Opera Hong Kong 15th Anniversary Presents
香港歌劇院榮譽贊助及10月10日演出之冠名贊助 Honorary Patron of Opera Hong Kong & Title Sponsor of 10 Oct performance
Completed by: Franco Alfano 浦氏遺稿由阿爾方諾完成 Libretto by: Giuseppe Adami and Renato Simoni 編劇及作詞:亞達米及西莫尼
A Co-production of Opera Hong Kong and New York City Opera 香港歌劇院及紐約城市歌劇院聯合製作
浦契尼 An Opera in 3 Acts 三幕歌劇
10-14.10.2018 | 7:30pm
Grand Theatre, Hong Kong Cultural Centre
香港文化中心大劇院 10月12日演出之獨家贊助 Sole Sponsor of 12 Oct performance
Performed in Italian with Chinese and English Surtitles 意大利文演唱, 中英文字幕
鳴謝 Acknowledgement
康樂及文化事務署 Leisure and Cultural Services Department
香港歌劇院獲香港特別行政區政府「藝術發展配對資助試驗計劃」的資助 Opera Hong Kong is financially supported by the Art Development Matching Grants Pilot Scheme of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
The Opera That No One Sleeps Through Giacomo Puccini’s final opera is the tale of a Chinese ice princess melted by an unwavering love. Turandot has no desire to marry and sets suitors three unanswerable riddles to be answered on pain of death, exasperating her emperor father. Prince Calàf, in the imperial capital with his father, the deposed and now blind and destitute King Timur of Tartary, is nonetheless smitten. Nothing will dissuade him from trying his hand. Calàf, to everyone’s surprise and Turandot’s horror, solves the riddles but offers her a way out: if she can guess his name by dawn, she’s off the hook. Cue “Nessun dorma”, Puccini’s most famous tenor aria: “no one sleeps” in trying to discover Calàf’s identity. Turandot is perhaps Puccini’s most ambivalent work. Of all his dramatic operas, the only other with a happy ending is La Fanciulla del West. But here, love’s triumph is bittersweet, for while Turandot’s music is striking and the ringing high B of “Nessun dorma” casts Calàf in a heroic light, Puccini gave the most beautiful music to the faithful slave girl Liù who, secretly in love with Calàf, sacrifices herself for him.
Peter Gordon The story’s roots go back centuries. Turan-dokht means “daughter of Turan” in Persian. Marco Polo told of the Mongol princess Aiyaruk; rather than setting riddles, she wrestled her suitors with losers having to pony up 100 horses. A similar story, with riddles, was told by the 12thcentury Persian poet Nizami. It travelled through 18th and 19th-century western books and theatre until it ended up in Puccini’s opera. A good portion of the music is based on Chinese melodies (Puccini had been given a music box by a former Italian diplomat to China), notably "Mo Li Hua" (Jasmine Flower), sung by the children's chorus in the first act. Puccini died before completing Turandot; Franco Alfano fleshed out the ending from the composer’s notes. At the 1926 premiere, conductor Arturo Toscanini laid down his baton where Puccini had laid down his pen. Italian maestro Paolo Olmi will, however, conduct the full opera in this entirely new production from Opera Hong Kong which stars Oksana Dyka, one of the world’s most renowned contemporary Turandots. She will be joined by Alfred Kim, who sang Calàf at Royal Opera House in London and Valeria Sepe, whom opera goers will remember from her poignant portrayal of Desdemona in Opera Hong Kong’s 2016 production of Otello.
浦契尼的遺作《杜蘭朵》講述一個冷若冰霜的中國公主 如何被堅定不移的愛融化。杜蘭朵不願意出嫁,特設 下三個不可能破解的謎題給予所有追求者,答錯的要 賠上性命,這教她的父王非常惱怒。卡拉富王子跟雙 目失明的老父──韃靼國從前的國王帖木兒來到京城。 王子打算向公主提親,什麼都不能阻止他的決心。 誰也沒想到,卡拉富答對了所有謎題,令杜蘭朵大為 恐慌。但卡拉富竟為她提出悔約出路 : 如果公主能在天 亮前猜到他的名字,就讓她脫身。《誰都不許睡》是 浦契尼最著名的男高音詠嘆調,公主不許人民睡覺, 要國民找出王子的名字。 《杜蘭朵》可能是浦契尼最矛盾的作品。在他所有嚴肅 歌劇中,除《杜蘭朵》外,只有《西部女郎》是大團 圓結局的。但在《杜蘭朵》裡,愛的勝利是苦樂參半的。 雖然杜蘭朵的歌聲令人難忘,卡拉富《誰都不許睡》 的高音 B 讓他展現英雄氣概,作曲家還是把最動聽的 音樂留給柳兒,即那個暗暗愛上卡拉富,並為愛犧牲 性命的侍女。
杜蘭朵的故事源自數百年前。「杜蘭朵」在波斯語中 指「杜蘭的女兒」。馬可孛羅指,蒙古公主艾尤魯黑 對待追求者的方法不是出謎題,而是與他們摔交,敗 方得付一百隻馬。十二世紀波斯詩人尼扎米寫過一個 差不多的故事,女方也是向男方提出謎題。這個故事 一直透過西方書籍和戲劇流傳到十八至十九世紀,最 後成為了浦契尼的歌劇題材。劇中不少音樂元素來自 中國歌曲(一位前意大利駐華外交官送了一個音樂盒 給浦契尼),當中最著名的有《苿莉花》,就是第一 幕裡兒童合唱團所唱的歌。 浦契尼無法在死前完成《杜蘭朵》,歌劇的結局是由弗 蘭科.阿爾法諾從浦契尼的筆記寫出來的。此劇 1 926 年首演時,指揮阿圖羅.托斯卡尼尼只演到浦契尼停 筆的地方。 在香港歌劇院是次的全新製作裡,經驗豐富的意大利 指揮家佩利.奧爾米會將演出整部作品,我們邀得享 譽全球的杜蘭朵女高音迪卡,聯同曾在倫敦皇家歌劇 院演卡拉富的金載衡及 2016 年在香港歌劇院《奧賽羅》 演悲哀的斯蒂夢娜的塞佩,一同參與是次演出。
Opera Hong Kong
Established in 2003, Opera Hong Kong (OHK) is committed to the mission of enhancing the appreciation of the art of opera in Hong Kong and promoting local musical talents. In addition to staging operas and concerts, education and outreach programme are also held regularly to reach the young population. Opera Hong Kong Chorus and Opera Hong Kong Children Chorus were established in 2004 and 2008 respectively and are becoming recognised forces in the local choral scene.
香港歌劇院自 2003 年成立以來,一直致力製作 高質素及專業的歌劇,將歌劇帶給香港的觀眾, 並培養本地具潛質的音樂家。香港歌劇院亦定 期為年青一代舉辦各項教育及外展活動,把歌 劇藝術進一步推廣至社會各階層。香港歌劇院 更於 2004 年及 2008 年成立香港歌劇院合唱團 及香港歌劇院兒童合唱團,為本地合唱界注入 新的動力。
In 2015, OHK has launched The Jockey Club Opera Hong Kong Young Artist Development Programme (the Programme), a 3-year opera training programme funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, to nurture ten professional young local artists. The Programme is the first-ever intensive professional opera training project in Hong Kong accompanied by a series of outreach activities. Mr. Gong Dongjian, a famous bass singer and an experienced vocal teacher, is the Programme Director of the Programme.
20 1 5 年,香港歌劇院獲香港賽馬會慈善信託基 金全力贊助推出「賽馬會香港歌劇院青年演唱 家發展計劃」,為期三年,培訓十位本地專業 青年演唱家,這是香港首個配以一連串外展活 動的密集式歌劇訓練計劃。計劃總監是著名男 低音龔冬健先生,他肩負計劃發展的策劃外, 更為參與計劃的十位年青本地演歌唱家定期授 課。
OHK will celebrate its 15th anniversary in 2018. In addition to presenting a series of celebratory programmes including full scale productions of Carmen in May and Turandot in October, the company will also be expanding its Education & Outreach efforts with a brand-new music centre – Opera Hong Kong Atelier Lyrique – and scaling up the Jockey Club Opera Hong Kong Young Artist Development Programme. In addition, complete digital overhaul on website and a re-energised social media platform will enhance readers’ knowledge of opera and nurture a new generation of opera lovers in Hong Kong.
香港歌劇院今年已邁進十五周年。本歌劇院將 呈獻一系列精彩慶祝節目,包括五月上演的足 本製作經典歌劇《卡門》和十月上演的《杜蘭 朵》。此外,香港歌劇院更致力擴大教育及外 展工作,於灣仔設立香港歌劇院樂樂坊作永久 培訓空間,以及擴展賽馬會香港歌劇院青年演 唱家發展計劃的規模。與此同時,香港歌劇院 即將推出全新網站,與社交平台內容繼續精彩 同步,以豐富及具創意的內容增進讀者對歌劇 藝術的認識,孕育香港新一代的歌劇愛好者。
Producer Conductor Director
Warren Mok Paolo Olmi Michael Capasso
監製 指揮 導演
莫華倫 奧爾米 卡帕素
Set Designer Costume Designer Lighting Designer Choreographer
John Farrell Ildiko Debreczeni Susan Roth Richard Stafford
佈景設計 服裝設計 燈光設計 編舞
法雷爾 迪布雷斯辛尼 羅斯 史德福特
Chorus Director Assistant Rehearsal Conductor & Principal Répétiteur
Alex Tam Nina Yip
合唱團總監 助理排練指揮及 首席練唱指導
譚天樂 葉亦詩
Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra Opera Hong Kong Chorus Opera Hong Kong Children Chorus Edge ‘n Pointe Dance Centre
香港管弦樂團 香港歌劇院合唱團 香港歌劇院兒童合唱團 Edge ‘n Pointe Dance Centre
Calàf Liù Timur Ping Pang Pong Mandarin Emperor
Oksana Dyka ^ Mlada Khudoley # Alfred Kim ^ Gustavo Porta # Valeria Sepe ^ Natalya Pavlova # George Andguladze ^ Jeremy Galyon # Sammy Chien Chen Chen Chen Yong Apollo Wong Alexander Chen
卡拉富 柳兒 帖木兒 平 彭 龐 大官 君皇 ^ 10, 12 & 14 Oct
迪卡 ^ 庫杜莉 # 金載衡 ^ 波爾塔 # 塞佩 ^ 帕芙露嬅 # 安特古拉澤 ^ 蓋里安 # 錢深銘 陳晨 陳永 黄日珩 陳俊堯 # 11 & 13 Oct
World-renowned Chinese tenor Warren Mok makes frequent guest appearances in many leading opera houses throughout the world. His operatic repertoire exceeds 60 roles including Cavaradossi in Tosca, Calàf in Turandot, Rodolfo in La Bohème, Radamès in Aïda and many others. In recent years, Mok has been very active in promoting western opera and music in Hong Kong, Macau and the Mainland. Recently, he has been the Artistic Director of Opera Hong Kong, Fujian Grand Theatre and Zhuhai Huafa Grand Theatre and was also the Artistic Director of the Macao International Music Festival.
Producer 監製
Warren Mok 莫華倫
Mok was awarded Officer of the Order of the Star of Italy by the Government of Italy in 2018, a Medal of Honour by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in 2011, World Outstanding Chinese Award in 2010, and both Cavaliere dell’Ordine della Stella della Solidarietà Italiana (Knight of the Star of Solidarity of Italy) by the Government of Italy and Chevalier dans I’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres (Knight of the Order of Art and Letter) by the Government of France in 2008. In 2012, China’s Three Tenors — Warren Mok, Dai Yuqiang and Wei Song — toured the world to promote Chinese culture. In 2015, Mok was appointed as member of Beijing Committee of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. He was Zhuhai Committee of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, fostering the bridge and developement between the two cities and Hong Kong. 莫華倫是世界著名來自中國香港的男高音。他的演唱行程遍及世界各大著名歌劇院。他演唱的歌 劇角色超過六十個,其中包括《托斯卡》的卡瓦拉多西、《杜蘭朵》的卡拉夫、《波希米亞生涯》 的魯道夫、《阿伊達》的拉達梅斯等。莫氏在港澳及內地積極推廣西方歌劇與音樂,近年除出任 香港歌劇院、福建大劇院及珠海華發大劇院的藝術總監外,亦曾為澳門國際音樂節的藝術總監。 2018 年莫華倫獲意大利政府頒發「意大利之星軍官勳章」,2011 年榮獲香港特區政府榮譽勳章, 及 2010 年榮獲世界傑出華人獎,此外莫氏於 2008 年獲意大利政府頒發「意大利團結之星騎士勳 章」及法國政府頒發「法國藝術騎士勳章」。 20 1 2 年,莫氏與戴玉強、魏松所組成的中國三大男高音一起舉行世界巡迴演出,積極推動中國文 化走向世界。他自 2015 年起獲委任為北京市政協委員,他亦是前珠海市政協委員,促進兩地與香 港交流發展。
Paolo Olmi is a highly respected conductor in the international arena and has been a familiar figure in major concert halls throughout the world including Europe, North and South America, Australia and Asia. He has collaborated with established orchestras including Orchestre National de France, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, BBC Symphony Orchestra in London, Santa Cecilia Rome and Orchestra of RAI Rome where he conducted the complete symphonies of Mendelssohn. In 2000, he conducted Aïda with great praises in Shanghai, a joint collaboration with Teatro Comunale di Firenze. He was awarded the French music critics prize for the Best Opera of the Year for the outstanding production of William Tell at the Theatre de champs Elysess. His recent engagement included Pagliacci at Teatro dell’Opera di Roma directed by Zeffirelli. Conductor 指揮
Paolo Olmi 奧爾米
奧爾米是國際知名的傑出指揮家,在歐美、澳洲及亞洲等地均享負盛名。他曾指揮多個著名樂團 演出,包括法國國家管弦樂團、皇家管弦樂團、B B C 交響樂團及羅馬聖西西利亞樂團等。他更曾 指揮羅馬 RAI 樂團演出孟德爾遜的全套交響曲。2000 年他於上海指揮歌劇《阿伊達》,獲得廣泛 讚賞,而此劇並與佛羅倫斯市立歌劇院合作。他曾經指揮香榭麗舍劇院製作《威廉退爾》,獲得 法國樂評獎項「全年最佳歌劇」。近期演出包括於羅馬歌劇院由大師級導演齊費里尼執導的《丑 角》。
Michael Capasso is the General Director of the New York City Opera who has produced, directed and toured productions for over 30 years. In 2016, he revitalised New York City Opera from bankruptcy on laying artistic, administrative and fiscal solid groundwork. In 1981, he founded Dicapo Opera Theatre with Diane Martindale and designed a performance theatre, producing a diverse programming to audience including three productions of contemporary operas with Armel Festival. In 1991, he founded National Lyric Opera that brought fully-staged operas to communities in American Northeast for experiencing live opera. His efforts were highly recognised and was awarded the Legends of the Arts from the Harvard Club, and Leonardo Da Vinci Award for Cultural Achievement from the Italian Heritage and Culture Committee of New York, to name a few. Director 導演
Michael Capasso 卡帕素
卡帕素是紐約市歌劇院的常務總監,逾 30 年製作、執導及巡演歌劇的經驗。2016 年他為瀕臨破產 的紐約市歌劇院重新為藝術、行政及財務上改革及穩固。1 98 1 年他與馬丁代爾共同成立狄卡波歌 劇院,其後更親自設計表演場地,為紐約開拓更多元化的演出,包括與阿爾梅藝術節合作的三部 現代歌劇。1 9 9 1 年他分別成立國立抒情歌劇院,特意為美國東北部未能欣賞歌劇的社群呈獻大型 歌劇。他的付出備受推崇,並獲頒發多個獎項,其中包括哈佛校友會表揚他為「藝術傳奇」,以 及駐紐約意大利文化遺產委員會的達文西獎等。
Born in Ukraine, Oksana Dyka won the prize of the Marseilles International Opera Competition, which landed her the part of Tosca at National Opera of Montpellier. She has been most sought-after and appeared on the main stages worldwide: Pagliacci and Tosca at La Scala in Milan, Aïda in Buenos Aires, Tosca in Dresden, Ariadne auf Naxos in Genoa, Madama Butterfly in Bologna, Graz and Valencia, and Il Tabarro at Opéra Bastille in Paris. In recent seasons, she obtained great reviews singing a new production of Eugene Onegin in Los Angeles, Turandot at the Arena di Verona and Metropolitan in New York, Aïda at La Scala, Piqué Dame at Teatro dell'Opera di Roma, Mefistofele in Monte-Carlo, Un Ballo in Maschera in Turin and Il corsaro at Palau Les Arts.
Turandot 杜蘭朵
Oksana Dyka^ 迪卡
生於烏克蘭,迪卡在贏取馬賽國際歌劇比賽的錦標後,便以波爾多國家歌劇院托斯卡的演出開展 其歌唱生涯。她是灸手可熱的女高音,演出的舞台均舉世聞名,包括米蘭斯卡拉歌劇院的《丑角》 及《托斯卡》﹔布宜諾斯艾利斯的《阿伊達》﹔德勒斯登的《托斯卡》;熱那亞的《阿里阿德涅 在納索斯島》;博洛尼亞、格拉茲及華倫西亞的《蝴蝶夫人》及巴黎巴士底歌劇院的《外套》。 近季她的演出屢獲好評,包括於洛杉磯的全新製作《尤根.奧尼金》、維羅那露天劇場及紐約大 都會歌劇院的《杜蘭朵》、米蘭斯卡拉歌劇院的《阿伊達》、羅馬歌劇院的《黑桃皇后》、蒙地 卡洛的《梅菲斯特費爾》、都靈的《假面舞會》及索菲亞王后藝術歌劇院的《海俠》等。 The Russian-American soprano Mlada Khudoley, star of the Mariinsky Theater in St. Petersburg, is singing the important title roles of the German and Italian repertoires, such as Norma, Turandot, Manon Lescaut, Aïda, Ariadne and Salome. Her wide repertoires include Lady Macbeth in Macbeth, Abigaille in Nabucco and Leonora in Il Trovatore, Lisa in Pique-Dame, Cassandre in Les Troyens, Gutrune in Der Ring des Nibelungen, Senta in Der fliegende Holländer and Elisabeth in Tannhäuser. Under the baton of Valery Gergiev she was guesting around the world with Placido Domingo, Bernd Wielki, Matti Salminen, Riccardo Massi, Stephen Gould, Yevgeny Niktin, Mikhail Petrenko, Anna Netrebko and Wolfgang Brendel. In 2018/19 she will sing as Brünnhilde in Götterdämmerung in Paris and Turandot at the Oper Leipzig.
Turandot 杜蘭朵
Mlada Khudoley# 庫杜莉
美籍俄羅斯女高音庫杜莉是聖彼得堡馬林斯基劇院的耀眼歌唱家,獲邀演唱的均是德國及意大利 劇目等主要角色,包括諾瑪、杜蘭朵、瑪儂.萊斯科、阿伊達、阿里阿德涅及莎樂美等。她音域 甚廣,擅長角色如《馬克白》的馬克白夫人、《納布可》的阿碧凱莉、《遊吟詩人》的里奧露拉、 《黑桃皇后》的麗莎、《特洛伊人》的卡珊德拉、 《尼伯龍根的指環》的古順尼、《漂泊的荷蘭 人》的仙達及《唐懷瑟》的伊麗莎白等。在指揮大師葛濟夫執棒下,她與眾著名音樂家於世界各 地巡演,包括杜鳴高、維爾基、沙爾民尼、馬西、古爾德、尼基汀、佩特列高、涅翠柯及布倫德爾。 2018/19 年度她將於巴黎飾演《諸神的黃昏》的布琳希爾德及萊比錫歌劇院的《杜蘭朵》。 Born in Seoul, Alfred Kim received his vocal training in Frankfurt and Karlsruhe. Highly acclaimed for his appearance of Turandot’s Calàf in Royal Opera House Covent Garden in London, he also played the same role at high regards at Opera de Nice, Théâtre du Capitole in Toulouse, Deutsche Oper Berlin, Staatsoper Berlin, Teatro Real in Madrid, Staatsoper Wiener and Gran Teatre del Liceu in Barcelona. He had also a successful portrayal of Don Carlo which led him to Royal Opera House Covent Garden, Staatsoper München and Staatsoper Wiener. Other highlights included the role of Manrico in Il Trovatore at Metropolitan Opera in New York, in Frankfurt, Napoli, Tel Aviv, Rio de Janeiro and Santiago de Chile. He was also Radames in Aïda at Deutsche Oper Berlin, in Sevilles and Las Palmas.
Calàf 卡拉富
Alfred Kim^ 金載衡
生於首爾,金載衡在德國法蘭克福及卡爾斯魯厄修讀聲樂。他於倫敦皇家歌劇院為《杜蘭朵》卡拉 富的演出榮獲極高評價,而他亦先後在各地飾演此角,包括尼斯歌劇院、圖盧茲國家劇院、柏林德 意志歌劇院、柏林國家歌劇院、馬德里皇家劇院、維也納國家歌劇院及巴塞隆那利塞奧大歌劇院等。 他也把卡洛王子角色演繹得淋漓盡致,並讓他以此劇登上倫敦皇家歌劇院、慕尼黑國立歌劇院及維 也納國家歌劇院等舞台。其他得意之作包括於紐約大都會歌劇院、法蘭克福、那不勒斯、特拉維夫、 里約熱內盧及聖地亞哥等飾演《遊吟詩人》的曼列高;及柏林德意志歌劇院、賽維爾和拉斯帕爾馬 斯飾演《阿伊達》的拉達梅斯。 A world acclaimed singer, Argentine tenor Gustavo Porta has established an extraordinary international career, performing regularly on the most prestigious stages, including Wiener Staatsoper, Deutsche Oper Berlin, Liceu de Barcelona, Teatro Real de Madrid, New National Theatre in Tokyo, NCPA in Beijing, New Israeli Opera Tel Aviv, Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, Teatro dell’Opera in Rome. He began his studies at the conservatory of Córdoba (Argentina) and completed his training at Teatro Colón in Buenos Aires, where he made his debut in 1996. After moving to Italy in 1999 his career took off, with engagements in leading theaters in Italy and abroad in many works of the lirico spinto repertoire, with such conductors as Zubin Mehta, Richard Bonynge, Riccardo Chailly and Daniel Oren.
Calàf 卡拉富
Gustavo Porta# 波爾塔
阿根廷男高音波爾塔是國際知名歌唱家,屢獲邀世界頂尖舞台上獻技,包括維也納國家歌劇院、 柏林德意志歌劇院、巴塞隆那利塞奧大歌劇院、馬德里皇家劇院、日本新國立劇場、北京國家大 劇院、特拉維夫歌劇院、佛羅倫斯五月音樂節及羅馬歌劇院等。他於阿根廷哥度巴學院接受聲樂 訓練,接著往布宜諾斯艾利斯的科隆劇院參與台前演出,於 1 9 96 年作其專業首演。擅長演繹抒情 戲劇曲目的他於 1 9 9 9 年定居意大利,並獲多個著名劇院邀請參與演出,更與指揮大師包括梅塔、 波寧、夏伊及歐倫等合作。
Valeria Sepe won the prize "Oscar della Lirica 2015/16 as Soprano of New Generation”. She appeared in Teatro San Carlo di Napoli, Teatro Massimo di Palermo, Opera di Firenze, Teatro Carlo Felice di Genova, Teatro Bellini di Catania, Arena di Verona, working with Fabio Luisi, Nicola Luisotti, Renato Palumbo, Stefano Ranzani and Oren. She was Liù in Turandot at the National Theater of Skopje; Mimì in La bohème at Bellini di Catania; Nedda in Pagliacci at Verdi Theatre in Salerno; Margherita in Mefistofele at Teatro Verdi in Pisa; Micaela in Carmen at Arena di Verona; Nedda at Teatro Filarmonico di Verona and at Art Center of Seoul; Mimì at Teatro Regio di Parma. Recently, she appeared as Micaëla at Maggio Fiorentino and for Turandot and Il Trovatore in Tokyo.
Liù 柳兒
Valeria Sepe^ 塞佩
塞佩曾贏得 2015/16 年度歌劇奧斯卡的新世代女高音殊榮。她踏足的著名舞台甚多,包括那不勒斯 聖卡洛劇院、巴勒莫馬西穆劇院、佛羅倫斯歌劇院、熱那亞卡羅費利切劇院、馬西莫貝利尼劇院 及維羅那露天劇場等,並與雷西、路易索蒂、帕隆波、嵐薩尼及歐倫等指揮大師合作。她曾於馬 其頓史高比耶國立劇院飾演《杜蘭朵》的柳兒、馬西莫貝利尼劇院《波希米亞生涯》的咪咪、薩 萊諾威爾第劇院《丑角》的妮達、比薩威爾第歌劇《梅菲斯特費爾》的瑪葛列達、維羅那露天劇 場《卡門》的米凱拉、維羅納愛樂劇場及首爾藝術殿堂的妮達,以及帕爾馬皇家劇院的咪咪等。 近期演出包括佛羅倫斯五月音樂節的《卡門》及東京的《杜蘭朵》和《遊吟詩人》。 Natalya Pavlova is a rising star of the Mariinsky Theatre. She had a tour performance in the USA, North Korea, Poland, Germany, Italy, England, Spain and France. Her repertoire includes the roles of Marguerite in Faust, title-role of Rusalka, Tamara in Demon, Marfa in The Tsar’s Bride, Donna Anna in Don Giovanni and title-role of Iolanta. She was Tatiana in Eugene Onegin at the Bulgarian National Opera and Ballet Theatre. She also performed with Anna Netrebko and Ildar Abdrazakov at “Classics on Palace Square” concert in St. Petersburg. She made an outstanding debut at the Spoleto Festival in a new production of Eugene Onegin with director Chen Shi-Zheng and conductor Evan Rogister. In 2018 she was Liù in Turandot at the Teatro Regio di Torino.
Liù 柳兒
Natalya Pavlova# 帕芙露嬅
帕芙露嬅是聖彼得堡馬林斯基劇院近年備受矚目之星,並隨團巡演所到訪的國家包括美國、北韓、 波蘭、德國、意大利、英國、西班牙及法國。她擅唱的劇目包括《浮士德》的瑪格麗特、《露莎卡》 的同名角色、《魔鬼》的塔瑪拉、《沙皇的新娘》的瑪爾法、《唐.喬望尼》的安娜及《伊歐蘭妲》 的同名角色等。她曾在保加利亞國立歌劇及芭蕾劇院飾演《尤根.奧尼金》的塔姬雅娜,並於聖 彼得堡為「皇宮的古典樂曲」音樂會與涅翠柯及阿特薩高夫同台演出。她曾參與由導演陳士爭及 指揮家羅爵斯達全新製作《尤根.奧尼金》,作其於斯波萊托國際藝術節的首演。20 1 8 年她於都 靈皇家劇院飾演《杜蘭朵》的柳兒。 Born in Georgia, George Andguladze has been actively participating in Festival Verdi for several years, singing the role of Ferrando in Il Trovatore at Teatro Verdi in Busseto and Teatro Magniani in Fidenza, Monterone in Rigoletto at Teatro Regio di Parma alongside Leo Nucci and Michele Pertusi under the baton of Daniel Oren, as well as Massimiliano in I Masnadieri. He was regularly invited as Escamillo in Carmen at Luglio Musicale Trapanese, Galina Vishnevskaya Opera Center in Moscow and Sejong Center in Seoul; Ramfis in Aïda at Teatro Regio di Parma and King of Egypt at Teatro Sociale in Rovigo and Teatro Verdi in Pisa. His other roles included Dulcamara in L’Elisir d’Amore and Filippo II in Don Carlo.
Timur 帖木兒
George Andguladze^ 安特古拉澤
安特古拉澤出生於格魯吉亞,並多年來參與威爾第歌劇節的演出,包括布塞托威爾第劇院及菲登 扎劇院《遊吟詩人》的費蘭度、帕爾馬皇家劇院《弄臣》的蒙特羅,並在歐倫的指揮下與努奇及 佩圖西同台演出,以及《強盜》的馬斯米連安奴。他屢獲邀《卡門》埃斯卡米洛一角,曾往特帕 尼斯七月音樂節、莫斯科薇內夫絲卡雅歌劇院及首爾世宗文化會館獻唱此角。他並曾於帕爾馬皇 家劇院演繹《阿伊達》的藍菲斯、羅維戈社區劇院及比薩威爾第歌劇演繹《阿伊達》的埃及國王。 其他擅長角色包括《愛情靈藥》的杜卡馬拉及《卡洛王子》的菲列普二世等。 Applauded for his ‘robust and charismatic performances’ by San Francisco Chronicle, Jeremy Galyon continues to impress audiences and critics alike. He was Fafner and Fasolt in Das Rheingold, Sarastro in The Magic Flute with Dayton Opera and Bartolo in The Marriage of Figaro at Opera Theater of Pittsburgh. He has been a regular guest at The Metropolitan Opera in New York since 2008, appearing as L’Ombra di Nino in Semiramide, Alessio in La sonnambula, Guccio in Gianni Schicchi, Naroumov in The Queen of Spades, Count Ceprano in Rigoletto, Jago in Ernani and Commissioner in Madama Butterfly. Other notable performances included Osmin in Die Enführung auf dem Serail at Midsummer Mozart Festival and Dayton Opera, and Theseus in Midsummer Night’s Dream at Princeton Festival.
Timur 帖木兒
Jeremy Galyon# 蓋里安
蓋里安的演出獲觀眾及劇評家欣賞及期待,更曾被《三藩市紀事報》讚揚他的表演「甚具動感及 魅力」。他曾於《萊茵的黃金》飾演法弗納及法索爾特、美國代頓歌劇院《魔笛》的薩拉斯妥及 匹茲堡歌劇院《費加羅的婚禮》的巴托羅醫生等。自 2008 年起,他屢被獲邀紐約大都會歌劇院的 製作,包括《森密拉米德》的寧路幽靈、《夢遊女》的阿列斯奧、《賈尼.史基基》的古茲奧、 《黑桃皇后》的納舅夫、《弄臣》的塞普拉諾伯爵、《厄南尼》的亞戈及《蝴蝶夫人》的專員。 其他精彩演出包括於莫扎特午夜音樂節及代頓歌劇院《後宮誘逃》的歐斯明和普林斯頓藝術節《仲 夏夜之夢》的忒修斯等 。
Warren Mok, MH 莫華倫
10-14 OCT 2018
Wed & Sun 7:30pm 星期三至日 晚上 7 時半 GRAND THEATRE, HONG KONG CULTURAL CENTRE 香港文化中心大劇院 Performed in Italian with Chinese & English Surtitles 意大利語演出,中英文字幕
Tickets NOW available at all URBTIX outlets, on Internet, by Mobile Ticketing App and Credit Card Telephone Booking. 門票現於城市售票網售票處、網上、流動購票應用程式及信用卡電話購票熱線發售。 Limited half-price tickets available for citizens aged 60 or above, people with disabilities and the minder, full-time students and Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) recipients on a first-come-first-served basis. 設有 60 歲或以上高齡人士、殘疾人士及看護人、全日制學生及綜合社會保障援助受惠人士半價優惠(名額有限,先到先得)。
Opera Hong Kong Member Discount 香港歌劇院會員優惠 20% discount for Opera Hong Kong Members, Opera Hong Kong Supporters, Opera Hong Kong Chorus Members and Friends of Opera Hong Kong (standard tickets only). 香港歌劇院會員、香港歌劇院支持者、香港歌劇院合唱團成員及香港歌劇院之友可享受八折優惠(只限正價門票)。
Group Booking Discount 集體購票優惠 10% discount for each purchase of 4-10 standard tickets; 15% discount for each purchase of 11-20 standard tickets; 20% discount for each purchase of 21 or more standard tickets. 每次購買正價門票 4-10 張可享 9 折優惠;11-20 張可享 85 折優惠;21 張或以上可享 8 折優惠。
Internet Booking 網上購票 : www.urbtix.hk Credit Card Telephone Booking 信用卡電話購票:2111 5999 Ticketing Enquiries 票務查詢:3761 6661 Programme Enquiries 節目查詢 : 2234 0303 www.operahongkong.org The programme runs approximately 3 hours, including one intermission. 演出時間長約 3 小時包括一節中場休息。 For aged 6 or above. 招待 6 歲及以上人士。 Latecomers are not admitted until intermission or suitable break. 務必準時入場,遲到觀衆須待中場休息或節目適當時間方可進場。 The presenter reserves the right to replace artists at short notice in the event of the said performer(s) indisposition or other unforeseen circumstances. 如表演藝術家因健康問題或其他理由未能演出,主辦者保留更換人選的權利,在此情況下將盡早預告。
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