Wounds International Webcasts 2012

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Wounds International invites you to a complimentary webcast on

TIME to revisit wound bed preparation Broadcasting on Thursday 13 December 2012

at 8.30 AM GMT (3.30 AM EST), 11.30 AM GMT (06.30 AM EST) & 17.00 PM GMT (12.00 PM EST), followed by your chance to ask the expert in a LIVE Q&A session. Register to secure your webcast place at: http://webcasts.woundsinternational.com

PROGRAMME Broadcast times: Thursday 13 December 2012 at 08.30 AM GMT (3.30 AM EST), 11.30 AM GMT (06.30AM EST) & 17.00 PM GMT (12.00PM EST) Introduction:

Professor David Leaper

Speaker 1:

Extending the TIME concept Professor David Leaper, Cardiff, UK

Speaker 2 :

TIME in practice Dr Caroline Dowsett, London, UK


INTERACTIVE GLOBAL WEBCAST SERIES The TIME framework (tissue, infection/inflammation, moisture balance and edge of wound) was first developed 10 years ago by a group of international experts to provide a structured approach to wound bed preparation1.


ound bed preparation has become a well-established concept and the TIME framework has been developed as a practical tool to identify and remove the barriers to healing in chronic wounds2. This webcast focuses on a recent review of TIME – ten years on. It will re-examine the principles of TIME and their validity for current best practice3. It will highlight the latest developments and the continued relevance of TIME to clinical practice through a series of case study presentations. References: 1. Schultz GS, Sibbald RG, Falanga V et al. Wound bed preparation: a systematic approach to wound management. Wound Repair Regen 2003; 11: 1-28. 2. Dowsett C. Using the TIME framework in wound bed preparation. Br J Community Nurs 2008; 13(6): S15-6, S18, S20. 3. Leaper DL, Schultz G, Carville K, et al. Extending the TIME concept: what have we learned in the past 10 years? Int Wound J 2012 (in press).

LEARNING POINTS After taking part in this webcast, you will be able to understand: • The TIME principles • The key changes that have happened in wound care over the last 10 years • How to use the concepts of TIME in clinical practice to improve patient outcomes

This webcast will include presentations from Professor David Leaper and Dr Caroline Dowsett. During the broadcast there will be an opportunity to post questions to the speakers during a live Q&A session.

Brought to you by Wounds international and Smith & Nephew

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