角色包括《唐璜》的主角、《卡門》的艾斯卡米洛、《波希米亞生涯》的馬切洛 及蕭納、《女人皆如此》的古烈摩、《茶花女》的傑蒙、《羅密歐與茱麗葉》的卡普里特及勞倫 斯神父等。錢氏亦常於音樂會擔任獨唱,如神劇《依利亞》的依利亞、德伏扎克《謝恩讚美頌》、 布拉姆斯《德意志安魂曲》及莫扎特《安魂曲》等。
Pamina 柏美娜
Colette Lam 林穎穎 ^ (25 Aug) Hong Kong born soprano Colette Lam has performed operatic roles in Asia and the U.K. including Adina in L’elisir d’Amore, Gilda in Rigoletto, Micäela in Carmen, Mimi in La Bohéme, Violetta in La traviata and Pamina in The Magic Flute. She obtained her Master of Music degree in Voice at the Royal Academy of Music in London on full scholarship, and a Master of Advanced Vocal Studies degree with Distinction at the Wales International Academy of Voice in Cardiff with Dennis O’Neill. Lam has been selected to participate in master classes by, Kiri te Kanawa, He Hui, Richard Bonynge, Barbara Bonney and Nelly Miricioiu. In 2015, Lam has been awarded a prize from “Fondation Michelle” in Luxembourg. 香港女高音林穎穎在亞洲及英國多部歌劇製作中飾演主要角色,當中包括《愛情靈藥》的愛迪娜、 《弄臣》的吉爾達、《卡門》的米凱拉、《波希米亞生涯》的咪咪、《茶花女》的薇奧列達及《魔笛》 的柏美娜。 林氏獲得獎學金於香港演藝學院修讀音樂學士 ( 榮譽 ) 學位。林氏再獲得全數獎學金 於英國倫敦皇家音樂學院深造,完成演出與論文科考取碩士學位。及後在英國威爾斯國際聲樂學 院隨丹尼斯.奧尼爾學藝,修讀高級聲樂 ( 歌劇 ) 碩士課程,並以卓越成績畢業。林氏亦被邀參 加著名歌唱家大師班,包括考里.特.卡娜娃、和慧、Richard Bonygne、Barbara Bonney 及 Nelly Miricioiu。於 2015 年,林氏獲得盧森堡 “Fondation Michelle” 獎項。
^ Memebers of the Jockey Club Opera Hong Kong Young Artist Development Programme. 「賽馬會香港歌劇院青年演唱家發展計劃」成員之一。
Pamina 柏美娜
Phoebe Tam 譚樂軒 ^ (26 Aug) Phoebe Tam obtained her Bachelor of Music degree and Professional Diploma from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, subsequently obtaining her Master of Music degree from the Mannes College of Music in New York on full scholarship from the Hong Kong Jockey Club Music and Dance Fund. Tam won the regional round of the 32nd International Hans Gabor Belvedere Singing Competition, participating in the Amsterdam final rounds. She was a semi-finalist in the Mondial Chinese Vocalist Concours in Taipei. Tam’s operatic roles include Mimi and Musetta in La Bohème, Violetta in La traviata, Donna Elvira in Don Giovanni, Despina in Così fan tutte, Micaëla in Carmen, Cupidon in Orphée aux enfers and Metella in La vie parisienne etc. 譚樂軒先後於香港演藝學院獲取音樂學士學位及演藝專業文憑。其後,她獲頒香港賽馬會音樂及 舞蹈獎學金,並於紐約曼奈斯音樂學院修畢音樂碩士課程。 譚氏於第 3 2 屆貝弗迪爾國際聲樂比賽的分站中勝出,並參加於阿姆斯特丹舉行之決賽週。她曾 入圍台北世華聲樂大賽的準決賽。譚氏曾飾演的歌劇角色包括《波希米亞的生涯》的咪咪及穆塞 塔、《茶花女》的薇奧列達、《唐璜》的愛維娜、《女人皆如此》的德斯皮娜、《卡門》的米凱 拉、《天堂與地獄》的愛神 以及《巴黎人生》的蜜狄娜等。
Queen of the Night 夜后
Etta Fung 馮曉楓 Rising coloratura soprano Etta Fung enjoys an international performing career in Germany, Italy, the United States, Canada and Hong Kong. She received critical acclaim in the Hamburger Abendblatt for her European debut as Gretel in Hänsel und Gretel. She is one of the very few opera-singer/aerialists in the world who combines operatic singing with the circus art of aerial skills, singing recently as L’Amour in Orphée et Eurydice upside down in mid-air at the Banff Centre of Arts and Creativity in Alberta, Canada. Her upcoming engagement includes the lead role of Keiko in Beauty and Sadness by renowned composer Elena Langer, based on Nobel prize winning Japanese novel. She was a winner of the Metropolitan Opera District Auditions and the Naftzger Competition. 花腔女高音馮曉楓屢獲邀於德國、意大利、美國、加拿大及香港等地演出。其歐洲首演中飾演《糖 果屋》的葛麗特,並受德國《漢堡晚報》大獲好評。她是全球少數把歌劇演唱融入空中絲帶舞特 技的歌唱家,並剛於加拿大亞拔達省班夫藝術中心半空倒吊演唱歌劇《奧菲歐與尤麗迪西》的愛 神。接著將參與改編自著名日本小說《美麗與哀愁》的劇作中,飾演慶子一角,由著名作曲家藍 格作曲。馮氏曾在紐約大都會歌劇院的地區選拔賽中勝出,並在納茲格聲樂比賽中獲獎。
Sarastro 薩拉斯妥
Zhou Jian Kun 周建坤 Zhou Jian Kun is a soloist of the Opera and Dance Troupe of Fujian Province and had participated in China Central Teleivison (CCTV) National Youth Bel-Canto Competition for several years. In 2012, he performed the title role of The Marriage of Master Pa, an Italian opera adaptation in Chinese dialogues, and also the role of Uncle Lin in a new commission opera Tolou. He also appeared in Tosca, singing the role of Cesare Angelotti in Fujian and Hong Kong in 2015. Zhou won numerous awards including the gold award of Wuyi of the 6th Young Artists Competition of Fujian Province, the first prize of the 7th Bel-Canto group in Golden Bell Flower Award for Vocal Competition in Fujian Province, the gold award of Fujian Division of CCTV National Youth Bel-Canto Competition. 周建坤是福建省歌舞劇院獨唱演員,曾參加多屆全國青年電視歌手大獎賽。20 1 2 年在中文版意 大利歌劇《帕老爺的婚事》中飾演同名主角,並於 20 1 3 年在原創歌劇《土樓》中飾演林老伯。 20 1 5 年他於福建省歌舞劇院及香港歌劇院的《托斯卡》飾演安哲洛提一角。他屢獲殊榮,包括 福建省第六屆「武夷獎」青年演員比賽獲金獎、第七屆中國音樂金鍾獎聲樂比賽(福建賽區選拔 賽)美聲組金獎及中央電視全國青年電視歌手大獎福建省選拔賽美聲組金獎。
Artistic Director’s Note 藝術總監的話 Semi-staged operas, with their broad appeal and rising popularity, provide Opera Hong Kong with the perfect platform for nurturing young local artists and showcasing their talents. Under the baton of Dejan Savic, General & Music Director of the Serbian National Opera, The Magic Flute’s cast of singers, some of whom have already won international awards and acclaim abroad, will delight the audience with their virtuosity and enthusiasm. The Magic Flute has captivated opera lovers worldwide for over two centuries. With this production, Shen Liang, Resident Stage Director of the National Centre for Performing Arts in Beijing, has introduced Chinese elements, bringing a local flavor and a refreshing perspective to an eternal operatic classic.
Warren Mok, MH 莫華倫
香港歌劇院的半舞台式歌劇,以簡約的舞台設計提供同樣出色的歌劇效果,廣受觀眾歡迎,亦成為 培育年青演唱家的理想平台。是次演出的優秀年青演唱家,不少已在國際比賽中獲獎及贏得讚譽。 在塞爾維亞國家歌劇院院長及音樂總監沙域的帶領下,他們將一展才華,傾力演出《魔笛》。 二百多年來,《魔笛》一直深受世界各地歌劇迷寵愛。中國國家大劇院駐院導演沈亮將為這長青的 經典注入中國元素,以嶄新且帶有本地特色的手法,帶給觀眾不一樣的體驗,不容錯過!
Stage 舞台
Front Stalls 大堂前座
A $380 B $280
Rear Stalls 大堂後座
C $180 D $100
Balcony 樓座
Tickets NOW available at all URBTIX outlets, on Internet, by Mobile Ticketing App and Credit Card Telephone Booking. 門票現於城市售票網售票處、網上、流動購票應用程式及信用卡電話 購票熱線發售。 Limited half-price tickets available for citizens ages 60 or above, people with disabilities and the minder, full-time students and Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) recipients on a first-come-firstserved basis.
25 & 26 Aug 2018 CONCERT HALL, HONG KONG CITY HALL 香港大會堂音樂廳 Performed in German with Chinese and English Surtitles Dialogue in Cantonese 德語演出,中英文字幕,廣東話對白
Internet Booking 網上購票 : www.urbtix.hk Credit Card Telephone Booking 信用卡電話購票:2111 5999 Ticket Enquiries 票務查詢:3761 6661 Programme Enquiries 節目查詢 : 2234 0303 www.operahongkong.org The programme will last approximately 3 hours with one intermission.
設有 60 歲或以上高齡人士、殘疾人士及看護人、全日制學生及綜合 社會保障救援助受惠人士半價優惠(名額有限,先到先得)。
演出長約 3 小時包括一節中場休息。
Opera Hong Kong Member Discount 香港歌劇院會員優惠
Latecomers are not admitted until intermission or suitable break.
20% discount for Opera Hong Kong Members, Opera Hong Kong Supporters, Opera Hong Kong Chorus Members and Friends of Opera Hong Kong (standard tickets only). 香港歌劇院會員、香港歌劇院支持者、香港歌劇院合唱團成員及香港 歌劇院之友可享受八折優惠(只限正價門票)。
Group Booking Discount 集體購票優惠 5% discount for each purchase of 4-9 standard tickets; 10% discount for each purchase of 10-19 standard tickets; 15% discount for each purchase of 20 or more standard tickets 每次購買正價門票 4-9 張可享 95 折優惠;10-19 張可享 9 折優惠;20 張或以上可享 85 折優惠
For aged 6 or above. 招待 6 歲及以上人士。 務必準時入場,遲到觀衆須待中場休息或節目適當時間方可進場。 The presenter reserves the right to replace artists at short notice in the event of the said performer(s) indisposition or other unforeseen circumstances 如表演藝術家因健康問題或其他理由未能演出,主辦者保留更換人選 的權利,在此情況下將盡早預告。