1 minute read
From the Board of Directors
By Mike Marrapodi
It is hard to escape the effects of a worldwide pandemic. Even if you don’t become ill, the impact of curbing the spread of coronavirus has impacted us all. Here are a few suggestions to help weather the storm:
Reaching in:
During a time of social distancing, it is important to take care of yourself. While that will mean different things for different people, eating well, exercising regularly, and maintaining contact with friends and family are universal practices that can help us all.
Reaching out:
Human touch may be discouraged now, but human contact is not. We have more tools at our disposal than ever before to connect with other people through social media, but the old-fashioned methods are sometimes the best. Pick up the phone or talk to your neighbor (from a safe distance). Write a letter; send a card; let someone know you are available and thinking about them.
Reaching up:
Our community is diverse in so many ways, and the practice of spirituality is a prime example. Whether you worship with a congregation, practice meditation, or simply recognize you are part of a larger cosmic whole, your belief system can help calm your spirit and restore a sense of personal balance that is often thrown off during times like these.
The LGBTQA+ community is many things, but chief among our attributes is resilience. We have faced persecution, isolation, illness, and prejudice before, and we have not only survived, but thrived. Now is the time to show the rest of society how it’s done. Supporting one another, supporting gay-owned/gay-friendly businesses, showing kindness, showing compassion. Let the true colors of the rainbow shine!
Be healthy, be safe, be whole.
Mike Marrapodi
for the Options Board of Directors