1 minute read

program Details

Suggested Activities

1. Attend a library storytime, program, or book club.

2. Draw a picture of a character from your favorite book.

3. Learn a new poem, nursery rhyme, or song.

4. Draw a picture or write a poem about someone or something you see in your neighborhood.

5. Recommend a book to a librarian.

6. Listen to an audiobook.

7. Read a book and watch the movie.

8. Write a letter to an author and send it.

9. Read to a pet. Visit a park.

Reading & activity log

Pick up a reading & activity log sheet at your local branch, or visit omahalibrary.org/summer-readingprogram to download one.

Use the log sheet to track your progress in 20-minute increments. All time spent reading/listening, completing the above activities, or learning at an OPL program counts toward your 10-hour goal!

Turn in your completed reading & activity log sheet to the information desk at any OPL location to receive your prize and raffle entry.

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