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Spring Recap
Eggs at OPL Branches
In coordination with Nebraska Extension in Douglas-Sarpy Counties, several OPL branches received eggs to incubate and hatch in March. Bess Johnson Elkhorn, Charles B. Washington, Florence, Millard, Milton R. Abrahams, Saddlebrook, W. Clarke Swanson, and Willa Cather branches offered the opportunity to learn more about egg-laying animals with different prompts for patrons to engage with throughout the incubation process. Children were encouraged to think about what kind of animal might be inside the eggs, and even vote on names for the new hatchlings! During the last week in March, baby ducklings emerged from their shells and delighted branch visitors with their peeps, fuzzy feathers and fun names. Ducklings stayed at the branches for less than a week before being rehomed with Nebraska Extension.

Common Soil Seed Library Celebrates 10 Years

In 2023, OPL celebrates the 10th anniversary of the Common Soil Seed Library! OPL’s Seed Library launched in 2013 at Benson Branch. Approximately 1,723 seed packets were checked out in the first year, and that number more than doubled the following year. Circulation continues to grow steadily, with more than 47,000 seed packets checked out in 2022.
To celebrate 10 years of sharing seeds and stories, OPL invited the community to attend an open house at Benson Branch on April 8. At the event, OPL offered seeds for all levels of gardeners and welcomed representatives from various urban agricultural organizations within the Omaha metro to help share more information. More than 90 people attended the event. Learn more about the Seed Library at omahalibrary.org/seed-library
Making Connections Through National Campaigns
OPL offered programming throughout the spring to support various national education campaigns in an effort to connect people with information, each other, and the world around them through books, stories and entertainment.
The Nebraska Science Festival (NE SciFest) took place across the state of Nebraska during April. This campaign supports making science accessible and fun for learners of all ages. OPL patrons had the opportunity to engage with this campaign through programs such as science storytimes and programs exploring different science topics offered in partnership with Fontenelle Forest and Omaha Children’s Museum.
Laura Marlane Executive Director
El día de los niños/El día de los libros (Children’s
Day), commonly known as Día, is an everyday celebration of children, families, and reading that culminates yearly on April 30. OPL kicked off programming to honor a variety of languages and culture on April 17 with a dance and drumming workshop presented by African Culture Connection. Other programming included non-English speaking guest storytellers, cultural dance, and a celebration at South Omaha Library.
In an effort to encourage patrons to engage in the worldwide City Nature Challenge, OPL offered a series of storytimes at different OPL branches during which they read books about nature, sang songs and learned how to identify plants and animals found in the wild.