The words “community” and “connect” have been featured in our annual reports over the past few years, and with good reason. Since 2009, ODC has been transforming from a “place” where people with disabilities come to receive services to a “resource” that provides individuals with the opportunities and support they need to connect to their community in both work and life. This year, you’ll see the words “reaching out” on almost every page. 2017 was another year of growth and transformation for ODC… we’ve established new services, served new populations, created new partnerships and expanded into new communities. We’re reaching out more than ever before, helping the individuals we serve become engaged in their community, and helping our community members become engaged with ODC.
ODC continues to be innovative in creating opportunities for those we serve. In this report, you’ll read about our new school-to-work Transition Services, which help students with disabilities who are as young as age 14 begin preparing for work and life after high school. Our CommunityConnect services teach skills, and increase independence and confidence, and CareerConnect helps individuals achieve and maintain employment
individuals served
individuals served
In January 2017, ODC merged with Community Industries Corporation (CIC) in Stevens Point, accounting for a portion of this increase.
in the community. We have enhanced our Day Services using a “therapeutic recreation” approach, to help individuals achieve their highest level of independence. Our Project SEARCH programs in Wisconsin Rapids and Marshfield continue to transform young lives… and we’re ramping up to begin the next school year with a new Project SEARCH in Wausau. “Community” is at the core of all we do. The success of our services and our participants is entirely dependent on the partnerships we’ve built with community members, businesses and organizations. We thank you for your support as an employer, customer, volunteer or donor. May we continue to work together to create communities that are enriched by the abilities and contributions of all members.
Pam Ross, ODC President
Jeff Meyers, Board of Directors Chairperson
individuals served in one or more ODC services
including CareerConnect, CommunityConnect™, School-to-Work Transition Services (including Project SEARCH), Day Services and center-based prevocational training, in 2017.
FRONT COVER: Sara Schueller, ODC Transition Services Developer, helps John get set up for one of his Prevocational Accelerated Career Enhancement (PACE) classroom sessions. PACE utilizes an online assessment tool created by the Conover Company that was designed to help individuals with disabilities transition to community employment. The assessment includes: an Interest Indicator, which explores career interests; a Learning Assessment Program, which demonstrates how math, communication and problem-solving skills relate to the actual demands of a career; A Career Planner, which explores the job market and job opportunities within a person’s field of interest; and Work Samples, which provide opportunities for hands-on learning.
2017 ANNUAL REPORT Lincoln
Marathon Clark
students in
Wood, Adams, Clark & Marathon counties worked with ODC’s school-to-work Transition Services team in 2017.
ODC transition services implemented ODC developing transition services
ODC staff instruct students in the importance of “soft skills” utilizing Skills to Pay the Bills, a DVR-supported training program. In 2017, summer and school-year classes were held at schools in Adams-Friendship, Marshfield and Wisconsin Rapids. In preparing for work after high school, students like Katie, at The Laundromutt, and Andrew, at Dunkin Donuts, participate in temporary work experiences supported by ODC staff and DVR.
ODC SCHOOL-TO-WORK TRANSITION SERVICES Change can be challenging, yet more often than not it leads ODC to unique opportunities for growth and innovation.
community employment for many years,” said Sara. “Now, we’re using our expertise to serve a younger population.”
So when new federal laws created a shift in the types of services that schools and the Department of Workforce Development – Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) were required to offer for students with disabilities prior to graduation - as early as age 14 - ODC’s Transition Services program was born.
With DVR support, ODC staff bring a curriculum called Skills to Pay the Bills directly to the students’ classrooms. The curriculum focuses on “soft skills” including communication, enthusiasm and attitude, teamwork, networking, problem-solving and professionalism. ODC staff follow up these classroom sessions with DVR-supported internships and temporary work experiences for the students at local businesses.
“These changes put a real focus on making sure that students are prepared for community employment right after graduation,” said Sara Schueller, ODC Transition Services Developer, who has been heading up the program since its inception in early 2017. “ODC wanted to be a leader in providing the services needed for students to successfully transition from school to work.” So Sara began reaching out to 32 schools in seven counties, including Adams, Clark, Lincoln, Marathon, Portage, Taylor and Wood. Recognizing that districts are now required to provide transition services to their students, but that many are short-staffed or have schedules jam-packed with day-to-day lessons, Sara offered ODC’s assistance. “ODC has been providing services that help individuals succeed in
“When we begin working with students at a younger age,” said Sara, “they will hopefully have had a variety of work experiences by the time they graduate. Our goal is that on graduation day, the student will already have a permanent job in place, and ODC will continue to support them into adult services.” “I love the partnerships,” she said. “Working with school districts, teachers, DVR, students, parents... it’s such a team effort! That’s really exciting!”
ODC COMMUNITYCONNECT™ SERVICES NICOLE It was just one year ago that Nicole decided to join one of ODC’s CommunityConnect groups. She was a quiet, very shy individual, so this step was a big one. “Nicole started as a volunteer with the Boys & Girls Club program,” said Laura Krause, ODC Community Connector. “The first time she visited the volunteer site at Mead School, she literally sat on a chair and clutched her purse for two hours, she was so petrified.” That was then. Now, Laura has to search for Nicole when she visits the program location. “She is in one classroom or another,” said Laura, “independently leading activities with the kids.”
As her confidence grew, Nicole became really excited about finding community employment. Danielle Nystrom, ODC Employment Coordinator, set Nicole up with a DVR-supported temporary on-the-job assessment at Hotel Mead in Wisconsin Rapids. While working in their kitchen, Nicole found her calling. “She is now passionate about working in a kitchen,” said Danielle. “She is such a self-advocate, working with me to identify job openings that are right for her.” “She’s really excited to work,” said Danielle, “and we’re really excited to help her get there!”
BRANDON Always smiling! Those are words used to describe Brandon by almost everyone who knows him, including his coworkers at Anytime Fitness. Brandon is also a perfect example of how combining all of ODC’s service options can lead to success in community employment. Brandon joined an ODC CommunityConnect group in 2016, after having participated in center-based prevocational services and Day Services. He wanted to volunteer, and began by helping to keep the floors and windows at Christ Lutheran Church in Marshfield clean and shining. He then began volunteering at Hope Lodge, where his duties included cleaning and sanitizing their exercise area and equipment. What came next? All of that cleaning experience helped Brandon to secure a permanent position at Anytime Fitness in 2017! His volunteer duties at Hope Lodge made him a great fit for the position. ODC and DVR worked together to support Brandon through his job search and training. Although Brandon really excelled at keeping the facility clean, ODC staff continued to support him for an extended period of time to help him work on his communication skills.
All the while, Brandon has been smiling!
individuals have participated in ODC’s CommunityConnect service since October 2015.
21 9
individuals increased employment hours individuals achieved community employment for the first time
WHAT IS COMMUNITYCONNECT? CommunityConnect is a service that enhances the lives of individuals “outside of work”, and helps them take steps toward community employment. All CommunityConnect activities happen in the community within small groups supported by ODC staff. Groups explore places and activities in the community, visit businesses and learn about jobs, volunteer to practice skills and give back to the community, and get connected to things that interest them as individuals. This service is supported in part by Inclusa, Inc., and has ultimately resulted in many individuals getting their first community job; it has also helped individuals gain confidence while in the community and develop lasting connections to people, places and activities of interest to them.
ODC CAREERCONNECT SERVICES MATTHEW In the words of Diane Weiler, Human Resources Officer, Pioneer Bank: “I have a unique perspective to share... as an employer of a person with a disability, and as the mother of a child with autism. We hired Matthew at Pioneer Bank over a year ago. As an employer, I am so proud of the growth I’ve seen – in our staff and their acceptance of Matthew, and in Matthew’s development as a young member of the workforce. It’s been amazing to see him mature in his understanding of the intricacies of the world of work that were so foreign to him just a short time ago. With the help of two amazing ODC training specialists, Matthew quickly learned his new role. Our staff enjoy having him in the office, and we see that he brings such a positive energy to his work. When I asked our president and CEO, Jeff Whitrock, what he gained by having Matthew on our staff, he responded, ‘Matthew helps me pay attention to the details, and I’ve learned how to slow down and explain myself... two very important lessons.’
“I love my job at Pioneer Bank,” said Matthew. “I like that I am able to work around people that respect me and accept me for who I am, even with my disability. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to work in a place that uses my strengths and makes me feel successful.”
Matthew has taught all of our employees to be more grateful, and to not take the little things for granted. When he was given a Pioneer Bank shirt to wear, he was so excited... he is truly, truly proud to be working here. As a mother, I am so excited that there is an organization like ODC that is committed to helping people with disabilities find jobs. As a parent, one of your many prayers is that someday, your child will have a job and be successful. We are blessed to have this organization working so hard to make sure everyone has the opportunity to work, and to achieve their personal goals.”
In the words of Steve & Mary, Matthew's Parents: “As parents, we all want our children to succeed. We want them to find work that is meaningful and a workplace that is accepting of them and helps them grow. We want them to feel a sense of worth and to be proud of the work that they do. Matthew is a young man who wants to fit in and wants to be like everyone else, and he works hard to do both despite the limitations created by his autism. Matthew has found a workplace that values his strengths and accepts him for who he is. ODC has worked with Pioneer Bank to create a workplace in which Matthew can be successful. Their employment coordinator helped to create this opportunity, and for that we are extremely grateful. Their training specialists are helping him learn workplace etiquette and job-related skills, and work through social situations that most of us take for granted. He has learned the meaning of responsibility and accountability, and the importance of following directions. In Matthew’s words, working at Pioneer Bank has enabled him to feel every day that even though he has a disability, ‘they accept me for me’.”
STEPHANIE Art Dahms is a firefighter / paramedic with the Stevens Point Fire Department. Art has a son, Cody, who works with ODC. So when Art’s department was approached by ODC staff about the potential to employ a person with a disability, he knew it was the right thing to do, for so many reasons. “Cody has been working in the community for a few years now,” said Art. “If he can’t go to work, he is one grumpy dude! He’s the only guy I know who hates Fridays, because he knows the weekend is coming and he won’t be going to work.” Art understands the importance of work in enriching Cody’s life. So he was eager to see if he could be of help to Stephanie, who was passionate about working at a fire station. Stephanie has family members who are firefighters, and she dreamed of making a career for herself in that environment. He and members of his department spent time visiting the Wisconsin Rapids Fire Department, which employs a person with a disability through ODC to do their janitorial work. Things were working out so well for them that Art and his colleagues took the necessary steps to get Stephanie hired.
“This is exactly the job I wanted,” said Stephanie. “I have a family member who is a firefighter, and he helps others. I want to help others, too.”
Individuals in Supported Community Employment ODC's supported employment staff provide on-thejob support for individuals in community employment. They assist with training the employee for the job, and provide job coaching services for as long as needed to ensure success for both the employee and employer.
“Art started the ball rolling,” said Joe Gemza, one of the department’s Assistant Chiefs. “He said, ‘Why aren’t we doing something like this - something that will make Stephanie’s life so much happier, and will free up our guys to do other things? It’s a win-win.’” “We told her from the get-go that she was part of the team,” said Joe. “She fits right in… and it all works because we all work together.”
*Numbers and percentages indicate individuals in ODC's long-term supported work programs that are employed in the community.
58 20%
ODC’s CareerConnect service assists individuals in obtaining jobs that are personalized to their interests, strengths and needs. Our training specialists provide on-the-job support to help ensure success for the employee and benefit for the employer. These services are supported in part by funding from the Department of Workforce Development – Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) and Inclusa, Inc.
ODC's supported employment staff serve individuals in Wood, Portage, Marathon, Adams, Langlade, Lincoln, Taylor and Clark counties.
“I recently introduced the parents of a person with a disability to ODC’s Day Services. We talked about Therapeutic Recreation, a philosophy that has enhanced ODC’s services in both our centers and the community. Therapeutic Recreation is a tool to improve health, functional abilities, independence and quality of life for people with disabilities. We provide experiences in our center to help them develop their strengths and improve areas that need strengthening. We use community opportunities to help them practice the skills they’ve learned, learn something new and try new things. The parent’s eyes just perked up when we started talking about this approach to services, and about helping individuals achieve their highest level of independence. They said, ‘WOW’!
We know that there is a clear difference between ‘diversional’ activities that keep people busy, and ‘therapeutic’ activities which have a goal, a method and a purpose. It’s a whole new language for people. We take pride in knowing that, with increased independence, the people we work with will gain a greater ability to speak for themselves and to choose the life they want. Promoting independence for people with disabilities is a journey. When we commit to supporting people on this journey, the end result is life-changing.” - Emily Marino, ODC Therapeutic Recreation Specialist
WHAT IS DAY SERVICES? Day Services provide life skills training that helps people achieve their highest level of independence at home, in the workplace and in the community. Engaging, challenging activities focused on increased physical fitness / wellness, self-confidence and leadership, safety awareness,
interpersonal and social skills, adult life skill-building, travel and recreation, and self-advocacy take place in ODC’s centers and in the community. This service is supported in part by Inclusa, Inc.
individuals participated in ODC’s Day Services in 2017. This service provides life skills training that helps people achieve their highest level of independence through engaging, challenging activities focused on building strengths and skills. Marshfield
Stevens Point
Wisconsin Rapids
Cooking activities foster team work and increased independence in daily life. Activities, like canoeing, that take individuals out of their “comfort zone” boost self-esteem and confidence. Planting a garden helps to develop fine motor skills; watching your garden grow brings a sense of pride and accomplishment. Games provide participants opportunities to practice social skills, improve focus and concentration, and develop healthy winning and losing attitudes.
Tyler wasn’t going to join Project SEARCH - he didn’t think it was the program for him. But he took a chance… and now, he says that it’s the best thing that ever happened to him! “When I got my Project SEARCH acceptance letter, I didn’t know what to do,” said Tyler. “I almost made the decision not to join. I figured it would not do anything for me.” “That has changed in the last year,” he said. “It didn’t take me long to figure out that Project SEARCH is where I belong.” Tyler had fulfilled his graduation requirements at Lincoln High School in 2017. Instead of receiving his diploma, he chose a Project SEARCH internship at Aspirus Riverview Hospital and Clinics, and is now preparing for the world of work and a 2018 graduation ceremony. At Aspirus, he takes part in one hour of classroom studies each day which focus on interviewing skills, building resumes and soft skills – all activities that will help him get and keep a job. The rest of Tyler’s day is spent learning and practicing work skills in internship rotations throughout Aspirus departments – three total during the school year. “Tyler was the first Project SEARCH intern to work in our department,” said Ali Mancl, Clinic Manager of Aspirus Doctors Clinic, “and our experience was amazing!”
When planning this internship, Tyler’s second rotation of the year, Ali met with ODC’s Project SEARCH staff to identify needs within their Pediatric Department. Cleaning and restocking exam rooms between patients topped the list, and Tyler proved to be so efficient that, according to Ali, “We kept getting comments that the rooms never looked so clean!” As time went on, the turn-over of Family Practice rooms and cleaning of some common areas were added to his responsibilities. “Project SEARCH is an amazing opportunity for young adults to get the work experience they need,” said Ali. Tyler very much agrees. “I used to walk with my head down, because I didn’t want to talk to people,” said Tyler. “In this past year, I have gained more confidence. I have become more social with people at my job and they make me want to get up every day and go to work. I am more talkative with people outside of Project SEARCH and in my community.” “This is the best year,” said Tyler, “and the best decision I have ever made!” Ali (left) and other staff at the Aspirus Doctors Clinic really embraced Tyler (right). “He was very emotional when the internship was over,” said Jan Villeneuve, ODC Training Specialist. “Everyone was praising the job that he had done.” Prospective interns recently met one-on-one with Wausau Project SEARCH staff to gauge their readiness for the program.
WHAT IS PROJECT SEARCH? Project SEARCH is a partnership between ODC, Inclusa, Inc., local school districts, and host businesses Marshfield Health Systems in Marshfield, Aspirus Riverview Hospital & Clinics in Wisconsin Rapids, and Aspirus Wausau Hospital. Project SEARCH services are funded in partnership with the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development - Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR). Project SEARCH participants spend their last year of high school at a host business location, studying curriculum that focuses on work and independent life readiness, and rotating through three different internships within the workplace setting. The coursework is taught by a school district instructor dedicated to Project SEARCH, who
works alongside ODC training specialists to support participants as they perform their internships in various departments. These training specialists provide interns with training and support throughout their rotations, help them prepare for the job search and interview process, and assist them in finding and keeping a job after graduation. Project SEARCH is an internationally recognized model of employment training for young adults with disabilities. The program was developed in 1996 by Nurse J. Erin Riehle, then the director of the emergency department at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center (CCHMC). As the flagship program, CCHMC provides technical assistance for replication and overall leadership to Project SEARCH worldwide.
GETTING READY FOR PROJECT SEARCH IN WAUSAU A group of interns was just accepted into ODC’s new Project SEARCH program at Aspirus Wausau Hospital, which will begin with the 2018-2019 school year! Schools from local districts referred students and their families to an “information night” in January, where prospective interns assessed their interest and submitted applications. Next, those prospective interns were invited to a “skills assessment day”, where the whole Project SEARCH team met one-on-one with individuals to gauge their readiness for the program, much like a job interview process. Those selected will join the new class at Aspirus Wausau Hospital in the fall. Preparation for this project’s inaugural class began in late 2016. Because ODC is a partner in the very successful Project SEARCH program at Aspirus Riverview Hospital and Clinics in Wisconsin Rapids, hospital staff from that location were able to assist department managers at the Wausau location in understanding how the program works and how to make it successful. “The partnership between staff at the two Aspirus locations has been excellent,” said Ann Lepak, ODC Director of Employment Services. “Those who have been working with the Project SEARCH program in Wisconsin Rapids have been attending planning meetings and have been instrumental in helping Wausau navigate all the pieces that need to fall into place. Sharing experiences has made Wausau staff very comfortable and knowledgeable. We are all ready to go!”
58 out of 64
Project SEARCH interns in Marshfield & Wisconsin Rapids were employed in the community upon completion of the program.
2 individuals pursued further education at the college level Project SEARCH has been serving young people with disabilities in Marshfield since 2011; the Wisconsin Rapids inaugural class launched in 2015.
Alexander Charitable Foundation - Leslie Veneman Arendt Anonymous (2) Daniel & Jeanine Meyer Trust Fund Jacob Searls Cranberry Co. Judith Teske Estate Legacy Foundation of Central Wisconsin Blue Heron Brew Pub / Meier, Paul & Rita Umhoefer Foundation United Way of Portage County Walker, Bob & Pauline - In Memory of Casper Linnehan WoodTrust - Bell Foundation
$5,000 - 9,999
Alexander Charitable Foundation - John A. Casey Anonymous Forward Financial Bank Gasch, Don & Marlene Hamus, Floyd & Pat Jasperson Family Foundation Kurtzweil, Floreine Newman, June & Roger Paul Gross Jewelers Robert W. Clark Foundation
$1,000 - 4,999
Aumann, Dale & Laureen B&D Farms Bell, Steve & Paula Blanke, Scott & Ann Changes Within Community Foundation of Central Wisconsin Conterato, James & Lynn Deuser Daly, Pat & Kathy Doine, Ron & Diane - In Honor of ODC Programs Edwin F. Schild Charitable Foundation Elm Lake Cranberry Company Endrizzi, Gilbert Frame Memorial Presbyterian Church Getzin, Pat & Mary Anne Gottschalk, Guy & Kathy Hamilton Roddis Foundation, Inc. Hayes, Dr. John & Stephanie Heiting, Bill & Sue Hill, Don Jansen, Matthew & Susan King, Jim & Jean Knights of Columbus - Plover Knights of Columbus - Wisconsin Rapids Koehler, Kevin Kumm, Dave & Patti Marshfield Clinic Health System Maurer, Ronald & Ellen Mead, Helen A.
Melsen, Clara Minder, Paula - In Memory of Walter R. Minder Paper City Savings Charitable Foundation Partners Bank Peters, Dick & Marge Prairie Run Dental PreventionGenetics RE/Max American Dream Reding, Dr. Douglas & Janet Crossley Reinhart, Marty & Laurie Rifleman, Russ & Karen Schwantes, Bill & Nanette Searles, Clare & Charlotte Simplicity Credit Union Solarus Sprise, Donald & Margaret Stratford Sign Company, LLC Thrivent Financial Choice Program V&H Automotive Varga, Joe & Linda - In Memory of Alex Mancl Wilson, Deborah Winters, Janice - In Memory of Larry Winters
$500 - 999
A-1 Services Wisconsin Rapids, LLC Anonymous (2) Auto Select of Stevens Point Bartelt, Jim & Sheryl Boyle, Timothy Broga, Laurie Buehler, Marshall CliftonLarsonAllen LLP Design Unlimited Dick, Larry & Donna - In Memory of Kyle Dick Dolan, Harold & Kathleen Meyer Drendel, Laura - In Memory of Tom Drendel Engelman Schild, Sandra Enkro, Bernard & Geraldine Fischer, Patricia & Gary Galuk, Doug & Lori Gehrke, Brian & Peg Gehrke, Gregg & Elizabeth Ironside Gene Hill Construction, Inc. Gershman, Randy & Joyce - In Memory of Carl J. Mueller Gottschalk, Fawn Gotz, LeAnn - In Memory of Frank Gotz Gropp, Lori & Jake Harvey, Edward & Stephanie Hendrickson, Annette Ironside, Leonard & Mary Kenney, Richard J. Kirschling, Dr. & Mrs. Ron Knights of Columbus - Marshfield Kollross, Joe & Lauri Koran, Jill Lang, Rick & Tammy Lee, Barbara
Lee, Ed & Cindy Mancl, Ron & Bonnie Mancl, Tim & Roxanne Miles, Bill & Cheryl Nettesheim, Greg & Pam Nikolai, Don & Penny Norm-E-Lane, Inc. Our Lady of Peace Church Ousley, Mary Power Pac, Inc. Reed, Marge Renaissance Learning, Inc. Roehl, Everett & Delores Ross, Les & Pam Schloer, Chuck & Jane Schommer, Ken - In Memory of Pat Schommer Sniadajewski, Deb Staab Construction Corporation / Jeff & Julie Graves Tepp, Marcia & Gary Hetzer Thomalla, Vince & Gail Veneman Ozanick, Jill Wagner, Steven & Pat Waid, Sherri Walling, Eldean Weber, Bob & Rita Hanneman Wiskerchen Cheese, Inc. Wiskerchen Truck & Equipment Wiskerchen, Ron & Joyce Wood County Medical Society WoodTrust Bank York, Dwight & Mary - In Honor of Pam Ross
$100 - 499
Accurate Automotive Care, LLC Akey, Dr. & Mrs. William Allen, Patricia Alliant Energy Foundation, Inc. Allison, Jr., Edwin F. Altmann, Lois & Edward Ampe, Charlie & Joanne Anderson, Bill & Virgene Andrews, Dr. Steven & Susan Anonymous (17) Anonymous - In Honor of Jack Kester Arendt, John and Barb Armatoski, Daniel & Mary - In Memory of Richard Armatoski Ashenberg, Wayne & Shirley Bader, Gene Bailey, David & Heather Balzer, Jim & Elaine - In Memory of Hattie & Frank Rucinski Batten, Dave & Marcy - In Memory of Tammy Batten Baur, John & Karen Gorman Bemke, Don & Nancy Bernhardt, Arthur Berrier, Matt & Margo Big Iron Equipment, Inc. Bingham, John & Roberta - In Memory of Karen Bingham
Blanchard, Mary Blum, Jennifer Boettcher, Brad & Amy Bogaard, Bill & Jan Borchardt, Mark & Gwen Stone Bosley, Sandra - In Honor of Jennie Bosley Boulet, Bill & Phyllis Bovee, Mike & Susan Brazeau, Nicholas J. Brazeau, William & Nancy Brewer, Jeff & Karen Brockman, Nathan & Betty Buckman, Pastor Robert - In Memory of Carol Buckman Buehler, Dennis & Sue Burk, Dan Burrill, Beverly Callahan, Larry & Judy Canales, Jim Casey, Dan & Connie Chen, Hong Mo & His-Mei Chips of Marshfield Chips of Wisconsin Rapids Christensen, Ken C-J Searles Cranberry Clark, Jon & Colleen Clark, Jr., Harold & Joan Cleveland, David & Tina Collett, Groff & Lila Community First Bank - In Honor of Mark Meyer & Judy Fink Corrigall, John & Kim CoVantage Credit Union Crockett Septic / Lori Leggett Crowther, Dr. & Mrs. David Culhane, John & Toni Cumley, Gary & Judi Dahl, Nelson & Pam Dalum, Pat & Peter Damrau, Wayne & Gerry - In Memory of Doug Damrau Daven, Jeff & Marjorie - In Honor of Jeffrey Daven, Jr. Davis, Paul & Lynn Delta Dental Denny, Edward & Laura Nelke Dental Clinic of Marshfield Dental Crafters Destinations Unlimited DeVetter, Dennis & Roberta Dimka, Kathleen - In Honor of Jeffrey Daven, Jr. Donaldson Company, Inc. Duellman, Todd & Terra Edwards, Gordon & Theresa Edwards, Scott & Deb Eilers, Mary Lou - In Memory of Donald Eilers Falk, Jerry & Lisa Fanning Cranberry Company, Inc. Fehrenbach/Mogg & Associates, Inc. Fellenz, Aaron Feneli, Dr. James First English Lutheran Church Fisher, Steven - In Memory of Kathy Kresh Fisher
Fleming, Spring & Nick Poeschel Fleury, Fred & Marilyn Food Partners International, LLC Fox, James & Janice - In Memory of Dorothy Boger Friedrich, Barb - In Memory of Rob Englund Fritz, Mary Gasch, Scott & Cindy - In Honor of Melissa Meyer Gibbons, Charles & Gayle Glodosky, Mike & Diane Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Grace, Dave & Patti Gribble, Bob & Mindy Groshek, Denise Gross Motors, Inc. Gruenloh, John & Deb Grundman, Mark & Bonnie - In Honor of James Robert Grundman Grygo, Marilyn & Tom Haasl, Jerry & Dawn Family Fund Haessly, Brad & Kendra Hane, Mary Jo Hanson, Joyce Mae - In Honor of Tom Abler Hasenohrl, Don & Kathleen Hastreiter, Julie - In Memory of Walt Minder Havlovick, Barb & Jim - In Honor of Aaron Pepin Heck, Robert Heinrich, Becky Heinzen Printing Herbert Kohl Philanthropies Heuer, Ed & Mary Heuer, Kurt & Kim - In Honor of Matt Nettesheim Hildebrandt, Rich & Judy Hillstead, Jon & Diana Hittner, Mike & Barb Hoehn, Jim & Nancy Goldberg Jarvis, Bill & Chris Jeff Clark & Associates, LLC Jens, Barry & Nancy Jesse, Fred & Joan - In Memory of David Boger Johnson, Bill & Cheryl Johnson, Derek & Callie Johnson, Gaylord & Mable Kester, Daniel & Kathleen Killian, Elaine - In Memory of Butch Killian Kimbel, DeAnne Knapinski, Ethel Kniech, Jim & Laurel Knorr, Glenn & Bette Knuth, Ron Koeshall, Toni Kohnen, William & Bette - In Memory of William Kohnen, III Kolar Vision Center Konrardy, Marvin & Claudine Kostelic, Ken & Elaine Koszczuk, Donna - In Memory of Jeffrey Koszczuk, DO Kroening, Charlene - In Memory of Jerome Kroening, Sr. Krommenacker, David & Donna Krueger, Charles & Dawn Krueger, James H. & Jenny L. Resch Krutza, Eugene Kryshak, Gary & Chris Kubisiak, Gloria La Chapelle, J.P. & Brittany
Ladick, Bernadine Lands' End Lang, Lyle & Julie Larson, Scott & Kori Legacy Accounting & Financial Services, LLC Lepak, Ann Leverton, Mary Ann & Cecil Linn, Josh & Robie Jo Magnin, George & Anna Martin Dental Martin, Father Samuel Mathews, Arliss Mazurek, Scott & Ellen McMillan Electric Meissner, Jerry & Diane Mettlach, Jack & Lucy Family Fund Mercier, Richard & Maureen Mertes, Mark & Mary Meyer, Dr. James A. Meyer, Mike & Patti - In Honor of Melissa Meyer Miller CPA & Consulting, LLC Miller, Jacqueline Mitchell, Sue - In Memory of Andrea Carol Mitchell Morgan, Susan Moskonas, Linda & Ted - In Memory of Randy Homerding Mueller, Janet Mueller, Ralph & Diane Mukherjee, Dr. Rama P. Neidhold, Jon & Marlene Network for Good Neumann, Bernice Neve, La Verne Nickerson, Gretta Nikolai, Dr. Thomas Noodles & Company Nygaard, Duane & Valerie Office Enterprises, Inc. Olson, Pete & Lisa Olson, Scott & Margaret Paine, Charles & Patti Haney Patrykus, David & Marlis Pecher, Janet - In Memory of Urban Pecher Pepin, Curtis & Dorothy Peters, Don & Tina Peterson, Bob & Laurel Piatt, John & Dorothy Pioneer Bank Podvin, Fran & Jean Poehnelt, Catherine - In Memory of William Poehnelt Point Dance Ensemble Polito's Pizza Ponce, Mario - In Memory of Minerva Ponce Prebbanow, Elizabeth - In Honor of Scott Davis & Melissa Meyer Priske, Dan & Carole Putzer, Gerard & Diane Rapids Sheet Metal Heating & Cooling Rathermel, Donna Rau, Susan Reichert, Jerry & Donna Reyes, Karen Richards, Ron & Terri Roehl Transport, Inc. Rogers, Ann Rokke, Bruce & Deb Rosandick, Louie & Libby
Ruesch, Brian & Mary - In Honor of Pam Ross Safe-Way Bus Transit, Inc. / Wardour, Jason & Tracy Safford Dental Saint Bronislava Parish Schill, Mary Ellen - In Honor of Pam Ross Schneeberg, Mel & Carol - In Memory of Noah Schott, Vi Schreiber, Dr. Donald & Linda NelsonSchreiber Schueller, Duane Schuetz, Patricia - In Memory of Philip Schuetz Schulz, Wayne & Mary - In Honor of Bethany Schulz Sedevie, Chuck & Kathy - In Memory of Scott Sedevie Seifert, Richard & Jane Semrow, Elaine Shewchuk, Jim & Iris Siewert, John Sr. Skifton, Richard & Dianne Slater, Vicky Smekrud, Ann Smith, Ann & Lyman Smith, Beatrice Staab, Aaron & Donna Stark, Samantha Starr, Nancy - In Honor of Hannah Osborne Steele, John & Judy Stein, Don & Pat Steinhilber, Lee & Janis Steinhorst, Greg & Terry Stevens Point Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Stevens, Michael & Mary Stevning-Roe, Bart & Ann Stewart, Mr. & Mrs. Scott Stich, Fred & Shelley Stoltz, Jerry & Pat Swanson, Jim & Debi Swanson, Mark & Mary Jane Taylor, Pete & Nan TerMaat, Dale & Kathy - In Memory of Jeff TerMaat The Boson Company, Inc. Thiel, Dave & Karen Thornton, John & Lisa Time Federal Savings Bank Timm, Craig - In Memory of Reuben & Harriet Timm Trantow Consulting, Inc. - In Honor of Andrew Walters Trierweiler, Pat Trierweiler, Phil & Jane Trudeau, Jon & Debra Turba, Larry & Nancy United Methodist Women - Port Edwards United Methodist Women - Wisconsin Rapids United Way of Greater Milwaukee & Waukesha County United Way of Metropolitan Chicago Urquhart, Andrew & Jenny Uthmeier, Don & Lori - In Honor of Sam Uthmeier Vietnam Veterans of America - Central Wisconsin Chapter 101 Vilbaum, Dale & Donna Voelker, Tom & Kathy
Vos, Marv & Ruth Wachowiak, Paul & Cheryl - In Memory of Ruth Wilke Wangen, Roger & Mary Lou Waters, John & Nancy Weber, Mark & Rosemarie Wein, Norman & Sharon Wepfer, Tom & Jan Whitrock, Judy & Bob Wickersham, Rob & Beth Wied, Don & Karen - In Honor of Luke Krause Willard, Kirk & Becky Williams, Ruth Wing, John & Kutzie Wirtz, Mary & Jeff Witberler, Joan Witzel, Sara Wolosek & Wolosek, CPAs Wolosek, Gerry Wood, Peter & Betsy
$1 - 99
Abler, Louis - In Honor of Tom Abler Aguilero, Olga Albrecht, Lee & Vickie Allen, Don & Joan Amazon Smile Ancel, Joseph & Guadalupe Anderson, Dennis & Kathleen Anhalt, Jeff & Cathy Anonymous (23) Armagost, Mary Ann - In Memory of George Armagost Baltus, Frank & Lisa Balzer, Michael Bartram, Dan & Tina - In Memory of Gnet Williams Beyerl, Dr. & Mrs. Gerry - In Honor of Sheryl & Tim Worzalla Bizer, Dawn Bohn Trucking & Excavating, Inc. - In Memory of Wally & Angie Bohn Boldig, Kenneth & Anne - In Memory of Rosemary Varney Boxrucker, Jerry & Carol Brostowitz, Lawrence & Lois - In Honor of Dave & Karen Thiel Bruckschen, Randall & Sharon Buckman, David Bushmaker, Sylvia - In Memory of Marvin Bushmaker Byom, Jon & Sue Campbell, John & Kathy Carrigan, Mr. & Mrs. Jack Caruso, Lina Cassidy, Tim & Kelly - In Honor of Dustin Apfel Chang, Sam & Kathy Clark, Dr. & Mrs. John Clauson, Darryl & Joyce Clements, Katie Cleveland, Al & Sherry Costello, Gloria - In Memory of Patrick Costello David, Margaret Davis, Kathryn A. - In Memory of Carol Buckman De Jarlais, Richard & Colleen Deckow, Tom & Sue
Deitz, Janice - In Memory of Dorothy & David Boger Dempze, Gary & Susan Dickson, Dale & Brenda DuPree, Sheila - In Memory of James DuPree Ellis, Patricia A. Engelman, Irene Farrell, John & Tammy Ferch, Arlan & Priscilla Firminhac, James Fischer, Ron & Karen Folz, Neal & Mary Frese, Jeffrey & Linda - In Memory of Jack Burk Friedrichsen, Karen Geisler, Frank Giese, Denise Goetz, David & Judith Gregg, Thomas & Ellen Cree Grode, Lorraine Gross, Bruce & Alida - In Honor of Ashley Heinzen Gross, Greg & Julie Halida, Kim Halida, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Hall, Dan & Donna Hall, Gary & Karen Hanneman, Todd & Cherie Hardacre, Marilyn Hartman, Dick & Darlene Hass, Jim & Marge Hedrington, Kasey Hegg, Joan - In Honor of Jeffrey Daven, Jr. Helmer, Jean - In Memory of Philip Helmer Hiles, Chris - In Memory of James Hiles, Fredrick & Julie Hill, Eugene & Nancy Hinrichsen, Marjorie Hocking Family Holubets, Jerry & Mary Honeyager, Roger & Deb House of Heating, Inc. Hughes, Tim & Cheryl I. Brandl, Inc. / Guy Brandl Iwanski, Mr. & Mrs. Maynard - In Memory of Joan Zarecki Jagodzinski, Bernadine Janz, Dennis & Deborah Johnson, Jerold & Teri Kamps, Dick & Gretchen Karberg, Bill & Joanne Kaufman, Cal & Arlene Kaup, Dan & Sue Kelman, Donald & Cynthia Kester, Mae Kipfer, Steve & Karolyn Klein, Richard Koehntopp, Jim & Byrdie - In Memory of Stella Boles Krasny, Donald & Joan Krause, Sandy & Terry Krohn, Inez - In Memory of Don Krohn Kubisiak, Peggy - In Memory of Lee Kubisiak LaComb, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Sr. Landry, Mr. & Mrs. James Landwehr, Jan Larsen, Richard & Nellie Lau, Rick & Cindy Lenk, Carla Lenz, Jack & Lorraine
Lindemood, Donna Linzmeier, Dale & Diane Lipinski, Ellen Lubeck, Myron & Ramona - In Memory of Ron Bean Mader, Rob & Leslie Malak, Warren & Christine - In Memory of Doug Damrau Mancl, Caroline Mancl, Don & Linda Arndt Mancusi, David & Nancy Manske, Mary Marshfield Clinic Health System Physicians & Staff Mathews, Dean & Joann Mazurek, Dave & Chelsey McKee, Donald Meyer, Christopher & Carrie Meyer, Sue Michau, Mary Ann - In Memory of Cherril Michau Tufi Miller, Ron & Ida Ann - In Honor of Joel Miller Molski, Sylvester Mortier, Chris Nelson, Mark & Bridget O'Brien Nelson, Ron & Karla Neumann-McNulty, Gene & Rita Nikolay, Tom & Michelle - In Honor of Nicole Johnson Noel, James & Amy Noonan, Nathalie - In Memory of Gene Noonan Obermeier, Claudia - In Memory of Roger Obermeier Oelrich, Mary Ellen Oleson, Richard - In Memory of Janet G. Oleson Olsen, Thomas & Karen Oravez, Walter & Gloria Pavloski, Pete & Barb Powers, Dolores - In Memory of Rosemary Varney Prahl-Tell, Candace Pribnow, Kathleen Prokash, Ken & Kristi Quick, Nancy Reichert, Mr. & Mrs. Norman Reigel, Lavern & Ruth Reiman, Lloyd - In Memory of Carlotta Reiman Rhone, Gary & Marcia - In Memory of Bill Waterbury Riebe, Jim & Sharon Rokus, Jim & Mary Beth Ross, Louise M. Santoski, Jeanette Schauer, Larry & Barbara - In Memory of John Schultz Schiller, Donald & Clara - In Memory of Larry Trickle, Leroy Trickle & Kathleen Schiller Schmeiser Accounting & Tax Service, LLC Schmidt, Ed & Erin Schmidt, Mary Ann Schneider, Sharon Schoenherr, Scott & Jeni Schwanebeck, Mary Schwanebeck, Milden & Jean Sell, Diane & Edward Shields, Jason & Kimberly
Shupe, Kathy - In Memory of Kevin Eckes Siekert, Joy - In Memory of Leonard Siekert Sivek, Tina & Dan Smith, Richard & Sandra Sova, Nancy & Dan Sowka, Dr. Albin - In Memory of Rita Sowka Specht, Norbert & Rosella - In Honor of Rosanne Specht Steinert, Duane & Judy - In Memory of Shirley & Eric Hedquist Stini, Caroline Stoltz, Mr. & Mrs. Harry - In Memory of Mary Lou Stoltz Sudmeier, David & Joceil Suzda, Jan Swenson, Ken & Jean - In Memory of Sandy Hook Elementary School Students Szelagowski, Mr. & Mrs. Terry The Baltus Company Thurber, Allen & Lea Toltzman, Orin & Linda - In Memory of Marlene Below Topp, Clarence & Pat Toyama, Bill & Gerri Travel Class of Wisconsin Rapids Urban, Kathleen Urban, Marjorie Urban, Ted & Jeanne Van Duser, Dawn Van Duser, Jim & Arlene Vobora, Susan Voss, Ruth Wagner, John & Jane Waskowiak, V. - In Memory of Ron Waskowiak Wefel, Walter & Jane Weis, Donald & Betty Weiss, Chuck & Bonnie Wells, Robert & Margaret Whitston, Tonya Wittman, Jill - In Memory of James Wunrow, David & Jean Zimdars, Bill & Kathy Zimmerman, Bob & Helen
FROM ENDOWED FUNDS Incourage Community Foundation Distributions
Charles & Helen Mullen Memorial Endowment Fund Frank & LeAnn Gotz Fund - In Memory of Frank Gotz & In Honor of the Debonaires Orchestra Helen Mead Designated Fund for the Benefit of ODC Margaret Newton Leist Memorial Fund Opportunity Development Centers, Inc. Fund Robert & Elizabeth Maier Fund for the Benefit of ODC Wilbur & Margaret Gelbke Endowment Fund for the Benefit of ODC
Marshfield Area Community Foundation Distributions ODC, Inc. Fund
Anderson Electric Cravings Coffee & Wine Shop Fey Printing Hawkins, Ash CPAs, LLP Lang, Lyle & Julie Richard's Liquors Ron's Refrigeration & Air Conditioning, Inc. Sisters of St. Joseph
PROGRAM DONATIONS DIRECTED TO ODC Griswold, Arthur Kingston, Richard & Mary Quality Roofing, Inc. Sheker, Bill & Nancy Tasse, Tom & Barb Tekampe, Yvonne Zieglmeier, Todd & Jacqueline
In Memory of James “Jimmy” Burke Kaup, Dan & Sue Oelrich, Mary Ellen Ross, Les & Pam Sova, Nancy & Dan
In Memory of Louise Engelman Bizer, Dawn Engelman Schild, Sandra Engelman, Irene Friedrichsen, Karen Hiles, Fredrick & Julie Kester, Daniel & Kathleen Kester, Mae Putzer, Gerard & Diane Ross, Les & Pam Schwanebeck, Mary Vobora, Susan
In Memory of Patti Engelman Bizer, Dawn Engelman Schild, Sandra Farrell, John & Tammy Kester, Daniel & Kathleen Kimbel, DeAnne Noel, James & Amy Putzer, Gerard & Diane Ross, Les & Pam Schwanebeck, Mary Schwanebeck, Milden & Jean Urban, Kathleen Urban, Marjorie Urban, Ted & Jeanne Vobora, Susan
In Memory of Dan Helwig Design Unlimited Lang, Lyle & Julie RE/Max American Dream
In Memory of Bill Weinfurter Bogaard, Bill & Jan Killian, Elaine Kubisiak, Gloria
Revenue & Support
Cash & Cash Equivalents
Vocational Program Fees & Grants
Accounts Receivable
Program Service Revenue - Sales & Other
Property & Equipment, Net
Investments -- ODC Endowment Fund
Beneficial Interest in Assets Held by Others
Other Assets
Liabilities $456,958
Line of Credit
Investment Return
140,252 $10,819,899
Cost of Products Sold
Salaries, Wages & Benefits - Staff
Other Operating Costs
Total Operating Expenses
Capital Lease Obligations
(including restricted donations)
Operating Expenses
Accounts Payable & Accrued Expenses
Contributions & Fund Raising Revenue
Total Revenue & Support
Total Assets
Change in Net Assets From Operations
Total Liabilities
Non-Operating Revenues/(Expenses)
Net Assets
In-kind Contributions
Unrealized Gains from Investments
Change in Value of Beneficial Interest
& Other Contributions
Vocational Services
Total Non-Operating Revenues/(Expenses)
Change in Net Assets
2017 financial data reflects the organization’s financials following the merger of ODC and Community Industries Corporation (CIC) on January 1, 2017. Financial statements audited by Hawkins Ash CPAs. For a copy of the audit please contact ODC.
49% Sales
& Other Revenue
(as of 1/1/2017)
SUE ANDERSON Associated Bank | Vice President - BOP/SOP Manager
JEFF HILL Gene Hill Construction | Owner
CINDY KIESLING Labor Education & Training Center | Executive Director
BRENDA DILLENBURG Mid-State Technical College | Marshfield Campus Dean BARBARA FRIEDRICH SHERRI GALLE-TESKE National Wellness Institute | Director of Membership & Engagement LORI GROPP Marshfield Clinic | Academic Business Systems Manager, Division of Education
DIANE MEISSNER High Street Salon, Spa & Travel | Owner JEFF MEYERS WoodTrust Bank | Vice President - Commercial Lending TAMMY SALEWSKI Ron’s Refrigeration & Air Conditioning, Inc. | Vice President
NAN TAYLOR Aspirus Riverview Hospital & Clinics | Director, Business Development & Community Relations MARCIA TEPP UW-Stevens Point | Faculty ALLEN THURBER Renaissance Learning | Corporate Controller DIANE WEILER Pioneer Bank | Human Resources Officer
ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE 1191 Huntington Avenue Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54494 715-424-2712 2406 East 21st Street Marshfield, WI 54449 715-387-1161 41 Park Ridge Drive Stevens Point, WI 54481 715-344-4563 Communication & Donor Relations 715-818-6451 Mailing / Print Services 715-818-6467 Milkweed Market
an ODC Enterprise Pallet Division 715-344-0875
For more information about ODC, Inc. and how your gifts are utilized, contact Pam Ross, ODC President at 715-818-6447 or If we have made an error or omitted a name from this list, please accept our apologies. We would appreciate if you would let us know by calling 715-818-6451.
We assess your business’ work flow, and discover your unmet needs.
We identify cost-saving tips that allow your “critical” employees to focus on their jobs by filling your gaps with qualified candidates.
We find out what YOU need, and match qualified candidates with your needs… no searching websites or conducting extensive interviews to find that “perfect” candidate.
All of these services are AT NO COST TO YOU!
We assist with the hiring process and human resources tasks.
We save you time and money by assisting with initial and ongoing training for your employee.
Our job coaches provide long-term support for those who need it. Whether it’s “checking in” periodically or coaching your employee through their shift, we make sure your needs are being met.
There is NO COST TO YOU for these services, even if the employee is on your payroll!
CONTACT US If your business is looking to #HireAbility, contact ODC Employment Services at 715-424-2712 (Wisconsin Rapids area), 715-387-1161 (Marshfield area) or 715-344-4563 (Stevens Point / Wausau areas).
2017 EMPLOYERS 13th Floor Canteen A Helping Hand of Central WI - Marshfield* A&B Process Systems Corp. ABC Child Care Center, LLC Accurate Automotive Ace Hardware - Weston* Ace of Adams* Advanced Janitorial Adventure 212 AgSource Laboratories* American Cancer Society Hope Lodge Marshfield* Animal House Pets Anointing Oil Faith Church Anytime Fitness - Marshfield Anytime Fitness - Plover Anytime Fitness - Stevens Point* Anytime Fitness - Weston* Anytime Fitness - Wisconsin Rapids Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar Marshfield* Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar - Stevens Point* Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar - Wausau Arborview Court Arborwood Lodge Arby’s - Marshfield Arby’s - Merrill Aspirus Riverview Hospital Aspirus Riverview Therapies* Aspirus Wausau Hospital Athens IGA Athens Lumber Athens Vet Service* Back to Bliss - Colby Baker Street Church* Baltus Express Lube* Baltus Oil Company - Marshfield Behr Cleaning Berkshire Hathaway Travel Protection Berryland Farm Blades Hair Studio* Blu Play Café Blue Heron BrewPub Bob Gleason Insurance Co. Bowlmor Lanes Boys & Girls Club of the Wisconsin Rapids Area BP Tomahawk* Braun’s Automotive Brickner Motors-Little Chicago* Bright Horizon Child Care Center Britten’s Greenhouse Buffalo Wild Wings - Wausau Bull's Eye Country Club Bull's Eye Credit Union - Wisconsin Rapids Burger King - Marshfield Burger King - Wausau* Buyers' Guide C&S Sales, Inc. CAP Services Central Home Improvement* Central Wisconsin Janitorial Chestnut Avenue Center for the Arts Child Care Centers of Marshfield Chip's Hamburgers - Marshfield Chip's Hamburgers - Wisconsin Rapids Christ Lutheran Church* Christian Life Fellowship City of Marshfield - IT Department City of Marshfield - Police Department City of Merrill - Fire Dept.* City of Stevens Point City of Stevens Point - Fire Dept.* City of Wisconsin Rapids City of Wisconsin Rapids - Fire Dept. Colby Travel Stop* Colonial Center - Skilled Nursing & Rehabilitation Community Animal Hospital Community First Bank - Stevens Point Copps - Plover Copps - Stevens Point Copps - Wisconsin Rapids County Market - Medford Cozy Kitchen Cravings Coffee & Wine Shop D&D Automotive Services Dairy Queen Grill & Chill Delta Dental Plan of Wisconsin Department of Transportation Dollar Tree - Wisconsin Rapids*
Duncan Disability Law Dycora Transitional Health & Living Edgar Child Care Center Edgar Elementary School* Edgar IGA Food Center El Mezcal - Stevens Point Engineered Specialties Esquire Muffler* Everett Roehl Marshfield Public Library Faith Baptist Church* Festival Foods - Marshfield* Figi’s - Marshfield* Fred Mueller Automotive Fresh Canvas, LLC* FRP Composites Gold Medal Trailer Sales* Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Goodwill - Marshfield Goodwill - Plover Goodwill - Rib Mountain Goodwill - Stevens Point Goodwill - Weston Goodwill - Wisconsin Rapids Grand Lodge at Cedar Creek* Gray's Service* Great Expectations Grounds Detail Service (GDS)* Gruett's Appliance Center Halopka Field Services, LLC* Hardee's - Merrill Heartland Co-op C Store Hillcrest Dairy* Hiller's True Value Hardware Holiday Inn - Stevens Point Holiday Inn Express & Suites - Weston* Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites - Rothschild Hollyrock's, LLC* Hotel Marshfield Hotel Mead Huntz Service Center Ida's* Inclusa, Inc. Incourage Community Foundation Infinity Foods J & D Tube Benders, Inc.* Jackson Hewitt Tax Service Jennings & Co. Jo-ann Fabric & Craft Store - Marshfield Jo-ann Fabric & Craft Store - Plover K & C Cleaning, LLC* Kramer’s County Market - Abbotsford K-Tech Building Maintenance Kuyoth’s Klassics Kwik Trip - Abbotsford Kwik Trip - Plover, Plover Road Kwik Trip - Marshfield, Draxler Dr.* Kwik Trip - Marshfield, N Central Avenue Kwik Trip - Wisconsin Rapids, 8th St. S. Kwik Trip - Wisconsin Rapids, Hwy 54 Kwik Trip - Wisconsin Rapids, W Grand Avenue Lang Furniture Len's Automotive Lumberyard Restaurant Lynn Dairy Marathon Parts City Marshfield Area Chamber of Commerce & Industry Marshfield Area United Way Marshfield Clinic* Marshfield Medical Center - EVS* Marshfield Medical Center - Food & Nutrition* Marshfield Medical Center - Laundry Department* Marshfield Scrap Company Masonite* McDonald’s - Wausau, Campus Drive McDonald's - Marathon City McDonald's - Marshfield McDonald's - Stevens Point, Crossroads Commons McDonald's - Stevens Point, Hwy 10 E McDonald's - Wisconsin Rapids* McMillan Electric Medford Vet Service* Melody Gardens Ice Cream Parlor Menzner Lumber & Supply Co. Merrill Area Chamber of Commerce Merrill Monument Company Inc.* Metcalf Lumber Michaels Stores, Inc. - Wausau* Mid-State Independent Living Consultants* Mid-State Technical College - Marshfield Mid-State Technical College - Stevens Point Midwest Computer Recyclers
Ministry Health Care Behavioral Health - Stevens Point Mo's Bar & Grill* Mountain Terrace Senior Living* Mueller Publishing Nasonville Dairy National Management, LLC Noodles & Company - Stevens Point Northwoods Evergreen & Wire Co.* Olympic II* Opportunity Development Centers, Inc. Ortho Molecular Products, Inc. Panera Bread - Wausau Paper City Savings - Wisconsin Rapids PC Doctors - Marshfield* Peace United Church of Christ Pelner Williams Plumbing & Heating, LLC Perkins Restaurant & Bakery - Marshfield Perkins Restaurant & Bakery - Wisconsin Rapids Petco - Wausau Pick 'n Save - Marshfield Piggly Wiggly - Merrill Pinecrest Nursing Home Pioneer Bank - Marshfield Pizza Hut - Marshfield Pizza Ranch - Plover* Pizza Ranch - Weston* PJ's at SentryWorld* Polito's Pizza - Stevens Point Pomp's Tire & Service, Inc. - Marshfield Pomp's Tire & Service, Inc. - Wisconsin Rapids Portage County Health Care Center Power Pac, Inc. PreventionGenetics Provision C Store - Colby* Quality Feed & Seed
St. John’s Catholic Church / School Staab Construction Stevens Point Area Co-op Stevens Point Brewery Stevning-Roe Law Office Stoney River Assisted Living Stratford High School Sunrise Broadcasting* Super 8 Motel - Tomahawk Taco John's - Wisconsin Rapids Taqueria El Sol* Target - Stevens Point TekSystems The Caring Tree - Children's Counseling Center* The Home Depot - Wausau The Home Depot - Wisconsin Rapids* The Natural Connection Massage Studio The Pineries Bank - Stevens Point The UPS Store The Waterford at Colby Therapies Plus, LLC - Wisconsin Rapids Thimbleberry Books Thompson Durkee Insurance Agency Thunder Lube & Service* Town of Grand Rapids Tractor Supply Co. - Wisconsin Rapids* Trail's End Bar & Grill Trig’s - Schofield* Trig's - Stevens Point UniFirst Corporation United Church of Christ United Way of Portage County UW-Stevens Point - Learning Resource Center Muesem UW-Stevens Point - Human Resources UW-Stevens Point - University Dining Service
employers partnered with ODC to provide community jobs, work experiences and temporary employment opportunities in 2017! Quality Foods IGA - Wisconsin Rapids, Baker Drive Quality Foods IGA - Wisconsin Rapids, W Grand Avenue Quality Parts, Inc.* Quality Plus Printing Quality Roofing, Inc. Rapids School of Performing Arts* Rapids Sign, Inc. Red Robin - Wausau Redeemer Lutheran Church Renaissance Learning - Wisconsin Rapids, Peach Street Renaissance Learning - Wisconsin Rapids, W Grand Avenue Renaissance Learning Distribution Center Retirement Community of Nekoosa RiverEdge Golf Course Riverside Athletic Club Rose Bowl Lanes Saint Michael's Hospital Schierl Tire & Service - Wisconsin Rapids Scotty’s Pizza & Chicken Security Health Plan of WI, Inc. Sentry Insurance Shooter's Banquet & Recreational Facility Shopko - Stevens Point Shopko - Wausau Shuda Funeral Home Silver Coach Restaurant Simplicity Credit Union - Marshfield Simplicity Credit Union - Stevens Point Sleep Inn & Suites - Wisconsin Rapids* Social Security Administration - Wausau South Wood County Airport - Alexander Field South Wood County Humane Society SPAN Publishing Spencer Kids Group Sports Den* St. Bronislava Church Villa Pines Living Center* Visiting Angels Home Care* Walgreens - Marshfield Walgreens - Stevens Point Walgreens - Wisconsin Rapids Walmart - Marshfield Walmart - Merrill Walmart - Plover Walmart - Wausau Walmart - Wisconsin Rapids Wausau Child Care Wausau Manor Nursing Home* Wausau Mine Company Weather Shield Windows & Doors - Medford Weber’s Farm Store Weiler Convenience Stores Weinbrenner Shoe - Merrill WG&R* Wheelers* Whitetail Lanes - Amherst Junction* WISCO Feeds Wisconsin Dehydration & Processing, LLC Wisconsin Rapids Housing Authority Wisconsin Rapids Public Schools Wood County Transportation Woodfield Inn & Suites WoodTrust Bank WOW Logistics - Marshfield Distribution Center WOW Logistics - Wisconsin Rapids Cooler Distribution Center WOW Logistics - Wisconsin Rapids Dry Distribution Center Yach’s Auto Body Shop* YMCA - Marshfield YMCA - Wisconsin Rapids Younkers - Marshfield *New Partners in 2017 **List compiled as of 12/31/17