7 FDUK Masterclass TH
FDUK ON TRIAL: Getting to the route of
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This year’s event runs alongside Wounds UK, giving delegates the opportunity to access: The latest in wound care research and practice-based education, with interactive sessions and internationally renowned speakers Numerous break-out groups and satellite symposia, where new products are often given their first UK airing The extensive industry exhibition and see first-hand the latest advances in wound care technology
FDUK tool kit
Attend the prestigious black tie gala dinner where more than 1000 clinicians from all over the UK network over a sumptuous three-course dinner
Gold sponsor
Packages are available that allow delegates to pick from a range of educational and networking options, enabling them to make the most of their conference visit. For more details, see page 4.
BOOK ONLINE AT: www.sbcommunicationsgroup/events
7 FDUK Masterclass TH
FDUK ON TRIAL: Getting to the route of
Organised by
FDUK tool kit
he 7TH FDUK Masterclass promises to be the most exciting and interactive yet. As ever, the content remains at the cutting edge of clinical care but this year, for the first time, the event will be held in conjunction with the hugely popular Wounds UK Conference in Harrogate. The merging of two such popular and influential conferences will give delegates access to an even greater range of learning opportunities. With a focus on amputations – prevention, management and potential law suits – speakers will tackle big questions that affect everyday care and ask what we can learn from past mistakes to prevent future amputations in the increasingly litigious world of foot care. A range of clinical conundrums will be addressed including the ever-popular FDUK annual debate which this year asks whether major lower-limb amputation is always a marker of poor care. We at FDUK hope you will join us in Harrogate for a dynamic, interactive and enjoyable learning experience. Louise Stuart MBE Consultant Podiatrist and Lecturer, Manchester
Registration and exhibition
SESSION 1 09.30–10.15
Complex clinical cases
Mike Edmonds, Consultant Physician, London An interactive approach to busting the myths that often surround diabetic foot care Real-life cases and photographs are presented and the audience is asked what they would do next
Critical event analysis: what can we learn from past mistakes to prevent future amputations? How many clinicians undertake critical analysis of events? Is critical analysis about apportioning blame? If not, what is it about? A structured process for reviewing critical events Examples of where things can go wrong A take-home tool that shows you how to make it work
Litigation and the diabetic foot
The numbers of claims against clinicians managing the diabetic foot are increasing dramatically The numbers of claims against clinicians managing the diabetic foot are increasing dramatically Would your current practice survive scrutiny? What are the consequences if it does not? Do you know what constituted “negligent practice”? How much can a management error cost the NHS?
Avoiding litigation: actions and precautions
Lunch and exhibition viewing
How should you best manage it if it happens (and it easily can)?
SESSION 2 13.25–13.45
Litigation surgery: your questions answered
Symposium sponsored by BSN Medical How CQUIN and high impact actions from the QIPP agenda fit with the antimicrobial best practice statement
An interactive panel discussion and an opportunity for the audience to cross-examine the speakers and experts guests
Martyn Butcher, Independent Tissue Viability Wound Care Consultant; Associate Lecturer University of Plymouth; Honorary Tissue Viability Research Nurse, Northern Devon Healthcare Trust Sam Haycocks, Advanced Podiatrist, Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust, Salford Karen Ousey, Reader Advancing Clinical Practice, University of Huddersfield
The illusive Foot Protection Team: the good, the bad and the ugly
Louise Stuart MBE, Consultant Podiatrist and Lecturer, Manchester Paul Chadwick, Principal Podiatrist, Salford Do you have a Foot Protection Team in your community? Do you work in isolation or as part of a multidisciplinary diabetic foot team? What are the barriers to managing people with complex diabetic foot problems in the community? When could it be unsafe? What is the role of the hospital in foot protection?
Coffee break and exhibition viewing
SESSION 3 15.35–16.35
Debate: This house believes that major lower-limb amputation is always a marker of poor care FOR – Cliff Shearman, Consultant Vascular Surgeon, Southampton AGAINST – Stella Vig, Consultant Vascular Surgeon, Croydon
Chair’s summary and conference close
7 FDUK Masterclass TH
Please fill in your name, job title and place of work as you would like them to appear on your delegate name badge. Please use BLOCK CAPITALS. (If you wish to book more than one place, please photocopy this form or write other names on a separate sheet) Full name:
Title: Post/job title: Place of work: Special requests (e.g. dietary): Daytime phone:
Daytime fax:
Email address: Please note that confirmation will be sent by email
FDUK membership number: Correspondence address: Postcode:
CONFERENCE COSTS AND RESERVATION The conference attendance charge includes all refreshments and conference materials and all costs are inclusive of VAT. FDUK conference only [member rate] FDUK conference only FDUK conference & gala dinner £97.50 per person £110.00 per person £162.00 per person FDUK conference & Wounds UK conference & gala dinner [all three days]
£306.00 per person
PAYMENT I enclose a cheque for £ Please send an invoice for £
made payable to SB Communications Group to the following address: (only complete if different from the correspondence address above)
Postcode: Contact telephone number (finance officer or individual responsible for payment): For credit or debit card payments and online booking, please visit: www.sbcommunicationsgroup.com/events
ACCOMMODATION To book a room please contact Jigsaw Accommodation Booking Service on 0870 752 0433.
PLEASE SEND COMPLETED FORMS TO THE EVENTS TEAM AT: SB Communications Group, 1.05 Enterprise House, 1–2 Hatfields, London SE1 9PG Email: bookings@sbcommunicationsgroup.com Tel: 020 7627 1510 Fax: 020 7627 1570 Cancellations must be received in writing by 15 October 2011, they will be refunded less a 20% processing fee. After these dates we regret that registration fees will not be refunded. Substitutions may be made in writing at any time without charge.
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BOOKING ALSO AVAILABLE ONLINE AT: www.sbcommunicationsgroup/events