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Scholarship Competition Award and Form
To keep Junior Optimist going, it is important that your Members build new Junior Optimist Clubs and volunteer their time as often as possible. Being the best takes hard work and dedication. In appreciation for all that you do as Governor, the Board of Directors expanded this award’s scholarship prizes. All cash awards must be used for education. The International Staff calculates the award winners by using all data on file. The decisions of the International Staff are final.
New Club Building Scholarship ($1,000)
As Governor, you need to encourage your Clubs to be active in chartering new Clubs. The Governor whose District charters the highest number of new Clubs earns a $1,000 scholarship (minimum of 3 new Clubs required).
Club Services Award Scholarship ($1,000)
The Governor with a minimum of 50 percent of Clubs submitting elections reports, rosters and submitting a Club Project Form detailing the Clubs’ participation in the year’s designated Priority Project (example: Souper Bowl of Caring, Junior Optimist Reading Program) will be awarded a $1,000 scholarship.
Governor of Excellence
Should one Governor excel in both categories, he/she earns the distinction of “Governor of Excellence” as well as the scholarship total of $2,000.
The application for this scholarship competition must be submitted by September 30 to:
Optimist International Junior Optimist Department 4494 Lindell Boulevard Saint Louis, MO 63108 Fax: (314) 371-6006 junioroptimist@optimist.org AWARDS: SHARE WHAT YOU DO BEST!
Application Please accept this as my formal request to compete for the Outstanding Junior Optimist International Governor/Governor of Excellence scholarships. I have read the requirements and understand that the Junior Optimist International Clubs Department will monitor my progress.
Junior Optimist Governor: ________________________________________________________________ District Name: ___________________________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________________ City: _________________________ State/Prov: _____ ZIP/Postal Code: ___________ Country: _______ Telephone: ( ______ ) ____________________ Fax Number: ( ______ ) ___________________________ E-Mail Address: _________________________________________________________________________ Signature: ___________________________________________ Date: ______
District Junior Optimist Clubs Chairperson: _________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________________ City: _________________________ State/Prov: _____ ZIP/Postal Code: ___________ Country: _______ Telephone: ( ______ ) ____________________ Fax Number: ( ______ ) ___________________________ E-Mail Address: _________________________________________________________________________ Signature: ___________________________________________ Date: ______
This application form must be submitted immediately following your year as Governor to be considered by September 30 to:
Optimist International Junior Optimist Department 4494 Lindell Boulevard Saint Louis, MO 63108 Fax: (314) 371-6006 junioroptimist@optimist.org