The 2ndnd Welsh Conference of the Primary Care Diabetes Society
2011 Tackling
The Welsh approach to addressing
TYPE 2 DIABETES 10 May 2011
Parc Hotel by Thistle, Cardiff
The 2ndnd Welsh Conference of the Primary Care Diabetes Society
ollowing on from the success of the first ever Welsh conference of the Primary Care Diabetes Society (PCDS), we are pleased to announce the 2nd Welsh Conference, which will examine diabetes care from a Welsh perspective. Organised by the PCDS – the only association solely committed to the needs of primary care diabetes – this event will use state-of-the art lectures and clinical updates to provide practical guidance to healthcare professionals for confronting current and future therapeutic and political issues that impact directly on everyday practice in Wales. In addition, it will present a vision for Welsh diabetes care in the future. We represent Wales on the PCDS committee and believe that this conference provides us all with a genuine opportunity to come together to discuss the key issues that affect us day-today, and to recognise that despite so many of the challenges associated with diabetes being universal, the differences in healthcare delivery systems and funding for healthcare mean that some issues are specific to Wales. We very much look forward to welcoming as many of you as possible to this important and influential event.
Pam Brown
GP, and Welsh Representative on the PCDS
David Millar-Jones GP and Welsh Representative on the PCDS
Conference programme 09.00–09.50
Coffee and registration
Session 1.
Setting out: Diabetes prevention and diagnosis
Conference introduction
Diagnosing type 2 diabetes: HbA1c versus glucose tolerance test
Preventing diabetes – the Welsh agenda
Lunch and exhibition viewing
Battle of the diagnostic tools: is there a need for change? What is the evidence for HbA1c as a diagnostic tool? How would this new system work in practice?
The scale of the problem in Wales: A local and national issue. Cultural behaviour change: Do we need a paradigm shift? Is there a role for pharmacological agents in diabetes prevention?
Conference programme continued Session 2.
Finding the right route and fighting the dragon
Vascular screening in Wales
Masterclasses (first rotation)
The need for screening in Wales: A national priority. Identifying high-risk individuals. What can we learn from the NHS Health Check Programme?
1 2 3 4 5
Motivational interviewing
Does it really work? What is the evidence base? How can we use motivational interviewing to facilitating behaviour change in Wales? A useful tool, but how do I learn it and what resources are available?
Foot screening
Foot ulceration and amputation in Wales: The extent of the problem. Assessing risk factors for future diabetes-related foot ulceration: Rationale and implementation. Annual foot ulcer risk assessment in Wales: Are we achieving it and can we do more?
Safe glycaemic targets: A balancing act
What are the current recommendations? The dangers of target-driven diabetes care How can we achieve optimal glycaemic control safely?
Dyslipidaemia in people with type 2 diabetes
What role do lipids play in type 2 diabetes? What is the evidence for lipid-lowering in people with the condition? Should we be focusing more on lipid levels as a tool to reduce vascular risk?
Insulin therapy and the new antidiabetes agents
With all these new drug classes available, which people should receive which agent? What do the guidelines recommend, and are they relevant to the Welsh population? How can we tailor these therapies to the person in front of us?
Masterclasses (second rotation)
Tea and exhibition viewing
Session 3.
New pathways for diabetes care in Wales: Taking the fight to the dragon
Commissioning – the right path?
New developments in diabetes – a practical approach
Where are we and where do we need to be? How can we improve commissioning at a local level? What can Wales learn from the English NHS White Paper?
Weight gain and hypoglycaemia: a thing of the past? What novel therapies are round the corner? Are they potentially the missing link in modern-day diabetes care?
Conference booking form
The 2nd Welsh Conference of the Primary Care Diabetes Society
You can also book online at: Personal details
Please fill in your name, job title and place of work as you would like them to appear on the delegate list. Please use BLOCK CAPITALS. (If you wish to book more than one place, please photocopy this form or write other names on a separate sheet.) Title: Full name: Post/job title: Place of work: Special requests (e.g. dietary): Daytime phone: Email address:
Daytime fax:
(please note that confirmation will be sent by email)
Correspondence address: Postcode:
Conference costs
The conference attendance charge includes all refreshments and conference materials. GPs or hospital doctors PCDS member rate* £120.00 Non-member rate £145.00
Nurses or other healthcare professionals PCDS member rate* £97.50 Non-member rate £120.00
(all prices are inclusive of 17.5% VAT)
My PCDS number is:
*Membership of the PCDS is free to all healthcare professionals working in primary care and is available by registering online at:; or call 0207 627 1510.
A. I enclose a cheque for £
made payable to SB Communications Group
B. Please send an invoice for £
to the following address (only complete if different to correspondence address):
Correspondence address: Postcode: Contact name and telephone numb number: er: (finance office or person responsible for payment)
Discounted rates are available at hotels near the conference venue. To book a room please contact: Jigsaw Accommodation Booking service on 0870 752 0433
Cancellations must be received in writing by 8 April 2011 and will be refunded less a 20% processing charge. After this date, we regret that registration fees will not be refunded. Substitutions may be made in writing at any time without charge.
Please send your completed form to: Events Team, SB Communications Group, 3.05 Enterprise House, 1–2 Hatfields, London, SE1 9PG Email: Tel: 020 7627 1510 Fax: 020 7627 1570