1 minute read
Membership Initiative - Just Invite
from Optimist – Fall 2022
by optimistintl

Business Leaders


Just Invite
“Just Invite” is about getting non-Optimists to come to a Club activity. Many of our Members were drawn into the Optimist world because they served at an event or activity. They saw how Clubs make a difference – firsthand! And most importantly, they got the feeling we are all so familiar with – a feeling of satisfaction and making an impact!

To add a little extra spice to the program, if every Member of your Club invites just one person, your Club will be recognized in the Optimist International magazine! It’s a great opportunity to highlight your Club to other Optimists and get a little recognition for your Members' hard work! The reporting is on the honor system. Print out a Club roster by name and simply write down the name of the person they invited. As easy as that!

If someone asks why they should “Just Invite” respond with this: we want to serve more youth, do more in our community AND share that feeling we all get when we volunteer!

Who will you invite?