Dear Friends,
Pam Ross ODC President
In this annual report, we celebrate achievement... achievement of some incredible individuals who are each “stars” in their own right not only because of what they’ve accomplished, but because of their courage, hard work and character. The individuals we are highlighting in this report are just some of the many “stars” that we have witnessed achieving great personal successes in 2016. They have had opportunities presented to them through family and friends, and through their connection with ODC. They have been provided opportunities to explore their communities, to discover their interests, to try new things, to make their own decisions, to connect with people... and to work.
These individuals have also had incredible support along the way, from family and friends, co-workers, employers… and the amazing staff at ODC, who truly care about each person and work hard every day to support these individuals in reaching for their dreams.
Jeff Meyers Board of Directors Chairperson
Most important, however, is that these stories are about personal effort. Each person has had to overcome many obstacles in their life. They have accepted these challenges, pushed forward, and added so much value to their families, their places of employment and their communities. We are so proud of all of the accomplishments of the individuals we serve, and are happy to share some of those stories with you. Thank you for being partners in our mission— you have played an important role in these successes! Sincerely,
Pam Ross Jeff Meyers ODC President Board of Directors Chairperson
FRONT COVER: A day in the life of an ODC Day Services participant may begin at one of our centers, but they never seem to stay there long! Experiencing all that Central Wisconsin has to offer in recreation, education and volunteer opportunities helps individuals explore their interests and expand their knowledge. Volunteering at the South Wood County Humane Society is just one of many activities that participants engage in throughout the year. 2
ODC and Community Industries Corporation (CIC) became one on January 1st, 2017! Our entire staff gathered in February, to celebrate the merger and get to know a little about each other. One thing is certain... we all have the same dedication to our mission: to empower people with disabilities to achieve their work and life goals!
Prior to the merger, ODC had locations in Wisconsin Rapids and Marshfield, and served over 550 individuals in Wood, Portage, Marathon, Lincoln, Taylor and Clark counties. By combining with CIC, ODC will now serve approximately 150 more individuals in Portage and Marathon counties from physical locations in Stevens Point, Plover and Wausau. “Community" is one of ODC's most important strategic pillars. Our service model, called CommunityLife, is designed to address both the work and “outside of work” goals of the individuals we serve. The overall goal of CommunityLife is to increase community employment and community engagement for people with disabilities. Of equal importance is the impact this service has on building a more inclusive community, by creating genuine and sustained connections between people with disabilities and other members of our community. CareerConnect is one component of our services. CareerConnect assists individuals in obtaining jobs that are personalized to their interests, strengths and needs, and provides on-the-job support to ensure success for the employee.
individuals WITH DISABILITIES WERE SERVED BY ODC IN 2016, COMPARED TO 527 IN 2015. Individuals participated in one or more services including CommunityConnect, CareerConnect, Prevocational Accelerated Career Enhancement (PACE), Convenience Store Certificate of Competency, Day Services and center-based training.
CommunityConnect is a service that offers individuals participation in staff-supported, communitybased activities that are designed to explore a person's work and personal interests and skills, build independence and confidence in accessing the community, and connect individuals to opportunities for community engagement and employment. ODC’s services also include our Day Services program, which offers life-enhancing activities and independent living skills training that lead to further independence at home, in the workplace and in the community. Classes in adult life activities such as cooking, shopping, money management, wellness, travel and self-advocacy help individuals learn the skills they need to become more independent. Recreational activities allow individuals to explore their areas of interest and become more connected to their communities. Our center-based Prevocational Training program provides a blend of learning and work experiences that prepare individuals to achieve their personal goals, including community employment. The impact of ODC’s services reaches beyond the individuals we serve, benefiting families, caregivers and ultimately the entire community. All of our services work to build a healthier, more vibrant community where people with disabilities are viewed as neighbors, friends, co-workers, volunteers and citizens.
CONFIDENCE Andrew was just 15 years old when he sold his first bikes at The Sports Den in Marshfield... and not just any bikes. Shortly after he started at the shop, Andrew sold a pair of $800 road bikes to the first customers he served! “It sure made him feel good,” said Denny Riedel, owner of The Sports Den. “And it made me feel good... he showed the rest of my employees that having a little bit of personality and just enough knowledge about the product can work for you!” “The first time I met Andrew, I could see he had the drive to work,” said Eric Gudmunsen, ODC Employment Coordinator. “His first comment to me was, ‘So you’re going to get me a job right?’” When Andrew was referred to ODC through the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR), Eric assessed his areas of interest and developed two six-week temporary work experiences for him during the summer months, the second of which was at The Sports Den. Eric took on a support role as Andrew’s job coach when the training period began... but soon after, Denny and his coworkers took on that role.
“They made Andrew a part of the team,” said Eric, “and they now work with him on the skills he needs to improve.” “As a young man,” said Denny, “we know Andrew won’t work here forever. But we wanted to give him some exposure to work and a chance in life. Somewhere down the road we can give him that reference he’ll need, to allow him to have some permanency in a job. To be able to say, ‘I've worked at The Sports Den.’” Andrew began his freshman year in high school in the fall and is still working parttime at The Sports Den. According to Eric, “Working has matured Andrew in ways that make him a better student and a better person.”
What's WIOA? The past years have brought a number of changes regarding school-to-work transition services for students with disabilities like Andrew and Broc. The federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), which went into effect in 2014, has placed a new priority on employment readiness and employment training services for youth while still in school. This act has created a major shift in the types of services schools and the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) offer for students with disabilities, and how those services are provided. So ODC has begun
partnering with these agencies to assist in finding and supporting paid work experiences for students. This is a change in practice, as ODC has typically only worked with students in their senior year of high school, to assess their skills and interests in preparation for assisting them when they graduate. ODC will now provide work experiences and job placement services to youth as well as adults, to enhance and further develop their transition from school to the world of work.
Broc loves to cook. He started cooking in a culinary arts class in the 8th grade and according to his mom, Courtney, has never stopped experimenting. “He likes to cook very unique, different things,” said Courtney. “He always has to be trying something new. He’s made fortune cookies, orange chicken... he even looked into how to make gum!” When the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) referred Broc to Leah Laux, ODC Job Developer, she worked with him to explore his interests and cooking was mentioned... and she immediately had an idea. She was setting up a temporary work experience for Broc, an opportunity for the Stevens Point Area Senior High (SPASH) senior to discover the types of work that might interest him, and she thought about Copps Bakery. “He had applied for lots of jobs,” said Courtney, “but because of his autism he didn’t do well in interviews. He tried and tried and tried, and no one would ever call him back!” So when Broc connected with ODC, and Leah arranged the opportunity for him to do an on-the-job “try-out” at Copps, it really did the trick.
“They were able to see that he’s really easy to work with, he’s very nice, and he does really good work!” said Courtney. Unfortunately, Broc’s age prevented him from doing the bakery tryout – he wasn’t yet 18 – but it turns out that Broc loved his training experience as a Copps grocery bagger and was ultimately hired for the job! When Broc turned 18, he was asked if he wanted to try the bakery job, but he wasn’t sure... “He likes the social aspect of working in the check-out line,” said Courtney. “He knows everyone!” “When you have autism,” said Broc, “socializing is really hard to do. But the people at Copps have been so nice. They are so understanding about my problems. Also, the people who come to shop have been very kind... it’s really rare that I see someone who is just grumpy!” “Working is important to me,” said Broc. “It earns me money, and I gain experience and have time to figure out what the future might be like.” “It’s been great for him to be working,” said Courtney. “It’s taught him responsibility, and he’s grown in so many ways. He’s learning social skills, making new friends, and he’s been able to handle his money really well, which is something he’s never had the opportunity to do before!” Broc will continue to work with DVR and ODC as he explores what his future will hold. He’d like to explore his other passion – science – and participate in some job shadowing over the summer. He also plans to go back to school at some point after his high school graduation. “This job is a great first step,” he said, “but there’s more to come!”
111 58
70 23%
34 %
121 37%
159 51%
Community Employment
ODC’s supported employment staff provide on-the-job support for individuals in community employment. They assist with training the employee for the job, and provide job coaching services for as long as needed to ensure success for both the employee and employer. ODC’s supported employment staff serve individuals in Wood, Portage, Marathon, Langlade, Lincoln, Taylor and Clark counties.
*Numbers and percentages indicate individuals in ODC's long-term support programs.
2016 5
OPPORTUNITY Sampler Platter -
exploring the community while improving decision-making, problem-solving and social skills. Roseanne has participated in ODC’s centerbased services for many years. She tried community employment, but experienced a set-back that made her hesitant to try again. So ODC staff suggested Prevocational Accelerated Career Enhancement (PACE) classes to help her explore where her real work interests lie and help her transition back to community employment. Roseanne also agreed to “step out of her comfort zone” a bit and give the CommunityConnect Sampler Platter a try. Within the Sampler Platter group, participants decide where they want to go and what they want to do, with support from ODC staff. Roseanne, who doesn’t drive and relies on Marshfield’s cab services for
her transportation, said she wanted to go to Spencer, Wisconsin. “Wanting to visit Spencer may seem like an odd request to many of us,” said Stacey Schultz, Director of Community and Day Services. “But if you can’t travel outside of Marshfield because that’s as far as the cabs will take you, Spencer is a big deal. Can you imagine never being able to leave the city limits?” The group’s travels to Spencer and their tour of the Lucille Tack Center for the Arts facilitated friendships that ended with an independent group outing, without ODC staff, to see a Beatles tribute show one evening. ODC staff also helped Roseanne get involved in some pre-vocational training at a
local business, and they will encourage her involvement in the CommunityConnect Job Volunteering group in the near future. “The key to Roseanne’s success is that we let her set the pace,” said Stacey. “If we would have focused right away on community employment, she would not have been ready. We let her take a step back from a job that didn’t end well, and focus on things that will help ensure a successful job next time around.”
Personal Discovery -
exploring career interests, and practicing the skills needed for the job. When Josh came to ODC with the news, Reyne was the first to hear. “Josh walked in and kind of screamed to me, ‘Reyne, I passed my test!’,” said Reyne Kenyon, ODC Exceptional Needs Specialist Supervisor. “I think I was more excited than he was… I ran through the building yelling, ‘Josh passed his written driver’s test!’” Josh - who works at the Marshfield Police Department and Engineering Specialties - and his girlfriend, Christina – who works at ABC Child Care Center - were both participating in the Personal Discovery piece of ODC’s CommunityConnect service, and both had goals of becoming more independent. Living on their own and driving were their greatest aspirations. 6
So Reyne began tutoring sessions at the Marshfield Public Library, utilizing the study resources available there. She also did some “road training”… driving her two students through town and presenting reallife scenarios… like parking on a hill and asking them which way the car wheels should be turned, or stopping at a fourway intersection and asking them who should go first. Christina will continue her studies, and Josh will move on to practice for his “road test”. “I’m very proud of the both of them,” said Reyne. “I know that it was very important to the both of them to be able to accomplish this.” OPPORTUNITY DEVELOPMENT CENTERS, INC.
What's PACE? PACE, or Prevocational Accelerated Career Enhancement, utilizes an online assessment tool created by the Conover Company that was designed to help individuals with disabilities transition to community employment. The assessment includes: an Interest Indicator, which explores career interests; a Learning Assessment Program, which demonstrates how math, communication and problemsolving skills relate to the actual demands of a career; a Career Planner, which explores the job market and job opportunities within their field of interest; and Work Samples, which provide opportunities for hands-on learning.
HRS 77 INDIVIDUALS SPENT ALMOST 7,400 HOURS PARTICIPATING IN ODC’S COMMUNITYCONNECT SERVICE IN 2016. For most, that meant decreasing their time in center-based training by at least three hours per week. For many, it meant learning how to call a cab, getting a cell phone for the first time, being more independent in the community and finding their voice! For all, it meant trying something new or in a new way.
Career Exploration -
exploring jobs in the community, and learning the skills that help individuals to get and keep a job. Jamie loves her job, and is very proud of her work. She talks about it with her fellow participants in a CommunityConnect Career Exploration group. When they discuss appropriate work attire, attitude and the importance of timeliness, Jamie shares her experiences. Jamie has worked at Paper City Savings for 13 years. Although she’s been a dedicated employee, there hasn’t been a need for increased hours in her position, which is currently six hours per week. The remainder of her work time was spent in ODC’s center-based program. Jamie needed something more. So she joined the Career Exploration group, to assist her in exploring other job opportunities within her community. “As we work with individuals who are in our center-based program that also have community employment, we’re saying, ‘Why are they still in the center?’,” said Stacey Schultz, Director of Community and Day Services. “Jamie may not be able to increase her hours at the bank, but how can we help her move away from the center and increase her hours in community employment?” Jamie isn’t quite sure where her interests lie, but she wants work that requires attention to detail and lots of variety. So the group tours local businesses to get a feel for “what’s out there”, practices job application and interview skills, and learns work readiness skills such as appropriateness on the job. ODC staff are confident that Jamie will find exactly what she’s looking for! 2016 ANNUAL REPORT
Job Volunteering -
learning and practicing work skills while volunteering
At Mead Elementary Charter School, there is just as much energy in the conference room where ODC CommunityConnect participants are volunteering as there is in the gymnasium filled with students down the hall. Once a week, this group of volunteers gives back to their community by assisting teachers and other school staff with important projects that would often sit on the “back burner” for lack of time, or would end up as “homework” for teachers to complete in their free time. Projects range from creating materials for classroom projects, to sorting and stapling classroom materials, to preparing mailings and takehome information for students.
without our volunteers,” said Becky Winter, Academic Partnership Coordinator with the school. “Their gift of time is so important to our teachers!” One of Becky's roles is to work with Mead's after-school programs, so she also sees some of these ODC volunteer faces later in the day. “ODC volunteers do projects with the afterschool program students, or include the students in projects that they’re completing for our teachers,” said Becky. “The kids are seeing volunteers giving back to their communities, and I think that’s great!”
“Our teachers have a limited amount of prep time, so none of this would be accomplished
Being visible in our communities...
and making an impact! CommunityConnect participants lent their volunteer spirit to the following organizations in 2016: MARSHFIELD AREA • Christ Lutheran Church • Columbus High School • Frederick Ozanam Transitional Shelter • Hope Lodge • St. Vincent De Paul • UW-Marshfield Wood County
WISCONSIN RAPIDS AREA • Acorn Apartments • Bethesda Thrift Shop • Boys & Girls Club of the Wis. Rapids Area • Central Wisconsin Cultural Center • United Way of South Wood County • South Wood County Humane Society
• SWEPS Pantry (South Wood Emerging Pantry Shelf) • The Family Center, where ODC received the Volunteer of the Year Award • The Neighborhood Table • YMCA OPPORTUNITY DEVELOPMENT CENTERS, INC.
PERSONAL EFFORT Virginia’s Journey JUN 2012
• Entered center-based Prevocational Training program at ODC • Developed work skills in ODC’s wood operation in Marshfield JAN 2015
• Connected with the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) • Referred to ODC to begin community employment search
• Completed ODC’s Retail Helper Program and received certificate • Continued job search with ODC employment staff AUG 2015
• Temporary work experience at Walgreen’s • Barrier to employment: soft skills OCT 2015
• Hired at Younkers • Barrier: not the right job match
The Retail Helper program is a partnership with • Completed ODC’s Work Readiness training 2016 ODC, Weiler Convenience Stores, the Division of • Studied and practiced “soft skills” needed Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR), Community Link, Inc., and Mid-State Technical College in Marshfield. ODC and Weiler stores worked with Mid-State to develop a curriculum that includes the essential functions of a service industry position, like stocking, cashiering and customer service. Using this curriculum, ODC staff provide onsite education and training at a Weiler store. Upon completion of the training, individuals are tested on all components of the training, and the Weiler store will sign off on the Certificate of Competency.
JUN 2016
JUL 2015
program for successful employment
• Hired in a retail position at Weiler Convenience Store
SUCCESS! individuals
who work in ODC's center-based training program got their FIRST COMMUNITY JOB in 2016! 2016 ANNUAL REPORT
PERSEVERANCE Skyler’s mom was at her son’s 2016 Project SEARCH graduation ceremony at Ministry Saint Joseph’s Hospital in Marshfield. It was one of her proudest moments. “Project SEARCH gave me my son back,” she said. Skyler began his final year of high school in the Project SEARCH program at the request of his mom, but he wasn’t so sure about the decision. He wasn’t happy, and it showed... until he began his first internship rotation in the hospital’s Environmental Services department. “When he started his internship, he was very quiet and not sure what he wanted to do,” said Adam Tews, Environmental Services Manager at the hospital. “Like a deer in the headlights!” “Since that time, he has come so far that it’s amazing,” said Adam. “How much he enjoys his work, the skills that he has learned and the interaction with his coworkers are what brought Skyler out of his shell. We really got to see the “true” Skyler, and that was the coolest thing.”
Typically, Project SEARCH interns complete three rotations in three different hospital departments throughout the school year. But Skyler stayed with Environmental Services during his second rotation as well. That’s because Environmental Services had an issue that needed fixing, and Skyler was just the man to do it. Before Skyler came on board, all of the housekeepers throughout the entire hospital would come to the supply area and grab the products that they needed. But Adam and his staff developed a much-needed role for Skyler – he began tracking and delivering products to every department. Because of this, Adam was able to control inventory and began seeing a cost savings in supplies as well as labor. “I absolutely did not want to lose Skyler at the end of the internship,” said Adam. “We loved having him in the department... he was a great fit and doing a great job, always polite, respectful and helpful, responsive and quick to get people what they needed.” Skyler was hired as a permanent employee in the Environmental Services department on March 2nd, before his Project SEARCH graduation ceremony.
PROJECT SEARCH GRADS ARE SUCCESSFULLY EMPLOYED IN THEIR COMMUNITIES. 35 individuals have graduated from the Marshfield program, which is currently in its 6th year. The Wisconsin Rapids program graduated 12 students in its first year in 2016.
“Project SEARCH is a fantastic program,” said Adam. “The biggest eye-openers for me were not only seeing Skyer’s transformation but seeing the graduation ceremony itself. When I experienced it for the first time, it really made me think about who these young people are when they start the program, what they’ve learned and what you have helped them to experience. Such a heartwarming deal... you feel like you’re doing the right thing for the community and for the individual.”
What's Project SEARCH? Project SEARCH is a partnership between ODC, the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR), Community Link, Inc., local school districts, and host businesses Ministry Saint Joseph’s Hospital in Marshfield and Aspirus Riverview Hospital & Clinics in Wisconsin Rapids. Participants spend their last year of high school at a host business location, studying curriculum that focuses on work and independent life readiness, and rotating through three different internships within the workplace setting. The coursework is taught by a school district instructor dedicated to Project SEARCH, who works alongside ODC job coaches to support participants as they perform their internships in various departments. ODC job coaches provide interns with training and support throughout their rotations, help them prepare for the job search and interview process, and assist them in finding and keeping a job after graduation. Project SEARCH is an internationally recognized model of employment training for young adults with disabilities. The program was developed in 1996 by Nurse J. Erin Riehle, then the director of the emergency department at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center (CCHMC). As the flagship program, CCHMC provides technical assistance for replication and overall leadership to Project SEARCH worldwide.
Nichole “The perfect fit” describes a lot of opportunities that have come Nichole’s way. Take, for example, the Project SEARCH program itself. “When she started in Project SEARCH, Nichole was very, very shy,” said Alice Wallner, one of ODC’s Project SEARCH Employment Coordinators. “She wouldn’t even look up to say ‘hello’”. But her first internship at Aspirus Riverview Hospital & Clinics was in the volunteer and community relations department, where she greeted hospital guests and patients and directed them to their destinations. According to Alice, it was an amazing, life-changing experience for Nichole. “She began communicating and engaging with visitors at the volunteer desk,” said Alice. “She really had come out of her shell.” Nichole’s second internship in the medical records department brought even more opportunity for growth... and for employment! She learned to scan and archive documents for the hospital – a position, it turns out, that Duncan Disability Law in Nekoosa was looking to fill. Nichole graduated from Project SEARCH and found another “perfect fit”!
“We put our money where our mouth is.” “People need to feel like they matter, like they have a purpose,” said Chris, “and if we can provide that purpose and provide them with a supportive environment... I just don’t think there is anything better.” Duncan Disability Law stepped up to provide the office accommodations that Nichole needs to do her job effectively. They even provide access to her ODC job coaches via the Skype program on her computer, should she need assistance. “Most of us have disabilities in some form or another,” said Jon Blum, an attorney with the firm. “Some are more obvious, some are less obvious, but we’ve all got them. Being able to accommodate so that we can all use the gifts that we do have and be very productive is something special.” “What strikes me most about Nichole is that she always has a smile on her face,” said Jon, “and it’s contagious! I don’t think I’ve ever seen her without one! She is always a pleasure to be around, and it makes everyone’s day better.” According to Chris, “Nichole is now a piece of our puzzle.”
“It’s always been important to us to hire people with disabilities - it’s part of who we are,” said Chris Duncan, Office Manager and Non-Attorney Claimants Representative at Duncan Disability Law. 2016 ANNUAL REPORT
SUPPORT 2016 DONORS Categories of Giving Cornerstone $10,000+ Charter $5,000 - 9,999 Patron $1,000 - 4,999 Supporting $500 - 999 Sustaining $100 - 499 Active $1 - 99
Alexander Charitable Foundation - Leslie Veneman Arendt Anonymous (2) Incourage Community Foundation Jacob Searles Cranberry Co. Legacy Foundation of Central Wisconsin Linnehan, Casper Mead Witter Foundation St. John the Baptist Church Umhoefer Foundation Women Helping Out (WHO) WoodTrust-Bell Foundation
Alexander Charitable Foundation - John A. Casey Anonymous Gasch, Don & Marlene Jasperson Family Foundation Nasonville Dairy Newman, June & Roger Robert W. Clark Foundation Schreiner, Paul & JoAnn Donor Advised Fund through Marshfield Area Community Foundation
Anonymous Aumann, Dale & Laureen Bell, Steve & Paula Blanke, Scott & Ann Conterato, James & Lynn Deuser Cronkrite, Kathy - In Memory of Thomas J. Buehler, Janice Buckley, Patricia Ottelein and Mary Kaetterhenry Daly, Pat & Kathy Dental Clinic of Marshfield Doine, Ron & Diane Edwin F. Schild Charitable Foundation Elm Lake Cranberry Company First Congregational Church - Wisconsin Rapids Forward Financial Bank Getsinger, Richard & Selma - In Memory of Michael Coleman (Getsinger) Getzin, Pat & Mary Anne - In Honor of Kerry Getzin Hamus, Floyd & Pat Hayes, Dr. John & Stephanie
Hill, Don Jansen, Matthew & Susan Johnson, Jerold & Teri Kenney, Richard J. Knights of Columbus - Marshfield Knights of Columbus - Wisconsin Rapids Koehler, Kevin Kumm, Dave & Patti Maurer, Ronald & Ellen Melsen, Clara Paper City Savings Charitable Foundation Peters, Dick & Marge Rifleman, Russ & Karen Solarus Thompson, Germaine Twin Lakes Cranberry Co., LLC Veneman Ozanick, Jill Walker, Bob & Pauline Wilson, Deborah Winters, Janice York, Dwight & Mary - On Behalf of the Schwab Charitable Fund - In Honor of Pam Ross
Anonymous (4) Boyle, Timothy Broga, Laurie Brussow, Tim & Julie Buehler, Marshall Costigan, Jeffry Davis, Paul & Lynn - In Honor of Scott Davis & In Memory of Elaine Davis Dempze, Gary & Susan Dick, Larry & Donna - In Memory Of Kyle Dick Dolan, Harold & Kathleen Meyer Enkro, Bernard & Geraldine Ewert, Dr. Brian & Kathleen Rulka Fehrenbach/Mogg & Associates, Inc. Fischer, Patricia & Gary Gene Hill Construction, Inc. Gershman, Randy & Joyce Gotz, LeAnn - In Honor of Michael Balzer & In Memory of Dorothy Boger Harvey, Edward & Stephanie Heiting, Bill & Sue Helwig, Dan & Sharon Hendrickson, Annette Heritage Bank Ironside, Leonard & Mary Kamerer, Howard Kirschling, Dr. & Mrs. Ron Kollross, Joe & Lauri Lang, James E. - In Memory of Jeanette Lang Lee, Ed & Cindy Lotzer, Donalyn & Edward Mancl, Ron & Bonnie Mancl, Tim & Roxanne Marshfield Clinic Meissner, Josh & Sheri Miles, Bill & Cheryl Norm-E-Lane, Inc. Office Enterprises, Inc. Ousley, Mary
Power Pac, Inc. Reding, Dr. Douglas & Janet Crossley Reed, Marge Renaissance Learning, Inc. Roehl, Everett & Delores Ross, Les & Pam Schloer, Chuck & Jane Schommer, Ken - In Memory of Pat Schommer Searles, Clare & Charlotte Security Health Plan of Wisconsin Sniadajewski, Deb The Dental Suite - In Honor of Jimmy Grundman Thomalla, Vince & Gail Thrivent Financial Choice Program Timm, Craig - In Memory Of Reuben & Harriet Timm Tork, David & Cindy Varga, Joe & Linda - In Memory of Alex Mancl Waid, Sherri Walling, Eldean Weber, Bob & Rita Hanneman Wied, Don & Karen - In Honor of Luke Krause Wood County Medical Society
A-1 Services Wisconsin Rapids, LLC Akey, Dr. & Mrs. William Albrecht, Lee & Vickie Allen, Patricia Alliant Energy Foundation, Inc. Allison, Edwin F., Jr. Altmann Construction Co, Inc. Amazon Smile Anderson, Bill & Virgene Andrews, Dr. Steven & Susan Anonymous (31) Anonymous - In Memory of Michael Coleman (Getsinger) Arendt, John & Barb Armatoski, Daniel & Mary - In Memory of Richard Armatoski Armitage, Armen - In Memory of Rosemary Armitage Aron, Shelley Bailey, David & Heather Baltus, John & Cherie Balzer, Jim & Elaine - In Memory of Erving & Bernice Balzer Barrette, Lorraine Bartelt, Jim & Sheryl Batten, Dave & Marcy - In Memory of Tammy Batten Bean, Irv & Sharon Bernhardt, Arthur Berrier, Matt & Margo Bitner, Thomas & Carole Radeztsky Blanchard, Mary Blum, Jennifer & Sam Simms Bogaard, Bill & Jan Bohn Trucking & Excavating, Inc. - In Memory of Wally & Angie Bohn Boson, Kurt & Ann
Boulet, Bill & Phyllis Bovee, Mike & Susan Brazeau, Nick Brazeau, William & Nancy Brewer, Jeff & Karen Buckman, Rev. Robert - In Memory of Carol Buckman Buehler, Dennis & Sue Buena Vista Investment Management, Inc. Burger, Joe & Terry Burrill, Beverly Buttke, Clay & Carol Callahan, Larry & Judy Casey, Dan & Connie Catalyst Biron Mill Changes Within Chen, Hong Mo & His-Mei Christ Lutheran Church Board of Social Ministries Christensen, Ken C-J Searles Cranberry Clark, Jr., Harold & Joan Cleveland, David & Tina Collett, Groff & Lila Costello, Gloria Cousins, Steve & Margo Crockett Septic / Lori Leggett Crowther, Dr. & Mrs. David Culhane, John & Toni Cusic, Marshall & Georgeanne Dalum, Pat & Peter Damrau, Wayne & Gerry - In Memory of Doug Damrau Davis, Kathryn Denny, Edward & Laura Nelke DeVetter, Dennis & Roberta Dimka, Kathleen - In Honor of Jeffrey Daven, Jr. Donahue, Alice - In Memory of Bob Donahue Drendel, Tom & Laura Duffy, Doug & Linda - In Honor of Pam Ross DuPree, Sheila - In Memory of James DuPree Dye, Richard & Sandy Eilers, Mary Lou - In Memory of Donald Eilers Endrizzi, Gilbert - In Memory of Robert Endrizzi Englehart, Ed & Deb Fanning Cranberry Company, Inc. Fara, Dan & Nancy Fellenz, Aaron Feneli, James E. Firminhac, James Fish, Ron & Betty Fleming, Spring & Nick Poeschel Fleury, Fred & Marilyn Folz, Neal & Mary Food Partners International, LLC Frankland, Terry & Allean Gasch, Scott and Cindy - In Honor of Melissa Meyer Gehrke, Gregg & Elizabeth Gibbons, Charles & Gayle
Gibson, John - Tricor Insurance Glodosky, Mike & Diane Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Grace Lutheran Church Gribble, Bob & Mindy Gropp, Lori & Jake Gross Motors, Inc. Gruenloh, John & Deb Grundman, Mark & Bonnie - In Honor of James Robert Grundman Guensburg, Pat & Wendy - In Memory of Iris & Jerry Guensburg Haasl, Jerry & Dawn Family Fund Haessly, Brad & Kendra Hamus, Jeff & Michelle Hane, Mary Jo Hanneman, Tom & Carol Hardacre, Marilyn Hasenohrl, Don & Kathleen Hastreiter, Julie - In Memory of Walt Minder Heck, Robert Heiting, Ken & Ardyce Herbert H. Kohl Charities, Inc. Heuer, Ed & Mary Hillstead, Jon & Diana Hittner, Mike & Barb Hoehn, James & Nancy Goldberg Holubets, Jerry & Mary - In Memory of Linda Behrens, Roy Luedtke, Sr., Gladys Uthmeier Huebner, Tim & Pam Hughson, H. Maxwell & Elizabeth J. Jarvis, Bill & Chris Jeff Clark & Associates, LLC Jero, Craig & Paula Jesse, Fred & Joan - In Memory of David Boger Johnson, Bill & Cheryl Johnson, Gaylord & Mable Joosten Johnson, Melani Karberg, Bill & Joanne Kauth, Lee Keel, David - In Memory of John H. Keel KeySavings Bank Killian, Elaine - In Honor of Bill Weinfurter Klein, Phyllis - In Memory of Bob & Bobby Klein Knapinski, Ethel Knorr, Glenn & Bette Knuth, Ron Kohnen, William & Bette - In Memory of William Kohnen, III Kolar Vision Center Kraemer, Ken & Lisa Kroll, Lois Ann - In Honor of Allison & Matt Krommenacker, David & Donna Krueger, James H. & Jenny L. Resch Kryshak, Gary & Chris Kubisiak, Gloria Kulas, Keith Kurtzweil, Floreine La Chapelle, J.P. & Brittany Labor Day Picnic Committee - Wisconsin Rapids Lang, Lyle & Julie Leverton, Mary Ann & Cecil Magnin, George & Anna Markworth, Ronald V. Marshfield Young Professionals Martin, Father Samuel Mason, Dave & Pat Mason, Jo Lee Mathews, Arliss Mathews, George & Jean Mazurek, Dave & Chelsey Meissner, Jerry & Diane Merkel, Anne & Bob Mertes, Mark & Mary
Meyer, Dr. James A. Meyer, Mike & Patti - In Honor of Melissa Meyer Midwest Dental Care Mondovi, Inc. Miller CPA & Consulting, LLC Miller, Jacqueline Morgan, Susan Mork, Bill & Mary Mortier, Chris Mueller, Janet Mueller, Ralph & Diane Mueller, Rick & Barbara Mukherjee, Dr. Rama P. Nalbach, Joe & Sharon Nettesheim, Gregory & Pamela Neve, La Verne - In Memory of Christine M. Neve Nienaber, Mary & Harry Nikolai, Don & Penny Nikolai, Dr. Thomas - In Memory of Hilda Nikolai Nygaard, Duane & Valerie Nystrom, Don & Barb Nywall, Soren & Bev Oleson, Richard Olinyk, Mark & Patti Olson, Pete & Lisa Paine, Charles & Patti Haney Parmeter, Tod & Sharon Patrykus, David & Marlis Pecher, Janet - In Memory Of Urban Pecher PEO Sisterhood Chapter O Pepin, Curtis & Dorothy - In Honor of Aaron Pepin Peters, Mark - In Honor of ODC Peterson, Bob & Laurel Pfender, Bob & Linda Piatt, John & Dorothy Podvin, Fran & Jean Poehnelt, Catherine Ponce, Mario - In Memory of Minerva Ponce Priske, Dan & Carole Rathermel, Donna RE/Max American Dream Reichert, Jerry & Donna Reinhart, Marty & Laurie Reinke, Dave & Cathy - In Memory of Marge & Gary Rezin, Doug & Debra Richards, Ron & Terri Rosandick, Louie & Libby Ruesch, Brian & Mary - In Honor of Pam Ross Ryan, Jane & Michael Santoski, Jeanette Schill, Mary Ellen Schmidt, Ed & Erin Schmidt, Mary Ann Schneeberg, Mel & Carol Schoenherr, Scott & Jeni Schreiber, Dr. Donald & Linda NelsonSchreiber Schueller, Don & Jackie Schueller, Duane Schuetz, Patricia - In Memory of Philip Schuetz Schumacher, Patti Schwartz, Leanne Seifert, Richard & Jane Sell, Diane Semrow, Richard & Elaine Sheker, Bill & Nancy Shewchuk, James & Iris Siewert Family - In Memory of Ida Lee Siewert Silberman, Mr. Myron & Dr. Theresa Skifton, Richard & Dianne Slater, Vicky - In Memory of Carl Wartman
Smekrud, Ann Smith, Ann & Lyman Smith, Beatrice Spaeth, Stephanie & Sue Decker - Century 21 Gold Key Team Decker Staab, Aaron & Donna Stark, Samantha Steele, John & Judy Stein, Don & Pat Steinhilber, Lori & David - In Memory of Marge Ross Stevens, Michael & Mary Stevning-Roe, Bart & Ann Stewart, Scott & Cathy Stoltz, Jerry & Pat - In Memory of Victoria Stoltz Stratford Sign Company, LLC Sunrise Rotary - Wisconsin Rapids Swanson, Jim & Debi Swanson, Mark & Mary Jane Taylor, Pete & Nan TerMaat, Dale & Kathy - In Memory of Jeff TerMaat Thiel, Dave & Karen Thornton, John & Lisa Timdal, Mary Time Federal Savings Bank Tool Shed, Inc. Topp, Clarence & Pat Toyama, Bill & Gerri Travel Class of Wisconsin Rapids TRICOR Insurance Trierweiler, Pat Turba, Larry & Nancy Twiggs, John & Sue - In Honor of Michael Gilboy United Methodist Women - Port Edwards United Methodist Women - Wisconsin Rapids Vietnam Veterans of America - Chapter 101 Vilbaum, Dale & Donna Voelker, Tom & Kathy Vos, Marv & Ruth Wachowiak, Paul & Cheryl - In Memory of Ruth Wilke Wagner, Steven & Patricia Wangen, Roger & Mary Lou Ward, Aden & Kay Wardour, Jason & Tracy Waters, John & Nancy Weber, Mark & Rosemarie Wein, Norman & Sharon Weis Electric, Inc. Wenzlaff, Jim & Nancy Wepfer, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Wesbrook, Fred & Diana Whitston, Tonya Willard, Kirk & Becky Willfahrt, Connie & Duane Williams, Ruth Wing, John & Kutzie Winters, Mike & Marlene Wirtz, Mary & Jeff - In Honor of Pam Ross Wiskerchen Cheese, Inc. Wiskerchen, Ron & Joyce Wolosek, Gerry Wood, Peter & Betsy Zander, Tim & Barbara Zittleman, Ken & Norma
Abler, Louis - In Honor of Tom Abler Aguilero, Olga Allen, Don & Joan Ancel, Joseph & Guadalupe Anhalt, Jeff & Cathy Anonymous (25) Anonymous - In Memory of Mary Stoltz
Aschenbrenner, Linda & Scott Balzer, Michael Berryman, Jim & Carol Beyerl, Dr. & Mrs. Gerald Bingham, John - In Memory of Karen Bingham Binning, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Bosley, Sandra - In Honor of Jennie Bosley Boxrucker, Gerald & Carol Brandl, Bob & Linda Bredl, Etta Breit, Rodney & Cheryl Brockman, Nathan & Betty Brott, Pat - In Memory of Terry Brott Buckman, David - In Memory of Carol Buckman Budzinski, Richard & Joanne Bukowski, Winn - In Memory of Dan & Jeannine Meyer Byom, Jon & Sue Campbell, John & Kathy Carrigan, Jack & Pete Caruso, Lina Cavanaugh, Kathleen Chang, Sam & Kathy Christopherson, Dan & Karen Ciardelli, Janet & Al Clark, Dr. & Mrs. John Clauson, Darryl & Joyce Cleveland, Al & Sherry Crowther, Kaylan Cuff, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dahl, Nelson & Pamela David, Margaret - In Memory of Leon David Davis, Tom & Carol De Jarlais, Richard & Colleen Deckow, Tom & Sue Deitz, Janice - In Memory of Dorothy & David Boger DeJarlais, Richard & Colleen Derks, Arthur & Kay - In Honor of Nathan Derks Dickson, Dale & Brenda Drewiske, Greg & Rebekah Ellis, Frederick P. Ellis, Patricia Falk, Jerry & Lisa Feldner, Karen Ferch, Arlan & Priscilla Fischer, Ron & Karen Flatt, June Fuge, Mike Giese, Jim & Joanne Grace, Dave & Patti Gregg, Thomas & Ellen Cree Grode, Lorraine Gropp, Katie Gross, Bruce & Alida - In Honor of Ashley Heinzen Grueneberg, Bonnie Haefer, Lynn Halida, Kim Hall, Gary & Karen Hamus, Rich & Kathy Hanneman, Todd & Cherie Hansen, Elaine Hanson, Joyce Mae Hanson, Ken & Carol Hartman, Dick & Darlene - In Memory of Alice Erdman Hass, Jim & Marge Hegg, Joan - In Honor of Jeffrey Daven, Jr. Heidmann, Vivian Heindl, Lester & Mona Herkert, Paul & Rebecca Heuer, Kurt & Kim - In Honor Of Matt Nettesheim Hill, Eugene & Nancy Hinrichsen, Marjorie
ODC is an organization we hold in high regard. We give to ODC because we believe in its mission. We give to ODC because we feel it is a valuable community resource, in which management and staff truly care about the people they serve. Not only does ODC help individuals gain job skills and employment, but they also help build bridges between people that might not normally connect with one another. ODC makes our community a better place to live. - Becky Kettleson, WoodTrust-Bell Foundation
Huebner, Mr. & Mrs. Roland Hulke, Michael & Karolyn Hunn, Bob & Mary Ruth Hutkowski, Jerry & Betty I. Brandl, Inc. Isensee, Joyce Iwanski, Maynard & Betty - In Memory of Joan Zarecki Jagodzinski, Bernadine Janz, Dennis & Deborah Jens, Barry & Nancy Jorgensen, Yvonne - In Memory of Clarice Bonsack Juncer, Dennis & Ann Kamps, Dick & Gretchen Kaufman, Calvin & Arlene Kelman, Donald & Cynthia Kennedy, Dianne - In Memory of Patricia Ottelein Kiesling, Cindy Kingston, Richard & Mary Kipfer, Steve and Karolyn Kiwanis Club of Marshfield Klein, Richard & Shirley Klement, Mary Ellen Kluender, Don & Jean Kniech, Jim & Laurel Knobeck, Lon & Beth Koehntopp, James & Bernadine - In Memory of James Penney Krasny, Don & Joan Krause, Sandy & Terry Krohn, Inez Ksionek, Bernie & Becky Kubisiak, Peggy Kurszewski, Wesley & Jill LaComb, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Sr. Ladick, Bernadine Landry, Mr. & Mrs. James Lau, Rick & Cindy Laughlin, Bernard & Marshall Leick, John & Pam Lenz, Jack & Lorraine Lippert, MaryAnn & Jerry Lubeck, Myron & Ramona - In Memory of Robert Donahue Mader, Rob & Leslie Malak, Warren & Christine - In Memory of Doug Damrau Mancl, Don & Linda Arndt
Mancusi, David & Nancy Manske, Mary Mathews, Deane & Joann Matsch, Dick & Margaret Matthews, Bill & Eunice McCarville, Dan Mehr, Mike & Pat Meyer, Christopher & Carrie Meyer, Sue Michau, Mary Ann - In Memory of Cherril Michau Tufi Miller, Larry & Judy Miller, Lisa - In Memory of David & Dorothy Boger Miller, Ted & Johnnie Mitchell, Sue - In Memory of Andrea Carol Mitchell Nelson, Gerald & Mary Nelson, Mark & Bridget O'Brien Nelson, Ron & Karla Nennig, Jon & Mary Neumann, Bernice Neumann-McNulty, Gene & Rita Nickerson, Gretta Noonan, Nathalie - In Memory of Gene Noonan Olsen, Thomas & Karen Olson, Scott & Margi Opitz, Jim & Carolyn Oravez, Walter & Gloria Ose, Al & Peggy Ostrowski, Edward & Jolene PEO Sisterhood Chapter ED Peters, Marjorie Pfeiffer, Connie Pribnow, Kathleen Prokash, Ken & Kristi Quick, Nancy Reichert, Mr. & Mrs. Norman Reigel, Lavern & Ruth - In Honor of Janice K. Reigel Reyes, Karen Riepe, Roger & Patricia Rodriguez, Sergio & Elodea Roehl, Carl & Janet - In Memory of Jack & Jerry Roehl Rokus, Jim & Mary Beth Ross, Louise M. Sabatke, Gary & Deb Saylor, Sr., Jim & Connie Schiller, Donald & Clara Schiller, Pauline - In Memory of Ted Schiller Schneider, Sharon Schoenick, Dean & Debra Shields, Jason & Kimberly
Siorek, Marek & Jamie Smart, Pete & Donna Smith, Richard & Sandra Specht, Norbert & Rosella - In Honor of Rosanne Specht Stark, Mike & Beth Starr, Nancy - In Honor Of Hannah Osborne Steinert, Duane & Judy - In Memory of Eric & Shirley Hedquist Steinhilber, Lee & Janis Stich, Fred & Shelley Stini, Caroline - In Memory of David Stini Strehl, Ken & Diane Suzda, Jan Swenson, Ken & Jean - In Memory of Sandy Hook Elementary School Children Szelagowski, Terry & Pauline Taggatz, Ruth Tauschek, Mary & Frank - In Honor of Ben Tauschek Tenpas, Lyle & Ruth Thompson, Mr. & Mrs. Alan Toltzman, Orin & Linda - In Memory of Marlene Below V&H Automotive Van Duser, Jim & Arlene VerVoort, Gail Villars, Michael & Debbie Schilleman Voigtman, Pris Walker, Rodney & Jaclyn Waltz, Robert & Deanna Wefel, Walter & Jane Weis, Donald & Betty Weiss, Chuck & Bonnie Wells, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wendlandt, Doug & Sue Whitrock, Judy & Bob Wickersham, Robert Witzel, Sara - In Memory of Pastor Thomas Witzel Zais, Don & Lyn Zaleski, Pat & Katherine Zimmerman, Bob & Helen
DISTRIBUTIONS FROM ENDOWED FUNDS Incourage Community Foundation Distributions
Charles & Helen Mullen Memorial Endowment Fund Frank & LeAnn Gotz Fund - In Memory of Frank Gotz & In Honor of the Debonaires Orchestra Helen Mead Designated Fund for the Benefit of ODC Margaret Newton Leist Memorial Fund Opportunity Development Centers, Inc. Fund Robert & Elizabeth Maier Fund for the Benefit of ODC Wilbur & Margaret Gelbke Endowment Fund for the Benefit of ODC
THRIVENT CHOICE PROGRAM DONATIONS DIRECTED TO ODC Faehling, Sandra Grimm, Barbara Heinzen, Ashley Huebner, Therese & Roland Kingston, Richard & Mary Sigler, Robin & Paul Stecker, Alexander
In Memory of Linda Behrens Holubets, Jerry & Mary Schueller, Don & Jackie
In Memory of Tom Drendel Peterson, Bob & Laurel Ross, Les & Pam Silberman, Mr. Myron & Dr. Theresa
In Memory of Tom Janke
Anonymous Arendt, John & Barb Budzinski, Richard & Joanne Buena Vista Investment Management, Inc. Christopherson, Dan & Karen Crowther, Kaylan Davis, Tom & Carol Feldner, Karen Hulke, Michael & Karolyn Isensee, Joyce Mazurek, Dave & Chelsey McCarville, Dan Nywall, Soren & Bev Ross, Les & Pam Schoenick, Dean & Debra Shields, Jason & Kimberly Smart, Pete & Donna Stark, Mike & Beth Taggatz, Ruth Taylor, Pete & Nan VerVoort, Gail Walker, Rodney & Jaclyn
In Memory of Josephine "Josie" Sommer Kolross, Joe & Lauri Marshfield Clinic
Marshfield Area Community Foundation Distributions ODC, Inc. Fund
Bishamon Industries Hawkins, Ash, Baptie & Company, LLP Lang, Lyle & Julie Neenah Paper Schroeder, Dixie Steel King Industries, Inc.
Statement of Financial Position ASSETS
Cash & Cash Equivalents
Accounts Receivable
Property & Equipment, Net
Investments - Endowment Fund
Beneficial Interest in Assets Held by Others
Other Assets
Accounts Payable
Accrued Expenses
Line of Credit & Capital Lease Obligation
$ 1,077,973
Statement of Financial Activities REVENUE & SUPPORT
In-kind Contributions
Unrealized Gains (Losses) from Investments
Vocational Program Fees & Grants Program Service Revenue - Sales & Other Contributions & Fund Raising Revenue (including restricted donations)
Investment Return
Revenue Sources
Change in Value of Beneficial Interest
41% 7%
Financial statements audited by Hawkins Ash CPAs. For a copy of the audit please contact ODC.
1191 Huntington Avenue Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54494 715-424-2712 2406 East 21st Street Marshfield, WI 54449 715-387-1161 41 Park Ridge Drive Stevens Point, WI 54481 715-344-4563 1027 S 17th Avenue Suite C Wausau, WI 54401 715-842-2300
Community & Donor Relations 715-818-6451
Electronics Recycling 715-424-2712 WR 715-387-1161 MFLD
Employment Services 715-818-6443 WR 715-996-1701 MFLD 715-344-4563 SP 715-842-2300 WAU
Hidden Creek Kitchen
715-818-6481 hiddencreekkitchen.com
an ODC Enterprise
Mailing / Print Services 715-818-6467
ODC, Inc.
Instagram LinkedIn
Opportunity Development Centers
Opportunity Development Centers
Milkweed Market
For more information about ODC, Inc. and how your gifts are utilized, contact Pam Ross, ODC President at 715-818-6447 or pross@odcinc.com.
etsy.com/shop/TheMilkweedMarket milkweedmarket@odcinc.com
If we have made an error or omitted a name from this list, please accept our apologies. We would appreciate if you would let us know by calling 715-818-6451.
an ODC Enterprise
Subcontract Services 715-818-6466
Board of Directors (as of 1/1/2017) Jeff Meyers Chairperson
WoodTrust Bank Vice President - Commercial Lending
Gary Cumley Vice-Chairperson Barbara Friedrich Secretary Lori Gropp Treasurer
Marshfield Clinic
Sherri Galle-Teske
Nan Taylor
Director of Membership & Engagement
Director, Business Development & Community Relations
Jeff Hill
Marcia Tepp
Cindy Kiesling
Allen Thurber
Executive Director
Corporate Controller
National Wellness Institute
Gene Hill Construction
Labor Education and Training Center
Josh Linn
Marshfield High School
Academic Business Systems Manager, Div. of Education
Social Studies Teacher
Sue Anderson
Diane Meissner
Vice President - BOP/SOP Manager
Brenda Dillenburg
Tammy Salewski
Marshfield Campus Dean
Vice President
Associated Bank
Mid-State Technical College
High Street Salon, Spa & Travel
Ron’s Refrigeration & Air Conditioning, Inc.
Aspirus Riverview Hospital & Clinics
UW-Stevens Point
Renaissance Learning