FDUK Masterclass 2009 Flyer

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5th FDUK Masterclass on the Foot in Diabetes 3 December 2009, Manchester

FDUK tool kit Organised by


LIVE! State-of-the-art lectures and updates offering practical guidance on all aspects of managing the foot in diabetes.

5th FDUK Masterclass on the Foot in Diabetes

Conference Chairs Louise Stuart MBE, Consultant Podiatrist, Manchester PCT and Lecturer, University of Salford

FDUK tool kit


LIVE! State-of-the-art lectures and updates offering practical guidance on all aspects of managing the foot in diabetes.

June James, Consultant Nurse, Leicester The 5th annual conference of The Foot in Diabetes UK (FDUK) is set to be the most exciting and interactive yet. Based around a series of ‘live’ demonstrations and videos performed by experts in their field, this innovative one-day event will present a practical, hands-on approach aimed at all healthcare professionals involved in caring for people with diabetes-related foot problems.

Live demonstrations will include: an arterial surgical intervention wound debridement in practice casting techniques a video of a person being triaged on admission with an acute foot emergency. The nature of this event reflects FDUK’s active approach to facilitate change in practice-based national guidance, and to support this change by means of robust CPD training packages. We at FDUK hope you will join us in Manchester for a dynamic, interactive and enjoyable learning experience. FDUK Executive Committee

Book online at: www.sbcommunicationsgroup.com/events

3 December 2009, Lancashire County Cricket Club, Old Trafford, Manchester




Chair’s introduction and welcome


Louise Stuart MBE, Consultant Podiatrist, Manchester PCT and Lecturer, University of Salford

The experience of amputation


Brian Kennon, Consultant Physician Diabetes & Endcrinology, Glasgow Last resort or new beginning? Elective vs. emergency surgery


Triage of a person with an acute diabetic foot problem Mike Edmonds, Consultant Physician, London Initial assessment Examination Investigation diagnosis Emergency treatment Management plan

Peripheral arterial disease: The need for early detection and aggressive management – Live demonstration of an arterial surgical intervention


Cliff Shearman, Consultant Vascular Surgeon, Southampton Early detection of arterial disease is vital Failure of wound to heal Early intervention means early recovery

12.15–13.15 13.15–14.00

Lunch Debridement of foot wounds – Includes live demonstration of debridement John Timmons, Tissue Viability Nurse, Grampian Assessment of the person, the wound and surrounding area Assessing tissue types, exudate levels and presence or absence of infection Potential problems when debriding Post-debridement care


Setting up a gold-standard casting service – Includes live casting demonstrations Louise Stuart MBE, Consultant Podiatrist, Manchester PCT and Lecturer, University of Salford Why is pressure relief critical to effective care of the foot in diabetes? Why are many clinics unable to provide rapid access to versatile off loading? Practical guidance on setting up an effective pressure relief service Taking a structured approach to governance


Tea and coffee break


A step-by-step guide to peripheral diabetic neuropathy Sue Benbow, Consultant Diabetologist, Liverpool How common is it? How do you recognise it? Coping with pain, a person with diabetes’ view Practicalities of drug therapy


Helping people with diabetic foot emergencies to survive hospital admission – What should happen and how can you champion it? William Jeffcoate, Consultant Endocrinologist, Nottingham Martin Fox, Vascular Specialist Podiatrist, Manchester Introducing the first national inpatient guidance What difference would it make if implemented? How can you start to audit yourself against it? Using the audit findings to create real change


Summary and close

FDUK tool kit


Conference Delegate Booking Form 2009 You can also book online at: www.sbcommunicationsgroup.com/events

LIVE! Personal Details

Please fill in your name, job title and place of work as you would like them to appear on your delegate name badge. Please use BLOCK CAPITALS. (If you wish to book more than one place, please photocopy this form or write other names on a separate sheet.)


Full name:

Post/job title: Place of work: Special requests (e.g. dietary): Daytime phone

Daytime fax:

Email address: Please note that confirmation will be sent by email

FDUK membership number: Correspondence address: Postcode:

Conference costs and reservation

The conference attendance charge includes all refreshments and conference materials and all costs are inclusive of VAT. FDUK member rate: £97.50 per person Non-member rate: £120.00 per person

Payment I enclose a cheque for £ Please send an invoice for £

made payable to SB Communications Group to the following address

(only complete if different from the correspondence address above)

Postcode: Contact telephone number (finance officer or individual responsible for payment): For credit or debit card payments and online booking, please visit: www.sbcommunicationsgroup.com/events


To book a room please contact Jigsaw Accommodation Booking service on 0870 752 0433

How to book

Please send completed forms to Holly Boyd at: SB Communications Group, 3.05 Enterprise House, 1–2 Hatfields, London, SE1 9PG Email:holly@sbcommunicationsgroup.com Tel: 020 7627 1510 Fax: 020 7627 1570 Cancellations must be received in writing by 5th November 2009; they will be refunded less a 20% processing fee. After this date we regret that registration fees will not be refunded. Substitutions may be made in writing at any time without charge.

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