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The write DELIVERY

UK-based creative consultative agency Radley Yeldar reveals how to deliver effective sustainability communications

With the climate emergency high on the business agenda, communicating any message on sustainability appropriately is imperative. However, with the rising quantity of dialogue, the corresponding level of quality in terms of language used has failed, according to research carried out by creative consultancy agency Radley Yeldar (RY). The company found the vocabulary deployed on the subject was often “boring”, “sounds the same” and “ineffective”.

At a time when environmental protection is leading the political, news and public debate, businesses are still pumping out standard and indistinguishable messages, some of which could arguably be construed as greenwashing.

RY’s Words that Work report involved collaboration with a range of experts, comprising academics and sustainability communication specialists, along with a literature review and an analysis of the language used by those on the Forbes ‘50 Most Valuable Brands’ list (see ‘Ditch the clichés’, page 48).

An accompanying webinar discusses the findings, delving deep into the issues – it’s definitely worth watching. Included on the panel were Ollie Burch, Campaigns Director for Radley Yeldar; Dr Arran Stibbe, Professor of Ecological Linguistics at the University of Gloucestershire; and Rodney Irwin, Managing Director, Redefining Value and Education at the World Business Council for Sustainable Development.

RY found the written word often corresponds to the same pattern of ‘stock sustainability’ that earlier research investigating the use of imagery within environmental messages revealed. Think green coloured palm prints, Earth encapsulated in a water droplet on a leaf, etc. Neither the images nor words really work or engage anyone.

RY discovered ‘stock sustainability’ wording overwrote normal branding and tone, watering down messages at a time when increased understanding of the issues, solutions and required actions is paramount.

It also reduces differentiation, engagement and action which not only potentially harms brands in terms of reputation and the bottom line, but may actually be holding back the progress of sustainability itself.

Burch does point out that, ultimately, there’s nothing wrong with using the word ‘sustainability’ as it’s in fact one we all agree on. Additionally, while we can change it to another word, it won’t rectify the problem which is potentially at the heart of it – misuse or indeed overuse in language and communications.

Dr Stibbe agrees, adding that effective dialogue starts at the core of the company. How are employees talking about the issues, what are their convictions and beliefs? Only when you know these, he says, can external discourse be an authentic representation of a company genuinely committed to sustainability.

For Irwin, in a world of misinformation, we need to divorce ourselves from the emotional and saccharine-coated wording of sustainability as it’s not necessarily driving the required results. He believes one of the first questions to ask is: why are you doing this? If you don’t know, then stop. Because if you don’t know, how is anyone else going to grasp what you’re trying to say?

Ultimately, the use of ‘stock’ language renders brands indistinguishable from one another, not just within the same sector but even across industries. As a result of its research and to aid companies in improving their language and communication around the subject of sustainability, RY has arrived at ten principles.

SUSTAINABILITY TALK 1. Put your audience first

Know where the understanding of your audience lies. If the writing is too technical, you risk losing readers. Conversely, too simple and credibility may be in doubt. Preferably, ensure communication is tailored, so those least familiar with sustainability jargon will understand.

Know what your clientele expects to hear from you and, importantly, manage separate messages based on audience segmentation.

2. Bring in diverse voices and opinions

Avoid communications sounding identical by using diverse opinions and voices. These could include external content creators and employees from different departments to push the boundaries and appeal to more types of audiences.

One of the first questions to ask is: why are you doing this? If you don’t know, then stop

3. Be specific

Steer away from ‘lofty macro statements’ and be specific. Get down to the nitty-gritty of sustainable attributes, especially if talking about a product.

4. Frame it right

Striking the perfect balance between motivating people through positive communications and scaring them with negative statements is hard. Listen and understand your audience – do they display a low concern for the environment? If so, a negatively framed message can be the key to being more effective.

Alternatively, if you need them to take action, information around individual tangible gains could be the right choice.

5. Avoid the ‘s’ word

It might seem counterintuitive to not use the word sustainability when that’s exactly what you’re referencing, but bypassing it enables you to get more specific (see point 3). RY’s research reveals that the most sustainable brands employ the label comparatively sparingly.

The ‘s’ word is a barrier to normalising it. While people may be concerned about environmental issues, they don’t link the term directly to their lives. Tesla, for example, is thought of as an exclusive futuristic brand first, electric car second.

6. Explain the why

Companies considered to be excellent communicators all have one thing in common – they explain the specific motives behind every action. It may not be applicable to every sustainability story, but opening up about why certain decisions were made adds a human element that can create trust.

7. Make it personal

Adding the human touch and telling the stories behind a company’s efforts make commentary more authentic. The use of ‘stock’ language creates distance between a brand, sustainability and its audience. Combine this with point 2 to accomplish diversity and a range of perspectives.

8. Be honest

Be brave and be honest; it’s ok to admit faults and address challenges. They help to create trust and transparency. Remember, when things seem too good to be true, they typically are.

9. Make the future tangible

According to RY research, 68% of companies refer to a ‘better future’ but fail to define what that would really look like. Most talk of what lies ahead involves disasters and a scarcity of resources.

A better way is to motivate audiences to take part in your journey by painting a clear picture of what outlook you’re working towards.

10. Say it your way

Don’t fall into the trap of being a ‘stale, corporate version’ when speaking about sustainability. You likely have a unique brand tone, and although the topic can be serious, technical and may require a slight adjustment, it should nevertheless still be your tone of voice. The most effective brands keep their unique personality regardless of topic, channel or audience.

Try this: write some copy and remove as many clichés as possible; take out all references to your company name. Show it to some people. Are they able to guess the company, or at least the industry, based on what’s been written?

If the answer is no, think of ways to make your sustainability communications more intricately tied to your brand.

To download a copy of Words that Work or watch the accompanying webinar, visit https://ry.com. For more information, email hello@ry.com


Radley Yeldar (RY) analysed the sustainability websites of Forbes’ ‘50 Most Valuable Brands’ and identified eight common clichés used in ‘stock sustainability’ communications.

Findings from the Words that Work report reveal that 44% of companies use, on average, four out of eight clichés on their website, while 63% applied several in the same sentence in a ‘buzzword salad’.


1. Our commitment: we are committed 2. The future: future generations, sustainable future, better tomorrow 3. The planet: protect the planet, help the planet, people and the planet 4. Biggest challenge: world’s biggest, urgent issue, unlike any other we’ve faced, of the 21st century 5. Our journey: climate journey, sustainability journey 6. Together, we can: in this together, work together, together, we can 7. Building a better: creating, shaping 8. Good for business: win all round, improves business

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