4 minute read
How Vick’s Vapour Rub helped my pandemic anxiety go away—life after and during Corona
Idon’t have to tell you how stressful it is living during this pandemic era. I know you know because it affects us all.
The same questions race through my mind over and over. What’s the Canadian Government doing now to protect us? When is this going to end? What’s the future going to look like? Will things ever be the same as they were?
I was feeling especially anxious about everything virus related the other night before bed. I wasn’t even sure that I could sleep. My mind was doing laps around all the possible negative outcomes.
I decided to brush my teeth and head to bed anyway. If I could just go to sleep, then maybe all this stress and tension would just go away. Getting my toothpaste out, I noticed in one of my bathroom drawers an old bottle of Vick’s Vapour Rub.
I wasn’t sure if Vick’s could go bad or not, and decided to open the lid and test it. Well, breathing in the gushing aroma of menthol gave me a warm and pleasant feeling. Oh yeah, I wanted to rub some on my chest and a little under my nose, but I wasn’t sick. I didn’t even have a sniffle, but my instincts took over and I gently rubbed a little on my chest. Just the action of rubbing something on my own chest was new and soothing.
So, I lay in bed and wondered if I could smell the rub on my chest. I took a big deep breath in, and yes, I could smell the cooling air engulfing my nasal passages. It smelled so good that I began to relax in bed. The Vick’s was kicking in. I could

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feel that deep warmth on my chest from the rub too.
I immediately had a flashback to when I was a kid and sick at home. My mom would rub a little Vick’s Vapour Rub on my chest, and it was like everything went away. I felt everything was going to be okay and that I was in a warm safe place.
Same thing happened now: I started to let everything go and realized that I was going to be okay. That I was going to get through this—that we all were going to get through this. The next day I woke up rested and feeling great. I took some time to reflect on what had happened. It didn’t take a psychology degree to realize that the Vick’s had triggered my own self-soothing and healing response. I had learned to self sooth when I was just a little kid, but had forgotten this as a stressed-out adult.
Today, I am giving myself lots of mental padding and room in this world we are living in. If we can all learn to destress and self sooth in our own way, we can all be happier and more relaxed, despite what is going on in the world. It doesn’t matter what type of world we are living in, now or in the future, if we can control our own stressors and emotions, we can overcome any obstacle.
So the next time you are feeling anxious, maybe it’s during the next pandemic or global crisis or maybe it’s just work- or family-related, or whatever it is, remember Vick’s Vapour Rub. Most importantly, remember it’s not the rub that makes you feel better. It’s you.
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