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More than just nuts for OMEGA
Your guide to the various types of omegas and how they can contribute to overall health.
WWe’re sure you’ve heard about the health benefits of omega-3 fatty acids, but most are unaware of the other omega fats that play various roles in improving overall health.
When most of us think of Omegas, we immediately think of fish. While fish and eggs are certainly a source, our guide provides you with alternative options that do the job just as well.
Dietitians know there are several omegas found in foods and supplements, but it’s important to know exactly what they are, what role they play in the body, how they contribute to health, and what foods contain them.
Omega-3 fatty acids make up a vital part of the human cell membrane. They have also been linked to everything However, they must be consumed in a ground form or they may not get fully broken down by the digestive tract. Chia seeds contain many nutrients needed for the upkeep of your body such as protein, calcium and fibre. They also happen to be a great source of omega-3, and omega-6, along with almost half of a daily intake of fibre in a two-tablespoon serving.
from improved heart health, mental health, and bone health to decreasing liver fat, and inflammation in the body. They’ve even been touted in the slowdown of dementia.
Omega-3 is referred to as an “essential” compound, meaning the human body cannot create it on its own and therefore it must be taken through diet or supplements. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to consume a healthy dose of omega-3’s.
Flaxseeds, chia seeds, and hemp seeds have all been credited as excellent sources of omega-3 due to their high alpha-linoleic acid content—a type of omega-3 fatty acid that is known to help reduce heart disease. WALNUTS
With just seven walnuts containing about 60% of your daily omega-3 needs, these common nuts are a powerful source for boosting your omega-3 levels. They also contain plenty of dietary fibre along with some vitamin E, copper, and manganese. Try a few as a regular snack or include them in your next salad.