So what is an Application Supplement? Many students have high marks and competitive averages, so universities are using the Application Supplement to help them admit students with the values and qualities they are seeking. Universities use the supplement as a way to understand who the student is beyond his or her marks. It helps admission officers to answer such questions as: What will this candidate bring to the program and to our campus? Why is this student interested in pursuing a degree at our institution? Is the student well suited for their chosen field of study? For some universities such as Queen’s University, which requires the Personal Statement of Experience, the Application Supplement is used university-wide and is required for every student applying, regardless of faculty. For other institutions, such as the University of Western Ontario or the University of Toronto, the Application Supplement is only required if a student is applying to certain faculties.
interested in learning about the whole student: how they see the world, what motivates them, and what they aspire to achieve. An applicant’s personal profile affords us a glimpse of who they are as an individual.” Sara Lopez, a Recruitment Officer at Concordia University, says, “If their program requires it, students should consider supplements to be equally important as their academic record. It’s really their place to shine, to explain any bumps in their academic history, and to make a case for their admission into a program. Programs that require supplements are those that want to see truly motivated students with experience and/or sheer talent, and who demonstrate an understanding of what they are getting themselves into! We don’t expect our applicants to be masters of their trade; we just want to feel that sparkle in their eye and sense that they will contribute as much to our community as they will take away from it.”
“The supplement is an essential component to our application. Wellrounded students with a broad range of experiences make excellent Here is what some of the universities business leaders,” says Jennifer Oakes, have to say about the Application admissions officer for the Bachelor of Supplement: Commerce Program at the UVic Peter B. Gustavson School of Business. “We At the University of British Columbia, the ask students to describe their qualities use of applicants’ personal profiles has and characteristics in relationship to their been part of the admissions process community involvement, leadership, for some time. Andrew Arida, Associate innovation and creativity, as well as tell Director, Enrolment at UBC, states “We us about their interests or achievements. all know that the richness of the university Students are invited to identify their future experience goes beyond the books and goals as well. The students’ presentation the studying. So it only stands to reason of themselves through the supplemental that210mmx75mm_Layout we would look beyond grades4:44 when provides a big picture, more than just Grad studies 1 9/1/11 PM Page 1 making admission decisions. We’re their grades, and helps us select the best
students which will fit with our program. We attempt to select for success!”
While most Canadian universities do not traditionally require information beyond basic demographic data and grade 12 marks for admissions, there are several universities and competitive faculties that ask students to fill out what is called an Application Supplement.
The Application Supplement varies greatly in its requirements by university, but it usually asks students to complete short essays (between 200 and 500 words) and to provide a list of extracurricular activities, distinctions, awards and honours. It is crucial that students pay close attention to what the school is asking for in the application. While some schools are interested in which activities you participate in, others are also looking for displays of personal qualities such as leadership, intellectual curiosity, and initiative. Students should be sure to read the information about the Application Supplement on the university’s website before beginning to complete it. This will help the student familiarize him/herself with the values of the program and the institution.
Some helpful tips and reminders for completing your Application Supplement: Answer the question and follow the directions. Students should make sure to answer the essay questions specifically. Often times the essay questions on Application Supplements have two tiers to them so be sure to address all parts of the question you are being asked. It is also important to stick to the word count. While it is usually acceptable to run a few words over, a response that is fifty words over the word count demonstrates a student who is unable to follow directions.
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Be concise, but specific. Because the supplemental essays are usually short, students need to be very direct. Say things only once. It is also important to stay away from sweeping generalizations (‘I am a leader’) and instead give concrete examples (‘Through athletics and service, I have fine tuned my ability to communicate and developed my time management skills’). Also, it is important for students to “show” their responses instead of tell them. It helps if a response has descriptive words, action verbs, and a variety of sentences. Be authentic. There is no magic formula of perfect extra-curricular activities to be admitted to a university. Your job, as an applicant, is to let the universities see who you are by what you have chosen to be involved in. Try to represent all sides of yourself. Further, don’t be afraid to include your hobbies. We have students successfully use their personal interests, such as bee-keeping, travel, scrap-booking, and fishing on supplements. Applicants should remember that it is never acceptable to make up activities or to falsify information. Remember it’s not all about you. When writing Application Supplements, remember that your individual personal qualities are important, but those qualities that help you get along with others are just as important. Demonstrate some of these qualities in your responses. For example, the ability to mediate a situation and the ability to see things from multiple perspectives are two strong qualities that show a student is able to get along with others. Do several drafts and get feedback. The best advice for students facing several application supplements is to make sure you start the process early. Universities evaluate the supplements not just on what is written, but also on the overall presentation. It is important to reflect on your word choice and sentence structure and to be absolutely sure you have no errors with grammar, usage, or punctuation. Complete several drafts and get feedback from several sources including parents, teachers, peers, and counsellors. Opt in. If a school has an “optional” Application Supplement, it is a good idea to complete it. The supplement can help your chances of being accepted into a competitive program, so make sure you put a substantial amount of time and effort into your responses. The Application Supplement is a student’s chance to shine, and the best way to do this is to dig in and get started. Contributed by: Melinda Giampietro Melinda is the President of Vancouver-based Options Solutions Educational Consultants, Ltd. Options Solutions was founded in 2004 and assists over 500 students each year in their postsecondary pursuits. Options Solutions specializes in adolescent career counselling, post-secondary planning, and Canadian/UK/US admissions.
Fall/Winter 2011 • Issue: 7