Optimal Living Magazine Summer 2019 Issue: Guess Who's Getting Married?

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Summer 2019


Just Drop the Weight Series


Eboney & Travis Crump!!



Be patient and wait for God’s timing, no matter how long it takes. I’ve learned that it is better to be miserable and single, than to be miserable along with the wrong person. —Spoken Word Artist/Speake r @ ViviqueSpeaks


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Our Staff Publisher/Editor-in-Chief Tanisha Hopson

Contributing Writers Rose Belk Lisa Dubois Mishell Ellis Chanel-Alexandria Washington Elizabeth A. Johnson Janice McMillian Candace Thornley

Associate Editor Mark McDonald The Layout Design Mr. Asra

Table of Contents


Publisher’s Perspective



Optimal Living Magazine salutes our Five Star Sponsor

The Wifey 101 Series:The Power Of Becoming One In Marriage


Career Leadership Insight


Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone



Guess Who’s Getting Married?

Beauty Essentials Found in Your Kitchen Cabinets ...


How I Met & Married My Man Of God


Optimal Living Confession of Faith


Wedding Hair With Flair


Spices of Life Recipes

Copyright © 2019 by Optimal Living Magazine

Just Drop the Weight Series

Whether you are becoming a new wife, transitioning into a new employment opportunity, going through financial hardship, or coming to terms with a family crisis; stress has a way of stopping you in your tracks and blocking the flow of God’s intentional blessing for your life. Every time you “allow” someone to frustrate you, take advantage of you, disappoint you, speak doubt, unbelief and death over you - your soul takes a beating and opens the door for dis-ease. Dis-ease is a silent killer. It manifests itself slowly through The shortness of breath, headaches, forgetfulness, slurred speech, mild strokes, stiffness in your muscles/joints, aches and pains in different parts of your body. I use the word “allow” as a reminder to you of the part you play in stressful situations and the full control you have in everything concerning you. You allow stress from others to come in and you have the ultimate power to make it stop.

When you “decide” to allow situations to take care of themselves and drop all the weight of the world at the Father’s feet health, wholeness, wellness, creativity, innovation and joy will be yours. Psalms 107: 19-20 says, “Then they cried out to the LORD in their trouble, And He saved them out of their distresses. He sent His word and healed them, And delivered them from their destruction.” Seasons come and go for a reason. Many times what determines the end of a season is you. Don’t allow people and their foolishness to keep you from fulfilling God’s divine purpose for your life. Learn what you need to learn from situations and move on. As you make the transition into Summer, I challenge you to choose life, choose to win, choose to detox your life & just drop the weight. Plug into our next weight loss challenge by writing us @detoxmylife@ optimal-livingmagazine.com. I hope you will be inspired & blessed by this issue of Optimal Living. Be a Blessing & Be Well. Tanisha Hopson

Walk in His Peace!

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Optimal Living Magazine salutes our Five Star Sponsor

Dr. Laketa Burgess of Fredericksburg, Virginia!

LaKeta Burgess, PhD

Realtor City Realty 4343 Plank Rd., Suite 200 Fredericksburg, VA 22407 Phone: 703-598-5133 www.realestatebylaketa.com

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Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone A Practical Solution to Discover Your Next Move Elizabeth A. Johnson After the day is done and you finally lay down to rest, what do you focus on? Do you constantly rehearse the mistakes of your day? Do you regret the “I should have”, “I could have” moments? Are you tired of watching the same movie of your life, over and over, every night? Are you ready to change the channel completely? If your answer is yes to either of the last two questions, be encouraged. You have the power to create the life that you desire. The first step is getting out of your comfort zone. Sound familiar, right? But what are some practical ways that we can step of our comfort zone or eliminate it completely?

Let’s start with baby steps. For example, start each day with the goal of trying something new. On your way to work, try a new route, order something different for lunch, or spend 10 minutes today getting to know someone better. Make a journal of all of your new experiences in detail, then read it. Small changes to your daily routine can greatly impact your week and openness to try new things. In other words, start small. Soon stepping out of your comfort zone will become a normal part of your daily routine. Imagine this, your comfort zone is a wall blocking your view from something amazing on the other side.

Imagine this, your comfort zone is a wall blocking your view from something amazing on the other side.


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We always want the best seats in the house when we go to entertainment events. We never intentionally choose a seat with an obstructed view. Choosing to live a life that is limited by our comfort zones is doing exactly that. Do you feel stuck in life or that you access to new possibilities is obstructed? Today you can choose to remove the barrier of your comfort zone. Explore a different view. Once your comfort zone isn’t a limiting factor, be amazed at how beautiful life really is and what you can accomplish.

As you are trying new things, try not to be discouraged if others don’t understand your new motivation to be adventurous. A personal mentor of mine constantly reminds me that if I want others don’t have, I have to be willing to do what others won’t do. I hope that you have been inspired by this article and have desire to explore life in new ways. Please join us next session as we progress to effective goal setting. With Love, Elizabeth A. Johnson

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Eboney & Travis Crump Gainesville, Virginia

Guess Who’s Getting Married? 8


Get your w edding an nounceme published nt in Optima l Living Magazine vacation st and choose a ay to Las V egas, NV, Orlando, F L, William sburg, Va or Bali for yourse lf & your hubby. Wri te editors @optimallivingmag azine.com for more details.

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hat do two smart aleck FaceBook posts get you? Our love story! We met through a FaceBook Group, called Real Black Love! The funny part is we didn’t even meet on the dating segment of the group! We both want to thank the young female stranger that posted a innocent question asking “Where are all the good men?” Travis responded “ATL” . . . to which I sarcastically said “Where?” After meeting several ATL fellas, I was not convinced that Atlanta had much to offer. Thankfully, Travis changed my mind. That FaceBook post lead to Travis contacting me. Travis sent a sweet can I get to know you message and I was instantly drawn to those light eyes and pretty teeth. In fact when we first met, I used to send my girlfriends daily pictures of his beautiful teeth, and they got sick of me quickly. Needless to say, we have been inseparable ever since. PATIENCE, LOVE & COMMUNICATION. Just like every other couple, we continue to learn each other daily. So, our stance has always been to communicate, no matter what the situation is. We also had to come to terms with the idea that neither of us are perfect. We realized over time that we must be patient with one another, as we grow together.

FAVORITE THINGS TO DO TOGETHER. Shop and travel! CAREER PATHS. Eboney is a government employee and owns her own business as a Leadership and Empowerment Life Coach. Travis is a Marine Corps Veteran and welder for a small company in Northern Virginia. HOW WE KEEP CHRIST FIRST IN OUR LIVES. We pray together daily and attend church together. Most of all, we acknowledge what God does in our lives daily and we share that with each other. OUR CHURCH HOME. Grace Covenant Church in Chantilly, VA WEDDING VENUE & DATE. May 14, 2019, a complete Marine Corps Ceremony on Sandbridge Beach! We would like to give a special thanks to this lovely couple for announcing their special day and sharing their story with Optimal Living Magazine. We pray God’s grace, blessing and love over their marriage. Eboney & Travis have chosen to take the vacation stay in Orlando, Florida for sharing their wedding announcement with us.

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How I Met & Married

My Man Of God Featuring Mrs. Vivianne Jenkins

OLM: When you first met your husband - how old were you, and what was your emotional and spiritual state? Vivianne Jenkins: I first met my husband back in 2011. I was 27 years old and we were introduced by a mutual friend. By that time in my life, I had been through a lot relationship wise. After my last unsuccessful relationship, I made a vow to God that I would not settle and that I would wait on HIM for the right person, even if that meant waiting until I was 50 years old.

OLM: Did God speak to you about the things you needed to change or improve on (within yourself) before meeting him? Was there something he did that proved to be a game changer/let you know that he was the one for you? Vivianne Jenkins: God definitely brought conviction to areas I needed to improve as far as my spiritual walk, selfishness and attitude towards relationships. I had to learn to put God first in all things including a relationship. As far as selfishness, I

A man should know your worth without you having to spell it out for him. My husband made it known on a regular basis that he saw and knew my worth.


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also had to learn that when it comes to a relationship, you have put a lot of effort into ministering to the needs of the other person, instead of mainly expecting the other person to minister to your own needs. A game changer was that he was consistent with being a man of his word. There was nothing I did or that he learned about me from my past to make him love me any less. I don’t have to do anything to make him love me or convince him of my worth. A man should see your worth without you having to spell it out for him. My husband made it known on a regular basis that he saw and knew my worth.

OLM: Was there anything that you did specifically to prepare for meeting him by faith? Vivianne Jenkins: To prepare for my husband, I kept a prayer journal including all the qualities I desired in a husband, as well as prayers to God asking for him to mold me into a woman with good wifely qualities.

OLM: Were you currently dating someone that you realized, wasn’t the one and why? Vivianne Jenkins: At the time I met my husband, I was not dating anyone else.

OLM: How did you know he was the one God made for you? How did he propose? Vivianne Jenkins: I knew he was the one God made for me because God gave me a peace about him. He fit all the qualities I had desired and written in my journal. He always made an effort to put me first and cater to my needs. He took the initiative as a man to court me. He didn’t have a big ego, he was a true gentleman. Above

all, he brought out the best in me. I’m a pretty reserved girl, but from our very first conversation, I was comfortable and surprisingly talked a lot with him. He proposed at our favorite date spot. It was by the beach in the evening on the pier. He got on bended knee, told me how he felt about me and popped the question.

OLM: When did you marry him? How long have you been married? Vivianne Jenkins: We got engaged after dating for 9 months, then we got married a year later on February 23, 2013. This February will make 6 years.

OLM: What do you feel are the key things that keep your commitment & love strong throughout the years? Vivianne Jenkins: Things that keep our commitment and love strong is constant communication. Though it will be more challenging now that we have 3 children, we also make an effort to set aside exclusive time with each other on a regular basis.

OLM: Is there any word of advice that you would give to a woman waiting to meet and marry a man after God’s own heart? Vivianne Jenkins: Be patient and wait for God’s best and God’s timing, no matter how long it takes. I’ve learned that it is better to be miserable and single than to be miserable along with the wrong person.

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Photo Credit: Chloe Jackman Photos

Photo By: @Chloejackmanphotos

Wedding Hair With Flair Spring/Summer Hairstyle Highlights Feature Stylist & Makeup Artist Mrs. Ninah Wee

Northern California Let the festivities begin! The Queen has arrived in all her elegance, calmness and style. If you have natural hair, you definitely want to take note of how elegant and regal her hair sets off her wedding attire. The black and gold jacket with tiara to match are definitely making 12

a statement. She came to captivate, she came to confess her love, she came to say, “I do.� May God bless her marriage and may all her dreams come true for this new chapter of her life. Shop regal wedding accessories, bridal gear & more @ www.weddingveilsetc.com

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The classic summer updo!

This bride has just a few flowing curls on the side and plenty of hair delicately pinned up in the back. Just beautiful!

Photo: @christineglebovphotography

Shop classic bridal veils, robes and tiaras @ www.weddingveilsetc.com

This bride is absolutely stunning in her strapless wedding dress and ready to make her special day last forever! Her makeup is natural, flawless and matches her effortless long tresses swooped to the side - perfect for an outdoor or indoor wedding ceremony. If you would like more wedding day make-up and hair ideas, follow @Ninahwee on IG

Shop wedding day accessories @www.weddingveilsetc.com


The Wifey 101 Series:


“Can two walk together except they be agreed?” (Amos 3:3). There is power in agreement. Two minds, two hearts, and two hands uniting on one accord can bring about changes that the human mind cannot begin to comprehend. The word of God says, “One can put a thousand to flight and two can put ten thousand to flight” (Deuteronomy 32:30). If two people can come to some kind of mutual agreement or sumphoneo (the Greek word for ‘agree’), they become powerful. My husband and I are in our 40th year of marriage (to each other). All we knew, at that time when we first got married, was that we loved each other and wanted to spend the rest of our lives together. However, what we did not know could have caused a breaking point in our marriage. Our love for God and the things of God were on point, but we were far away from becoming one. We did not recognize our differences until


we actually lived together. I had my side of the bed and he had his side (metaphorically speaking). We were two different people from two different families, living under one roof, yet had different ideas about marriage, bills, and what it meant to become one. Mark 10:7-8 says, “For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife; and the twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain, but one flesh.” Most people relate this scripture to sex only. Although sex is a very important component in marriage, it is not the only component. A married couple must agree on what they think, what church they will attend, how they will pay their bills, where they spend their holidays, if they will shop every week or every other week, how much quality time will they spend together, how they will raise their children, etc. When two

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people become one, they think alike and they believe the same things. These are just a few areas. The objective is to become one in ALL things.

the supernatural in a marriage; He is not limited. As you pray together, also pray for one another. You will begin to see the hand of God in your relationship.

So, what steps should a couple take to become one? Keep in mind, I am only talking about a couple who is married or contemplating marriage. The oneness that God speaks of cannot happen in relationships with single individuals. Becoming one can only happen in a marital relationship. So this is how it happens:

KEEP YOUR BUSINESS TO YOURSELF. Family and friends may mean well; however, they can be the very cause of problems in your marriage. It is best to not share your family business with other people. Again, learn to keep your business to yourself. Otherwise, it will be hard for your spouse to trust you with information. (This does not apply to an abusive marriage. If you are being abused, verbally or physically, you need to get help, immediately.)

GIVE YOUR MARRIAGE TO GOD. Do not base your marriage on how your parents did it. Though they may have had many successes, remember, you are two different people from two different families who are trying to become one. God has all the missing pieces of the puzzle; trust Him to help you pull it together. PRAY (TOGETHER) EACH DAY. Ask the Lord to help you understand the concept of being one – spiritually, physically, and emotionally. Only He can do

Rose C. Belk, a woman after God’s own heart is a wife, mother, minister of the Gospel and a recording artist. Rose learned through many struggles that God is the true source for victory. Her vast experience as wife and mother has proven that marriage is still a holy institution and that godly children can be raised in an ungodly world.

Mrs. Belk has released two CD projects titled, My Song of Praise and Simply Rose – Nothing But Praise. She is also the host of an online program called Morning Boost: https://www.facebook.com/MorningBoostRM https://www.instagram.com/MorningBoostRM

Subscribe to Optimal Living Magazine: www.optimal-livingmagazine.com





hen most people hear the word “etiquette” they think about butlers, white table clothes, crumpets, and of course, the accompanying nasal tone while strutting pinkies and sipping tea. This is why most people feel that etiquette is for “those people,” only to be emulated at special times. With this in mind, I challenge you to reshape your views and consider how etiquette is simply facilitating a comfortably shared experience in a congenial manner. With this definition, you will soon realize that etiquette is for all people, always; including you. Seems easier said than done. Especially in workplace situations when you feel the stakes are high. This is why it’s imperative to simplify all of those preconceived notions and take ownership of what etiquette means to you. Being calm, cool, and collected is the only way to manage such high pressure interactions with ease, so here are a few tips to help in lieu of praying that force majeure will abruptly end the meal:


1. KNOW YOUR ROLE. If you are the one organizing the meal and inviting the guest(s), you are the host/hostess for this event. With that being said, it is your responsibility to lead the meal in a way that makes everyone comfortable. You should be familiar with the restaurant’s level of service, dietary restrictions of your guests, menu favorites, location, and any other nuances that will make your dinning choice a glowing success. Another key component of hosting that is often overlooked is table placement. As the host/ess, ensure that your guest(s) of honor enjoys the seat with the best view and least amount of aisle traffic. This includes securing a table within the best section of the restaurant as private booths or water feature views often require early requests. 2. SMILE, YOU’RE ON CAMERA. Your next leadership role begins simultaneously with being seated as your knowledge of napkins, place settings, and the passing game will quickly move the meal forward in a gracious

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way. Again, this is your event and it’s your job to know what’s appropriate as your guest will be watching you for cues if they are unsure. Even more important, should you be accompanied by someone else from your firm, this is a great way to showcase your ability to represent the organization with class, so be sure to brush up on these things ahead of time.

3. TAKE CHARGE. As the host/ess, make your guest(s) feel comfortable by offering entree suggestions, appetizers, and desserts to demonstrate that you truly enjoy the offerings and that they have full reign to try whatever they would like. In other words, if you have to hold your breath and hope that they opt for a salad because that’s the only affordable item, you’ve selected the wrong establishment. Another way to take charge requires understanding the libations expectations of your firm and guiding the meal accordingly. Although you personally may not care to partake in spirits (other than the Holy Ghost), you should always be prepared to communicate your wishes without being offensive. 4. PRACTICE THE 6 P’S. This means posture, pitch, pace, protocol, presence, and panache all count, as it is imperative that the others at the table know that they have your undivided attention at all times. Refrain from checking smart phone messages, whispering, slouching, or looking elsewhere while conversation takes place. Within this same realm, never talk with a mouth full of food or make audible sounds while you eat as either faux pas will immediately shift attention away from what you’re hoping to accomplish. The best way to avoid such critical errors is to eat in small bites. This ensures that you’re ready to chime in to the conversation as needed,

without awkward pauses due to chewing a mouth full of food. Slowing down in this manner will also set the tone for a more leisurely experience that encourages open and ongoing dialogue instead of a rush to finish.

5. PARTNER WITH YOUR SERVER. One of the easiest ways to ensure a successful dining experience is to communicate the importance of your visit with management and your server ahead of time. Throughout the meal, maintain this partnership with the appropriate utensil, napkin, and other non-verbal cues to keep him or her abreast of what should and should not be happening during each phase of the meal. As the host typically covers the check, the most impressive component is how seamless you handle this final act. Again, your server should know ahead of time and be in concert with whatever method will allow you to take care of it in the most discreet fashion, yet ensuring dessert and coffee options are presented before wrapping up. Last, but not least, don’t forget to show gratitude for all your server did to create a stellar experience. Be sure to thank them with 25% to 30% plus, as building a solid relationship is always a key component of effortless etiquette. Now, take this crash course to go forth and host with ease! Chanel-Alexandria, “The R.E.G.A.L Diva” is the President and CEO of Polished to Perfection, a boutique firm dedicated to working with organizations and executives who want to convey excellence with civility, style, and charm...every time. She is a graduate of the Emily Post business etiquette trainer program and the author of “The Art of A.R.C. - Appearance, Relationships & Credibility”.

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By: Lisa S. DuBois

Beauty Essentials Found in Your Kitchen Cabinets ... It really isn’t necessary for you to frequent a spa for a good facial. Most of what you need for a facial is right in your kitchen. If you have honey, brown sugar, eggs, avocados, yogurt, lemons, oatmeal and apple cider vinegar you have everything you need to give yourself a good cleansing and moisturizing facial. The most popular ingredient for the home facial is honey and brown sugar. Honey is an excellent deep cleanser and moisturizer and when combined with brown sugar, it becomes a moisturizing scrub. Honey also has antibacterial qualities, which help with the healing process of infections, wounds, minor burns and acne. Adding honey to your skin care regimen can help neutralize


free radicals and help maintain the skin’s softness and elasticity. You can easily tailor your facial to meet the needs of your skin type. If you have dry skin, you can make a hydrating mask using honey, avocado, and yogurt. If you are suffering with acne, you can make an acne fighting mask with honey, egg white and lemon juice. If you happen to suffer from oily skin, try using yogurt, oatmeal and lemon juice. There are five basic steps to a facial— cleanse, exfoliate, mask, tone and moisturize. Before you begin, be sure to remove all of your make-up with a fragrance free make-up remover and cleanse your face with a sodium lauryl sulfate-free facial wash. Then follow one of the three mask regimen:

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Dry Skin Mask: Take 2 to 3 ounces of raw honey, ½ ripe avocado and 1 ½ teaspoon of plain yogurt. Mix these ingredients together in a bowl until the mixture is pasty. The honey will help hold the other ingredients together so they do not slide off your face. Allow the mask to sit on your face for fifteen minutes, then gently rinse off with water. Acne Fighting Mask: Take 2 to 3 ounces of raw honey, 1 egg white and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Whip ingredients. The egg white may cause a slightly fluffy or creamy appearance. Apply mask to face. Allow mask to sit for fifteen minutes, then gently rinse off with water. Oily Skin Mask: Take 4 ounces of yogurt, ½ teaspoon of lemon juice, 2 teaspoons of plain oatmeal. Mix contents together until well blended. Because of the yogurt, this mask slides off the face. Allow to sit for fifteen minutes, then gently rinse off with water. Exfoliating Mask: 2 tablespoons of honey, 1 teaspoon of olive oil or Grapeseed oil, add in brown sugar. The mixture should have a granular feel to it. Apply mask to face in circular motion to cleanse and remove dead skin. After you finish this portion of the facial remove the mask with warm water and a clean towel. Tone your face with apple cider vinegar diluted with distilled water and use a natural moisturizer of your choice.

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Optimal Living Confession of Faith

I am anointed in Christ and a powerful person of God. I am a joint-heir with Jesus and more than a conqueror. I am a doer of the Word of God and a channel for His blessings. If God be for me, who can be against me? I am blessed coming in and I am blessed going out. As I speak this confession, my enemies are fleeing before me Right Now! God has commanded His blessing on my storehouses. He has opened His Good treasures and I shall lend and not borrow. I am the head and not the tail. He has given me power to make wealth. I dwell in the secret place of the Most High.


I have His protection and provision. God is my refuge, my fortress I am not afraid of the snare of the fowler. Make no mistake, no Evil shall befall me and no plague shall come near My dwelling. God has given his angels charge over me and they are bearing me up in their hands, lest I dash my foot against a stone, as declared

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in Psalms 91. I Peter 2:9 establishes I am a chosen generation, A royal priesthood, a holy nation.I am a peculiar person called out of darkness Into His marvelous light. I Peter 2:24 states, “ I have been healed by the stripes of Jesus.” *Cancer, sugar diabetes, heart disease, sickness, afflictions, infections, mental illness, or any other disease can not enter my body. I am without spot or blemish, a prayer warrior, the righteousness of God,

saved, and washed in the Blood of Jesus.* “No weapon formed against me shall prosper, and every tongue which rises against me in judgment You shall condemn.” Father God, I pray that those who read this confession choose abundant life, peace within their hearts, wisdom driven faith strategies for the days ahead and prosperity in their houses according to Psalms 122:6-9.

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CANDIED WALNUT, PEAR, & LEAFY GREEN SALAD ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●


1/3 cup Blue Agave 2/3 cup chopped walnuts, toasted Cooking spray 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt, divided 2 tablespoons white balsamic vinegar 1 1/2 teaspoons Dijon mustard 3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil 1 tablespoon capers, chopped 4 cups torn green leaf lettuce 4 cups chopped romaine lettuce 4 cups chopped radicchio 1 ripe red Anjou pear, thinly sliced 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

Preparation 1. Carefully pour Blue Agave over nuts to coat evenly. Spread nuts on a baking sheet coated with cooking spray; separate nuts quickly. Sprinkle with 1/4 teaspoon salt. Set aside until cool; break into small pieces. 2. Combine vinegar and mustard, stirring with a whisk. Gradually add oil, stirring constantly with a whisk. Stir in capers. 3. Combine lettuces and radicchio; top with pear and candied walnuts. Drizzle dressing evenly over salad; sprinkle with remaining 1/4 teaspoon salt and pepper. Toss gently to combine.

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● 1 pound skinless salmon

Put the salmon, 1 tablespoon water, 1 1/2 teaspoons curry powder, 1/2 teaspoon salt, and pepper to taste in a microwave-safe bowl.

● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

fillet, halved crosswise 2 teaspoons curry powder, preferably hot Kosher salt and freshly ground pepper 8 tablespoons storebought tartar sauce 1/4 cup cracker meal or crushed saltines, plus more for sprinkling 2 tablespoons grated peeled ginger 1 bunch scallions, finely chopped 1 large egg, lightly beaten 1/2 red bell pepper, seeded and diced 2 stalks celery, thinly sliced 1 mango, peeled, pitted and diced Juice of 1 lime Vegetable oil, for frying

Cover with plastic wrap and microwave until the fish is opaque, 2 to 3 minutes. Flake with a fork and cool slightly. Stir in 1 tablespoon tartar sauce, the cracker meal, ginger, half of the scallions and the egg. Form into 4 patties and freeze until firm, about 10 minutes. Meanwhile, whisk the remaining 7 tablespoons of tartar sauce and 1/2 teaspoon curry powder in a bowl. In a separate bowl, mix 1 tablespoon of the curried tartar sauce with the bell pepper, celery, mango, remaining scallions, lime juice, 1/4 teaspoon salt, and pepper to taste. Heat 1/4 inch of vegetable oil in a nonstick skillet over medium heat. Sprinkle the patties with cracker meal on both sides and fry until golden, 2 to 3 minutes per side. Drain on paper towels. Serve with the mango salad and curried tartar sauce.

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