Learner Capability Framework: A Validation Study (Project Summary)

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Executive summary What learner capabilities contribute to graduates’ work readiness?

The Learner Capability Framework (LCF) is a matrix of 25 (a 26th was later added) capabilities or transferable skills, e.g., the ability to effectively communicate, that contribute to a graduate’s workreadiness. The Learner Capability Framework works in combination with iamcapable, a web-based platform that serves as an online repository of evidence of meeting a behavioural competency.

Research purpose

While all capabilities contribute to learner success and employability, the purpose of this two-year action research project was to validate the Framework and identify the most important capabilities for graduates’ work readiness.

Research aims and questions 1. To identify and validate the most significant capabilities that employers seek in their potential employees for graduate level positions. RQ 1: Which capabilities are priorities for employers and stakeholders when they consider graduates as employees? 2. To design interventions and strategies to implement capabilities into courses and curriculum content. RQ 2: What can Otago Polytechnic provide to enhance learner capabilities?

Action research method

The project was conducted using an action research methodology by a research team at Otago Polytechnic (OP) Dunedin Campus. It received Otago Polytechnic Research Ethics Committee approval and Ako Aotearoa national research funding. The study was conducted in six phases:

Phases 1 & 2: Data was gathered from employers and stakeholders (N=163) over six months by 51 Otago Polytechnic staff researchers trained to use a structured interview format. Interviewees were asked to select and rank the top ten capabilities for graduates entering their workplace and provide an example for each one. This produced data called the Employer Priorities Index.

Phase 3: Data was gathered from Otago Polytechnic alumni (N=389) via an open-ended online survey that contained a link to consent to a phone interview.

Phases 4-6: Feedback was gathered from staff and students who were using the Learner Capability Framework in their courses. Information was collated into a synthesis report as a mid-point summary of the first year’s research.


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