8 minute read
The next generation of disciple-makers
As was his way, George Verwer put it so well; discipleship is central in God’s mission to His world. George was compelled by Jesus’ words in the Great Commission, “Go and make disciples of all nations…” Matthew 28:19. The mandate to make disciples drives OM ministries around the world today, including TeenStreet UK (TS), which launched last summer.
Madalin, a volunteer youth worker from north London, shares how the TS movement is enabling the youth he serves to become strong disciples of Jesus.

“We are so encouraged,” shares Madalin. “We are seeing our young people chose a more righteous way, a way where they pursue love, both towards God and other people.”
Madalin wasn’t sure what to expect when he agreed to accompany a group of teenagers to a week-long
TS event last summer; he had no idea it would be such a turning point. “We saw more fruit in one week than in the whole of the six months leading up to the camp,” he enthuses, amazed that the teenagers’ fledgling faith and lukewarm responses to the gospel have been replaced by genuine hunger.
TS is all about discipling young people to be disciple-makers, inspiring them to have a heart to share God’s love with people who don’t know Him. Studying the Bible together in small groups, where young people can question, grapple and grow in a safe environment, is an essential part of the daily rhythm during a TS event.
“The morning small group sessions were straight to the heart; noncompromising and honest,” Madalin shares. “The Bible can be challenging and complicated, but the youth appreciated us being real and we saw the truth of the gospel transforming their lives. Our youth are now reading their Bibles of their own accord –actually wanting to go deeper into the Scriptures and getting excited when they discover things.”
Madalin acknowledges that serving for a week at TS is tiring, but he describes himself as feeling “refreshed”. “TeenStreet is a youth camp, but God worked in my heart as well,” he explains. “I had the space I needed to come alive again and be reminded what it’s like to be a child before God.”
“We all need a model for the Kingdom of Heaven – a community, a culture to be a part of. TeenStreet has created that for us all.”
Your practical service, prayers and financial gifts through our Christmas and Easter appeals are seeing the emergence of a new generation of disciple-makers - thank you! To find out more about TS and how you can be involved, visit uk.om.org/teenstreet-uk
Since George Verwer’s passing in April, tributes and memories have poured in, offering moving insight into this unique character and his contribution to world mission. A selection of tributes from people in OM and the wider missions community is featured over the next few pages; they are but a few of many. Visit uk.om.org/george to read more.

“I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.”
“We thank God for this man, who has been such a living example of what it means to be a true servant of God, never feeling he was someone special, frequently expressing surprise that the Lord could use a ‘ragamuffin’ such as him.
We acknowledge the immeasurable contribution of Drena and family, who sacrificed so much to support George. We also recognise the invaluable contribution of Vera, his faithful PA for over 43 years.
The OM UK Board of Trustees thanks God for the man whom He entrusted to be the founder of Operation Mobilisation, who began well…ran well…and finished well.
George, we honour you, giving God all the glory.”
David Ost, Chair of the Board of Trustees, Operation Mobilisation in the UK.
“George was God’s man for the 20th century; the only person I know of who has changed the course of modern mission. He was a man known for his utter commitment to accountability and living a life of integrity. What a standard he set for us in OM!
I have always been inspired by his fine ability to bring human pragmatism and spiritual reality into balance. There will never be another GV.”
Lawrence Tong, International Director, Operation Mobilisation.
I knew if I was in trouble, he would be one of the people in my life I could turn to, and he would do as much as he could to help me, in as many ways as possible. It was a glorious life. With lots of lessons and insights for those who want to pay attention.”
Viv Thomas, Organisational Development, OM.
“People felt privileged that this great Christian leader was their friend, knew about their family and kept in touch with them. The thing was, it was genuine! He did pray for them, he did remember them and their family. On one of the rare occasions that I visited George at his home, Drena sent me into the lounge to meet with him. When I opened the door, he was standing there with his Dictaphone, surrounded by hundreds of prayer letters from people all over the world. They were everywhere; on the table, the chairs, even the floor and George was going round praying for each person then dictating a letter to them. George was authentic.”
Tony Kirk, former Director of OM in the UK and former Western Europe Area Coordinator.
“He’s had a catalytic impact in stirring up people around the world to get a vision for mission. So many of the mission movements in the non-Western world have actually got some link with OM. He was so generous: he never tried to build an empire, but he was very happy for people to move on and start other ministries.
I’ve never known anybody who’s been so assiduous in maintaining links and friendships, with writing and visiting and praying for — what a man of God.”
Patrick Johnstone, Missions Researcher and Author, Operation World.
“One of the most powerful things about his life was that he made a commitment to people in their strengths and in their weaknesses.
“George and Drena’s life and legacy will long be evaluated, serving as examples of personal and global radical discipleship, of vision and zeal, of a willingness to risk it all. It is reported that some 300 Christian organisations came ‘out of OM.’ George’s capacity and desire to embrace risk and lay it all on the line have impacted all who knew him. His ‘messy missiology’ became legendary.
George was the real deal, a man of deep integrity, transparent, passionately devoted to Jesus, and humble. We honour him as one whom Christ could entrust with a worldchanging vision and calling, 'Well done, good and faithful servant.' We are praying for Drena, your family and the global OM community. Until we all meet again in our forever Home.”
Dr. William Taylor, Director of World Evangelical Alliance’s (WEA) Mission Commission.
We just knew we were teamed up with an apostle and we were going to do something significant — even though we didn’t have any good reason to believe that.”
“He was a pioneer missionary but also someone who found an astonishingly fruitful niche as the creator and leader of an organisation. He was a passionate radical but without the criticism so often associated with radicalism. He was a man who always looked heavenward in prayer but at the same time was intensely focused on what was happening on earth. Although he took his role as OM’s figurehead seriously, he had a compelling and sometimes outrageous honesty.”
Rev. Canon J. John, International speaker and author, Founder, Philo Trust.
Greg Livingstone, Former OMer, founder of Frontiers. “Hundreds of thousands have been involved in missions directly or indirectly because of George. That means millions will have heard the gospel directly or indirectly because of George. To many of us, George was a hero. Of course, he was no superhero. He was far too real for that. And he was definitely a little bit quirky and unique, too.
I know there will be many around the globe who are sad at George’s passing, yet thrilled at George’s promotion. Maybe one of his crowns could be a global jacket like he so often wore. He will be thrilled to cast that down before his Lord!”
Peter Mead, OM associate, Christian teacher and author.
“In Hebrews chapter 11, we get a glimpse of heroes of our faith throughout history. They were not perfect people and they made mistakes; yet something about how they lived inspires us to draw close to God and want to do our best in the kingdom.
I think for many around the world, George Verwer would be on our list of modern-day heroes of faith. He too was imperfect and would admit that he made mistakes along the journey. But there are few human beings who have inspired and catalysed so many people around the globe to participate in God’s mission. I think only when we get to heaven will we understand the full scope of his influence and impact!”
Mary T. Lederleitner, Chair, OM Global Board.
“George was a trailblazer, a mentor to many and an evangelistic giant in his day. He will be hugely missed but his legacy will live on in the lives of so many globally. I am honoured to have known him.”
Gavin Calver, CEO, Evangelical Alliance.
“We should have thought he was a nutcase, but because of the Holy Spirit, we just knew that this was a man you could follow to the ends of the earth, and had real confidence that he was getting the mind of the Lord.
“George was one of the first white mission leaders to fully empower nationals to lead the efforts he initiated in the majority world. George was not only incapable of racism; he never treated anyone different to himself as less than himself.”
Bishop Joseph d’Souza, Former OMer, Moderator, Good Shepherd Church, India.
“A lot of people think he was highenergy, bionic, high-activity, and they didn’t see that underneath was a very strategic, creative brain, who spawned all kinds of mission-related ministry because of his creative thinking. Because he also spoke positively, never negatively about other mission agencies in public, I would say he was a very rare breed and from my perspective, he was the most outstanding missionary leader in the world over the last 60 years, without a shadow of a doubt.
People were attracted to this guy because he didn’t take himself too seriously — he recognised his own fragility and weaknesses or fallenness, but that God can work through such a person. I’m sure that’s a major reason why God continued to use him, and that shapes the whole movement as well, because when the leaders acknowledge their weakness and need of repentance, then everybody else recognises the need themselves. That comes right through OM with all the emphasis on humility and brokenness and hunger for reality.”
“In every lifetime, men and women are born who leave an indelible mark on humanity through their influence. George Verwer was one of those people.

The true measure of a man is not evaluated in what he leaves for others but also what he leaves in them. You tick both boxes, George. Thank you for an awesome legacy left us; we will not squander it. History will honour you and we celebrate you. As the people of Ghana say, ‘Nanti yie Owura George, wayebi, mo’. Well done, sir.”
Rev. Celia Apeagyei-Collins, Founder and President,